BILLA : The Unsaid Love Story...

By annu_pranushka_jam

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What if Billa is a love story ? Billa the underworld don has an encounter with a girl Maya. Will love will kn... More

Billa meets Maya.
Is this Billa ?
Confused Maya.
Billa's House
I Saw Her
Trip ??
Wont you laugh ??
Open your mouth please...
Strolling Around
Back to India
Making a Home
The Passage
Don of Dons
'Why are you interrupting to my life '
Billa's POV
Some truth are unsaid
Lady Billa
Love can take Life too
Who is Priya??
I love you
Vikram's Death
Maya knows Vikram's truth
Bajirao's destruction - beginning
New plan...New guests...
Lisa loses temper
An Honest Review On Saaho
The final War
Thank you
A Small Gift....


1.1K 94 23
By annu_pranushka_jam

"Krishna, Krishna Prabhakar"

Maya remembered the name Prabhakar on the envelope she got from that room. She stood still, giving complete attention to his words.

"When I enter this house, it's my name. Krishna... ".

"So your name is Krishna??", asked Maya in wonder. "My name was Krishna. Not now. This place, where we are standing now was used to be home earlier. I was living happily with my parents. No kid of that age enjoyed freedom and care that I enjoyed. "

"Kanna... Don't run so fast... You will fall down"

"I was a naughty kid. Always made mom and dad run behind me. I used to fight with everyone who come on my way. But they never scolded or best me. Because they knew I was right always. "

"Kanna, fight with anyone but only for justice. If you have the full faith that you are correct, then go ahead , don't fear, don't look back, your eyes should be only at your target. If you are bold enough stay strong, alone, in any condition, then people will believe you. And they will become your strength and weapon".

"Mom wanted to be a hero... a hero who faces everything with courage. She always advised me to do so.
But dad was not like that. He was very innocent and a poor soul. Only to give love for everyone. And each and every body took advantage of it. "

The pain in his words was clearly visible on his eyes. Maya kept her hand on his shoulder.

"One day, Dad came home very stressed. Dad being very selfless, had gave the documents of our house and farm, to his friend who required loan. Later dad came to know that his friend has eloped to somewhere. The bank officials would come the next day to cease our home. Dad was completely broken. I didn't knew what was going on , how can, I was a kid of 5. Mom tried to give him strength. She somehow made him sleep that night. Later in the morning I woke up hearing my mother's scream. I went to the direction where the sound came from. And I saw the most terrible sight.... My... My dad.... he was.... han.. hanging on the ceiling...."

Maya took her hand from his shoulders suddenly. She saw tears flowing from his eyes. She couldn't even imagine the scene, a 5 year old kid who witnessed his father's terrible death...  Bills took a deep breath and continued.

" Later mom held my hands and we both stepped out to the streets. Mom suffered alot for our daily bread. I wanted to help her. But she was stubborn to send me school. I went to school and studied hard, so that I can treat my mom like a queen. But God didn't show any bit of Mercy on me. 4 years... 4 years she worked like a machine, without proper food or rest. One day I saw her vomiting blood. The doctor of nearby government hospital said, she won't survive long. The name of the disease was not something which can be grasped by a 9 year old... Still she worked.. worked hard, to make me survive ... But, 3 months later, she too left, making me alone in this world....".

The next moment Maya ran to him hugged him tight. He needed someone to relay. He too hugged her back even more tighter, not allowing a single layer of air to pass. She was crying, but he didn't. His tears has already dried up that day when his mother left him.

After a while Billa was sitting on floor leaning to the piller. Maya rested her head on his chest while he encircled his arms over her.

"Kanna ... You should... study well and.. earn a good job. I don't want you to suffer in your future.  sorry Kanna, I think I want to leave you alone. But be strong always. Remember one thing... Money.. money is the most important thing in today's world... Only that can make your life better.  Promise me,... You will earn a good living in future... You will lead a happy life with all the luxuries ... "

Krishna kept his hand over her's. She smiled a bit and said a good bye to her child..... forever....

"Mom was a strong woman, a real fighter. I don't hate dad . He couldn't do anything other than that. Suicide was a simple solution for problems. But I have only one complaint,.. why did he decide to leave this world alone... why did he throw me and Mom to this world only to suffer...why didn't he took us with him ....".

Maya kept her fingers over his lips and nodded her head sidewise asking him to stop. He smiled faintly and removed her hands .

"Mumbai street was my home. I did so many jobs, in hotels,  polishing shoes, stores etc.   I turned more arrogant and short tempered day by day. I used to fight with everyone.  Even if I got beaten , the fire my eyes was enough to burn my enemy. Soon everyone started to fear me, which I liked.
Months passed... Life was going on...when one day I encountered with Renjith, who was a local goon. Some people were behind him probably to kill him. One of them was aiming to shoot him. I looked around and saw a beer bottle. I took it and aimed at that man. It hit his head and blood started oozing out. The gun which fell from his hand was taken by me. I aimed and shot the remaining men. Nobody died, but it hit them at hand or leg or somewhere. Renjith was happy and came to me asking my name. I looked at him. "Billa," I said. That day, that moment, Krishna died, and Billa took birth. "

"That was a new beginning. He took me his home and asked me to stay with him. He stopped me from going to work and treated as a son. Rohini aunty was like my mom. She send me school. Along with that, I was being trained by myself to become a DON.
After my graduation, one day I saw him, the same man to destroyed my family. Dad's friend.. Now he was one of the richest man in Mumbai. When I enquired, I came to know he was cheating my dad for money. And he has did the same with many people.
   That day I understood the real meaning what my mom said during her last breath. Money is everything in this world. For money he betrayed my dad, because of money my dad left us, for money my mom suffered, because of lack of money I couldn't save my mom....
    My blood rushed and the next night I killed him with my own hands . I was not guilty. But was happy to remove a weed which will soon destroy Mumbai. And his wealth,..  I took it over. His men became my army, and I established my kingdom. "

"Weapons was always my craze. So I did business. Yes illegal business,  because Billa wanted only money. And I got back my house too. I did so many murders, but I can say without any doubt that, all the men who were killed by my hands were the biggest criminals which were a great threat to our nation. I claimed all their wealth, then later started my own company too. Don't know why, I don't want to see any poor kid suffering like I did. So I started some orphanages and welfare associations for them . My mom always wanted me to become a hero which is I am now."

Above  bgm for this part is given.
I love that song actually, from KGF 
I hope you all liked the update.
Most of the people who is going through the wrong path probably will have a past like this which led them their .....

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