Hayes Grier Imagines

By sydney1326

389K 5.3K 825

I thought you guys might like these:) Accepting any ideas, requests, or personal requests, just leave them i... More

#1- Family Cookout
#2- Family Cookout pt. 2
#3- Family Cookout pt 3
#4- First Date
#5- Campfire
#6- imagine for Haley
#7- Big Fight
#8- Big Fight pt 2
#9- Imagine for Andrea
#10- Imagine for Alyssa
#11- Trust pt.1
#12- Trust pt. 2
#13- It's gonna be okay
#14- Penny Boarding
#15- Spain vs. Australia pt 1.(for Alex)
#16- Spain vs. Australia pt. 2 (for Alex)
A/N: im back!!
#18- Something New(for Menna)
#19- New Girl
#20- New Girl pt.2
#21- imagine for Caitlin
#22- imagine for kaydyn
#23- Imagine for Courtney
A/N: clearing things up
24- Meeting the Fam
I'm back!!!

#17- Bad Day turned Good (for Hope)

8.8K 138 29
By sydney1326

A/N: soooooo I'm back!!! I miss you guyss:) I'm taking any requests at the moment..and by any I mean like any of the boys, they don't have to be just for Hayes..just puttin that out there. Anyways, it's good to be back and I hope y'all enjoy!

Xoxo, sydney😘


*Hope's POV*

"Hope. It's time to get up." I barely heard someone say as they nudged me back and forth. "Hope, let's go." I slightly opened my eyes to see my mom hovering over me. "Ahh good you're awake." She said with a big smile on her face. "Uugh mom, it's only 10." I complained before rolling over on my stomach. "I know but you remember my friend Elizabeth right? The one that I work with?" I slightly nod my head as I lift my body out of bed and head over to my closet to get a sweatshirt. "Good! Well, she invited us to go on her boat for the day. We're meeting them at the dock at 12:00 so be ready by then." "Why do I have to go? There's gonna be no kids there." I snapped. "Nuh uh..She has four kids. Will, whose the oldest, Nash whose 16, Hayes whose your age, and Skylynn who's 5, so you'll have plenty of fun." And with that, she walked out of the room. Ugggh, I thought to myself, why do I have to go. In the mean time, I went downstairs, checked twitter, ate breakfast, showered and got my bathing suit on. By the time I was finished getting ready, it was 12:00. "Hope it's time to go!" I heard my mom yell from the bottom of the steps. I quickly grabbed my phone and headed downstairs.

*At the Docks*

My mom and I got out of our car and started to head down to the docks. I couldn't help but be in a bad mood.

"Sweetie at least look like you wanna be here. And besides, you never know, you could end up having fun." My mom said as she checked her phone for any new messages. As soon as we approached their boat, I saw him. Hayes Grier. The Hayes Grier. How did I not know that that's who my mom was talking about?!?! I'm such an idiot omigod! I thought to myself. I acted like I didn't know who he or his brother was and tried to act semi-normal. I watched as my mom and Elizabeth jumped up and down in excitement and hugged, "Elizabeth, this is my daughter, Hope."

"Awwh hi swettie!! It's so nice to meet you!" She said hugging me. "Nice to meet you to!" I said while laughing. "Wow you are so gorgeous honey." Elizabeth said with her hands on my shoulders. I could feel everybody's eyes on me now, including Hayes'. I couldn't help but blush. "Thank you." I said while looking down at my feet. "Oh Hope, I almost forgot! These are my two sons Nash and Hayes." Elizabeth said pointing at them. "And my daughter Skylynn. Boys, Skylynn, this is Hope." She said with the biggest smile on her face. "Hi.." I said while getting on the boat. "Hey." Hayes said while winking, which made my heart pound faster and faster. "Hey Hope." Nash said, and gave a little wave.

As Elizabeth's husband started the boat up, I sat down and checked my phone. I felt someone sit next to me so I put my phone away in my bag.

"So, what brings you here on this fine sunny day." Hayes said very cockily (A/N: idek if that's a word, but we're just gonna say it is)while kicking back, and placing his arm around me.

"Uuuh...my mom made me come." He probably thought I wanted to come because of him. "Not because of you." I snapped and scooted away from him.

"Woaaah baaaabe." he said throwing his hands up. "Easy there."

I gave Hayes the nastiest face I could make, "Don't. Call me babe." I sat there in disgust, I didn't get up because I didn't wanna make a scene or cause drama. Moments passed before Hayes got up and started putting on the gear to go wake boarding. When he got up on his wakeboard in the water, he started doing all these tricks while trying to impress me. And I have to admit, I was impressed, but I wasn't going to let it show. Nash went next as soon as Hayes got off, this time Hayes sat on the opposite side of the boat. Thank God, I thought to myself. Hours passed as me and Hayes continued to ignore each other and as I only talked to Nash, just to piss off Hayes. As we pulled into the dock, the sun looked beautiful setting over the lake, so I decided to take a picture. "Awwh! We have to take a picture of you four kids with the sunset in the back!" Elizabeth said once she saw me. All of us groaned, but did as Elizabeth wanted, only to make her happy. I stood in between Nash and Hayes, while Nash held Skylynn in his right arm. I felt Hayes' slip around the bottom of my waist which made me flinch, but at the same time I enjoyed it. "Awwh, that's such a sweet picture, thank you, you guys!" Elizabeth gushed.
"Honey we're gonna go back to Elizabeth's house for a fire, okay?" My mom said walking up to me. I put on my best face and nodded.
**At Fire**
The crackles and pops of the burning fire and the light conversation going around filled my ears as I stared into the hot blazing pit. I could feel Hayes' eyes on me but every time I looked at him, his gaze was somewhere else. I looked once more and he wasn't there. I must be hallucinating, I thought to myself.
"Hey." I felt someone whisper in my ear from behind, which caused me to jump. I turned around only to see Hayes standing there with a snap back on backwards and his hands in his front pockets of his khakis, I turned back around and focused on the fire.
"Look, I think we got off on the wrong foot. Follow me and I can make it better." He whispered, sending chills down my spine. I sat there for a second debating on whether I should go or not. I finally got up and followed him out of his back yard and onto a field.
"You're not gonna like, murder me or anything, right." I said before sitting down next to him.
"No." He said while laughing. Dayum he had a hot laugh . "I just wanna talk."
"About what." I said staring into the darkness.
"Look Hope, Im sorry about how I acted earlier today. I don't know what came over me, I guess I got nervous in front of a beautiful girl like you. I can promise you I'm not like that at all."
I couldn't help but giggle, "It's alright Hayes. I'm sorry I snapped at you."
"Alright so now that we're on good terms here, tell me about yourself."
"Well..." I began. I told him all about moving to North Carolina because of my moms job, how I grew up, my friends and my family. He told me alllll about Vine, breaking apart from Magcon, how he grew up. At least an hour had passed and you could say we were already pretty close. A silence came upon us and all you could hear were the crickets chirping in the background. I could feel Hayes' eyes on me once again. "What." I said while looking up at the stars. "Nothing." Hayes whispered, still staring at me. "You're just so beautiful, I can't help but stare." I blushed and looked down at my lap. "Hayes." I said before turning my head. Our faces were just centimeters apart. Hayes bit his lip and stared into my eyes. He leaned in closer so our lips just barley touched. He finally moved closer as our lips touched and sparks flew. Our lips moved in sync as Hayes' hand slipped under my chin.
"We should probably head back, it's getting late." Hayes whispered, breaking the kiss. I got up and grabbed his hand, which fit perfectly in mine, and we headed back to his house.
"And that, is how Daddy and I met." I told Hayes' and I six year old daughter before we tucked her into bed.
A/N: soooo what'd you guys think?!?! let me know in the comment down below! so sorry this took so long to write:/ buuuut comment or message me if you want a personal!! Love y'all💕
Xoxo, Sydneyy😘

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