The Daughter of Iron Man

By mythicalwinter10

173K 4.4K 1.5K

I thought I knew my purpose: the genius billionaire who changed the world. It wasn't until I met my four mont... More

Unexpected News
Meeting Alice
The Assistant
The Science Project
New Beginnings
Friends and Foes
The Blue Light
Birthday Surprise
Heartless Killer
Moving Forwards
The Rise of Blue Raven
The September Foundation
Civil War (Part 1)
Civil War (Part 2)
New Girl
The Famous Web Slinger
Greater Change
A Sticky Situation
Lost Trust
The Lonesome Road
The Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.
A Second Chance
Written in Blue
Child of the Universe
Hide and Seek
Something Worth Fighting For
Hero vs Drama
The Start of a New Chapter
The Thing About Fire
Broken Promises
Glass Cage
No Place Like Home
Mind Games
The Final Battle (Part 1)
The Final Battle (Part 2)
A Night to Remember

Civil War (Part 3)

2.3K 66 14
By mythicalwinter10

-Tony's pov-

I hoped it would never get to this point.

So when it did, it didn't feel real.

But now, every time I hear the loud clash of his shield against my armor, I'm reminded that this is very real.

And deep down I know that even if we somehow win this today, we've lost everything.

"Hey Tony?" Rhodey asked through his earpiece while he was fighting his own battle. "Alice is here."

My heart sank to my stomach at his words.

I was already dreading having to tell her about this, but now it seems I won't have to. And now, I would prefer having to tell her rather than this.

"You have got to be kidding me." I replied flatly.

Forcing myself away from Cap's attacks, I flew straight up into the air till I was high enough to see over the battle.

I know Cap was confused by my sudden direction change, though I can only assume it didn't take him long to realize what I was looking for.

Or who.

To my disappointment, Rhodey was right.

Sprinting towards the fight at full speed, was Alice in her black and silver suit.

"Keep her safe!" I called back to Rhodey, flying straight towards her. 

However, I stopped just in time as her blue light appeared vibrantly around her hands and forearms, and T'Challa flew back several feet. At first I was confused why she would target him, then I realized she sent Bucky flying in the opposite direction. Then, it hit me:

She's not picking sides.

She's here to end this.

"Alice, what are you doing?!" I yelled as I landed in front of her.

I quickly examined her, realizing that everything about her seemed normal except for her eyes. The usual kind, hopeful light in her deep blue eyes has been replaced by fire and determination.

"I won't stand by and watch as my family tears themselves apart!" She screamed back.

"Alice please! It's not safe here!" I yelled over all the noise around us, trying to get her to understand.

"I'm sorry," she replied in a much softer tone, barely loud enough for me to hear.

"It's okay, just please go back." I begged, taking a few steps closer. She looked up at me, meeting my eyes once again.

"Not for that." She said with little emotion.

I was confused at what she could be apologizing for if it wasn't for scaring the crap out of me. So when the blue light returned as vibrant as ever, I took a step back.

Although the extra step back I took didn't save me.

I was lifted off the ground as a faint blue hue appeared around me. I immediately started moving around, trying to get out of her field. Although, I was unsuccessful and was tossed several yards to the side.

Luckily though, I was able to engage my thrusters and catch myself before I hit the ground. I rose up enough to assess the situation, and this time wasn't surprised to see Alice running towards the fight, her blue light appearing randomly around different people going against each other only to be flung in opposite directions.

"Uhh, Mr. Stark?" Peter's voice spoke through my earpiece. "Who's side is the assassin looking person on? They just threw me back into a wall." 

"She's not on either side, but don't hurt her!" I quickly replied, though I knew very well she could handle herself.

"Umm, okay!" He replied after a moment, and I knew by his tone he was still unsure. 

I watched Alice who continued fighting so hard to end the battle, though I knew she wouldn't be able to end this on her own.

All those who know her regardless of which side don't dare fight her. Some might assume it's out of fear for her abilities, but I know it's because they all love her and don't want to see her hurt.

I can only hope the new comers don't try anything.




-Alice's pov-

All around me, is my family tearing themselves apart.

I never thought that fighting a physical battle here would also mean fighting back a tsunami of emotion, threatening to burst any moment.

Even though I've tried so hard to stop every battle around me, they always go back at each other shortly after recovering.

It feels as if I'm fighting a never ending war, although it's me against everyone else.

The realization that I hadn't seen Steve in a while brought a panic that quickly washed over me. I immediately straightened up, looking through and around everyone in hopes of catching a glimpse of his familiar red white and blue shield or suit.

I felt that I was spinning around in circles as I tried to see him. Adrenaline rushed through me, and my heart pounded harder and faster the longer I couldn't see him.

So when I saw his familiar spangled suit near a boarding bridge, I raced towards him.

All thoughts of betrayal were forgotten, and instead I just saw the man who had been like a big brother to me all these years.

As I got closer however, I realized that he was fighting a battle of his own.

His opponent was unfamiliar.

He's smaller, though has a very strong figure. His blue and red suit is fitted to him perfectly, and his face hidden by a fitted mask. He's very light on his feet, and seems to be pretty flexible.

I was surprised as he jumped towards Cap at a very high speed, only to be kicked back. The guy in red and blue hit the supports to the boarding bridge, and fell to the ground.

I continued to race towards them, though I stopped in my tracks just as Cap's shield hit the support, making the boarding bridge fall. I stared in disbelief as the stranger caught the bridge, holding it above his head.

They seemed to have a short conversation before Steve tried to run in the opposite direction.

Obviously, he hadn't noticed me yet.

The blue light appeared vibrantly around my hands, and a blue hue appeared around Steve. I threw him back hard enough that he flew backwards, hitting a wall harder than I meant for him to.

He rolled over slowly back to his knees, in pain.

At the realization, I clasped a hand to my mouth.

I just hurt one of my best friends.

I watched in pain as he slowly got back to his feet, looking over at me and making eye contact. Even though he was 30 feet away, the message was clear.

He's just as hurt about this situation as I am.

Our gaze lingered before he decided I wasn't coming after him again after that. He forced his eyes away, and ran off without a word.

I watched him go, wanting nothing more than to catch up to him, and give him a big hug like I use to during my bad days.

Who would have thought that the same person who's always brought me peace and comfort could bring me the most pain?

At the loud creak of the collapsing tunnel, my eyes snapped up to the guy in red and blue.

I noticed the black spider on his chest, though I didn't linger on it.

He was starting to crumble from the weight, and the bridge was beginning to come down on top of him.

Without thinking, the vibrant blue light returned and I was able to lift the bridge just long enough for him to roll out from under it. Seconds after he was safely away, the boarding bridge dropped to the pavement with a loud bang.

Being so close, we both threw our hands to cover our ears though it did basically nothing.

"Thank you." He said gratefully after a moment of silence, glancing from the bridge back to me.

Not wanting him to hear my trembling voice, I nodded in response, still trying to fight back the tears.

I turned around briefly, looking around at all the fighting that continued despite my best efforts to end it all. Realizing I'd failed, something in me broke and I couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

My family won't ever be the same again.

"Are you okay?" The guy asked, and I turned back towards him.

I was embarassed as the tears fell despite my best effort to fight them.

Without responding, I turned on my heel and ran as fast as I could.

"WAIT!" He called, though I ignored him.

I kept running when I found several large boxes of cargo about a hundred yards away. I dove between them, falling to my knees as I shook, unable to stop the sobs. Instinctively, I brushed off my mask and hood to help me breath.

My knees couldn't take it for long. I rotated as I fell, now leaning against a box. The area was dark, and allowed me to feel safe.

Millions of thoughts raced through my head as I cried, though I tried so hard to stop both.

"Hey, is everything okay?" A voice asked.

I wasn't expecting it, and jumped back from being startled. Looking up however, I quickly recognized the blue and red hero.

At my sudden panic, he quickly threw up his hands in an attempt to show that he wasn't going to hurt me. Slowly he made his way towards me, and not wanting to be alone I let him.

When he was within arms reach, he fell to his knees in front of me.

"Wait, you're just a kid." He said softly, confused.

In that moment, dread washed over me as I realized I'd forgotten to pull my mask and hood back on.

Well, no use putting them back on now.

"I suppose I am." I replied, turning away my gaze as I wiped away a tear before it made its way down my cheek. I knew there was no point in trying to act like I hadn't been crying since the second I step in the light, everyone will see my puffy eyes.

"It's okay, I am too." He admitted, taking me by surprise. I watched him curiously, wondering what he looked like under the mask and if he was telling the truth. "Hey, would it be alright if I give you a hug?" He asked, his arms outstretched.

The request took me by surprise, and I watched him closely. Part of me wondered if it was a trap, but the part of me craving comfort won out.

Without speaking, I got to my knees and accepted his embrace.

His suit felt a little odd against my skin since the material was strong and flexible, though soft. His warmth radiated off of him, warming me to my core. He held me tightly, and I felt secure against his chest.

I didn't realize I started crying again till he began gently rubbing my back, soothing me.

"Thank you." I said softly into his shoulder.

"No problem." He replied.

He held me for what felt like ages, though I didn't want to let go. Even though he's a complete stranger, he somehow managed to make me feel safe.

So when he gently pulled away, I was disapointed though I didn't protest.

"What's your name?" I asked curiously.

"I'm Spider-Man. And you are?" He asked. I was slightly disapointed that he didn't give me his real name, though it made sense.

"Blue Raven." I replied with a small, forced smile.

"Alright Blue Raven, let's get back out there."

I stumbled out of the cargo area after him, adjusting my mask and hood till they were on securely just before we made it out into the light.

We didn't make it far before one of the heros, suddenly became the size of a building.

I stared at him in complete disbelief, and Spider-Man even stumbled back a little. 

One of the first things I noticed was that his hand was outstretched. I followed his giant arm till I saw what he was holding.


He was trying frantically to escape, though he was unsuccessful against the giant mans new strength. In his large hand, Rhodey looked like a toy.

I frantically started looking around for a way to free him, knowing that if Rhodey couldn't get away from him there was no point in trying to help him out with my ability.

When I turned back towards Spider-Man I realized he was running away from me, and towards them. Instinctively, I chased after though he was much quicker.

The giant man threw Rhodey like you would a toy for a dog.

I was stunned as Spider-Man caught him from what I could only assume was webs, trailing behind him till his feet met a truck, knocking it over in his attempt to stop. Although it helped, because Rhodey stopped inches before hitting a plane.

He regained full control, and flew back towards the giant man with Spider-Man flying behind as he held on with his webs.

I watched curiously till Rhodey flew up near the giant guy, giving Spider-Man the momentum he needed to shoot a web at the giant man, transfering rides. He swung around a few times before hitting the giant man head on, causing him to stumble over and step on a truck like it was a toy.

I took the opportunity while the giant was occupied to look around once more and see who was left. 

Several people were still fighting, though I lingered on Wanda.

She watched me carefully as well, her similar light to mine but red rolling around her fingers. She looked hurt as well, though I knew her reasons were different from mine.

Although as I watched her, I noticed something directly behind her.

Cap and Bucky were running towards a hanger where an aircraft was waiting for them.


Knowing there wasn't a chance of them staying, I decided that I at least wanted to say goodbye.

I turned back around, running back towards and past the cargo till I was inside. I ran through the building, hoping to go undetected

When I finally made it to the hanger they were heading for, I stared up at the aircraft before Natasha caught my attention as she walked out from the shadows.

We held eye contact for a moment, her expression as unreadable as always.

"What are you doing here?!" She asked quickly, motioning for me to join her.

I obeyed. 

"I wanted to at least say goodbye." I told her as I got closer.

She watched me carefully, and I knew she was reading my expression. Although, we both quickly looked away at the sound of a loud crash as a tower fell, blocking the entrance.

"Get back." She said, not taking no for an answer.

I obeyed, stumbling back into the shadows she was hiding in before. I watched as Steve got to his feet after barely making it in. Chills went up my spine at the sight of his friend.

"You're not gonna stop." Natasha said quietly, confirming my fears.

"You know I can't." Steve's familiar voice replied. He pleaded with her silently, and she sighed in response.

"I'm gonna regret this." She said, moreso for herself. 

She held up a fist, pointing at something behind Steve and Bucky. Although I didn't realize what till Black Panther lit up in electric sparks, though he still fought.

"Go." She told them. They did as she said, and made their way towards the air craft.

Now's my chance.

I jumped out from the shadows, running towards Steve. 

"Steve!" I called as I jumped into his arms, taking him by surprise.

"Alice, what are you doing here?" He asked, worried.

"I wanted to say goodbye." I told him, my voice breaking.

He tightened his arms around me, and I didn't want to leave them. But as he gently pulled away, I knew it was time for him to go.

"I love you kid, I'm gonna miss you." He said kindly, making my heart ache.

"I love you too, Steve."

I watched as Steve and Bucky got aboard the aircraft. As they started it, I jumped back towards the wall to avoid being hit.

However, as the aircraft started to rise I saw T'Challa get past Natasha. He jumped as high as he could, digging his claws into the tires of the aircraft. Although as the door closed, he fell back towards the ground.

"I said I'd help you find him, not catch him." Natasha said as he got to his feet, facing her now that she wasn't attacking him.

I walked forwards slowly, unsure of how either of them would react.

"There's a difference." Natasha added, trying to defend herself though we both knew if T'Challa told Ross she would be screwed.

I shook my head in disbelief, walking out without another word.

I went back through the building to get outside since the entrance wasn't exactly accessible at the moment.

But just as I walked out, I was greeted by Vision.

"Alice, we're meeting your dad at the hospital." He said. My eyes widened, and dread filled me.

"Why are we going to the hospital?" I asked, not entirely sure I wanted the answer. Something shifted across his eyes, and he broke eye contact.

"It's Mr. Rhodes, he was badly injured."




I stood in front of the glass in the CAT scan room along with my dad and vision.

I held my gray cardigan tightly against me, and anxiously bit my nails like I did as a child.

Beyond the glass, I watched as Rhodey was getting the CAT scan.

"How did this happen?" My dad asked Vision quietly though I listened closely.

"I became distracted." Vision replied, not taking his eyes off the floor. My dad walked around him, watching him curiously.

"I didn't think that was possible." He said, stopping at Vision's side. 

For the first time since we got here, Vision looked up from the floor to meet my dad's eyes.

"Neither did I." He replied truthfully and sadly.

Shortly after, Natasha entered the room though she didn't say anything. Vision turned his attention back to the floor, though my dad and I both looked up at her.

My dad watched her for a moment, then walked towards her.

He was too far away from me to hear clearly, so I didn't hear what they said when the two of them walked out without telling us where they were going.

Minutes after they left, I forced myself to look away from Rhodey and move towards Vision.

"Are you alright?" I asked, gently placing my hand on his arm.

Slowly, he looked up from the floor to my hand on his arm, then looked up to meet my eyes.

"I'm not sure." He replied, turning his gaze back to the window.

Accepting that he didn't want to talk about it, I didn't press further.

I dropped my hand from his arm, then crossed my arms tightly across my chest in an attempt to comfort myself.

A few minutes later, I noticed Natasha's deep red hair walk past us.

Curious, I ran to the door to try and stop her.

"Natasha!" I called. She wasn't far enough to be out of earshot, though she ignored me till she was too far away.

Not long after, my dad followed.

"What did you do?" I asked, panicked and angry knowing he probably had something to do with it.

"She helped Cap get away." He said, his voice firm.

"So you made her leave? Don't you understand that you're tearing apart my family even more?!" I yelled, ignoring him as he tried to calm me down.


"NO!" I yelled, backing up a few inches from his touch. I watched him for a moment longer, then decided I didn't want to look at him anymore if he thought it was okay to ruin my already broken family even more. "Just stay away from me." I said softer, storming off past him.

"ALICE!" He called through the hall, though I ignored him.

The trip back to my room was long, so I was relieved when I made it to my room before the tears began to fall once more.

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