Sugar. Why not?

By SarahCraik5

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Sofia is struggling to get a grip on her life and is drowning in student debts. With no luck finding a job an... More

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Short Circuit (Part 2)
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<I Don't Love You/>
Crack That Code
Do You Know How To Fix It?
The Trouble Is..I Need You
Fading Fast
No One Else Is You
I Will Kill You
I Promise I'll Take Care Of You
The Downfall Of Us
You'll Get What's Coming To You
Are You Guilty? Yes, Of Hurting
Mr Stump & Miss Westwood
What's The Verdict?
Sex, Love And More Sex
Sugar Why Not? Playlist
Epilogue - Keeper Of My Heart

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1.6K 27 6
By SarahCraik5

Patrick's POV

The noise of the people around the boardroom table is like static to me. It seems I've left my mind in bed with a beautiful young women. I wish my body was still there too and it could have been because this meeting is complete bullshit!

All of the men and women here are older than me and very much set in their ways. Everything that I suggest they shoot down. I think it's because they are all multimillionaires and supposedly more experienced than I am, yet here they are meeting in a building I own. It's pettiness and we're going to get nowhere if this continues.

As a balding man named Alistair begins to chatter away about the stock market, my mind wanders off again. I'm picturing Sofia still sleeping, her lovely face relaxed and care free. I wish that she wore that expression all the time but unfortunately it's clear to see that's going through a rough patch. Her brow furrows and sadness creeps into her features in the moments that she remembers her own situation. I'm not sure how I've noticed all that from knowing her such a little time but she's the type of women that makes me pay attention.

Not just to her beauty but to her intelligence and passion. It's so endearing to listen as she talks about about literally anything and then goes off on some completely unrelated tangent. I think I could listen to her all day and night. No, I know I could.

The closeness I'm already feeling to her is unfamiliar because all of the women I've ever had in my life have never been like her. They've either been unaffectionate or only wanted me for my money.

That's something that baffles me too. Sofia really wants to be near me. Of course it could all be an act but the way she snuggled into me last night, her head on my chest, seemed more than genuine.

Everything about the past few days with her has just been perfect. She actually asked me about my phone call to Australia because she remembered and was interested. It...touched me. The other 'SugarySweets' didn't give a shit about anything I said. They just faked a laugh then faked an orgasm.

I guess I never put much effort into the sex. Neither did they. With Sofia though, I wanted to make her feel pleasure like never before and I want to keep doing that for as long as she'll let me. I just can't help it.

Speaking of orgasms...

I've had some mind blowing ones because of this women. The way she rode my dick in the cinema and called my name. Her grip on me as I made love to her a second time in her bed.

Made love...hmmm...that's a new one for me.

She wanted me deep inside her. All around her...just me. She cared about my pleasure too...

I can feel my dick getting hard as I remember how she felt around me. The passion, the sweat, the intimacy.

When she said yes to being mine I was so damn ecstatic. I can take care of her and she will want for nothing. She deserves the world and I want to give it to her.

Shifting in my seat, I try to think of something that will make my erection die down but it's tough when all I can see in my head is Sofia moaning and writhing. I gotta see her again as soon as possible. Maybe tonight? Is that too much too soon?

"Patrick?" I hear and look up to find eight sets of eyes staring back at me. Clearly I've missed something and they apparently want my opinion. Welp, I've no idea what the hell to say to these assholes.

Luckily in the next second my phone vibrates on the table and I snatch it up quickly, excusing myself. I hear someone mumbling about me being rude but I don't give a fuck.

As soon as I'm out of that room I feel a thousand times better and that multiplies as I see the bright pink notification bar. Sofia hates the pink but I kind of love it because it means she messaged me.

Hiding in the nearest office, I lock the door and lean on the edge of a desk. If anyone wants to complain that I'm in their office then I'll fire them because this whole place is mine and I'm in no mood to be fucked with.

My aggravation lessens as I click on her messages.


Oh shit! I'm an idiot! I should have told her that I was going to put money in her bank. Another distinction between her and the other women is right in front of my face. Any of them would have just checked the money was there and then blocked me. But not Sofia. No, she's enraged by what I've given her. I love it!

Well, I don't love it that much because it looks like she's mad at me. No kiss-

Sofia: XX

There they are. Phew. God I'm going soft because of this women. Missing kisses on the end of a message. Fuck sake, what is she doing to me? And why do I like it so much?

There's no time to think about that right now because I have to fix my stupid mistake. I don't want to overwhelm her.

Hmm...maybe I can take her to my apartment tonight if she'll let me. I can show her that I'm not so snobby and cook whatever her favourite food is.

First, I think I need to apologise to her for depositing the money into her bank like I've done with the others. I really should have asked first but I guess it's just habit. I don't think I'll tell her that I've actually given her more than the normal amount because that could only freak her out more. What can I say? I couldn't help it...I want to make her happy and money is the way I'm usually good at achieving that. Money equals happiness for most people but for Sofia I'll need to work harder than that.

I'll need to give her my affection and care to make her smile. Me...making her smile by just being myself. Who would have thought it...

That makes me desperate to see her again. I want to see her laughing and watch her eyes light up because it's gives me a feeling that I cannot explain.

It makes me sad to think about the fact that one day she will move on. She will have no use for me eventually and find a man that she can live her life with.

Until then I'll try to make her as happy as I can. I'll look after her and let her infectious smile numb the feeling of loneliness eating its way through my heart.

The world is cruel. Matching me perfectly with a women that can never fully be mine.

For now though...I can pretend.

Sofia's POV

Patrick: I'm really sorry Darling. I should have discussed it with you this morning. I know it's a lot but I want you to have it. I want to give you so much more but I'll control myself I promise xx

More? What? No way! I'm not even sure what I'm going to do with the money I have. Pay off student loans? Pay my bills? All things I should definitely do but I still feel weird about it. I know this was the whole reason I signed up. That and curiosity. I guess I just never thought it was actually going to happen.

It kind of scares me but I'm not mad at Patrick. He's just doing what he usually does and I am extremely grateful.

Sofia: Its just a lot to take in I guess. I'm freaking out a little but we can definitely talk about it next time I see you xx

Which I hope is soon. Very soon. I'm not sure if there's a certain rule to do with how much I get to see him. Is there a limit? Do we do normal relationship things or won't he want that? Maybe he will just want to fuck me a couple times a week. The thought makes me a little sick because it wouldn't make sense with the things he's said to me. I guess I should think more positively.

Patrick: I was actually going to ask if I can make dinner for you tonight? At my place? Then we can eat lots of chocolate and snuggle on the sofa 😋's like he just took a peek into my mind and decided to calm my anxiety immediately. Not a true fact of course but very coincidental. It makes me laugh.

I actually can't think of anything better especially with my coffee shop interview tomorrow. A night of relaxing with my new Sugar Daddy? Oh yes please!

Sofia: That sounds perfect but please don't cancel anymore meetings for me xx

Patrick: I probably shouldn't tell you that I've just left a meeting to answer your message then huh ;) xx

Sofia: Patrick! Get back in there! Xx

Patrick: I will just as soon as you tell me your favourite food. Xx

Sofia: I will eat any pasta that you put down to me. So surprise me :D xx

I'm really interested to see what he will choose and it makes me want to cook for him in return. Him enjoying something I've created, licking his lips...yup yup yup!

Patrick: Oh a challenge! I like it. What do you like to drink? Xx

Sofia: Beer... I'm so classy I know xx

Patrick: That's hot! Beer it is Darling. I'm not sure what time I'll be finished tonight but I'll let you know as soon as I do. Can't wait to drown in chocolate wrappers with you xx

Is he real? Because I don't think he can be. It's like someone has taken my dream man and made him into an actual living person.

Sofia: I'll see you tonight...Daddy 😘 xx

That's all I manage to say because otherwise I'd just type a whole lot of stuff that would no doubt weird him out. What I really wanna say is: OMG you're so cute, I can't deal, holy shit fuck me now. See...not cool.

Patrick: 😘😘😘


Is this the first time I've properly cleaned my apartment since I moved in well over two years ago? Yes...yes it is. Why? Because I'm a lazy hermit and I like living in a black hole. Now though I actually have someone that I want to impress, so a little cleaning... or a lot of cleaning is happening right now.

I just found a plate underneath my bed that may have been there since the previous person occupied this place. I think I just saw the weird black fuzzy lump stuck to the plate moving.

That's not possible right?

Wrong! My eyes widen as a bug breaks free from the substance and I launch the plate through the air.

Shit...there it goes. The sound of it flying through the air makes me tense waiting for the inevitable.


Well I guess now I have something else to clean up. Then I gotta shower and make myself look presentable for my Sugar Daddy. Although I have a feeling if I rocked up in nothing but sweat pants and a hoodie like I'm used to, he'd probably still say I looked hot.

I'm not going with that outfit though. I'll wear some casual skinny jeans and a nicer top but I ain't dressing up for a third night in a row because it's exhausting.


Ohhh hopefully that's Patrick!

Finding my phone in the carnage of my clean up, I glare at the screen in annoyance. It's not Patrick.

Annabelle: Hey! When are we catching up again? I'm free this weekend if you wanna get some drinks 😁 X

Sigh! Huge fucking sigh! I love Annabelle like a sister. She's just about the only person that I met in college who wasn't an asshole. Still, she makes me feel inadequate in many ways. She doesn't brag about being better than me, she just is and I know that's not her fault. I just end up feeling really depressed by the time we're finished catching up. I need to stop being this way though, it's only going to have me ending up alone. So I suck up my pride.

Sofia: Oh Hey! Yes! This weekend would be great! I can't wait to see you. Cheers 🥂 X

Annabelle: Fantastic! Are you bringing anyone? I think Max might come too. He's off work Saturday X

Max is her boyfriend and if she thinks I'm going to sit with them as a third wheel all night then she is sorely mistaken. Why couldn't she have said that to begin with.

I should cancel. I should definitely cancel...

Unless... a certain Sugar Daddy wants to come with me. That would be nice. Having some drinks with him as if we're dating like two normal people. Although I'm pretty sure he will be busy.

Sofia: I'll get back to you on that one X

Annabelle: No problem! It'll be fun either way X will not.

With tomorrow being Friday, I still have plenty of time to change my mind which is very likely. She knows that too. I cancel for the stupidest things because like I said I love staying in my black hole. Which is now a little bit less dirty. Woooo!

After my apartment is put back into somewhat of a chaotic order, I peel my disgusting sweaty clothes off and jump in the shower. It's roughly four thirty and I know that Patrick will still be deep in meetings and probably a lot of paperwork. Do CEOs do paperwork? I imagine they do.

I smirk as I think of him sitting at a desk typing on his laptop or leading a meeting of thirty other people.

I bet he'd be hot doing either of those things. I'm feeling a little frisky as my body remembers having him all over it. In the cinema, in my bed...GOD HE'S SO GOOD! I guess the rumours are true, older men do know what they are doing in bed.

My hands slip over my wet skin and I try to imagine that they are his instead. It's a poor substitute but it's better than nothing.

Of course I'm touching myself before I can stop it and my hand slips between my legs, his name falling from my lips.

I wonder if he's thinking about me too and if he isn't, well I'm about to change that.

Stepping out of the shower, I grab a towel to dry my hands before reaching for my phone on the side of the sink. With my body wet and flush from being aroused, I open my camera and try to work out a good angle.

I can't lie, I stand there for a good twenty minutes changing my facial expressions and poses to get it just right. In the end though I settle for one of me biting my lip. It's a genuine expression too because at that moment I was thinking about having his head between my legs again. I really hope that's something he plans on doing to me, maybe even tonight.

I mean I can't wait to get my mouth around his cock and make him whimper and beg. Wow, still a desperate whore for him. Still okay with it.

Opening the app I attach the picture and write a simple message underneath.

Sofia: Thinking Of You xx

That's cheesy but less so with the visual. Hopefully he won't be able to get me out of his head now. Cause I can't get him out of mine.

Patrick's POV

How long can it possibly take my assistant to send me to notes from the meeting earlier? He must be typing with one fucking finger.

It's getting later and I just want to get out of here so I can spend the night with Sofia. I wonder what's she's up to. No doubt applying for more jobs and thinking she's not good enough because of the few replies. It saddens me. It also infuriates me that none of the tech companies have answered her application. She knows her stuff and I really wish I had her on my team. I already know that she won't work for me but I gotta admit it's a nice thought. She knows a lot more that half of the idiots downstairs in their little cubicles.


Think of an Angel and she will appear. Or rather message. I love seeing her name on my screen.

Sofia: Thinking Of You xx *Attachment*

Oh what's this...

Pressing on the imagine icon, it pops up and my hungry eyes take in the image. Fuck, she's so sexy. The waist up photo showcases her gorgeous breasts and beautiful face. Her eyes look all innocent, her hair damp. She's going to be the cause of my demise, I just know it.

I wanna reply with something just as good but a picture of my dick just doesn't match it. I've nothing to give her.

Regardless my hand grips my hardening dick in my pants and I want to get off to her photo.

No such luck because the door to my office flies open and I drop my phone in shock.

In walks my assistant, his expression nervous. He stops in front of my desk as I snatch up my phone quickly to hide what's on the screen. There's no way anyone is seeing that apart from me. That makes me think that maybe Sofia and I should talk about this thing being exclusive. I mean I naturally assumed it was but I don't know if that's what she wants too. I sure hope so.

"Sir, the notes are all typed up. I sent them to your email but I've printed out a hard copy in case you need to add or take anything out" he explains, dropping the thick pile on my desk. Why the fuck do I have an assistant if he expects me to go over notes? That's his job!

Which is exactly what I want to tell him but I can't be bothered wasting more precious time. I should be sucking on Sofia's beautiful breasts, not sitting here with a semi and a frown.

"Great. Thanks. You can go home. I'm calling it a night myself" I state, looking back down at my screen.

"Sir?" He questions and I snap my eyes back up to glare at him.


"It's only six thirty" he informs me. Which I already know. The reason he's telling me this is because I don't usually leave this building until well after ten pm. Recently though I've been a little more occupied with other things. I'm glad about it too. Makes me feel less like a robot and more like a human.

"I know but I have plans and you should make some too" I reply, loosening up a little and smiling at him. He's a good dude, I'm just twitching to get away. It's no excuse for rudeness.

"Well, thank you Sir" he nods and walks out with a little spring in his step. Guess I've made his day.

Now, I'm gonna make Sofia's night.

Sofia's POV

Patrick never answered my message, nor did he tell me what time he was going to arrive. So when a knock on my door interrupts my sulking, I certainly don't expect it to be him on the other side.

But boy am I happy about it.

"Darling I'm really sorry I didn't message you, I just wanted to get here as quick as I could. That picture was fucking gorgeous-"

I cut him off by pressing my lips into his and throwing my arms around him. I didn't think he'd leave me hanging and his sweet admission just makes me want to be close to him even more than before he said it.

He captures me, his arms squeezing me to him while his lips drive me insane. His surprised expression when we pull back is the cutest thing ever.

"Now that's a welcome that was worth the wait" he breathes as I release him slightly. I'm now noticing that he's wearing a white shirt and a grey tie with matching trousers. He's left the jacket off today and it makes him look slightly more casual. So handsome.

Me on the other hand, I'm just in jeans and t-shirt because I wasn't sure if he was going to show. Just like I expected he still compliments me:

"You're so gorgeous... I like this" he tells me referring to the graphic on my t-shirt. It's a Metallica logo. They're one of my favourite bands but I'm pretty sure people just think I wear it for show.

"Do you like them?" I ask in return, praying he says yes.

"Of course I do! I'm not a monster. What's your favourite album?"

"The self-titled black album" I reply immediately and cross my arms as I wait to see what he will say.

"I'm glad you said that. It's mine too" Dear god...can I marry him? Can I? Pleeeaaaseeee!

"Phew" I laugh.

"That could have ruined us huh?" He smirks.

"Oh yeah, if you'd said anything else I would have slammed the door in your face" I tease and he acts offended.

Stepping back into my apartment I grab my bag. I don't know if I'm staying the night with him and I don't want to assume but I grab my toothbrush just in case.

Once I'm ready he takes my hand in his and waits patiently as I lock my door. It's little things like the way he gazes at me while I do literally anything that make my heart thud faster and my emotions shoot through the roof. He's unlike anyone I've ever met and he makes me feel noticed and cared for.

I'm looking forward to tonight. Relaxing, getting to know each other better and hopefully he can make me feel more at peace with the large lump sum in my bank account. I've tried not to think about it all day but it's been tough. It's just sitting there making me nervous.

His hand rests on my knee as he drives. I've no idea how far away he lives from me or what to even expect. I keep looking at all the high rise apartment buildings and wondering which one could possibly be his. Or is it a god damn mansion?

"How was your day?" He asks, glancing at me quickly.

"You mean in the eight hours or so you weren't in it? Terrible, an absolute nightmare" I joke and he squeezes my knee, chuckling as he drives.

"I'm really sorry to hear that. I didn't know my presence was so powerful" he jokes back. I cover his hand with mine and watch him concentrating on the road.

"Yes, you make it all better"

It's meant to be a joke but I'm beginning to think that I'm not wrong. I feel a lot happier when he's around. I need to keep my emotions in check so I don't get hurt.

"Ditto" he says, looking pleased with himself because he's recycled the word I used the night before. It sounds funny coming from such a distinguished man. But I also love it.

Just then we pull up to an underground garage, the building it belongs to is so frigging tall that my neck doesn't bend backwards far enough. It's all glass windows and shiny metal. Very modern, very expensive.

Patrick presses a button on his keys and the garage door glides up slowly. I'm absolutely speechless as he drives into the pristine place. My eyes take in the rows of fancy cars and I wonder how many of them he owns. Hopefully not all of them.

He pulls into a space that is labelled on the wall with his name...nice! Then he looks at me warily as if he knows I'm having a mini panic attack caused by so much expense.

"Are you okay Darling?" He asks quietly. It's the only sound that can be heard because it's so so quiet. If this was my apartment we'd be able to hear the two guys downstairs yelling at each other. Which they do a lot.

"Mmmhhh" I mumble finally looking back at him. He leans forward and kisses me softly and I wonder if he's knows that his touch calms me better than any drug.

"It's okay, it's just material bullshit" he assures me and I nod slowly, very much ready to get out of the car and get acquainted with his apartment. The quicker I get there, the quicker I can be flabbergasted and the quicker I can calm down and chill for the rest of the night.

Once I've unthawed and can move again, we make our way to the elevator that is also extremely pristine. How often does this place get cleaned?

As soon as we step in I watch to see what button he's going to push. I really should have guessed he'd be in the pent house but maybe I was hoping for a nice even floor fifty or something. Seriously, what does this man want with me?

When the elevator begins to rise his arm slips around my waist and he steps into my side. Glancing up at him, I find him looking back and wonder what's on his mind.

"I'm happy you're here" he says simply and that one sentence means a lot more to me than anything has for a long time.

"I'm happy to be here" I reply and his cheeks pink ever so slightly. There's a very affectionate person underneath his strong indifferent facade. He's never been that way with me but I can tell he puts on a front for the whole world to see. He wants to be known for nothing more than business and money. Yet with me securely squished into his side he is dying to unleash his care and passion. It makes me feel so very special.

Once the elevator doors open, I immediately try not to be fazed by the huge expanse of open plan space, the white leather couches and floor to ceiling glass windows. I try not to care about the massive staircase with yet more glass railings. I really really try not to care about the modern grey counter topped kitchen with multiple ovens. I even try not to think about the hallway opposite us that no doubt leads to even more stuff! Alas I fail.

"Holy. Mother. Of. God!" I exclaim and stand there next to him like a statue. My jaw is on the floor and I'm scared to step inside the place in case I break something I cannot afford. I don't think even the fifty grand now in my bank would  cover many things in here.

Probably not even one of those wall mounted gorgeous guitars that hang on either side of the tv. Which is above a's all too much.

"Sofia? Are you still with me?"


"Come with me" he tugs on my hand and pulls me into the apartment or kings fucking manor. I'm like a kid in a museum looking at everything with my mouth open. Fancy art work - Check. Huge dinning table - Check. Fluffy rug- Niceeee.

I'm like a robot while he sits me down on a bar stool on the opposite side of the counter from the cooker. Hmm does this mean I get to watch him cook? Hot!

Opening the huge double doored fridge he pulls out two beer cans and hands one to me.

"Take a sip and breath" he says, smirking at me. I do as he asked and you know what? It actually works. Who'd have thought it? "Better?"

"Yes, thank you. Sorry for my freak out, I'm just not used to all of...this" I answer, gesturing around the room.

"I get it. I think it's all a bit much most of the time too" he tells me, going back to the fridge and pulling out some strawberries now.

"What do you mean?" I ask as he plucks one out of the little bowl. He holds it up to my mouth and I can't help but I laugh as I bite into it.

I hear a quiet "Damn" whispered as I lick my lips.

"Well, all of this is nice but it's not very enjoyable when I have no one to share it with" he explains gazing at me a little too intensely. I feel the way it affects me, the desire it brings out in me and I'm a little scared of how quick I'm getting attached to this man. So I try to distract myself.

Grabbing a strawberry I pop half of it into my mouth and then lean forward so he can take the rest from my lips. He does so with enthusiasm, biting into the fruit while making sure our lips touch.

"Mmmm, tastes sweet" he sighs, winking as my face blooms bright red. He makes everything sexy...EVERYTHING! I'll never look at a strawberry the same way again. Damn!

Clearing my throat, I try to shake away my need for him because yanking him over the counter could be dangerous.

"So what kind of pasta did you decide to make?" I ask as he rolls up his sleeves...yum.

"Ravioli, if that's okay with you?"

"That's perfect! I haven't had that in a very long time" I tell him, feeling excited. The reason I haven't had it in a while is because there are no tinned microwave versions sadly. He seems pleased, like he's even more thrilled to make it than before.

"Then I better make my best dish ever!" He exclaims, rubbing his hands together. Then he leans over to give me a long smooch before getting to work. I- I just...he's amazing.

While he cooks I have a fantastic time watching him. He even makes the ravioli parcels himself and helps me do some too. I've never made them myself so it's a lot of fun.

He instructs me how to fold the the pasta correctly around the filling and boy do I love hearing him praise me for doing well. It's kinda weird huh? But I find it hot so don't judge me!

"I think that's the best out of all of them" I state, looking at my little ravioli neatly shaped.

He looks it over as if he's judging it, scratching his chin as he thinks about it.

"Hmmm...well I suppose so!" He admits dramatically. I smack his arm and he laughs, his eyes crinkling at the sides. "I can't believe you've never made this and yet you've shown me up" he pouts covering his eyes with his hand as if in devastation.

"Awww now come on, don't feel bad. I'm just amazing that's all" I beam at him and he comes around the counter to pull me into his arms.

"You are very amazing Darling" he breathes, nuzzling into my neck.

He makes me laugh the whole time the pasta cooks along with the sauce. He teases me, declaring that I'll have to cook for him next to see who is the better chef. I hang on the two words 'next' and 'time' because it suggests he wants to do this again. As in a lot more.

We really need to talk about how the dynamic of the relationship works because I don't want to get the wrong idea. I don't think I could handle it.

I make a note to mention it when we're eating. Only I don't have to because he gives me a good topic to Segway into mine.

"So I owe you an apology in person for springing the money on you. I really should have thought about it more" he begins as we sit at the lovely dining table with a view of the whole city out of the windows. We're sitting across from each other, his foot subtly touching my ankle. I wonder if he's doing it on purpose or if he just subconsciously wants to touch me? Maybe I'm looking too much into it?

"You don't have to apologise. It's what's supposed to happen, so why wouldn't you? I just got a shock and I think it's a lot! I mean I've no idea what the standard...amount is but surely that's not right" I query and watch him look down at his plate briefly. Side note: the ravioli is fantastic!

"I have a confession..." he whispers, looking back up at me with a small nervous smile on his face.

"Uh oh..." I breath, giving him my best stern look. Who am I kidding? I'm not stern at all.

"I don't usually give that much-" he confesses but I'm so shocked that I cut in before he can finish explaining.

"Patrick! Why? Are you insane?"

"My mental state is debatable but I don't think I'm quite insane yet. It just felt right to give you more. I simply wanted to" he explains but I still have the same question.

"But why? I could be exactly the same as the others. I could leave here tomorrow and then never see you again" I try to reason with him. I see the small flicker of sadness in his eyes but it disappears in a millisecond as he covers it up.

"Are you planning to?" He smiles but it's a little less happy. As if he wanted it to come across as a joke but he's actually worried.

"No...of course not" I assure him, placing my hand on top of his. He links our fingers and kisses my knuckles. "My point is, you can't just give someone all that money. Who knows what they will do with it. I guess I'm just thinking about you. What I mean is, if you get a new 'SugarySweet' and you do the same thing, then..."

"Then what?" He asks, looking very curious.

"I don't like the thought of someone taking advantage of you...of anyone!" I finally get the words out. It's tough to say because I don't want him to know just how strongly I feel for him already. 

"That's such a nice thing to say Darling but I have to confess I'm not planning on having a new 'SugarySweet' anytime soon. As for why I gave you that much...I want to help you. I know most people want money to spend it on lavish things but I know you need it for more important stuff. I couldn't help it. It's not pity money Sofia I promise...I"

Getting up from my seat I walk around his side of the table to sit in his lap. He anticipates what I want and pushes his chair out, opening his arms to me. I don't feel weird about the money now because it isn't just money. It's a way for him to show how he feels and I'm very grateful.

"Thank you so much" I whisper and his sweet relieved smile in reply is so lovely.

"You're very welcome" he replies and leans in to kiss me. I stop him, placing a finger over his lips.

"One more thing. This... whatever this is between us is exclusive right? Because I don't exactly plan on being with someone else at the same time. I guess I'm just not sure how it work"

"I'm so glad you said that because I've wanted to talk to you about that too. I don't want to share you with anyone. I couldn't handle it. I can guarantee I won't be sharing myself with anyone but you. I'm yours Sofia. For as long as you want me"

That's it...that's all I can take. I kiss him with a passion I never knew I had inside of me. He tastes like ravioli and something that's just inherently him.

I'm not sure how long we kiss for but when we eventually lie down on the couch together, it doesn't stop. I don't want it to.

He brings a selection of different chocolates and puts on Iron Man 2 but as soon as I'm snuggled into his chest, I just want to kiss him some more.

It gets a little bit messy when the chocolate gets involved. I steal a chocolate from him and pop it into my mouth but he tries to steal it back by tackling it from my lips with his tongue. Sounds a little disgusting in words but trust me its not. It's hilarious actually and extremely sexy when he licks his fingers then grabs mine.

Sliding my finger into his mouth he sucks off the melted substance while I laugh my ass off.

He does the same with the chocolate that I've obviously missed on my lips and then trails that fantastic tongue down my neck.

"I'm a literal sugary sweet tonight" I giggle and he hums in agreement.

"You definitely are. The sweetest of them all" he croons as my fingers brush through his hair. "I want to taste more of you" he tells me, looking up in question. Ohhhhhh. Fuck I've wanted this so badly.

"I'm certainly not going to stop you. Patrick, I've thought about you tasting me since I saw your picture" I confess, my chest rising and falling as my breathing deepens.

"Oh Sofia, I wish you'd told me that sooner. I'd have eaten you out on that table in the restaurant" he says, his hands running down my sides. "I'll give you anything you desire...anything" he whispers, his hand pulling my t-shirt out of the way so he can kiss my breasts. Oh lord I am sinning.

Speechless, I am speeches. Everything after that is just a dream like haze.

I watch completely enraptured by him as he unzips my jeans and pulls them down. They're thrown to the floor along with my panties and my thighs fall open in the same second. I need him so bad.

He gazes at me, his eyes flicking from between my legs to my face over and over.

"I swear you're a goddess pretending to be human" he breaths before his tongue drags a hot trail up my thigh. I gasp at the sensation, the wetness between my legs growing by the second.

"Oh god...I've thought about this far too much and still I'm not prepared" I half moan, half laugh.

"Well you have to tell me exactly how you thought about this..." he smirks, his eyes almost glowing with desire, his tongue flicking out just to catch my clit. Evil evil man!

"You were much more naked to start with" I whine and lick my lips as he sits up and begins pulling clothes off. His shirt is first, his trousers and boxers next. I don't know what I want to look at first.

I don't get to stare too long because he's soon diving between my legs again.

"Tell me what you want" he commands and I throw up my whole damn fantasy.

"Start off slow, tease me. You'll know when to be more rough I'm sure. Use your fingers too...I love having you inside me in any way I can"

"Fucking hell're so hot"

With that he gets to work, doing exactly what I told him. I forgot to mention in my fantasy that I do a lot of hair pulling and that I like it when he looks at me.

I have nothing to worry about though because his eyes stay glued to me as I write and moan, my fingers gripping the plush couch.

When I tug on his hair it only makes him more enthusiastic and he moans too. He fucking likes it!

He teases me into insanity. His fingers move in and out of me at a slow pace while his tongue laps at my clit as if he's just causally licking an ice cream. It drives me mad and I'm soon begging him to make me cum.

One of his hands reaches up and slides under my t-shirt to squeeze my breast and it prompts me to tug the offending material off as well as my bra. Those get thrown away too as he continues his torture.

"You really are the sweetest thing" he growls and sucks on my clit roughly.

"Oh Fuck Fuck Fuck! Please Patrick!" I scream and he finger fucks me harder.

My hand curls tightly into his soft locks and his eyes flick back to mine.

"You wanna cum Sofia?" He asks menacingly.

"Yes! Oh please!" I yell.

"You wanna cum around my fingers or my dick?" He asks and then licks me again. Well that's an easy question.

"Your dick, baby please!" I yell and he shifts onto his knees and grips my thighs. He moves closer between my legs and leans over me.

"You sure Darling?" He whispers but I can't answer because I'm so desperate. I push my heels into his ass and his hips move forward, his dick sliding into me quickly.

He groans in my ear and I cum instantly, the feeling of him so deep setting me off.

"Shit! Patrick!"

My finger nails dig into his back and he circles his hips increasing my pleasure before I come back down to Earth. He watches, keeping completely still as I catch my breath.

He leans down and peppers kisses over my face.

"So beautiful. I've never seen anything quite like you Sofia" he croons, shifting slightly. I wrap my legs around him and run my fingers through his hair. I rock my hips and he groans softly.

"Why aren't you fucking me?" I ask, laughing at his flushed face. It's clear he wants to and boy do I want it too.

"I'm rather enjoying you keeping my cock warm" he smirks. "It prolongs the feeling Darling. Being inside you like this is like teasing myself. Plus if I give you a minute then I can make you cum again. Which is ultimately my goal" he grins, very pleased with himself.

"You know I've heard of cock warming. I just never knew people actually did it" I confess and giggle as he winks.

"I've never actually did this before but it feels...right"

He's not wrong either. It does feel right. Not only does it feel right but when he finally does begin to move and fuck me slowly, the feeling building inside me again is so much more intense. I didn't think that was possible but it's like the waiting has made it even more pleasurable.

My second orgasm is off the scale and if his loud swearing and rough gripping hands are anything to go by, so was his.

"Mmmm, baby I can't get enough of you" he sighs, his hands still roaming my body.

"I'm glad to hear it because I think I'm addicted to you"

He snuggles back into me afterwards and then puts on another film. His fingers brush through my hair, making it hard to stay awake. The calm and solace I've enjoyed for the past three days is a feeling like no other. I am so relaxed even though I'm still in the same situation I was before. Still unemployed. Sure I have a bucket load of money but I'm still not out of the woods

The man breathing softly beneath me somehow takes away the worries I have. I don't know how or why all I know is it works. Maybe he's a wizard or maybe there's just something inside both of us that fits well together. Two puzzle pieces with jagged edges, sanded down with every touch to slot together. That's hella dramatic and far too fast for me to be thinking that way. Oops.

He talks to me about my interview tomorrow, asking me how I feel about it. It's only a coffee shop but he's still giving me lots of encouragement and advice. He tells me that he's pretty sure I won't be there long anyway, not with my intelligence. It's nice that he believes in me but I'm not so sure myself.

He even asks about my home life and I tell him about my Mom visiting yesterday and how I'm going to go home soon to visit my whole family. I miss them so much but I've gotta try and get my shit together first.

I ask him about his parents too and he says that it's a touchy subject. He says he wants to tell me about them but he doesn't want to ruin our night. I'd love to ask more because I want to know even if it's bad. Although I can tell he really doesn't want to talk about it. Maybe another time when we know each other better.

So I change the subject and ask him if he wants to come with me for drinks this weekend.

"I totally get it if you don't want to. I would just really like it if you came" I tell him.

"I'd love to Darling, just let me shift some work stuff around and I'll make sure I'm free"

"Oh I don't want it to be any trouble"

"It's no trouble, I want to come with you. I really do" he assures me, his hand coming up to caress my cheek. "I'm a busy man but I'll always have time for you...whenever you need"

Wow I...What do I say to that? Apparently nothing. I bluff my way out of getting emotional or thinking too much by making out with him. What a cop out! Still, if he keeps up his sweet words I'm going to melt into a puddle.

We eventually head to bed and I collapse into his soft silk sheets. Sheets that are grey and match the decor of the room. That's as much as I can take in right now. I really wanna have him deep inside me again but my tired body won't let me. If he minds, I can't tell as he squashes his warm body to mine. 

"I've already decided that I like having you in my bed" he hums, kissing my neck softly. Turning in his arms slightly, I kiss him for the thousandth time tonight but it's more of a thank you.

"I really like being here too...

What I really meant was being in his arms.


Staring out of the floor to ceiling glass windows, I see all of the tiny twinkling lights below. It's an amazing view and almost reflects the same kind of twinkling stars in the sky. It's very peaceful yet so far away from everyone else.

What must Patrick feel like being here alone?

I'm standing here because I woke up and couldn't fall back asleep. My mind is whirling with many different things. The main thing being Patrick and I.

Is it possible to want someone as much as I want him already? Is it healthy? I don't know but it worries me. I'm worried because I already know he has the power to hurt me. My Mom warned me at a young age that life can be cruel and emotions are crueler.

I'm also awake because I literally don't have anything material to worry about now. I can pay off my student debts, I can buy a new car, I can literally do what I want. It's just so baffling and freeing, yet scary. Not to mention that Patrick provides me with a level of comfort that I've never felt. It feels wrong of me to feel happy but my god am I enjoying myself.

"Sofia?" I hear my name spoken in a tired sweet tone and look over my shoulder to see Patrick walking toward me, still very much naked. Such a gorgeous sight.

"Hey, I'm sorry if I woke you. I was trying to be quiet" I reply, feeling guilty.

"I only woke up because there wasn't a beautiful women wrapped around me. I require that to sleep" he smirks. He looks so inviting with his bed head and warm gaze.

"Oh, I didn't know. I'm sure you could find a women to do that no problem" I tease back.

He looks around as if he's searching. When his eyes land back on mine they widen and he gasps.

"Found her" he quietly exclaims, his face breaking into a triumphant grin. Two steps and he's wrapping me in his arms. Mmmm I don't know why I got up, this is much better.

Clasping my hands around his neck, I peck his lips and he gazes at me inquisitively.

"What's on your mind Darling?"

"Nothing...that's the problem. I'm so used to being worried about stuff that it's weird when I have nothing to worry about" I try to explain and end up laughing awkwardly.

"Yeah, I think I know what you mean. Usually I'd be up at this time anyway, minus already having been asleep. I'd be scouring the playing field for something new to snatch up but with you here, I can actually relax. I like it a lot. What would you be doing at this time normally?" He asks while I try not to look too much into what he's just said. I help him relax...awwwww god damn!

"I'd be trying to find a job to apply for that I haven't already" I reply.

"You're so very motivated. It baffles me that you don't own your own business by now. You know I'd be more than happy to do give you a job" he tells me and although I'm flattered it just wouldn't feel right.

"Thank you but I want to work for my position. It wouldn't be right if it were just given"

"I thought you'd say that" he smirks, a fleeting glance of that strange emotion in his eyes again. "You know, we could take things slower if you like? I know I can be a bit much especially with the money side of things but I'm working on it"

His small self deprecating admission has me shaking my head. He's perfect how he is. I wonder why he feels otherwise.

"You're just fine the way you are. Don't change for anyone. Sure money is very overwhelming to me but that doesn't mean I want you to be any different than you already are. As for taking it slow...I think this is a great pace. You aren't the cause of my insomnia, I'm just adjusting" I explain. His hand rests on my cheek and I can almost see the cogs turning in his head as he sorts through what I've just told him.

Then he's dipping his head to kiss me, his lips ferocious yet sweet.

Taking a few steps back, I pull him with me knowing that the dinning table is not far behind.

When my back hits the edge he helps me
up onto the hard surface, his hands gripping my hips. He steps between my legs and feathers kisses down my neck while I squeeze my thighs around him. Closer, I want him closer.

Reaching between us I stroke his already hard dick, teasing him slowly. His eyes snap to mine, desperation clear in his gorgeous irises.

"Yes, touch me like that Darling. Feels so good"

"You're so drives me wild" I confess, stroking harder.

He takes my face in his hands, nudging further between my thighs, his hips rocking.

"I have no self control when you're around. I don't know what's happening to me" he growls, excitement mixed with panic in his tone. He looks at me as if begging to be saved and holy hell do I wanna save him.

"I don't know what's happening to me either. I'm usually so focused. Now I can barely think straight" I tell him, gasping as he teases my clit with his thumb.

"Darling it seems we're both having issues. Maybe this will make it better..." he sighs shifting his hips while I guide his cock inside me. The talking stops immediately, replaced by moans and sighs as he thrusts deep.

I think he's right, this does make it all better. My mind is clear and all I'm registering is the amazing feeling of him in and around me. I can hear his whispers of pleasure and they only add to my own.

"Sofia, you feel so good...never felt anything so amazing...fuck...sweetest thing ever...mine..."

If I could record his breathless compliments I'd play them over and over. It's the most wonderful feeling to not only get pleasure from someone but to know you're giving it back too. It feels like more than that as his words become unguarded.

"...fucking hell...I'll take care of you Sofia..."

He already knows the signs I show when I'm close to cumming so his pace picks up speed like I told him yesterday that I liked. His lips smother mine for a few precious moments and when we pull apart for air I'm able to compliment him right back.

"Ah fill me so perfectly...I want you to cum inside me again"

"Fuck, yes!" He growls, his rough final thrusts setting my orgasm off like a firework explosion. Honestly I think I'm shot off into the stratosphere as my body tries to deal with all of the euphoric feelings coursing through it because of this mans amazing skills.

"Oh Patrick! Yes! Mmmm baby you are fantastic!" I scream, my body going numb.

As he cums, his slumps into me, his face nestled in my neck. I hold him to me, my legs wrapping around him. Clenching my pussy, I try to draw out every last bit of pleasure from him. His muffled moans suggests that it worked and his arms slide lazily around my waist.

"Jesus Christ...that was out of this world" he gasps pulling himself up a little to lean his forehead on mine.

"Tell me about it" I giggle.

Nothing compares to this. Nothing. My little heart is trying to keep up my emotions. He gazes at me in the low light and I can't find any words to say.

I know right then and there that I want to be his everything.

I just don't know if I'm enough to fill that spot.

He leads me back to his bed and with my mind pacified, I begin to fall asleep.

Only, Patrick must thing I'm already in dream land because he whispers:

"I hope you stay Sofia. I know I'm not perfect but I really want to make you happy"

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