The Unexpected || Bakugou x U...

By LifeAsWeKnowIt00

172K 6.3K 3.9K

"Most people want to be circled by safety, not by the unexpected. The unexpected can take you out. But the un... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty - Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty - Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty - One
Chapter Forty - Two
Chapter Forty - Three
Chapter Forty - Four
Chapter Forty - Five
Chapter Forty - Six
Chapter Forty - Seven
Chapter Forty - Eight
Chapter Forty - Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty - One
Chapter Fifty - Two
Note From Me

The End

2.1K 72 54
By LifeAsWeKnowIt00

The One - Kodaline || "'Cause you make my heart feel like it's summer when the rain is pouring down. You make my whole world feel so right when it's wrong. That's why I know you are the one"

Throwing my books into my backpack I quickly made my way down the dorm staircase. It was officially the last day of school and I wasn't really sure how I would handle it. Bakugou and I have gotten even closer since the cherry blossom festival.

He still feels a bit weird with PDA but has surprisingly gotten better. It always shocked me when he would wrap his arm around my waist pulling me in close in front of our classmates, but I enjoyed the fact that he felt comfortable doing it.

Stepping through the entryway my eyes instantly met his. Bakugou stood leaned against the wall with his hands in his pockets, but upon my arrival pushed himself off slouching as he walked up to me.

"Ready to go?" he asked turning his chin up at me with a half smile. I nod punching my fist in the air.

"Last day of school!" I say cheerfully trying to make the day start out positive even though I knew that after dinner I would be leaving for my placement. He chuckled rolling his eyes.

"Give me your bag loser" He grabbed at the pink backpack throwing it over his shoulder. Walking through the crowds of other students on their way to school Bakugou began scolding anyone who even looked his way with a smile. I giggled to myself as he turned his head at me.

"Oh you think its funny?" he laughed hip bumping me hard enough for me to stumble but gentle enough that I kept my footing.

"Just, just bahahahah!" I couldn't even continue my statement without laughing as his teeth grit in front of me still gripping tightly to the pink backpack strap "Just- pink really suits you!"

Using his free hand he bopped me gently on the head, "Fuck off" he grunted turning his head quick trying to hide the smile spreading on his face.

Rubbing my head dramatically I quickly ran up to walk beside him as he threw his hand down. I stopped in my tracks looking down at his hand as he continued walking. Noticing I wasn't walking beside him he quickly stopped turning around with a straight face.

"Is everything alright? You're feeling ok right?" I say causing him to laugh out loud as I walked up beside him looking him in the eyes trying to read if he was kidding. With everyone walking around us I was not expecting Bakugou of all people to go full PDA. I knew it was sorta fine around our class, but now we were walking beside the rest of the school.

"Ochaco, I can't keep pretending..." He looked down so seriously before continuing, "I can't keep pretending we aren't something. I want everyone to know your mine, that I'm your boyfriend. I love the hell out of you and I don't care who hears me, well kinda".

I tried not to giggle at his seriousness but a small chuckle escaped. Upon hearing me his head shot up with a clenched jaw.

"WHAT?! WHAT I SAY!?" He yelled as a bright red hue spread across his cheeks causing me to laugh more.

"Katsuki, I really think everyone already knows by now though.." I sigh standing before him as other classmates passed by waving at us. I look back up to him smiling sincerely as he turned his head back towards the school.

"Well are you going to hold my hand or what loser?" he scoffed with a half grin. I quickly reached out and grabbed hold of his hand. Hearing some slight gasps around us didn't really bother me much as we continued on our short walk to school. We didn't say much but I could feel the heat exuding off of Bakugou's hands so I knew he was feeling nervous. This was totally out of his comfort zone and I knew that, but he wanted to make it very known that I was his and he was mine.

As we approached the main doors to our classroom I noticed the hallways clear out a bit. I walked up to the door quickly pressing my hand against it, but before I could open it Bakugou was pulling me back beside him. I felt his hand loosen up and let go of mine as he leaned forward looking both ways down the hallway before kissing my cheek. "Love you" He cooed as my heart skipped a beat. My face was a dull red as he pushed the door open holding it for me as I walked into class as everyone's eyes looked in our direction. Almost at the same time, everyone's faces turned to a big grin as I covered my face running to my desk. I completely forgot Bakugou still had my backpack as he walked down the aisles cooly setting it beside my desk causing me to look up. I could feel the eyes on us as smiled, "Thanks Katsuki" I whispered as he smiled sticking his hands in his pockets, "Don't mention it Angel Face".


Bakugou practically jumped out of his skin from the whole class gushing in unison.

"OH FUCK OFF YOU LOSERS!" he hollered as everyone covered their faces in a sad attempt to hide their laughter and trying their best to not let him see them laughing. 

--- That night ---

After dinner, I made my way to my room to pack up the last few things before my ride came. As I rolled up some shirts a few quickly caught my eye. A small pile of familiar large black shirts. Smiling to myself I lift them up and hold them close to my chest. I was already bringing some pictures and other mementos of Bakugou's, but for whatever reason, I couldn't part with these.

Hearing a faint knock in the distance I quickly jump dropping the shirts on the top of my suitcase.

"COME IN!" I yell hearing the door squeak open. 

"Hey, just me" Bakugou hummed as I heard his footsteps approach slowly behind me.

I quickly felt his arms wrap around my waist as he rested his chin on my shoulder. I continued folding my clothes as he watched. Though my heart was breaking knowing I was leaving him, there was no reason to start getting sad just yet.

"I see you're taking my shirts?" I could feel a smile spread against my chin as I put a strand of hair behind my ear.

"well, uhm -"

"Don't worry about it, they're yours. I'm just so flattered you want to take my nasty old shirts" he chuckled as my knees shook. I was trying my best to keep it inside, but as his booming laughter filled the room I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Hey, hey now..." he sighed turning me around pulling me in against his chest, "I'm sorry, I-I'm just trying to make light of the situation, but in reality, I'm coming off like an asshole".

Wrapping my arms around his waist I inhale the smell of his cologne once again wondering when the next time I smell it again will be. I felt his large palm flatten the loose hairs on the back of my head as a smile spread on my face.

"I'm just going to miss you so much" I murmured against his chest before feeling him pull away leaning down to meet my gaze.

"Ochaco, I'm going to miss you so much more, words cannot even describe how empty I'm about to feel when you go, but everything will work out" feeling the tears roll slowly down my cheeks as I sniffle back anymore from coming out as Bakugou rubbed his thumb against my cheekbone, "Plus we live in the 21st fucking century, you better believe I'll be calling and texting as much as possible". I couldn't hold back the smile on my face from his statement, it was so him it was hard not to.

"There, that's the smile I want to remember before you go. None of these tears" He smiled at me warmly before kissing my forehead sweetly.

"Plus I got something for you" he announced causing me to cock my head, "Yeah, well since we're going to be so far away I thought to get you something so you wouldn't forget me while your kicking villain ass"

Bakugou's hand extended out holding a small box nestled perfectly in his palm. I stood in astonishment at the dark red box in his hand. After closer inspection, I realized it was a jewelry box. Looking down at the box then back at him as I remained standing still.

"Well open it!" he demanded as his cheeks turned pink.

Reaching out with shaky hands I pulled the red box down from his hands and held it before me. I once again looked up at him then back down at the box before I slowly opened the lid. Looking into the box I saw a shiny necklace catch my eye. The gold necklace was laid gently in the box with a very dainty gold heart in the center. Bringing my hand up to the small heart I slowly brushed my fingers across it.

"Turn it over" Bakugou interrupted as he stepped closer now standing over me as I carefully flipped the heart exposing a small K on the back.

"K for Katsuki if you weren't sure," he said confidently, but his flustered face said differently. There is no way he would ever tell me the lengths he went to get this. To get it engraved in this delicate cursive K on such a small piece of jewelry must have cost a lot. Not to mention, he walked into a jewelry store looking at heart necklaces.

"Katsuki... I- I adore this! You did not have to do this for me..." I stare up at him lovingly feeling so much excitement.

"Oh it's nothing Ochaco, please" he scoffed as he smiled to himself knowing he did good, "here lets put it on" he hummed as he stepped forward placing the necklace gently around my neck securing the clasp.

As the cool material laid against my collar bone, a shiver was sent down my spine as Bakugou leaned forward kissing my shoulder.

"Let's see"

Turning around slowly I watched as the sweetest smile grew up his face. He looked so proud as he stared at me happily wearing his initial around my neck. As quickly as his smile spread so did the tears building up in his eyes. I stepped forward placing my hand to his cheek catching a few tears before they fell.

"Sorry sorry..." he said quickly before clearing his throat, "It's just, I was such a fool to let you slip away before and then I spent a whole school year trying to regain your trust and to finally get you back... now I have to say just all fucking sucks" his hushed tone accompanied by tears pained me to watch as I stared at him.

"Bakugou, like you said everything is going to work out, I love you and that's all that matters. We will be back together soon" I felt the tears now seep from my eyes as he smiled crookedly at me nodding his head slightly. Hearing my phone vibrate on my desk beside us made me jump a bit. I already knew what it was for as I wiped my eyes feeling a lump grow in my throat.

"Let's carry your stuff downstairs then" Bakugou wiped his eyes with his sleeve smiling as he quickly pushing down his loose shirts to fit before zipping up the suitcase.

It felt like the shortest walk as we made our way to the black car waiting outside for me. The rest of the class was waiting in the lobby for us as they hugged me goodbye one by one. Last of course was Bakugou. He was looking at the ground holding back tears as his eyes slowly looked up to mine. I didn't even care that everyone was around us as I jumped into his arms holding him close. Feeling his gentle hands wrap around me almost caused me to start crying again, but I knew I needed to remain strong.

"I'm going to miss you so much, don't ever doubt my love for you", he sighed into my ear as a chill went down my spine. As we slowly pulled away I looked up at him on my tippy toes nodding my head, "Love you" I sigh watching as a soft smile cracks on his face. I wiped his eyes quickly with my thumb before stepping back.

Bakugou reached out for my hand as he held my luggage with his free hand as he walked me to the car. Handing the luggage off to the driver as he opened the door for me. His crimson eyes beamed down at me as my knees shook.

"Have an awesome time and give me a call when you get settled," he remarked reaching out for my hand holding it in his gently.

"You'll be my first call Katsuki" I beamed as my eyes glossed up again but Bakugou pulled me in for another tight hug before the tears could fall again. The rest of the class stood on the front steps watching with sad eyes as we held each other one last time. We always made light saying we would see each other here and there, but we weren't stupid. It was going to be hard seeing each other due to how busy we would be. That is why this last hug meant so much.

Pulling away one last time Bakugou kissed my forehead as he gave me a nod of his head. Like ripping a bandaid off I steadily lowered myself into the car still holding onto his hand. He leaned over into the car giving me one last kiss before he slowly stepped back letting go of my hand.

"I'll see you soon Ochaco" he smiled as the moon reflected off of his teary eyes before he closed the door. I could still see his face through the window as he turned his chin up sniffling hard as he flexed his jaw showing me one last smile as the engine started up before pulling away.

As I waved goodbye to Bakugou I watched as his smile faded to a frown the further I went. I jumped up in the backseat to look through the rear window watching as his hand lowered slowly. Kirishima was walking down the stairs to put a hand on his shoulder as they slowly dissolved from my line of sight. Feeling the tears build up in my eyes I slowly lower down to my seat.  I was so excited about this new opportunity, but at the same time was realizing how hard it was going to be so far from Bakugou, my now boyfriend and my whole world.

Bringing my hand up to the heart necklace made me smile through the wave of tears coating my face. Bakugou wouldn't want me to sit around crying during this internship though. He would want me to experience it to the fullest, then when we were reunited we would laugh and talk about our experiences. I held onto those thoughts as the car drove quickly down the highway.

I didn't know what our relationship had in store but all I knew is that our love was so strong and I would go to war for it.



This was such a hard ending for me to write. Unfortunately, not all stories have the happy endings we hope for, but that doesn't mean they aren't beautiful. I hope you aren't upset with it being a cliffhanger ending. I went back and forth so many times on this one, but I think subconsciously I knew I didn't want this story to end just yet.

Leading into my next segment: an epilogue is coming your way.

I am also feeling creative and am so open to any suggestions on any other projects you would like to see me do.
[[one shots? or a new story?]]

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