Transcendent Thirst

By YOLOwriting101

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"What I was going to say was selfish..." He mumbled. I edge closer to him until my hand slowly cradled his ch... More

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By YOLOwriting101

Wednesday, 4 PM

Looking at Nice, I realized that I really took a flight across the North Atlantic Ocean. Most of the time I was so excited to stare at the ocean and see that there was nothing out on the ocean.

Most of ocean hasn't been explored so to think there's more out there...

The flight was decent because Achille sat beside me. He sat by the window while I was in the middle. The person that sat next to me was this stubborn man who wouldn't have it at the fact Achille got the window seat first.

"You can't just take people's favorite seats like that! Teenagers and thinking they rule the damn world!" He snapped at Achille, and I knew since Achille's so kind, he'd give up his seat.

"He got here first. Should've gotten here earlier, but you didn't. This seat rightfully belongs to him. Maybe next time you'll remember to walk faster to your 'favorite seat,' no?" I state, the man red faced and looked like he wanted to rip my head off.

But he couldn't say anything at the time because he knew I was right.

When we settled I looked down at Achille who was avoiding to look in my direction. I wondered if the man had anything to do with his unreadable attitude.

It angered me that this man really ruined his happy attitude. Just reminded me why I hate humans sometimes. Just inconsiderate people that take advantage of those who they know won't speak up for themselves. Achille wants to avoid the public eye and confrontation.

This man snapping at him wasn't appropriate to me.

At the time Achille looked beaten up, as if someone tore him down. I got a feeling he wasn't thinking positive things...

"Achille what unnecessary thoughts are you pondering?" I whisper, causing him to look up at me.

His eyes were a bright amber, having me wonder what that could mean. I was curious as to what they truly meant. Was he mad? Frustrated? Hurt?

"Humans are mean..." He mumbled, leaning back in his seat sadly." I only have ever been on a plane twice in my life - including this one."

I raise my eyebrow, realizing I was his second time on an airplane. Odd thought - yet I liked it.

"I always liked this seat. I like to see the world and how on the edge it curves ever so slightly. The ocean just keeps on it'll never stop. Until eventually land will come and the peaceful abyss is no longer."

"The ocean will still be there." I state, Achille nodding as he looked out the window.

"But maybe, just maybe, the oceans are like me in a sense."

"Really? Is it how peaceful yet beautiful it is, it's misunderstood?" I ask, Achille looking at me with amusement.

"No. It's that no matter how much the world still will always stay the same, the ocean."

I face forward, my eyes flickering over to the man who made Achille think these thoughts. He happened to be reading a book and I looked away from him.

When my eyes settled back upon Achille he grabbed my hand. Watching him lay it out and rest his palm on mine. My hand bigger than his by a lot.

"Such big hands." He snickered, smiling as he continued to stare at them.

" hands are unnecessarily big. Hope it doesn't bother you?"

"Bother me? I actually like it, you're big hands. When you cradle my face it gets my whole cheek and it feels so comfortable."

I smirk, cradling his cheek as I rub my thumb across his cheekbone. Causing him to instantly remove himself from me and blushing.

"I'm excited to be in France with you soon." I say, smiling as I face forward. That whole trip was a good way to be close to Achille for long periods of time...

Even when I fell asleep, I woke up laying on his shoulder. He didn't fall asleep I'm guessing but the next time I woke up we were in France.

Hopefully him and I can start unforgettable memories here... It's impossible not to, it's France!


"How much are these flowers?" I ask the person in charge of the sale of the bouquets. His eyes moving up to me and when they settled on my face he flinched. Not sure why but I ignored it.

"Est-ce que tu parles français? Du tout?" ( Do you speak French? At all? ) He asked, and I chuckle awkwardly. I was completely baffled on what he could possibly be saying to me.

Achille was still admiring his hometowns structures, so I didn't want to distract. I saw these flowers and I know these will look pretty in his hands.

"No...?" I say, hearing a question in his voice so I decided to answer with no. Wasn't sure what to say or think but the man didn't seem to like my answer.

"These flowers are £5 a bouquet. Custom bouquet is £8." He explained, wondering why he didn't just go with this in the first place.

"I would like a custom bouquet...will an American ten dollar bill work?" I ask, handing it to him and he raised an eyebrow.

"It work." He took it fast, fanning his hand over the flowers." Choose a custom bouquet. Who is the lucky femme?" ( woman ) He winked at me, watching as I picked a bouquet that had an arrangement of flowers.

White, purple, pink, yellow, and orange flowers... Such a pretty variety that matches Achille's beautiful personality.

"It's for that lovely person over there." I say, pointing to Achille as he still marveled up at the naked statue. Not sure who it was but I'd ask him later.

"Is it the femme or homme?" ( woman or man ) He frowned, and I was guessing he was saying each gender.

"The man. The most beautiful one out there. His looks surpass all the women over there, I mean that." I nod in content with my words, grabbing a velvet fabric string and tying the flowers together.

When I look at the man he looked startled by my accusation. Yet I was fine that because I didn't need him to accept it. Achille truly was the most beautiful person to me.

"C'est cela l'amour, tout donner, tout sacrifier sans espoir de retour." ( That is love, to give away everything, to sacrifice everything, without the slightest desire to get anything in return. ) He murmured, making me frown as he smiled and nodded." Translation: that is love, to give away everything, to sacrifice everything, without the slightest desire to get anything in return. If you do that - for each other - love is blossoming for the both of you."

I smile, thanking the man as I walk away and hide the flowers behind my back. Going beside him he looks up at me and he grins.

"I'm happy to see how happy you are in your hometown."

"Yes... I remember when this was unveiled in 1956. Such a nice day to be able to look at such a thing. My brother and I stared at every single part and angle of the statue. Sadly my sister died of an illness before she could see it... I at least had my brother with me."

I nod, looking up at how feminine his body was to me, excusing his crotch.

"What statue is this?"

"Statue of Apollo - god of healing, medicine, music, and poetry. Such a magnificent statue, oui?"

Smiling I sit in front of him on the edge of the fountain. Pulling the flowers in front of me and Achille look down at them in confusion.

"Where'd you get those flowers?"

"Magic." I wink, Achille looking over his shoulder and saw the area where the flowers were. When he looked back at me his eyebrow was raised.

"Achille I got them for you." I say, handing them forward as he grinned.

"You bought me flowers?" Watching as he took them, he stared down at the bouquet and smiled. Looking back up at me he pulled a flower out and handed it to me.

Confused as to why he was doing so, I took it and he grinned. Grinning down at it I began to want to keep this for forever. My heart fluttering at how sweet he was.

"What are you feeling at this moment? Say one adjective now."


Achille smiled, bringing the flowers to his chest and smelling them.

"For me it was blissful... I got flowers from you...never gotten flowers from anyone before. It warms my heart in the biggest ways." He murmured, biting his lip and looking back at me." Have you ever been given any flowers?"

Shaking my head, I look at the one flower I was handed. Realizing I was given a flower.

"Yes...yes I have. By you."

"No...more like a bouquet of flowers. Like mine?"

"No. I have not."

Achille grinned, taking the flower from my hand. Confusing me I watched him hand me his bouquet of flowers. Not sure what to do about this I shook my head and pushed his hand back.

"They're yours."

"No, I'm giving them to you-."

"No. Achille they are all yours. Let something be fully yours for once." I put the flower he gave me back in the bouquet. Leaning forward and pressing a kiss on his temple.

When I pull away his cheeks were pink in embarrassment, my hand cradling his cheek in my hand. I noticed the way he leaned into my touch and soon realized what he was doing.

Yanking back he cleared his throat and grinned.

"Want to show you something." He said, turning around abruptly and he walks forward. I become intrigued, but still follow him either way.

In the process of following him we end up going to a place I didn't expect. Seeing him continue to walk forward he turned a corner and suddenly stopped walking.

When I looked forward there was nothing ahead of us. Looking back down at him he turned to face me and pouted.


"I don't know what's wrong with me..." He whimpered, and I watched him lean forward. Pressing his lips to my cheek and pulling back quickly. Biting his lip, avoiding to look at me now.

Staring down at him, he licked his lips and I had this undying urge to kiss them. Soft, kissable, gentle lips...

"Darius, you are staring."


Achille nodded slowly as I stepped closer towards him, cradling his cheek. Remembering what he said in the plane...

"I want to kiss you...but I don't want to disrespect your hometown with PDA." I explain, pulling back even though I had an urge to just kiss him.

" can't be disrespect when no one can see you."


He wrapped his arms around my neck for the first time, pulling my down to his height as we made eye contact. I loved how he was so willing to kiss me longer uncomfortable.

"Why the change of heart?"

"I like the way a kiss feels. I've never been kissed before, until I met you. Never realized what I was missing..." He murmured, biting his lip and I chuckle.

"I'm happy to be your first."


"No...really. I really am happy to be your first kiss. Hopefully you're only kiss."

Achille blushed, and I leaned towards him and kissed him. Kissing his lips slowly and make sure I don't miss out on any opportunity. The taste I got from him was sweet and I loved how gentle our kisses were.

Was ashamed that I've kissed people before him though. Wish he was my first kiss as well.

Easing slowly into his mouth, my tongue tastes more of him. Beginning to wonder why there was such limitations that I felt like had to be placed around him. I didn't want to over exceed anything.

I want his that too much to ask for?


Pulling away I kiss his lips again one last time. Finally back and it seemed like he was trying to catch his breath.

"What's wrong?"

"The heat gets too overwhelming for me. I've never felt such a thing. Deep inside me I get this indescribable heat every time we kiss."

Chuckling I already knew what it was.

"It's called excitement. Feels unusual probably because you're a vampire and never felt such things. In the human world, you'd be so innocent... You still are innocent. I love it."

Achille's eyes widened, lips parting slightly until they closed tight.

"You me?"

"Oh! I love the innocent parts about means you aren' know..."

Achille waited almost, seeing an expression as if he was begging me for an answer.

"You have yet to learn about the sinful things of this world-."

"I'm a vampire. I'm pretty sinful." He mumbled, stepping away and grinning." But I see what you mean - I think?"

I look away, the both of us leaving this area and I wonder when I start doing more. I want to go at his pace but it's coming to the point when I don't know when I'll lose it and just...want to flood him with kisses all over.

When I get the chance to do so, I'll take it.

All I have to do is wait... I'd wait forever if it was for him. Most definitely.


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