Leaning on You(FF7)

By Mrs_Strife

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COMPLETED First book: Lean on Me Life's looking up for the members of Avalanche. They're starting families... More

62- The End


105 4 1
By Mrs_Strife

~Cloud's POV~

"Ew, Daddy's not wearing a shirt!" A high pitched voice squeals and then laughs.

"Mama's headband fell off!" Another one giggles. I groan and pull the covers up over our heads. Yuffie turns and curls into my chest.

"Thanks," she mumbles. I just pull her closer and enjoy the warmth all around us.

"Denzel! Daddy's not wearing his shirt!"

"Um... that's great? Why do I care?"

"It's gross. He has boy boobies!"

"...... Why don't we go get breakfast?"


"Thank Shiva for him," I mutter and Yuffie laughs lightly, pushing back and yawning.

"Morning Cloud."

"Morning Yuffie."

"Ready to see your dad?" she wiggles her eyebrows.

"No," I reply flatly. This is going to be awful. It'll be all I can do not to punch him or draw my sword and finish him off. Why the heck is he even alive?!

"Too bad," she grins, pulling the blankets away. Cold air meets my bare skin and I shiver, pulling the covers more tightly around me.

"Nope, we're gettin up," she rips them off and I groan, watching her walk away with my warmth. I grab my clothes from yesterday and dump them in the laundry basket, going upstairs to take a shower and get dressed. Hot water rolls off my back and relaxes my tense muscles. I wish I could stay in here forever, but thirty minutes is plenty long enough. Besides, the water's getting cold. I step out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my waist and begin to brush my teeth.

Suddenly, I see a pinkish and brown blob behind me in the foggy mirror. Aeris smirks at me when I whip my head around, rolling my eyes.

"You couldn't have waited until I was wearing clothes?"

"Eh, Zack wanted to chat, but he didn't have time. Or energy, it takes a lot of energy to appear like this," she waves a hand over her body.

"Hm," I hum, looking back into the mirror. As crazy as it sounds, those two have visited me in dreams and visions or just appeared like this over the last two years. "So what did he need?"

"I heard you're visiting your dad today," she says casually, picking at her nails and crossing her legs, sitting on the edge of the bathtub.

"Yeah? And? It's by force," I shrug, spitting the minty paste out of my mouth.

"I think you should give him a chance," she looks up, the reflection of her green eyes burning into mine. I sigh and shake my head.

"Why on earth would I do that?"

"He's changed, Cloud. You might not see it right away and you might not forgive him, but he's different."

"How so?"

"I wish I could show you but I can't. Besides, some things are best learned on your own."

"That's not always true, but whatever," I shrug.

"That's why I said some things," she rolls her eyes. I raise an eyebrow at her attitude. "Sorry, the Lifestream can be a rough place to hang out in sometimes."

"I thought you lived in Hero's Haven?"

"We do. I said hang out. You deaf?"

"Sorry," I mutter, swishing mouthwash through my teeth.

"Cloud?" Yuffie knocks on the door. "What the heck are you talking to?"

"Aeris," I say before I realize how insane I sound. Aeris giggles and motions for me to open the door.

"Um..." Yuffie looks at me with a frown when I open the door.

"See?" Aeris waves and Yuffie's face pales. It looks like she's seen a ghost. Oh wait...


"Hi? What in Shiva's name..." she pinches the bridge of her nose. "I'm going insane."

"Nope," I shake my head, going through the cabinet. "Where're the kids?"

"I still have to meet them," Aeris grins.

"Sorry, I don't think it'd be a good thing if Kara started telling people her best friend was a ghost," Yuffie shakes her head. "And downstairs with Denzel."

"Well it was nice seeing you again, Cloud," she nods toward me and then smiles at Yuffie. "You two, Single White Rose of Wutai."

"Don't call me that," Yuffie glares at her.

"Byee," she waves and then disappears.

"I'm going to forget I just saw that and hope that she didn't watch you shower," Yuffie mumbles, hugging me from behind.

"Ew, of course she didn't. She wasn't even there until I started brushing my teeth."

"Mhmm," she hums in disbelief before letting go. "Hurry up, we have to drive to Rocket Town and then back here." I groan and finish getting dressed after she leaves, going downstairs to find Denzel just leaving and the twins ready to go.

"Look at you, all ready to go and stuff," I wiggle my eyebrows at Kara and she giggles, hugging onto my arm.

"Daddy's wearing cloves now!"

"Clothes," I correct with a chuckle and pull my boots on.

"To Rockets!" Michael jumps up and down, clapping like always.

"Rockets?" I raise an eyebrow at Yuffie.

"He thinks we're gonna go see a rocket," she rolls her eyes.

"He's in for a rude awakening," I laugh. "Cid is nowhere near a rocket."

"He's a grump old man," she shakes her head.

"Are we gonna see Gramps?" Kara asks me. I burst out laughing and Yuffie sighs.

"Sure. But he's not really your grandpa."

"I know!"

"Who's my grandpa?" Mickey asks, itching his cheek. My smile falls and I ignore his question, instead opening the door and rushing them outside. Yes, I do take them places on my motorcycle. Yes, Yuffie did get her own. Yes I'm terrified for poor Kara's life...

"Helmet!" Michael squeals and pulls it over his head, the extra large helmet making his head wobble. I laugh and take it off him, putting the smaller one on and then pulling my shades on. I don't care if people say this isn't safe, we don't have the money for a car at the moment.

Kara waves at me and then we're off, Mikey hugging to the front of the bike as we ride down the road and along the long bridge that leads to the continent I grew up on. Somehow Zack and I made it from Nibelheim to Midgar after we escaped the Shinra Mansion and Hojo's cruel grasp. I don't remember most of that run, mostly because I was sorta mentally disabled at the time. I just remember listening to Zack as he told me about his plans as we sat in the back of that yellow pick up truck, just hours before he died.

"That was fun, huh?" I laugh, watching Mikey climb of the bike and stumble a little before he falls.

"I'm dizzy," he giggles, taking his helmet off.

I take it and put it in the back of my bike, the pieces of my fusion swords glinting from where they rest in the side of my motorcycle. My fingers itch to wrap themselves around the solid hilt and feel the weight of the large blade, but I ignore the urges and wait patiently for Yuffie to help Kara off her bike, grabbing the bag that contains all of Michael's allergy and asthma stuff, plus a fee things to keep Kara entertained. Then she smiles at me and knocks on the door. Shera opens it a few seconds later, a big smile spreading across her face as I awkwardly stand behind my little gang, looking up at the sky and then the ground and then Kara.

"Look who's here, Cid!"

"I told you I can't..." he appears in the doorway black oil stains on his usual light blue shirt and dark gray streaks in his pale hair. "Already?"

"Sorry, we've come to take over the Highwind house," Yuffie laughs and Mikey moves behind me, hugging my leg and sticking his thumb in his mouth. Such a shy kid...

"At a good time too," Cid grumbles, going back inside. He's obviously working on something and he hates to be interrupted, which is probably why he's so grouchy. "Shera, get me some gosh dang tea."

''Fine," she rolls her eyes. "Later though."

"But... Whatever, I gotta wash all this crap off me anyway."

"Sorry, he's been in a bad mood all day," she rolls her eyes and moves out of the way, motioning for us to enter the house. The last time I was here was when we were attacked by the Remnants in Cid's garage.

"It's fine, I'm used to it, as I'm sure you are too," I chuckle. "I swear he's bipolar."

"Eh, not quite. But almost."

Mikey still clings to my leg as I move toward Yuffie, Kara already warming up to Shera. I don't remember if they've ever met, but Mikey's shy around everyone, so it wouldn't matter if he's been with her a million times, he'd still hide.

"So who's this little boy," she smiles, kneeling in front of him. His eyes widen and he moves behind my leg a little bit more. "I'm Shera."

"Michael," he says quietly.

"It's nice to meet you." I smile at the sweet voice she uses to convince him that she's a friend.

"Okay, so who're these people?" Cid comes back out. "Kayla and Nigel?"

"Kara and Michael," Yuffie laughs, shaking her head. "You're an idiot, Cid."

"Hey, I was close," he defends, crossing his big arms.

"You gotta little somethin," Shera points to his forehead, where another blackish mark stains his skin. He looks up and fails to see it.


"Here," she rubs it off with her finger. He raises an eyebrow as she just stands there in front of him, staring at him.

"Um... Can you save your awkward moment until after we leave?" Yuffie laughs and Cid blushes, taking a step away from her.

"We should get going anyway," I sigh, reluctant to see my father, but I just want to get this over with.

"What're you two doing anyway?" Cid frowns.

"His dad's in the Wutai hospital and so I'm making him go visit him," Yuffie explains while I glare at the wall across from me.

"Wait, the same dad that... I thought he was dead," Cid frowns.

"So did I," I say tensely, Shera looking between us in confusion.

"And I forgot to call my cousin and see if he could watch them and he wouldn't answer his phone, so I just called Shera this morning," Yuffie continues.

"As in your emperor cousin?"


"So why not just take the kids to see their grandpa?" Shera frowns. "Not that I mind watching them."

"Sher," Cid mutters. "I'll tell you later."

"Okay," she shrugs.

"Let's get goin," Yuffie moves for the front door. "Thanks for taking them off our hands, guys."

"I never agreed to this," Cid shakes his head. Shera rolls her eyes.

"No problem."

"Mikey, I gotta go, okay?" I kneel in front of the boy that won't release my pant leg.

"But I scared," he whimpers, eyeing Cid. The pilot chuckles and directs his attention toward Kara, who's jumping all around him.

"Why? They're nice," I try to reason with him.

"Not them. The bad guy," he shakes his head quickly. "He's gonna get me." My heart skips but I ignore it.

"You'll be fine. No one is gonna get you."

"Okay," he nods, letting me go. I send an exasperated look toward the Highwinds and leave the house.

"Race you to the hospital," Yuffie wiggles her eyebrows at me.

"Don't get pulled over," I laugh, hopping on my bike and passing her easily. "I'll beat you though."

"Hey!" She protests loudly.


"I told you I'd beat you," I smirk, lifting my shades. Yuffie groans and shoves my shoulder lightly.

"You cheated."


"I don't know, you just did."

"Don't you trust me more than that?" I tease, holding the front door open for her.

"Nope," she smiles slyly and plants a short kiss on my lips. I bite the inside of my cheek and ignore my unsteady heartbeat. He deserves to be dead. Why isn't he dead? He should be dead. Maybe he is dead and we're all insane. I like that a lot better.

"Who're you visiting," the grumpy front desk lady asks. Then we go all the way through her stupid Q and A time before being allowed to proceed down the hall.

"Ready?" Yuffie looks back at me, finding my dad's room by memory.

"No. Maybe we should just pretend I'm blind," I suggest hopefully, pulling my glasses back down.

"No," she laughs, taking them off my head. "Don't be ridiculous. Cmon."

"But... But..."

"Cloud," she pulls me down to her and kisses me softly for a few moments. "Let's go."

Then she opens the door, walking in confidently.

"Oh hey Nurse Yuffie," he says in his scratchy voice. I follow her slowly, dragging my feet and hiding my face as well as I can behind my hair. "I thought you said you wouldn't be here today."

"I'm not here for work, I just brought someone to say hi." That's when he notices me, frowning.

"And who exactly is that?"

"You don't recognize me?" I ask hopefully, still not looking at him.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

"Nope. You totally do not know me and I totally do not know you and so I'm gonna go now," I turn and begin to walk out do the room.

"Cloud." Yuffie scolds sternly and I stop in mid step, cringing. Shoot shoot shoot, you said my name you idiot!

"Wait... Cloud who?" my dad asks. I glare at Yuffie and she shrugs. Don't you dare...


"Cloud Strife. As in my son?" he sits up and I just stare at the floor.

"You have a son?" Yuffie plays dumb.

"Yeah. Or did. I was told he died," he eyes me suspiciously.

"That sucks, huh," I mutter, not moving.

"You wouldn't happen to know him, would you?" I stare at my feet hesitantly before shaking my head. "Nope." Then I leave the room.

"Cloud," Yuffie hisses, grabbing my arm.

"What? He thinks I'm dead. That's a goof think right Why not just leave it that way?"

"Because it's not right, now cmon. We're not leaving until I say so."

"But..." I start, but she grabs my arm and pulls me back to the room, pushing me down into a chair. At least it's a few yards away from him.

"He was just kidding. He knows your son very well," Yuffie gives me a look.

"How's life?" My dad laughs, looking at me. I sigh, taking my shades off and shoving then in my pocket.

"You mean before or after you left?" I say tensely.

"I mean now," he says calmly. No emotion, not a single apology for what he put me and my mother through. "How's your mother?"

"Why do you care?" I shoot back.

"I was just asking," he grumbles.

"Dead." His gray eyes widen at my blunt answer, but I ignore him, still staring at my shoes. At least he hasn't punched me yet.

"So, uh..." Yuffie starts. "How'd you end up here?" She already knows.

"Car wreck," he shrugs.

"Drinking and driving again, huh?" I say bitterly. He watches me for a few moments before shaking his head.

"I left alcohol a long time ago, son."

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't call me that," I glare at him.

"Why not? You are, aren't you."

"Yes, but I'd rather not be reminded."

"Ah, I see. You're ashamed of me. That, or still afraid." I'm not afraid. He reaches over to touch my arm and I jerk away my heart pounding a couple times. Okay, maybe I am. But he's that childhood fear I won't ever get over.


"Shut up," I mutter. He and Yuffie manage to keep up a conversation for a few minutes before he practically interrogates her.

"So you knew him this whole time and you didn't tell me?" he scoffs.

"Sorry, he kept saying no," she rolls her eyes at me. I remain silent, curled up in the uncomfortable chair and playing with my phone.

"How many times did she ask you?" he looks at me and I shrug.

"A lot. Especially at one in the morning."

"You called him at one in the morning?"

".... No, I walked to the kitchen and bugged him about it." Yuffie frowns.

"So wait...." he cocks his brown/gray haired head to the side. Then he catches a glimpse of Yuffie's wedding ring. "Hold up, you're married?!" he looks at me, eyes wide. I roll my eyes.

"Yeah, and why does it matter? I'm definitely not taking advice from you."

"Fine by me," he shrugs. My phone buzzes and I open up the text I just received.

*Please come get your dang kids out of my house. Keara is the devil.* ~Cid

*It's Kara, moron. And thank goodness, I was about to die!*

I sigh with relief and stand.

"Cid wants us to go pick up the kids," I say to Yuffie.


"It's almost been an hour," I whine, avoiding my dad's face as he stares at us.

"Fine, fine. But Cid's so whiney."

"So am I," I shrug.

"Kids too? Where the heck have I been?" My dad frowns, rubbing the top of his head.

"Away from me and where you belonged," I smirk and Yuffie hits my arm.

"You don't suppose I could ever meet them..."

"Nope. Never," I shake my head and Yuffie sighs, opening the door. "I don't trust you around them. And I never will."

"You'd be surprised." I pause for a second, taking in his smile. It's so fake. Everything he's done around Yuffie and I today, it's fake! He's such a liar.

"Don't you ever touch my kids," I growl at him before leaving.

Yuffie touches my arm lightly but I jerk away and stomp to the exit. He's such a deceiver... He's even got my own freaking wife believing that he's changed. He's no different, I can see it in his eyes. His still the same hateful Skyler Alexander Strife with his gray eyes and graying brown hair, the deep scar that curls over his eyebrow, and the scratchy voice that makes me want to rip my ears off. Every time I looked at him, painful memories filled my mind.

That day I got a C on my history test and he cussed me out and slapped me.

The day he got away with lying to my principal when he asked why I was so skinny.

The night he stabbed my mom in the stomach and then beat me up, throwing me out into the freezing rain with nowhere to go. And what kind of stranger is going to take in a scrawny ten year old boy that's known for stealing food?

"Cloud," Yuffie stops me, a hand on my shoulder. I sigh and look back at her.


"You okay?"

"Of course I'm not freaking okay?! What kind of a question is that?"

"I was just asking, you seemed a little zoned out."

"I just can't let him... Now I've gotta keep two people away from you guys and..."

"He didn't seem that bad, Cloud."

"Exactly what he wants you to think. I can read him like a book, he's faking it all."

"It's fine, it's not like we invited him to come live in our attic. He's staying there for a few more days and then moving into his apartment a couple blocks away from our house. We'll be fine."

"I hope," I mutter. She mumbles something to herself and wraps her arms around my waist, pulling me into a tight hug. I hug her back, which is really all I can do. How many more of these hugs will I get before Sephiroth comes back?

"Better?" she pulls away. I shake my head with a small smirk and connect my lips to hers, pulling her closer by the small of her back.

"There, all better little Cloudy Woudy," she teases, hopping onto her bike.

"Let's go save Cid from our demon children," I mumble, laughing to myself as I speed off, Yuffie right behind me.







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