I Can't Hear You [Namkook]

By JinandKookies

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"Namjoon I hate to admit this, but I think I have a crush on you." kn.jj Namjoon is a gang leader who lost hi... More

Self Medication
Sweet Kookie
First Date
Sweet Dream
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1.8K 118 8
By JinandKookies

Jimin didnt have to work, he knew that, nobody pressured him into his job, but when he needed infomation or wanted to bring the client up on a gun sale he still found it enticing to seduce someone. Sweet words and a little touch of his foot and suddenly men were just puddy in his hands. Yoongi grew irritated but left Jimin be just as long as none of the men touched his new found beloved then there was no issue. Today he was selling somone a new line of machine guns and he figured this guy was going to hopefully double the price with a little bit of pursuation. However his plan ran south as he entered the diner to see noboy was there. He sighed and bit his lip pullig up the low necked tshirt to hide some of hid toned chest. What a pity, he took one last scan and noticed someone with their heads down on the table a scarf lying next to them. where they asleep? Was this the guy? Curiosity got the better of him and he slid into the opposite side of the booth, tapping his arm lightly. The man stirred and looked up and Jimin gasped, big doe eyes met his own and a deep scar painted the mans neck. 

"J-Jungkook?" The elder questioned more out of suprise then uncertainty. Jungkook looked groggy and a bit unsettled as he nervously glanced to his stuff as if Jimin was going to swipe it. 

"Why are you here? Come to kill me..." he said and he watched his hyungs expression fall when he heard how he speaks now.

"Jesus no. Jungkook what are you doing here at three am." Jungkook just looked away resting his chin on his hand. Jimin rolled his eyes, he really is Namjoons soulmate. They act the fucking same, ignoring questions and asking for death. 

"I'm homeless..." It was so quiet if Jimin hadn't been reading his lips even his hearing aids wouldn't have picked it up. Jimin sighed picking up Jungkooks bag, scarf and phone before holding out his hand.

"Lets go." Jungkook shook his head, and Jimin reached out and grabbed his arm tugging him from the booth. "You can stay with Taehyung and Hoseok. That way your not in the main house." 


Jimin sighed pushing the younger into his car and shutting the door. "Since coming back to Korea we all decided to keep the gang activity running smoothly with Dean and more men helping out. We bought a bigger house and a smaller house right next to it. Its all gated off, you can just stay in the smaller house, its huge and Hoseok and Taehyung are supposed to live in it but they are rarely there." Jungkook opened his mouth to protest again before he just let it happen. With any luck they'll just put him out of his misery when they see him. 

The ride was long and Jungkook managed to pass out again on the way there Jimins soothing piano music he put on the radio really doing a number on his tired mind. He was shaken awake when they arrived and a big house was presented to him. This was the smaller house? He thought as Jimin grabbed his bags and opened the door. It was quiet but Taehyung was still up sitting at the bar in the kitchen a phone in his hand. 

"Is Hobie asleep?" Jimin asked placing Jungkooks belongings on the counter and opening the fridge. 

"No he slept over in the main house, I walked over." He said looking at Jungkook, his smile falling when his eyes landed on his neck. He got up and walked over engulfing the younger in a hug. To Jungkooks suprise he couldn't find it in him to push him away. Instead he buried his face into his collar. "You can stay as long as you need Jungkook, I'm so sorry for what happned it all just got really... complicated." 

Jungkook moved away from him and frowned. "Things get complicated when you nearly get people killed along with yourself in the process. I should be the one apologising." 

"Jungkook, no one blames you even if your intentions were in the wrong place in the beggining we still care about you. Your still our freind, here." Jimin chimed in so Taehyung wouldn't comment on the youngers voice. He pushed some hot tea and a plate of food toward him. "Eat up and get some rest, just dont lock yourself in your room please." 

Taehyung laughed and patted his back. "Yeah we dont need two drunk hermits, we might have to call the biohazard company." 

Jungkook was confused but didnt question it, as he took a spoonful of rice and ate it. "Hey Jungkook, If you dont want to speak you can sign." The younger nodded and Jimin took his bags to get his room set up. 

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