Sugar. Why not?

By SarahCraik5

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Sofia is struggling to get a grip on her life and is drowning in student debts. With no luck finding a job an... More

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Hardwired To You
Short Circuit
Short Circuit (Part 2)
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<I Don't Love You/>
Crack That Code
Do You Know How To Fix It?
The Trouble Is..I Need You
Fading Fast
No One Else Is You
I Will Kill You
I Promise I'll Take Care Of You
The Downfall Of Us
You'll Get What's Coming To You
Are You Guilty? Yes, Of Hurting
Mr Stump & Miss Westwood
What's The Verdict?
Sex, Love And More Sex
Sugar Why Not? Playlist
Epilogue - Keeper Of My Heart

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1.6K 24 10
By SarahCraik5

Sofia's POV

"Fuck yes Patrick just like that. Oh god! Shit you have such a magical tongue" I cry as his mouth devours my pussy. My fingers have a tight grip on his hair as he looks up at me hungrily.

"This is the tastiest dessert I've ever had" he chuckles against my thigh, nipping at the skin there.

"You can eat me over and over again!"


Huh? What's that?


No no no! Not yet!

The scene slips away around me, fading in my brain as I'm pulled awake from my fantastic dream and into reality.

A frustrated sigh slips from my lips as my eyes open to darkness. The memory of me getting home, yanking off my dress and falling into bed a distant one.


For god sake! Who the hell is messaging me at this time! Come to think of it, I've no idea what time it is but I'm assuming it's late...or early.

Feeling around the bed for my phone my fingers grip it at the same time I realise something else. My movements have caused me to notice that there's a certain dampness between my legs. Oh boy that dream was powerful.

Once my eyes adjust to the harsh light of my phone screen, I can make out that it's just after one in the morning. Dropping my eyes lower I see a message from the man I was just dreaming about between my legs.

Our date last night wasn't a dream and neither is this message. I can feel the butterflies going mad in my stomach as I read the sentences. What a typical mushy women I am. Although I don't even blame myself when there's a damn snack of a man on the other end of this messaging service.

Patrick: Sorry if this wakes you but I just wanted to make sure you got home okay. I was going to message earlier but I didn't want to seem overbearing xx

Awww. Yes I'm awwwwing because this is sweet and it shows that he still wants to pursue me. He could have just left things the way they were when I exited the restaurant. It's nice to know he wasn't lying when he said he wanted me.

I don't want to admit it but here I go. I was worried he'd immediately lose interest. That everything he said was a ploy to impress me into his bed. Apparently not.

Smiling at my mobile my teasing mood comes back to life.

Sofia: Sorry, Who is this?

Seconds later...

Patrick: Ouch! That hurts but I'll jog your memory. I'm the guy you almost made cum in his own pants like a teenage boy not so many hours ago! Xx

Well damn...

Sofia: Ah! Yes sorry, now I remember. You were my third date of the night ;) xx

Patrick: You're a busy women. I better do my best to keep you interested. I assume you are in fact home safe and not locked away in a mad mans dungeon :O xx

Sofia: If I said yes to the latter what would you do? Xx

Patrick: Come to your rescue of course. Can't have anything happen to the most interesting women I've ever met xx

Sofia: Oh my I'm swooning xx

That's not a lie. I'm actually contemplating pretending to be kidnapped so he will save me. Seriously.

Patrick: When can I see you again Darling? If you aren't sure about me I want a chance to persuade you otherwise xx

Sofia: If you close your eyes and wish really hard, you'll see me again ;) Why are you up at this time anyway? Not sleepy from your busy day xx

Patrick is typing...

I didn't think that he would take my very last statement to him seriously. I'll have to make it clear that I do want to see him again. Maybe he's a little bit more sensitive than I first thought and I like that.

Patrick: I'm currently on a conference call to Australia. No rest for the wicked :D xx

A conference call? As in he's actually really busy right now but he's messaging me! I- what!

Sofia: What are you doing messaging me while you're working? I don't want to be a distraction xx

Patrick: Well, you are already a distraction my sweet. I haven't stopped thinking about you since you sashayed that gorgeous ass away from me. I meant what I said, I want you anyway I can have you xx

Staring at the small paragraph, I've never felt so desired. I want to keep teasing him but my mood has turned more serious. I want to see him again too, as soon as possible. Which is a little worrying since I've only met him once. I may be in a tiny bit of trouble here...

Sofia: I do apologise for taking your attention away from your work. That's bad of me xx

Patrick: Yes, very bad. Funnily enough, I don't mind though. You're much more fun to talk to than the dick heads I'm on the phone with now. Xx

I'm getting so caught up with this conversation that I can't control what my fingers are typing anymore.

Sofia: It would be even more fun if you were here with me xx

Moments pass before he begins typing again and I wonder if I've said something wrong. Turns out it was very right. Ohh I'm a tease.

Patrick: Undoubtedly so. I'd very much like to be between your thighs right now my dear. I'd love to hear you moaning my name. You should know, I'm so fucking hard right now. I think I'll have to hang up my work call ;) xx

Shit. Surely he won't actually hang-

Patrick: Done. Now what were you thinking about when you were driving me mad with your foot at dinner? Xx

Oh fuck. He really did hang up his call. I'm a goddess! That's the only explanation.

Sofia: I can't tell you that information. I'd much rather show you. I'm free tomorrow night if you're interested xx

Ahhhhhhhhh! What the hell am I doing?!

Dropping my phone like it has burned me, I jump up off my bed and bounce around like a frigging looney! What happened to me being in control? Now I'm acting like a nymphomaniac on crack.


"Damn you're an idiot Sofia! You are wayyyy out of your comfort zone here!" I yell to my ceiling.

Comfort zone...I'm always in my comfort zone. Would it be so bad to step out of it and have wild sex with a respectful, gorgeous older man who wants me very badly.

Logical answer: No! 

Non-logical answer: ahckforndsmsjdjwwkjwnfnjesnkdf

Pick the phone back up Sofia and deal with it like an adult or at very least a skittish girl trapped inside a women's body.

Patrick: I'm very interested. Can I pick you up this time? I'd very much like to give you a ride. Or maybe you'd like to ride me? 😚xx

Is that...a kissy face? Ha! It's just funny yet endearing coming from a man like him. The question it follows is begging to be answered and I think it's a strong yes from me.

Sofia: Yes you can pick me up...and toss me over your shoulder too if you like 😁 Maybe I would like to ride you but would you be able to handle me? Xx

Patrick: Hmmm maybe you will be too much for me but I definitely want to give it a try xx

I begin typing but he beats me to it, sending a second message.

Patrick: The fucking Australians won't stop trying to call me back. So I'm going to have to go Darling. But I can't wait to see you tomorrow night. Send me your address and I'll get you about 7pm if that okay? Xx

Oh he has to go. Which obviously makes sense but it also makes me a little sad. Sadder than it should.

Sofia: Okay, good luck with the Aussies, I hope you seal that deal. See you tomorrow at 7. My address is 360 W Illinois...

Patrick: Thank you, Sweet dreams Sofia xx

Sofia: Don't work too hard xx

It's gonna be hard to have any kind of dreams when the thought of him alone is going to keep me awake. Kissing him is the main thing on my mind right now, his lips were so enticing to me as he formed each word. Especially when he said my name. I can hear it in my head every time I read it in type.

When I finally close my eyes, I can see his lovely face and I fall asleep thinking about what it would be like to actually be his.



Huh? What the hell is that?


Wrenching my eyes open, I'm met with the bright harsh morning light. The groggy feeling of little sleep is very much slinking it's way through my body.

What day is it? What year?


"Sofia? Honey are you home?"

Mom? What the fuck is- OH SHIT! Throwing myself out of bed, my brain pulls back a memory from a few weeks ago of a phone call with my Mom. She told me she'd come visit me this week but naturally I forgot. Can she blame me? Probably not if she saw the gorgeous man that made me forget everything else in my life.

Stumbling over some dirty clothes on my floor, I try to pick up a somewhat presentable outfit to throw on.


"Yes! Just a minute!" I call. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! She's gonna kill me for having this place in such a mess. She's probably just gonna kill me for not answering the door quick enough to be honest.

Once I have jeans and a very crumpled t-shirt on - is that a pasta stain? - I jog to the door and ignore my harsh breathing that tells me I need to hit the gym.

Yanking open the door, I plaster a smile on my face. She stands there with her arms crossed, her face looking exactly like mine when I'm pissed off. Only with a little more age added on. Compared to the hay stack of hair on my head, hers its nicely trimmed to shoulder length because she actually has her shit together and can occasionally afford a hair appointment. Lucky women.

"Hey Mom" I sigh as I catch my breath and her annoyance falls away. Replacing that emotion is the soft affectionate smile that I miss so much. I will myself not to get emotional but it's really tough.

"Hey Sof" she replies, her eyes showing pride for some strange reason. How she can be proud of my pathetic ass I'll never know.

She pulls me into a hug and I squish her to me, trying not to beg her to stay with me. Tears prick in my eyes but I suck my emotions back in so that I can actually have a decent time with her.

"So come on in" I invite and she walks past me her eyes looking at the dump that is my apartment.

"Sofia what have I told you about keeping this place clean!" She gasps her eyes widening.

Ah there it is! The reprimanding tone I know and love so well. I actually smile at her as she grimaces because I'm that happy that she's telling me off.

"I know Mom. I'm sorry. I've been busy" I reply feebly and she gives a look that tells me that she knows I haven't. "Okay, I'm trying to be busy. It's just not working out so much" I confess and she nods, a hint of sympathy in her eyes. I don't want that though. So I change the subject.

"Well, what have you and Dad been up to..."

We spend hours catching up. She tells me about her latest hobby which involves palates and jogging three times a week. I stare at her in horror as I think of all the hard work that must be. Exercise is not my thing.

In return I tell her about all the jobs I've been applying for and my interview next week. She seems pleased with the small progress I've made and apologises for the thousandth  time that she can't help me out with any more money. Of course I tell her it's all okay. That I'm dealing with it.

Naturally she has to ask me about my love life. I choose to tell her that there's nothing happening in that department which isn't totally a lie. I've went on one date with someone I'm interested in but it's certainly not a guy that she'd wanna hear about.

If she knew I was seeing a Sugar Daddy she'd have a fit. Then once she was done she'd smack me right across the face. Kidding she would never do that but my point is she wouldn't be happy at all.

Speaking of Sugar Daddies, when I look at the time on my phone I see that I don't have long until I need to get ready for my second date. Oh and there's messages from Patrick and some other notifications that tell me that other Daddies have liked my profile. Sorry guys, one Daddy is enough for me right now.

Patrick: Are you still okay for tonight? Xx

"Sofia, put that phone down. It's rude when you have guests" my Mom sighs in annoyance. Oopsy.

"I'm sorry Mom it's just that I'm busy tonight. I need to get ready soon" I say because I have no good lies to give her.

I guess I'll have to tell her something about Patrick now. I feel bad that I'm going to have to cut our time short but she doesn't usually stay this long anyway. She always has to get the train back home. It's a three hour journey.

I'm gonna miss her as soon as she leaves but I'm also missing a man I met barely twenty four hours ago. Sofia you are a selfish bitch!

"Oh! Is it a date?" She ask, giving me a knowing look. Why is that her first guess? Is she trying to get rid of me? Marry me off? Probably!

"Yes, it's a date" I smile and she looks immediately excited.

"Who with? Is he cute?"

"Mom, I'm not going to discuss how cute my date is with you" I laugh and she pouts sadly.

"Well at least tell me who he is" she continues, trying to get information out of me. I know if I don't give her something she will never let it go.

"His name is Patrick. Are you happy now?"

"No that's not much to go on. Where did you meet him?"

Jesus! Why do people have to be so nosey? Now what am I going to say? Come on Sofia! Think! There must be a way to make her change the subject.

"Never mind that. Do you want to help me pick out an outfit?" I ask and cross my toes, hoping she drops it.

"Yes I'd love to!" Bingo!

So that's now I end up giving my Mom a not so glamorous fashion show. I reply to Patrick's message when she's not looking, letting him know that I'm very okay for tonight and that I'm excited. Then the drama begins.

Everything I pick out she hates and vice versa. It's amusing to watch her face scrunch up in disgust as I twirl in a skirt and crop top. I knew she'd hate it.

"No way Sofia! You want to look classy!" She exclaims, rifling through my small selection of clothes. Her eyes go wide as she pulls out a different skirt. It's black instead of the red one I currently have on. Then she grabs a white long sleeve top with lace panels and I know that description sounds hideous but trust me it works!

"What about these?" She asks and I snatch them out of her hands excitedly.

"I think they're perfect Mom! Thank you!" I sing with glee. I only become even happier when I see that the outfit actually does look good on me. She hands me the same black heels that I wore the previous night and begins giving my hair a quizzical look.

"How about we put your hair up all nice? Show off your lovely face even more" she suggests and once again I have to beg her not to stay with me.

Just like when I was a kid I sit on the floor while she sits behind me on the bed. Her hands work their magic, pulling and separating bits of my hair into a lovely style. She creates a fancy bun at the back of my head and lets my side fringe stay out but tucks it nearly behind my ear.

When I look in the mirror I'm actually pleased at the person looking back at me today. My cheeks are more flushed, my face happier. Not to mention my outfit is rather flattering. Well...look at me giving myself a little confidence boost.

It's all thanks to my Mom and when I turn around to hug her, she hugs me back in surprise.

"Thank you Mom. I love you" I breath and she soothes me, her hand on my back.

"You're welcome Honey. This is what I'm here for...always"

I say goodbye to my Mom fifteen minutes before Patrick is due to arrive. This gives me just enough time to calm my nerves. I check myself in the mirror once more and decide that I still look good enough.


The sound actually makes me jump, brining my nerves back to life.

Patrick: I'm outside 😘 xx

Oh lord!

Dragging my ass out of the apartment, I forgo a jacket because I'm sweating already. Carefully making my way down the stairs my stomach does flips just like last night. And just like last night as soon as I make eye contact with him, my panic fades away.

He's leaning against a black Mercedes, his hands pushed into the pant pockets of his suit. He's wearing a black one tonight, all black, even the shirt right down to his shiny shoes. His hair blows a little in the wind giving it even more of a messy look. The first few buttons of his shirt are unbuttoned and he looks like a GQ model but without the annoyingly obnoxious gym body. He's so hot!

When he sees me he pushes off the car, a lovely smile gracing his face. Oh there go the butterflies again.

"Sofia, I've been looking forward to this all day" he greets me, his hands lightly touching my waist as he leans down to kiss my cheek. Fireworks! Wow I'm gonna faint! "How does one women look so good?" He muses.

"I think you need to get your eyes checked" I joke.

"Oh no Darling. I have twenty twenty vision and you're smoking hot!"

He wiggles his eyebrows and I feel my face turning into a bright red tomato again.

"Stop trying to flatter me. It's working too well"

"Ohh, fantastic...I'll keep going then" he winks, opening the car door for me. I nudge him playfully before sliding onto the plush leather seat. Cars don't impress me but I can't deny this is lovely.

As soon as he's in the drivers seat, I can't stop my curiosity overflowing. He didn't tell me a thing about tonight.

"So where are we going?" I ask as he pulls out into the traffic.

"I can't tell you that. Then it wouldn't be a surprise"

"Oh no, you're kidnapping me aren't you? I knew I should have Googled you before getting in your car!"

"Google wouldn't tell you about all of the women I've kidnapped. I'm too good for that" he teases. I think.

"To be honest I don't care if you're stealing me away as long as you feed me" I laugh and he chuckles, his shoulders shaking.

"Okay, I'll make sure to feed you"

The car falls silent apart from the radio playing quietly and that's when I remember that he was trying to close a deal last night.

"How did you get on with the Australians?"

"Fantastic eventually! They wanted to haggle me down on a chain of hotels that I bought from them. For some reason they wanted them back. So I charged ten percent more than I originally bought them for" he tells me, a little smile on his face. I've realised that I really like listening to him talking about his work because he's passionate about it.

"You must have a magic touch. It's gotta be easy for you to say the right things" I tease and he glances at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Most of the time I do...not recently"

His sentence is followed by another look in my direction, his eyes glued to mine for a second.

"Oh come're a very talented entrepreneur with an extremely handsome face. Mergers, Big Bosses, Women. They must all be easy to conquer for you"

"Darling flattery will get you everywhere but you'd be surprised by how easily a man like me can get flustered. It's a new thing for me though. As new as yesterday" he confesses very obviously meaning because of me.

"Hmmm I'm not sure what you're referring to" I say casually just as he drives the car into a multi-storey parking lot.

As soon as the car comes to a stop he turns to me, his hand reaching over to brush my fringe back behind my ear.

"You, my dear have made me less than sure of myself"

"I'm nothing special Patrick" comes out of my mouth before I can stop it. He shakes his head as if in disagreement.

"You're very special Sofia and I want you more and more every second"

The temperature in the car rises and we're gravitating towards each other. I can almost feel how soft his lips are going to be.

Knock Knock


We both jump as a guy raps his knuckles on the window. Patrick slams his finger on the window button in frustration.

"Yes, can I help you?" He asks and the man who I now see is in a red velvet waist coast with a name badge attached sticks out his hand.

"I'm Rodger, we spoke on the phone Mr Stump. The cinema is ready for you"

"Thank you Rodger" Patrick quips, his voice perfectly calm with only a tiny edge of annoyance that lets this man know he's displeased him. sophisticated. So sexy.

I think Rodger just gave away Patrick's surprise and he's definitely not happy about it. The cinema is ready...he's taking me to see a film and honestly I couldn't be happier. I love the movies. I'm a simple women.

When Rodger walks around the car to open my door, Patrick stops him as he jumps out. I'm not exactly sure what Rodger's job is but I think it has something to do with meeting and greeting guests. The poor man is all flustered and I feel a little bad for him.

And I think Patrick does too now that his initial annoyance is gone. He takes my hand, helping me out of the car and smiles politely at Rodger.

"Sorry if I seemed a little rude. It's just this was meant to be a surprise for this lovely lady" he explains and Rodger looks mortified.

"Oh I am so very sorry Sir. Mam, I really do apologise" he exclaims, panicking a little.

"It's okay, I'm just happy to be here" I tell him. I can feel Patrick looking at me and when I turn my gaze to him he whispers: "me too"

With that Rodger leads us through the exit door of the parking lot and straight into a grand foyer. Huge pillars, titanic stair case, red carpeting and drapes...lots of drapes. Wow, I didn't even know this place existed.

There are a few other people milling about but not many and I wonder why.

Finally we stop outside one of the many doors that reads 'Cinema Screen 5'

Rodger leaves us there, scurrying away no doubt still embarrassed and Patrick guides me inside.

When we're met with rows are rows of empty seats I'm little confused.

"Where is everyone else?" I ask and he looks immediately excited.

"It's just us"

"You booked the whole cinema?" I breath and he nods, looking at me warily. He booked the whole damn cinema...I am VERY excited!

"Yes, I just thought it would be something we can both enjoy. We both wrote movies in our bio" he explains looking sheepish. I think I'm the first women that he's even been unsure of what reaction will be. I assume most of his previous dates would automatically fake a smile but I can't hide my emotions. They get displayed right on my face for all to see. I think he's misunderstanding my awe for displeasure. "We can go somewhere else if-"

"No, this is perfect! Thank you!" I cut in and his worry falls away, revealing relief.

We're staring at each other, an eclectic current of excited adrenaline and desire zinging between us. My eyes fall to his lips and I wonder once again how they taste.

From his intense stare I think he's wondering about mine too and it only seems right to put us both out of our misery.

So when the feeling gets too much, I snap. Reaching for him, I grab his suit jacket and pull him towards me. He comes willingly, immediately leaning down so that our lips can meet. And boy do they meet.

When my brain catches up, I'm surprised by my own actions but that soon changes to pure lust as he traps me in his arms. He presses his mouth to mine harder, a muffled moan escaping.

His lips are soft and plush contrasting with the roughness of his beard as it tickles the skin around my mouth. It's a welcome sensation. So is the feeling of his tongue sweeping into my mouth as he deepens the kiss, making me grip his jacket tighter.

When we pull apart for air, his lips hover over mine and he gives me one more long kiss before properly separating our mouths. Our breathing is ragged and for a man who spoke of me riding him in the early hours of this morning, he's very gentle with me. There's an animal underneath though and it's just waiting to be unleashed. I can tell by the way he looks at me. Hungry and wanting.

Taking my hand, he clears his throat.

"Shall we?"

"Yes" I squeak and he leads me to the best spot in the cinema. Back row, right in the middle.

"Is this okay?" He checks once we're seated.

"It's fantastic, thank you" I reply and glance at his fingers entwined with mine on the arm rest. My hand feels tiny in his but for some reason that's attractive to me.

When I look back up at him, he's staring at me again, his lips parted.

"Can I kiss you again?" He asks and my face breaks into a flattered grin. Wow what a gentleman but he's definitely not really.

"Of course" I whisper and lean closer as his hand cups my cheek. This time he kisses me slowly, his mouth moving over mine with tenderness and affection. My pulse quicken as I try to deal with feelings I've never felt before.

He only pulls back when the screen lights up, a soft smile on his lips.

"I could kiss you for hours Darling" he breaths, his fingers brushing over my mouth.

"Ditto" I reply, trying to hold back a grin. He doesn't though and grins widely, pecking my lips once more.

"What are we watching?" I ask and he shrugs looking unsure.

"I've no idea. I told them to surprise me" he smirks.

I'm amazed that this kind of service is actually available and I'm sure it shows on my face.

The screen displays the name of the film immediately, no trailers or adverts and I want to squeal with glee.


"Omg, I love this film" I gasp squeezing Patrick's hand.

"Me too but don't tell anyone that okay?" He asks with a small amount of embarrassment on his face.

"Hmmm I'll try my best not to tell everyone I meet" I laugh and peck his lips again. I'm so touched that he's done all of this.

As the film starts he lifts the arm rest between us and wraps his arm around my shoulder, inviting me to cuddle into him. I...can't believe how lucky I am with this man.

It's like I'm seeing the film for the first time in such an amazing situation. I can tell that Patrick is watching me when I smile or laugh because I feel him shifting as we're so close.

When the actual dirty dancing commences all I can think about is doing the same with Patrick.

I guess great minds think a like because I feel his hand gently, maybe even hesitant covering my knee. He just leaves it there at first, his thumb drawing slow circles on my skin. Does he know what he's doing to me? Probably.

Tilting my head towards him, I see the desire there when the screen flickers light onto his face. My breathing is erratic at this point and I'm ashamed to say that I can't stop my legs from parting a little.

"I wanna touch you Sofia...can I touch you?" He whispers, his lips tickling my ear.

"Yes" I say breathlessly and guide his hand further up my skirt with my own. He gasps at my actions, turning in his seat more to get better access. I can't control myself! Help!

"Open your legs further...spread them for me" he commands and I do as he says because I'm a god damn slut for him. I should be ashamed but that's the last thing I'm feeling.

His fingers tease the outside of my panties and I know he can feel my wetness through them. Especially when he growls in my ear.

"Fuck, is that all for me?"

"Yes. Patrick you make me so wet and needy, it's crazy" I whine while he slips his hand inside my panties now, his fingers heading right for my clit. "Ahhh yes, touch me like that" I beg, my hand reaching out to his thigh. I wanna feel how hard he is.

Shifting his hips he shoves his fabric covered cock into my hand and groans gutturally. My god he's so hard and...big. My foot couldn't feel his size properly yesterday so this is a shock.

I rub my hand over the bulge in his pants while his finger tease my entrance. I buck my hips to encourage him and he takes the hint pushing his fingers inside me.

I can't believe we're doing this in the cinema. He's finger fucking me and I'm just about to try and tear down his zipper so I can give him a hand job. I've never did anything like this before especially not with someone I've just met. It's so amazing though. I don't want it to end.

Running on pure lust, I grab his shirt and yank him to me, kissing him with all of the pent up tension he has caused.

It doesn't take him long to gain back his dominance as he pulls me into his lap, my thighs on either side of his legs. My skirt rides up and his hands slip under the material, his fingers running over the front on panties.

I gasp as he finds my clit again, rubbing his thumb in slow teasing circles.

"You're all hot and bothered Sofia, all horny and breathless. Some men might see this as having all the control but not me. Because your flushed face and desire filled eyes have me under your spell. I've never seen so much expressiveness. I'm weak for you Darling.

"Patrick, please...please touch me more! I want-"

"What? What do you want? You can have anything Sofia" he growls, his thumb moving faster.

"Fuck me! Please fuck me now. I want to feel you inside of me...god I'm so wet" I pant and moan, feeling the dampness beginning to pool in my panties and drip down my thigh. He can feel it too.

"Right here?" He asks, a hint of teasing in his rough tone. Yes. Right here in the cinema is where I want him. I'm not ashamed either. Maybe I should be fucking him in a bed in one of our apartments for our first time because that's what most people do. Only this feels so right!

"Yes! Yes please!" I call gripping his shirt and pulling on it wildly.

"Right now?" He continues and a small voice in my head informs that he's getting me back for what I did to him. What an asshole! Except I'm fucking loving this.

"Ah Patrick, I'm gonna cum if you keep this up. I can't stop it" I yell and immediately his fingers disappear.

"! Please"

"Shhh, it's okay" he begins cupping my face and making me look at him. "The only place I want you cum is on my dick. So if you want that too, unzip my pants and ride me like you said you would" he growls, capturing my lips and slipping his tongue past them.

My hands drop to his trousers and pop open the button. Then they're fighting with the zipper as if they have a mind of their own. I feel like a sex addict because I want his dick so bad. I've never felt so needy. I'm glad I'm on the pill because fumbling with a condom right now would be too much hard work.

Just as I'm thinking that, the gentleman in him reappears.

"Sofia, we should probably use this" he pants, pulling his jacket open and producing a little foil packet from his inside pocket. "I know they suck but unfortunately they're necessary. I'd much rather have nothing separating us Darling" he gazes at me his eyes heavy with lust. "Not that I'm suggesting we don't use it, I'd never-" he continues to ramble and it's so cute coming from such a confident man.

"Patrick it's okay...I'm protected" I whisper and he watches me for a second before deciding that's good enough for him.

"Fuck yes!" He groans capturing my mouth with vigour.

When I finally manage to tear down his zipper, he lifts his hips and helps me pull down his pants and boxers. His cock springs free from it's confines hard and ready. My hand reaches for it in seconds because apparently I'm now this mans personal whore. I've decided.

Meh I'm okay with it.

Stroking him roughly, I watch him bite his lip. His hands hold onto my waist tightly and they clench as I move my panties to the side and rub the head of his cock through my wetness and over my clit.

"You dirty girl. Using my dick to get yourself it again" he commands and I rub my pussy all over his dick, whining and moaning. My hips rock desperately as I try to get the friction I need.

After a few moments of watching me writhe on top of him, his grabs his dick and lines it up with my entrance.

Grasping my chin, he pulls my face closer, his eyes burning with need.

"Yes?" He pants and it's a question. One final question to make sure that I want him. How can he be so demanding yet so sweet? I can't stop to think about that right now.

"Yes!" I exclaim and sink down onto him quickly. His mouth falls open on a broken groan as his hands grab my ass roughly.

"Fuck! Sofia! You feel so fucking amazing. You gotta slow it down or I'll cum in seconds. I've never felt anything like you" he pushes out, watching me with fascination as I rise back up ever so slowly. His cock feels so good that my eyes are struggling to stay open.

"Ah...this damn amazing Patrick. You...feel...ahhhhhh" I yell as he grabs my thighs and thrusts up into me, making my core pulse around him. Sweet Jesus!

"Yes baby girl, tell me about it! It's indescribable" he groans, his hands sliding under my top. "I wanna see all of you" he states but it's more of a beg. Before I even know what I'm doing I'm helping him take off my top and unclasping my bra. As soon as it's gone his warm hands meet my breast and I can't help but push my chest forward into him more.

"You too...shirt off" I command and he stops touching me momentarily to let me yank at his shirt. As soon as it's unbuttoned and discarded onto the seat next to us I'm pulling him back to me.

He sucks on the skin of my neck, no doubt leaving hickeys there. I don't care's fucking hot.

Our hips rock together in a desperate rhythm as his lips suck on my right nipple. I tug on his hair with one hand, the other feeling the warmth of his chest.

As I begin to slow my movements, he does too. Perfect synchronisation between two lovers. Dramatic I know but so very true and amazing. I never thought this would be happening in my life ever. The gorgeous man, the sex, the cinema, the euphoria!

His teeth nip at my bottom lip now, his eyes boring into mine with such ferocity that I might cum just from that.

"Patrick...I'm going to cum" I yell, tugging on his hair again.

"Tell me how to make you scream. I wanna know exactly how you like it" he growls and I'm amazed by his words. No guy has ever asked that. Truth be told I've never had this kind of pleasure so all I can tell him is what feels right.

"Fuck me harder, grip my hips. I wanna feel you as deep as I can" I cry and he does as I ask squeezing my hips while bucking up into me wildly. His face is a beautiful picture of pleasure, his throaty groans pushing me to new heights. "Now kiss me" I beg and his lips meet mine. His mouth is rough with mine now and it's everything I want.

"Sofia, can I come inside you?" He pants and that question is what has me falling over the edge into another universe.

"YES!" I scream as my body is thrown into worlds of ecstasy and heaven. "Cum inside me baby please" I whine and this has him joining me in that heavenly place.

A chorus of our moans and whispers fill the cinema as the end credit song play in the background.

Patrick is gripping me to him like a boa constrictor snake and I feel so at home in his arms. Jesus Christ Sofia! That can't be true! But it is!

My head slumps into his chest as I try to regain sanity, my hands fluttering over his stomach.

His fingers run through my hair that is no longer in a neat bun but instead cascading down my back in a terrible mess.

"You are going to drive me insane Sofia. I already know it" he whispers into my neck.

"Oh you mean you're not going to block me and never see me again now? Wow, that's unexpected" I joke and he tuts glaring at me playfully.

"No, I'm certainly not. Are you planning on doing that to me?" He asks raising his eyebrows while he reaches for my clothes and helping me pull them back into place. Which really does surprise me. Not many men would help you dress after sex. But then he's not like many men.

"Well, I'll have to think about" I grin and he pouts sadly before licking his lips.

"It's a shame that you have to put these clothes back on"

"I was just thinking that about you"

"Oh really? Do you like my untoned non existing abs?" He jokes but I feel like this is something that he genuinely isn't happy about.

"Yes. I'm not a fan of six packs. This is all much more sexy to me" I say looking him in the eye and feeling up his chest. It's gorgeous to me. I wanna kiss him all over.

He doesn't say a word in reply. Instead he grabs my face and shows me exactly how he feels about my answer with his tongue.

He's a very expressive man it seems but words aren't how he does it. He chooses actions instead.

Naturally I don't want to let go of him because I'm addicted to the drug named Patrick Stump on day 2 of using.

We do eventually tear ourselves apart and try to make our clothes look somewhat normal and innocent.

We walk out of the cinema hand in hand. I hope we look presentable but I'm sure the bright red blush on my face gives away that we've been up to something.

The drive back home is filled with fleeting glances, blushes and his hand holding mine at every opportunity. He asks me about the coffee shop I have the interview with because I mentioned it to him yesterday, you know while I talked his ear off and he didn't have a chance to ask more because our food had come. Then he asks me what my dream job would be.

I tell him about my desire to create and design and he tells me that he could definitely see me in that industry. When I ask him why he says because he can tell my mind is always working.

"You have a creative imagination" he states and I give him a funny look.

"How do you know that? We've only know each other two days" I smirk and he gives me a sly wink.

"I can tell that you notice small details in everything. You mentioned to me last night that you hate the pink colour of the Sugar Why Not app and that you'd change it if you could"

"That's just an observation really"

"It's attention to detail which not many people have. You also said that the way the restaurant was set out was impractical" he grins and I once again blush remembering my non stop rambling before dessert.

Too soon we pull up outside my apartment building and I have a small moment of panic because I don't want this night to end.

So I blurt out:

"Do you wanna come in? I mean, is that weird? Well I guess you'll be busy won't you, I'm sorry-"

"Sofia, I'd love to come in" he says, a small smile on his lips. Oh. I didn't expect that. I'm happy about it. Really happy!

Shit my apartment is a hideous mess and it's the size of a shoe box compared to his place I'm sure.

"What's wrong?" He asks no doubt because I've be staring into space for a bit.

"Ummm, I just...well my apartment isn't exactly..."

"You're worried what I'll think" he says, answering his own question.

"Yeah...a little bit" I mumble, staring out the window. I'm a little embarrassed.

"Sofia, Darling look at me" he commands softly, his fingers brushing over my cheek. How is he so soft and gently yet so...well him! I know I keep asking myself that but it's crazy to me.

Turning to him, I take in his gorgeous face and wonder how I'm going to make it out of this situation with my fragile feelings in tact. Two days of knowing him and I already feel an attachment growing...a safe place. It has nothing to do with the promise of money either. In fact I'm already wishing that wasn't a factor.

"I don't care if you think your apartment is a mess. Or if you're worried it won't live up to my standards. I'm rich and I like nice things but honey I'm not a snob"

I burst out laughing at the way he says snob and his mouth steals my breath. When he pulls back he looks a little shocked at himself.

"Sorry, I just...I like it when you laugh"

He seems confused by his own actions so I don't say a word and begin to get out of the car so he doesn't feel embarrassed.

Grabbing his hand once he walks around the car I lead him up the few flights of stairs to my little student accommodation. I'm lucky the college hasn't kicked me out after graduating so many months ago. I guess I shouldn't speak too soon.

I try not to cringe at my own mess as I shove the door open, close it with the same vigour then lead him straight to my bedroom. That isn't because of any ulterior motive it's pretty much because it's the nicest bit of the apartment.

"No tour?" He jokes and I nudge him in the side, shaking my head.

"You want a tour of the one other room?" I question and he nods enthusiastically.

"Yes actually. I want to see where Sofia Westwood sits and contemplates life" he smirks tugging on my top to pull me closer.

"Well you're looking at it" I gesture to the half made bed and grimace. What on Earth does a man like him want to do with me?

"Don't do that Darling"

"Don't do what?" I ask, curious as to what he thinks I've done.

"I can tell you're about to try and escape into your own head. I've noticed that you like to do that when you're unsure of the situation" he explains and it makes me feel a little exposed.

"You've known me forty-eight hours smarty pants" I retort and he quirks his eyebrow at me as if to say 'oh really'.

"Yes and I've enjoyed every minute of it. Now you said in your bio that you require snuggling to stay warm. I'd like to provide the warmth for you"

"Is that right?" I ask crossing my arms while he takes off his suit jacket. I assume he's going to fold it neatly and place it somewhere that it won't get ruined but no...he drops it on the end of my bed next to many of my own garments. What a man!

"Yes. I'd like to audition for the part of personal space heater" he says proudly, placing his hands on his hips.

"For a start you have too much clothes on. So do I actually. I really want that good pure body heat you know" I use my hands to express my wishes and he immediately begins unbuttoning his shirt. My eyes follow his fingers and I ogle every bit of skin that is revealed. We may have had sex but it was in a dimly lit cinema and neither of us have seen each other's goods properly.

Let me just say...he's a fine specimen.

When he gets to unzipping his trousers, he winks at me and I really try not to smile. I fail because he's a cocky asshole.

My eyes drag up his amazing thighs, widen as I take in his very nicely sized cock that I don't know how fit inside me and make my way up his lovely hairy chest.

When my clothes are gone and thrown to the side he stares at me too, stepping closer so that he can lean down to kiss me.

"You're fucking beautiful" he whispers while my hands finally roam his chest properly. Wow, I literally can't wait to snuggle this man.

Giving him a shy glance, I tug on his hand and pull him to my bed. Throwing the covers back, I lie down and watch as he slides in beside me, his body glued to my side in seconds.

His arms wrap around me, while I live out my fantasy of being squashed to his chest. Our legs tangle and a content hum vibrates in his throat.

"Are you a warm enough?" He asks. I glance up at him to see a small smirk on his face, his eyes looking tired and relaxed.

"I'm perfectly warm thank you" I reply and feel his hands rubbing down my back. This is lovely. So lovely. I'm putty in his hands...well arms. "So is this your usual routine?" I ask, smirking at his confused adorable frown.

"My routine for what?" He queries, his fingers tracing over my arm.

"For your previous 'SugarySweets'? I guess what I'm asking is: is there a certain way you go about it?" I try to explain. He leans up on his elbow, his hand moving up my stomach.

"I don't have a routine. I also couldn't have one even if I wanted to. You see after the fucking, usually a women says something along the lines of 'this was great, make sure you put the money in my bank' and I'm glad to see her leave"

What...the...fuck. There's no way women say that. Surely that's just horrible.

"You have to be kidding..." is all I can say.

"Unfortunately Darling no I'm not. A lot of the people on these kinds of sites only want to make money and I guess I knew that. It's what I expected too. I thought it's what I wanted but apparently I'm not as cold and heartless as people love to think"

People think he's heartless? They think he's cold yet here he is warming me literally and emotionally.

"I'm sorry Patrick" I reply because I really am sorry that he feels the way he does. It makes me want to change it. To make him feel like the person I'm seeing right now.

"Don't be sorry" he says, capturing my lips again. His tongue sweeps into my mouth and his hand grips my thigh, pulling it over his hip. He releases my lips and runs his nose along mine. "Just answer my question Darling...say yes. Let me take care of you"

"Why me? Why aren't you wishing I would leave like the other women?" I ask because it's playing on my mind like a god damn disease. I'm not special, so it's hard for me to understand.

"Sofia, you are nothing like them. You stumbled upon the website by accident and your intentions were pure. You needed help and are were willing to find it. All of that doesn't necessarily mean that we'd end up here of course. We've ended up here because you thrill and amaze me. You're beautiful and intelligent. You say it as it is and this intimacy between us right here is real. We're not touching because we have to. We want to. I can't get you out of my head and for some strange reason, you want me too"

Well...he said that huh. Fuck...that's intense and all so very true. I- what am I meant to say to that. In typical me fashion I go for a fucking joke.

"Well, this has been great. Make sure my money is in my bank" I state trying to keep my face seriously. It's impossible when his mouth opens in shock and he pretends to be very wounded.

"Sofia how could you!" He growls. I pretend to get up, sitting and swinging my legs out of bed.

"I should go..." I giggle just as he pulls me back down onto the bed, pinning my arms above my head. Oh boy...

"You're not escaping so easily. Plus, this is your apartment. You can't leave" he grins from ear to ear. He's happy. It's beautiful.

"Shit! You're right! Well what am I supposed to do now?!" I exclaim. He releases my hands and pulls me back into his arms. I throw my leg back over his hip and bring my face closer. My lips brush over his, my fingers sliding into his hair. "Guess I'll have to stay and snuggle you"

"Guess so..." he breaths, his fingers teasing down my rib cage in a feather light touch. "I want you again Sofia" he pants and I can feel his cock hardening against me. "Please answer my question...please" he begs shifting further between my legs. Oh god. This is not what I expected when I signed up to this website. I've gotten a whole lot more than I bargained for. A whole lot better too. So why shouldn't I let him look after me? Why shouldn't I be his? There's no shame in it. Especially not when he's already so much more important to me than the money was ever going to be. Fuck! Sofia, you've got yourself in deep here! So why not fall deeper?

"Yes...yes please take care of me. I want you. I want to be yours" I confess and watch the joy blooming over his lovely features. His lips smile, his eyes crinkle and soften.

"Mine" he sighs before gently pushing himself inside me. He fills me completely, his hips pressing into mine and his arms tightening around me like a vice. I wasn't lying when I said I require being warmed up constantly and this man ticks that box and then some. I've never felt this warm.

My whole body is cocooned in the protection of this strong, sweet man. His hips move slowly, driving his cock in and out of me while his mouth whispers dirty yet lovely things.

"Do you like having my cock deep inside of you Sofia?"

"I more than like it" I moan, squeezing my legs around him tighter.

He fucks me slowly until we're both close to the edge. I cry his name as he picks up speed and makes me cum. It's earth shattering. Mind blowing.

If cumming is my first gift then hearing him chant my name as he cums too is my second. It's glorious.

He kisses my neck and my breasts, all the way back up to my lips in a lazy sloppy fashion as our breathing slows. He slips from between my legs and the heavy feeling of sleepiness begins to take over.

As my eyes begin to close, his arm secures around my waist, his body spooning mine from behind. I was never a fan before but this is heavenly.

"You got the part. You can be my personal space heater" I whisper lazily, my hand covering his on my stomach.

The last thing I hear is a soft joyful whisper before I fall into blissful sleep.

"I'll take my new role very very seriously Darling"


Did I just have another amazing dream about Patrick? It wouldn't surprise me if I'm honest. There's no way I actually got to live out last night for real.

No way in hell-


Am I still asleep? Have I gone mad? Oh was real!

Fighting the affects of sleep, I wrench my eyes open to find a fully dressed Patrick hovering above me, his arms on either side of me as he leans on the bed. Have I time jumped? Did I miss something? Why am I asking myself all these questions when there's a gloriously handsome man above me?

"I'm sorry I woke you but I didn't want you to wake up and find me gone" he explains while I try to get my baring. Reaching up, I run my fingers down the fabric of his shirt and curse it for being on his body.

"Why do you have clothes on?" I asks, glaring at the offending material. Bad shirt! Evil clothes!

"I have an early morning meeting that I completely forgot about. Actually I'm late to the meeting. Very late. I never sleep in but I guess I didn't anticipate that you would act as the perfect sleeping pill. I really struggled to get up" he smirks, smooching me loudly.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you late. It won't happen again. I'll set an alarm or-" I begin, feeling somewhat guilty but he stops me.

"Darling it's okay. You are very much worth it. In fact I was very close to cancelling the meeting but I already did that for the previous one" he grins, his cheeky face lighting up. I look at him curiously because I feel like there's something I don't know.

"Why did you cancel the last meeting?" I drawl suspiciously.

"Because I had a very important cinema date"

Holy shit this man!

"Patrick! You have to stop cancelling things for me! You're gonna get in trouble" I exclaim becoming just awake enough to shake my head at him.

"I can't get in trouble. I'm the boss." He winks and plasters a triumphant kiss on my lips.

"That's not the point" I reply against his mouth.

"Shhhhh, kiss me Darling. I wanna remember how it feels so that I make it through the day"

"Patrick!" I warn as his hand caresses my cheek. How am I supposed to resist him. He cancelled a meeting to see me. Ahhh.

"Kiss me..." he whispers again and holy god I can't say no.

I put my best moves into the kiss to make sure that he does in fact remember how it feels. He groans, making me shiver and I wish that he was still naked beside me.

"I'll message you as soon as I'm done. I want to live out the other part of your bio. Drowning in chocolate wrappers seems fun" is the last thing he says before he stands up, grabs his jacket and finally looks like he's in a bit of a hurry while he leaves.

The sound of my door closing behind him is my cue to flail around and squeal excitedly like a girl from a high school teen movie.

I lie there and stare at the ceiling for god knows how long. Going over every moment from last night. I'm only disturbed by a ping from my phone and I grab it excitedly thinking it's a message from Patrick.

When I see the notification, I give my phone a strange look. It is a message from the app. The pink bar displaying a statement I've never seen before.

Daddy Deposit Complete - P. Stump

Squinting at the words I finally click on it. The app pops up briefly before a hyper link takes me to my bank account. The feeling that gives me is a sickly one. I knew he was going to pay me because that's how this stupid thing works. It's just I didn't know it would be so soon. I'm not ready to accept the fact I've essentially just been paid for what happened between us last night. I'm not ready to take money from someone for giving them my time.

He said that he knew that I wasn't with him because of the cash but I still feel bad about it. Guilty. Horrible! Maybe we should have spoken about it more.

My banking app requires my fingerprint to open it. I'm not sure why I added that feature when it doesn't have an amount worth stealing.

Well it didn't. Past tense. Now though I've no idea what figure I'm going to see and my thumb shakes as I press it to the screen.

The loading circle appears and I watch it spin. It resembles what's happening in my brain right now. Thoughts going round and round.

Then up pops my bank balance in black bold jarring numbers.

Is he serious? That can't be right? There's no way that he meant to pay me that much!



He pushed far too many zeros! He must have! Am I having a heart attack? Yes quite possibly. Goodbye cruel world!

Using my still shaking thumbs to open the sugar daddy app back up. I type furiously.


I'd rather be screaming that in his face but screaming with the power of capital letters will have to do!

Oh shoot I forgot something.

Sofia: XX


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