The Unexpected || Bakugou x U...

By LifeAsWeKnowIt00

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"Most people want to be circled by safety, not by the unexpected. The unexpected can take you out. But the un... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty - Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty - Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty - One
Chapter Forty - Two
Chapter Forty - Three
Chapter Forty - Four
Chapter Forty - Five
Chapter Forty - Six
Chapter Forty - Seven
Chapter Forty - Eight
Chapter Forty - Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty - One
Note From Me
The End

Chapter Fifty - Two

2K 75 48
By LifeAsWeKnowIt00

Strings - Shawn Mendes ||  "I love it when you look at me like that and you're the only girl that brings me back 'cause baby I want all the strings attached. It's like always and forever I won't let a moment pass and when I'm with you I feel better. I want all the strings attached."

Staring up into Bakugou's eyes only made me feel worse. He had just let down every wall he meticulously built up through the years for me to get him all nervous again. His eyes looked wounded as I completely pulled the winds from his sails. Flexing his jaw he turned his head at me in a questioning way. 

"Ochaco, what is it?" He said sternly. He was clearly growing impatient as I inhaled deeply. 

"Bakugou, I love you so much." I sigh seeing his jaw tighten once more as I reach for his hands feeling the heat building, "You have the type of heart that anyone would be lucky to have. You don't even realize what a treasure you are... the great ones never do." 

Bakugou's eyes slowly began to soften again as he leaned in closer, "Please, just tell me you're not about to break my heart right now.." 

"I received my palcement Bakugou" I sigh and his head cocks.

"and?..." Bakugou exhaled a bit relieved that it wasn't something worse but still remained tense waiting for the response. 

"It's with Ms. Joke" I say not needing to say more. He already knew that meant I would be relocating for the majority of the summer to the city outside of ours. Bakugou stared intently at me. I watched as his eyes darted to the floor then back at me. 

"Then.. then I guess I was right on time then." 

Turning my head at him in confusion I started waiting for him to continue. I wasn't sure where he was going with this, but he held my hands in his lap as he continued. 

"Ochaco.. I just said how much I love you and how much I am willing to fight for you, for us. That means I won't be going anywhere.." 

I felt like the biggest baby as my eyes teared up for hundredth time today. Though I knew he meant what he said there was also so much pain in his voice. He absolutely was crushed over the fact that we would be in different cities this summer but kept a brave face because he didn't want me to worry. 

"B-but is that something you want?" I stammer fidgetting my fingers, a bit nervous for his response. 

"I want you Ochaco," as the words escaped his lips I watched as they pulled into a half-cocked smile, "If that means letting you go follow your dreams in another city then I will stand beside you, you're my whole world and some distance isn't going to change that". 

I felt a small smile grow on my face from his words as he leaned in to press his forehead against mine. I was no longer some distraction to him, I was his partner and someone he trusted. 

"Plus you're my girlfriend, after all, it's not like I'm worried some fucking losers going to come in and take you from me" He laughed at his words while I froze up. As the term girlfriend left his lips it felt like a lightning bolt pierced my heart as my eyes widened. 

"I mean you are my girlfriend right?" He scoffed winking at me which sent shivers down my spine. 

"O-oh yeah, sorry I just wasn't expecting this response," I say honestly as my eyes still gleamed with tears. 

"Ochaco if you need me to shout it from the fucking rooftop I will" He had a cocky smile on his face as he threw his hands up, "I LOVE YOU PINK CHEEKS!" I couldn't contain my giggles as I held my stomach as it tightened from laughing. 

"I mean shit Ochaco, you're my soulmate.. You have been there from the beginning even when I was a complete dick head to you.." he sighed looking down at the ground before meeting my gaze again, "Someone once told me a soulmate is someone who inspires you to be better than you were. They never judge you for your flaws or mistakes. They look at all your jagged edges, the parts of you that are weathered by life, and the wars you are waging yet still confidently chooses to be beside you..." 

As he took in a breath I watched as two tears rolled slowly down his cheeks. Taking my hand I wiped back the loose tears with my thumb as I smiled at him. I had never heard Bakugou talk so sweetly, so openly in my life. This is what he was hiding underneath that hard exterior that he portrayed. Bakugou looked up at me inhaling as his jaw tightened forcing back the many more tears that were still inside his eyes as he continued. 

"You have always been there Ochaco, always. These past few years I've watched myself grow into someone I really don't like, but you helped me change that course and become someone I am starting to enjoy being around. Even when I pushed you away and turned my back on what we could have been you were always there comforting my internal scars, encouraging me to heal in my own way and on my own time. You understand me more than anyone I've ever met.. it scares the fuck out of me and really got under my skin, but also is why I love you so much. You completely changed my whole outlook on love and giving your all to someone other than yourself." 

My hand remained on his cheek as he continued these sweet words.  Feeling my heart thump inside my chest I was sure he could hear it as he smiled bringing his hand up on top of mine. His jawline relaxed showing his round cheeks as he looked at me with such love. Staring into his eyes I swore I saw all the stars dance in his eyes. I knew I loved Bakugou, but it was in this moment I realized just how much. 

He was far more than what people saw. A true definition of more than meets the eyes. 

Bakugou kissed my cheek before standing up. Stretching his back he looked down at me giving a wink as he extended his hand. "Suns setting so we should probably find somewhere to watch it hm?" 

I jumped up off the bench grabbing hold of his hand rushing over to his side again, "Yes! Let's go!" I yell raising my fist in the air as he laughs wiping his eyes again. 

"You're so goddamn cute Ochaco" he sighed as we made our way down the street. 

This feeling was so strange and a bit terrifying as he pulled me in closer to him. It's overwhelming but also makes me feel comfort and completeness. Like I am in some dangerous natural disaster frantically trying to stay alive, but being safe at the same time. Bakugou had given me so much peace in my life, so much happiness. It felt like my heart was dancing inside my chest as my feet vibrated against the sidewalk. 

Looking up at him as he continued his strides I watched as the wind carried his blond hair from his forehead making me blush. Love is a crazy feeling. You go from complete strangers to now not being able to imagine my life without him. I know I sound like some young girl in love, but I don't care. When I say I love him, I love him more than I could ever love myself.  

The sun continued to lower in the sky causing a dark orange hue to cast over the rest of the horizon. The crowds were beginning to clear out and families made began to move in opposite directions to their homes in the surrounding area. Feeling Bakugou's hand interlocked with mine felt like tiny sparks shooting up my arm as I leaned my head against his tricep. Bakugou slowed up his strides to match mine as we continued down the street. I allowed him to lead me to the location because all I cared about at this point was being beside him. 

Walking up to the location I was stunned to see that he had already had this planned and set up before we even walked over here. The grass was decorated with blankets and pillows for us to sit in and enjoy the sunset. Looking above the mess of plush material I noticed the tree above had white Christmas lights strung up and thrown around half hazard. I laughed thinking about Bakugou trying to put all of those up.

"I had some help" He laughed shoving his free hand in his pocket as he bit down on the inside of his cheek. I giggled, even more, thinking about Kirishima, Denki, and Sero all trying their best to set this up for him.

Looking around the location I quickly began recognizing the location Bakugou was so adamant about and realized why. It was the sitting spot beside the pond he brought me to earlier this year. The first place where he opened up to me, where I realized that the feelings I had for him could never be ignored. It was as if right when I realized I looked up to him and was surprised to see him already watching me. His nose scrunched up a bit from his smile as I squeezed his hand. 

Feeling the cool grass below me I watched as Bakugou awkwardly scratched the back of his neck as he sat beside me. Just when I thought Bakugou couldn't surprise me anymore he pulled this sending my heart into overdrive. 

"Bakugou, this is... I just can't believe you would do this for me" I felt my face blush as I looked over to him as he leaned in resting his hand on my thigh. 

"Stop, I would do anything for you. I am just trying my best to show you how much you mean to me..." Bakugou leaned in kissing my lips tentatively as he ran his fingers through my hair making the kiss more passionate, then tender as his lips softly brushed against mine. I smiled against the kiss causing him to laugh giving me one last kiss before pulling away. 

In the distance, the sun slowly was pulled behind a nearby hill causing a cascade of colors to illuminate the sky. Leaning back against a pile of pillows I smiled to myself watching as the sky above me began to show the stars. Bakugou followed suit pulling me into an embrace under the warm mass of blankets. 

"Hey, Katsuki?" I say softly against this chest. 

"Hm?" he hummed 

"What's going to happen when we go to our internships this summer though..."

"Hush...Fucking A floaty, just live in the moment right now!" he laughed giving my small frame a squeeze. I smile against his chest feeling his heartbeat against my cheek. Feeling Bakugou's soft lips on my forehead made me feel faint as he cleared his throat. 

"If you want me to tell you every day I will," Bakugou said looking me straight in my eyes, "I love you, I only knew the meaning because of you. Nothing will change between us because I will not allow it". His face softened looking into my eyes as I smiled nuzzling in closer enjoying the warmth his body brought to me. Holding me close as the crickets and frogs were the only sound around us. We always had a way of being silent with each other, yet at the same time, the silence said so much. This was by far the most beautiful place to get lost in. 

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