Steal My Girl ➸ z.m.

By vaporzayn

79K 2.9K 563

❝Everybody wanna steal my girl. Everybody wanna take her heart away. Couple billion in the whole wide world... More

Steal My Girl
kik group chat x


4.9K 127 3
By vaporzayn

"Ready or not, here I come!" I shouted from behind the tree I was standing at. I jumped out into the open and looked around for any of my friends I may find.

I looked behind trees, up trees, in bushes, beside the house, and anywhere else a normal 8 year old could fit. When I couldn't find anyone, I huffed in annoyance and trudged inside.

All the lights were off, so I reached up and blindly felt around for a light switch. When I turned it on, lots of people jumped out and shouted,

"Surprise!" I gasped in fright and looked at everyone. A large grin crept across my face and I squealed. "Happy 8th birthday, Alissa!" everyone said in unison.

"A birthday party? For me?!" I shrieked in excitement. "Thankyouthankyou, THANK YOU!" I ran around and gave everyone hugs. I noticed most of my family and all my friends from elementary school were there.

"Why don't you kids go play and we'll set up for ice cream and cake, yeah?" I nodded and ran out into the blazing Florida sun, my friends trailing behind.

We all played outside, only going in for cake and presents, then back outside until everyone had to go home. When my last friend finally went home, my parents took me into the living room at sat me down. They smiled,

"Happy birthday darling! You've grown up so much!" I giggled in response and their smiles slowly faded. I frowned,

"What's wrong, Mommy?" she said nothing. "Daddy?" he sighed.

"Baby girl, Mommy got a new job a couple days ago, a job that's going to have to make us move." I stared at him confused.

"But we already move our bodies everyday, why's it such a big deal?" I asked confusedly. They smiled sadly down at me.

"We don't mean move our bodies- we mean move homes." I gasped.


"No buts, darling. We're sorry, but we have to move to a different country." I started breathing harder.

"Not again. Please, don't move again. Don't wanna," I cried. "Can I still see my friends in the new country?"

"Sweetie, you can make some new friends there..." she spoke softly. I realized this meant my while life was changing. I was pretty intelligent for a girl my age. I knew my options.

1) throw a tantrum until we just don't move.

2) cry until we make something work where I can stay here but my mom can still work. Or,

3) be quiet and go along; maybe something exciting will come out of it.

I chose number 3. I sat quietly and stared at my feet. I huffed and mumbled,

"Happy birthday to me." I stood up and walked glumly to my room. My parents didn't bother stopping me, they knew not to. I quickly got changed into pajamas and laid down, soon falling asleep.

When I awoke the next morning, there were strange men in the house, putting everything into boxes and carrying them into large trucks.

"What's happening?!" I shrieked to my parents. My dad picked me up and hugged me, kissing my forehead.

"This is us moving, baby girl." I looked around the emptying house and sniffed. I wrapped my arms around my fathers neck and closed my eyes. I didn't pay attention to anything for next few days; it's like I was in a trance, sleeping but with my eyes open.

When I finally came to and realized my surroundings, I was on a plane. I looked out the window and saw nothing but blue.

"Where're we going, Daddy?" I asked. He smiled at me, seeing as I haven't spoken in the past 72 hours.

"We're going to England, baby girl. You'll love it there, promise." I sighed and looked back out my window, soon seeing land appear in the distance. And I knew it was England. It seemed so inviting, almost as if shouting out to me,

Welcome to your new home.




whoop! first chapter. please vote if you liked it! hope you enjoyed x.

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