The Unexpected || Bakugou x U...

By LifeAsWeKnowIt00

172K 6.3K 3.9K

"Most people want to be circled by safety, not by the unexpected. The unexpected can take you out. But the un... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty - Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty - Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty - One
Chapter Forty - Two
Chapter Forty - Three
Chapter Forty - Four
Chapter Forty - Five
Chapter Forty - Six
Chapter Forty - Seven
Chapter Forty - Eight
Chapter Forty - Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty - Two
Note From Me
The End

Chapter Fifty - One

2.1K 79 24
By LifeAsWeKnowIt00

** This is a long chapter, but oh so worth it.  Bouncing back and forth from perspectives - sorry in advance! I hope you all enjoy and as always thanks for the support !!  xoxo**

The only Exception - Paramore || "And I've always lived like this. Keeping a comfortable, distance and up until now I had sworn to myself that I'm content with loneliness because none of it was ever worth the risk but, you are, the only exception"


This morning I was so nervous. I didn't even fucking recognize myself as I tried on outfits frantically. I tried my best to think about what Ochaco would like, but only would become more frustrated. Kirishima continually kept telling me to wear some color, but for damn sake, I can't change that much. Finally feeling comfortable with what I was wearing... sorta... and getting the approval of Kirishima I was on my way.

To say I wasn't scared shitless standing outside waiting for her would be a lie. I was fucking terrified and it's a pathetic admission I plan on keeping to myself. When she stepped through those doors earlier to meet me I swore my heart stopped right then. The way she blushed from my compliments and stares only made it worse. She was so goddamn perfect. Walking through the city with Ochaco attached to my hip felt so right, but also like a dream. I had to continually look down to make sure it was actually happening.

"So you never told me where we were headed anyways" she hummed causing me to look down and smile at her childishly pestering.

"I told you Uraraka, it's a secret"

I watched as she stuck out her bottom lip at me as we continued walking. With every step closer, I quickly felt the nerves start to build. Any loser can tell someone they love them why was it so foreign to me? Ochaco loved me for my flaws and all, as she said, but I can't even fucking open myself up without thinking through it. Maybe because I wanted it to be perfect...or maybe because I was transitioning into a different version of myself and that scared the living shit out of me...

My hands began to sweat as soon as I noticed some cherry blossoms blowing around the gutters that lined the streets. It was a sign we were getting close and I just hoped Ochaco didn't guess until we arrived. Looking down at her as we continued down the street I noticed how happy she looked. She was this happy to be by my side?

Ochaco POV

I knew something was wrong with Bakugou from his silence, but I chalked it up to him feeling uncomfortable with our PDA as we walked down the streets. We attracted quite the amount of onlookers, so maybe it was because of that.

Feeling the wind blow against my bare legs sent a shiver up my spine. I nuzzled in closer to him as he accepted my gesture wrapping his arm around my shoulder. In the back of my mind, I felt so silly holding such big information from him. We were on our way to some big surprise and I was smiling while withholding important information about our future. How could I continue walking and keep up with this act?

"Ok" Bakugou stopped in his tracks and jumped in front of me "Close your eyes"

"wait - what why?!" I pout

"BECAUSE ITS A FUCKING SURPRISE!" he yelled followed by a loud laugh as I closed my eyes sticking my tongue out at him.

"You better put that tongue away floaty before I make you put it away in front of all these people"

His stern tone turned me on a bit as I smile against a growing blush. Feeling his hand grab onto mine I began stepping cautiously in the direction I assumed he was leading me to. I could hear people around me laughing and talking which made me a bit nervous, but I trusted Bakugou as I continued my slow pace.

"You can walk quicker Ochaco, I won't let you fall"


"I promise" He chuckled as I felt his hand on my lower back as another support.

Quickening my pace the voices of the crowds began to grow as my heart raced a bit. I felt nervous and a bit uneasy not being able to see as my hands shook. I was trying my best to push out the negative thoughts from earlier, but my anxiety was beginning to boil up. Bakugou clearly felt my hands beginning to shake as he pulled me in closer giving my hand a squeeze.

"Everythings fine, I'm here Ochaco" he kissed my cheek sweetly which calmed me down a bit, "We've also arrived!" He yelled excitedly.

"C-can I open my eyes now?" I said feeling awkward standing alone with my eyes closed as I heard people passing me in crowds filled with conversations.

"HELL YES!" he yelled which made me laugh as my eyes slowly opened. They needed to adjust to the light as I focused them on the world around me.

Pink hues were the first thing I saw as my eyes fine-tuned the images. Bakugou stood directly in front of me with his arms in the air with a big grin on as people walked around us. He brought me to the Cherry Blossom Festival! Katsuki Bakugou brought me to a festival celebrating pink flowers!

I had no idea why, but my eyes welled up as I lept into his arms. If you would have asked Bakugou about the Cherry Blossom Festival two years ago, even a year ago he would have said fuck off, but this... this was for me. He was going out of his old comfort zones for me. Not because he felt pressure to, not because it was the right thing, but he thought this out and planned it just for me.


Feeling her arms wrap around me with such joy melted my once stone heart. I never thought I would ever let someone in this much and now that I have I was never letting go. Bringing my hand up I smoothed out the back of her hair with my palm as I held her close for a while. I didn't even give a fuck who was watching me or who was laughing, I loved this girl.

As she pulled away I looked down at her sweet expression as the pink petals blew around our feet. Bringing my thumb to her chin I felt her smile as I leaned down pressing my lips to hers. Feeling her hands wrap around my shoulders as I wrapped my arms around her waist kissing her gentle lips. I pressed into the kiss more causing her to lean back as I held her at an angle.

We separated slowly like velcro as I grinned at her watching as she mirrored my expression. Getting her back on her feet I watched her straighten up her dress as only Ochaco would. I stood there watching her as all the planets aligned before me.

"Let's walk down the main strip Ochaco"

Her head shoots up as she sped up beside me, a small giggle escaping her lips as she hip bumped me a bit causing me to knock into someone beside me. The old hag grumbled at me as I waved my hands, "uh.. ERM ... sorry, I guess" I mumble back not feeling like getting into a screaming match at this afternoon as I watched Ochaco taking off in front of me.

"Let's go then slowpoke!" she yelled speed walking ahead of me.


Racing towards her I quickly wrapped my arms around her spinning her a bit as her laugh bellowed out of her causing me to laugh as well. We probably looked like two fucking idiots at this festival, but I didn't even give a damn.

I held her back close to my chest as I leaned over sending a line of kisses up her neck to her cheek as she squirmed a bit in my arms from laughter. Hearing her laugh out loud made my body weak as I felt her slowly stop squirming and allowing me to just hold her for a minute. Setting my chin down on her shoulder as she stood staring off at the flowers blowing from the trees my mind quickly went to when and how I would tell her. I couldn't just blurt something like this out, it needed to flow...

Turning on my chin I focus my gaze on her profile as the wind carried the hairs away from her face. It felt like someone shot my heart with an arrow as her big brown eyes turned to face me, scrunching up slightly as she smiled knowing she caught me staring.

I may have spent a whole night and morning planning this all out, but it was going to be really hard holding this in for the right moment when she looked at me like that.

Ochaco POV

Bakugou and I spent the remainder of the afternoon walking amongst the falling petals. We talked some, but really spent the majority of the time sneaking glances and kisses as we walked. I never felt anxious with him, like I needed to fill the silence with conversation. I knew he was here and was happy to be beside me, nothing else to it.

When Bakugou did talk he mentioned some memories about his mother taking him every year to this festival in the past. It warmed my heart hearing him talk about his mother because I was probably the only one, other than Mr. Bakugou, to know just how much Mitsuki really cared about him. She would probably love to hear how much these memories mean to him today. It also made me feel so special to know that he wanted to return for the first time with me by his side.

We eventually stopped at a park bench that was filled with cherry blossom petals. Bakugou brushed them off aggressively allowing for me to sit before he plopped down beside me. Turning my attention to him I quickly leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"Thanks so much for bringing me here Bakugou," I coo into his ear before returning to my seat. Before I could even take my seat I felt his hand on the back of my head pulling me in for a kiss. It was an intense kiss that lasted a while as we probably scared off some of the elders that walked by, but we weren't on the market for caring what others thought.

As we separated our lips slowly I leaned my forehead against his. Everything about today was so perfect and I knew deep down that I needed to tell him about my placement at the end of it. I couldn't wait until tomorrow or the next day, it needed to be now.

Clearing my throat I looked into his deep crimson eyes. He quickly noticed something was wrong as he straightened up.

"Everything alright?" he sighed and my heartbeat began to pick up. How did he always know something was going on. Why did he have to know me so dang well?

"Y-yes," I stammer as he turns his head. I was the worst liar but continued, "Bakugou, I love you so much and wanted to say thank you for bringing me-"


Bakugous stern tone was back causing me to be the one to tense up now. I sat up looking at him waiting for him to become upset. Did he already know about everything? Was he mad because I didn't tell him earlier?



I couldn't listen to her once again tell me how wonderful she thinks I am and how much she loves me. This time I was going to be the one to tell her that. This time I was going to be the one to speak up and tell her what she meant to me. My hands shook as I kept them out of my pockets, I couldn't keep hiding my feelings as I watched as her eyes gleamed up at me as I felt my body become tenser, I have faced a lot of demons in this world including my own, but this was the scariest thing I have ever done in my life, "I cannot say thank you enough for everything you've ever done for me.."

"Oh gosh - stop thanking me silly" she sighed relaxing her shoulders a bit after she finally heard what I was going to say.

"No, I cannot, I will not... Ochaco you are the greatest thing that has ever happened to me" I tightened my fist taking in a deep breath before meeting my gaze back to hers. She stared intently at me a bit shocked. I had never realized until recently that I was assuming Ochaco knew all of these things but based on her expression, even these small details, she was clueless. It hurt me a bit but also motivated me to continue. It was as if everything was right and all my senses calmed allowing for the words to bleed from my mouth.

"You always tell me how much you love me even when I don't say it back. You are the love that came without warning, you had my heart before I could even say no..." I fought back tears as Ochaco remained shocked by my words, "I've never been the best person to you or others around me. I've made so many mistakes in my life - almost too many to count....."

Taking in a breath I remember what Kirishima and All Might told me, Opening up is the strongest thing anyone can do. Taking my hand as I begin brushing back the lose long brown strands of hair behind her ear as I watch her eyes well with tears at the realization of my words before I continue, "But if every single one of those mistakes had to happen for me to be right here then I can forgive myself... You are my most prized possession and that's why Ochaco, when I say I love you- I love you with every fiber of my being and I would do anything to protect you... protect who we are and what we have right now"

As the tears poured from her eyes I felt my eyes sting a bit from the sight. I felt like a boulder had been lifted from my chest as the wind blew the newly bloomed cherry blossoms around us. She leaped into my arms again kissing me passionately, more than ever before. She kissed hungrily as the tears coated both of our faces. Receding from the kiss my eyes softened from her glassy-eyed gaze giving her a half smile.

"I love you Ocahco Uraraka" I sigh leaning in closer to her face wiping away the tears as she continued to cry.

"I hope these are happy tears?" I laugh as a few tears roll down my face. Wiping her eyes with her arm she looks up at me nodding as I grab hold of her pulling her in against my chest. Feeling her small frame against mine as I rested my chin on top of her head. I could still feel her hiccuped breathes and it worried me that there was more to this cry then I thought...

Ochaco POV

"You are my most prized possession and that's why Ochaco, when I say I love you- I love you with every fiber of my being and I would do anything to protect you... protect who we are and what we have right now"

As the words escaped Bakugou's lips it felt like all the air was sucked out of my lungs. I couldn't think straight as the tears began to drain from my eyes. I was excited, torn, smitten, stressed, but most importantly loved as I uncontrollably lept into his arms. I attacked him hungrily as he moaned against the kiss. I remember how it felt so odd to kiss as tears rolled down both of our faces but that quickly disappeared. Katsuki Bakugou loved me.

Withdrawing from the kiss as we gazed into each other eyes before Bakugou tells me one more time that he loves me. His crimson eyes flickered a bit as the corners of his eyes still remained glossy. I have known Bakugou for quite some time and have never seen him like this, ever. He was being honest and expressing his true feelings. Something I always wanted him to do but was at the same time hiding something from him.

At the realization of my hypocrisy, I begin to cry harder. I wasn't even thinking about how it was coming off until Bakugou said something. As the tears rolled uncontrollably down my face I felt Bakugou grow more concerned. This was supposed to be a happy moment, but I couldn't keep this from him anymore.

"Hey hey Ochaco, you're worrying me now.." he sighed pushing my hair to the side, "What's wrong?"

My body shook in his arms as I met his gaze. I would never know his thoughts until I told him, he needed to know.

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