(Y/n)'s new life with her cru...

By Weirdie77

38.4K 688 370

(Y/n) is new to Danville, and now she met new friends, and everything she goes through she has a secret to ke... More

Moving in/meeting him
"I know what we're going to do today!"
Isabella is jealous?
"what's happening?"
Agent P's discovery
Girl time!
Meeting "Agent P"
Phineas's confession
"Gitchee Gitchee Goo?"
Phineas and the Ferbtunes
"Is every platypus named 'Perry'?"
Meeting the "bosses"
Together again
Helping Agent P
"Wait, what?"
Memory wipe/pics
P&F get busted (part 1)
P&F get busted (part 2)
P&F get busted (part 4)
Wedding anniversary...
I ain't got rhythm!
Love HƤndel performs

P&F get busted (part 3)

772 11 0
By Weirdie77

(Y/n)'s p.o.v

I sigh and just do what the dude tells me "now what do good girls do?" "They do nothing but shop, but not too much, because we need to save money." He smirks and says "I finally broke her, yes! My biggest accomplishment" I sounded robotic.... just like Phineas. "Who's Phineas?" I sigh saying "he is just a friend, we are only close as a brother and sister." He cheers and asks Phineas, who is right next to me "what do good boys do?" His smirk grew. "Good boys don't make anything but their sisters happy" I continued on with the daily routine. Next thing we knew was we get told to go into the bedrooms to watch the wall, which we do.

That is until we hear "Flynn, Flethcher, (L/n), fall in!" We walk over to the man, being our normal selves, in front of us is sergeant, Candace, and some dude around Candace's age. I remain in the way sergeant told us to, normal, and basically no feelings, as he shows us around. Candace gets down to our level saying "guys it's me, Candace, we've come to bust you out of here. Now's our chance" she stands up regularly yelling "RUN!" Her and the dude run, but look back when we aren't. They walk back with Candace saying "just testing. Wow, you've done a great job of turning them into, uh...that." Sergeant then says "yes, yes we have" they continued talking, until those two teens tricked sergeant.

Candace turns to us saying "come on guys, we can escape now!" I stay in the way I got told to and say along with Phineas "escaping is wrong, and wrongness is bad." Candace groans as she says "we don't have time for this, grab em!" They pick us up as they start to run. They even ran past Linda and Lawrence, they're really smart, while running we hear over the intercom.

"Attention, all personnel, three students have escaped with the help of Morty Williams, syndicated daytime talk show host. Weekday mornings, check local listings for time and channel."

They still kept running, Candace then says "come on, this way!" As they ran, they're still trying to get us to escape "escaping is wrong, wrongness is bad." Candace looks me in the eyes saying "oh will you just shut up, you know that's not true." The sergeant with the dogs are getting closer "I've got to buy us some time" she puts the wig and mustache on a cactus. After that they started running again, they bought the bait, but started looking for us again. They finally stop, put us down "we made it! Okay guys, this is your department. Fix the car, quick!" Phineas responds with "age-inappropriate building is unsafe and irresponsible."

I look at him and say "he is right Candace" the dude notices the sergeant and the dogs and says "uh, Candace?" She didn't really care though. "We don't have to build anything, just figure out how to fix it! I'm getting your toolbox." She walks to the station wagon and grabs out the tool box "see? Your tools!" The door shuts and the car falls. Candace looks across from where we are and says "a bridge! You can build a bridge across the ravine." Phineas says his vague expression like last time "good boys don't make anything but their sisters happy." Candace gets down to our level again having a little talk with us....

"Great, great, make me happy *puts the helmets on us* put on your helmet head systems, use your tools and do what you do best. Build a bridge and save us!" We just stay in our spots as I tell her "creative acts are imitable and dangerous." She has tears in her eyes as she says "listen to me, guys! Forget everything they've told you. Creativity isn't bad! It's the best thing about you! *crying* you three can do anything. That's why I've always been secretly proud to be your older sister! (Y/n) I am so sorry for my choices. I always look to you as a little sister! What have I done?! What have I done?!" She cries as she keeps her head down.

I watch as Phineas grabs the wrench and smiles, which made Candace smile too about the situation finally changing. "Hey Ferb *holds the wrench up high* I know what we're going to do today!" They all look at me. "(Y/n) come on, I know you're in there!" Candace says as she holds me up in the air, I remain emotionless. "Candace put her down, let me try!" Phineas says, she does and Phineas looks me in the eyes. "(Y/n) I gitchee gitchee goo you....." Candace looks confused, but I understands what he means. "Age-inappropiate relationships are not allowed" is all I tell him, I am not gonna do age-inappropiate things.

Candace puts her hand over her mouth "what did they do to you guys?" Ferb rolls his eyes and pushes Phineas, who in return, almost fell, but I caught him. What also happened is, Phineas's lips got onto mine during the fall, everything comes back. I smile and say "I'm back!" Phineas blushes as he looks at Ferb, Ferb is smirking, but we were happy we're back. "Too late, you're mine!" Sergeant says as he finally got to us, we all look at him in fear. The ground starts to shake as the dude says "look!" While pointing at a crack forming in the ground. Some type of leg comes out, making the dogs run away in fear, Agent P and Doof are on the mechanical spider.

I smile and yell "woo, go Perry!" Everyone else was confused as Perry tipped his fedora at us "Perry has a hat?" Candace and the dude pull us closer to protect us from the thing. Perry then turns a switch on the spider, and it digs back underground, it also kicked sergeant into the ravine. He plugged his ears while doing the thing Candace tricked him into earlier as he fell, I laugh a little. Candace then asks "do you think he'll be-" she got cut off by Phineas and Ferb singing while juggling corn dogs. We look at them weirdly "you're seeing this too right?" I finally ask, then Linda and Lawrence appear. "Mom! Dad! Thank goodness, the strangest thing just happened" Candace says as she hugs them.


I'm working on the next part, don't worry, now just remember to keep swimming through pages! (Sorry, I was in such a rush last chapter I copied my cousins goodbye, I'll fix it after this)


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