Second chance in love

By Bookworm2293

29.6K 563 87

When Marcus O'Connor tells his best friend Vea Mathews that he was about to propose to his long-term girlfrie... More

Second chance in love chapter 1
Second chance in love chapter 2
Second chance in love chapter 3
Second chance in love chapter 4
Second chance in love chapter 5
Second chance in love chapter 6
Second chance in love chapter 7
Second chance in love chapter 8
Second chance in love chapter 9
Second chance in love chapter 10
Second chance in love Chapter 11

Second chance in love

9.1K 94 24
By Bookworm2293


"Vea!!! Vea!!! Vea!!!" Marcus shouted running through the halls to catch up to his best friend. As he caught up to her he immediately put his arm around her shoulders making her blush for the nth time and started their way to his car. "So, we still on for the rooftop, later I have some news I want to tell you." Said the excited young man.

"Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world." Said the smiling Vea. She was quite intrigued on what he could possibly tell her that was so important that he has to say it on the rooftop.

Rooftop is the rooftop of the condominium Vea and Marcus lives in. A perfect place to think and share secrets to the world without them knowing it. You can see the lights in high rise buildings and side walks, you can hear the buzz of the rush hour traffic, and above all everything is somewhat suspended in time for you. It's you who can view everyone else's lives from the top view, it's you who see what's going on within the city and it's you who can escape watching other things other than your own problems or life.

Vea and Marcus met there during their first year in law school, they both had a bad day and just started talking to each other not knowing they were studying in the same school and same course. As their conversation deepened into debates and somewhat arguments, they both realized that they can be the best of friends. They both needed someone to contradict the views of the other which worked out well for both of them.

"Cool, I'll knock on your door in about an hour okay? This is kind if important." He said as they got out of the car and walked to the elevators off the condo they lived in.

As Vea got out of the elevator and walked into her condo, she can't help but think of what her best friend could possibly tell her that was so important.

One thing keeps popping into her mind though, what if he was going to break up with Vanessa? They were a great couple, complementing on looks, ambitions and contacts, but Vanessa was more plastic than anything else. Since Marcus belongs to the O'Connor family of well respected lawyers with money and contacts, Vanessa didn't stop until she had her claws on him.

Vea has always felt that Marcus could do so much better, though she sometimes blames this for her feelings towards him. But, for all intents and purposes, she decided she was going to tell him tonight how she felt.

Exactly one hour has passed and Marcus rang her doorbell. She went put and they made their way to the rooftop.

Marcus was very nervous with what he was about to tell Vea. After all, when you have good news the first one you're supposed to tell it to is your best friend. She has been nothing but supportive of him and he was damn well ready to tell her of his plans for the future.

As the sat down overlooking the city in the rooftop, Vea asked Marcus what he wanted to talk about.

"Okay so what did you want to talk about?" Asked Vea

Marcus didn't know exactly how to tell her the news so he settled with a more subtle approach.

"Remember when you told me that you liked a guy? And I suddenly gave you tips on how to get his attention?"

"Yeah, though none of them worked, I told you he will never notice me though. I guess I'm just not his type at all." Said the even nervous Vea.

She never told him she liked him and it stung so much that even when he was giving her tips on how he was to notice her, it still didn't work. But why was he bring this up now, thought Vea.

"Well I think you should just tell him how you feel V. I mean look at me I'm about to tell Vanessa how I feel about her." As he said those words Vea looked at him straight in the eye while he was getting something in his pocket.

He then showed her a velvet box holding beautiful one karat diamond ring.

Vea thought her world was crushing down on her, here she thought he was breaking up with the bitch. But no, he was proposing instead.

"So I think it's time for both of us to tell the person we love the most how exactly we feel about them, what do you think?"

It was now of never thought Vea.

"I can't do that now Marcus" said Vea

"Why not, it's not that hard V" said the confused Marcus. He knew Vea was the type of girl who would wait for the guy to mark the first move but enough was enough. This guy she liked was causing her so much pain that he wanted to beat up the guy for being so blind.

"Simple, because he's about to propose to his girlfriend." Said Vea as she took the courage and kissed Marcus.

Marcus was shocked with the bold move of Vea, but he somehow felt like he was extremely happy while she was kissing him. Something he never felt when he kissed Vanessa. But before he could respond, Vea stood up and left a dazed and confused Marcus.

The last thing Marcus could remember of that day was the tears coming from the eyes of his best friend, the hurt look from her eyes when he told her he was proposing to his girlfriend and the realization that he was in love with her but was too blind to see until it was too late.

A/N so I'm trying this new story I thought of, please tell me what you think about it:) thanks for reading....

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