Shadows- a Danplan fanfiction

By Ilikepansthough

18.4K 1K 1.8K

This is the sequel to Flames-a Danplan fanfiction, so you should probably read that first. Five years after t... More

Creeping- Prologue
Something Dark
Ignorance is Bliss
No Time
Marionettes & Blood
Mysteries & Mountains
In Between
Horrible Ideas
Perfectly Helpless
Awkward Situations
A For Effort
One favour
Silent Home
Finding Stephen
Base 1
What friends are for
First year zero
Wake up Call
On the way
Goodbye Wattpad. + second year 0, plot


703 36 52
By Ilikepansthough

Daniel was more than slightly worried after Pau's warning, but tried to keep his cool.

He was in his room with Hosuh and Stephen, when suddenly a thought hit him.
Anne was alone in her room, and didn't know anything about what Pau had told him.

The green haired male looked out of the window, to see a dark sky, filled with endless stars and a full, round moon.
No matter how much he disliked it, he would have to go warn Anne, and that would require opening the door he had so carefully locked.

"What do you think of this?" Stephen interrupted his thoughts.

"Of what?" Daniel questioned.

"I think he means this place." Hosuh chimed in.

"Oh." Daniel said lightly.
"I don't know, it's weird, but not that bad."

Stephen shook his head. "I think we should leave this place as fast as possible." He said under his breath.

"Why?" Hosuh asked quietly.

"Have you noticed how all the people here are very young? Like, our age, or younger." Stephen commented cryptically.

Daniel's eyes widened in realisation. "That's...true. I never paid much mind to it, but I saw no one older than us." He mumbled thoughtfully.

Hosuh couldn't say why, but he felt as if the air was suddenly colder. "Maybe it's just a very young civilization." He argued, not sure if what he was saying made any sense.
"I still don't think we should go yet." He added.

Stephen looked at him angrily. "Why? There is obviously something wrong with this place. I can sense it." The necromancer grumbled.

"I get it, but we need to get some rest, besides I think we should find out more about this civilization, before we judge it too quickly." The healer stated his opinion.

Daniel laughed a bit. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but don't fight too much while I'm gone." Daniel told his friends.

This caused Stephen to stare at him. "Where are you going? Have you gone completely crazy now?"
The violet haired man asked with a tone of disapproval, maybe even slight worry, though he'd blatantly deny it.

"Well where do you want to go Dan?" Hosuh asked, in a more gentle, relaxed voice.

Daniel smiled warily. "I'm going to check on Anne, to see if she's alright. She also needs to know what Pau told us." He explained.

"You sure you wanna go alone?" Hosuh asked worriedly.

Daniel nodded. "I'll be fine." He reassured his younger friend.

"Alright." Hosuh gave in, causing Daniel to smile widely.

"Do I not get any say in this?" Stephen rudely cut them off, sounding offended.

Daniel sighed. "I appreciate that you're worried-"

"I am not worried! It's just that you are the one with the money!" Stephen immediately denied.

Daniel shook his head. "Whatever you say!" He said teasingly, causing Hosuh to chuckle.
Then he open the door and exited the room, leaving the keys for Hosuh to lock it again.

Once Daniel stood in the dark, long corridor, he couldn't deny that he was having second thoughts on what he was doing. The air had an off-putting smell to it.
It smelled unbearably sweet, like a strong woman's perfume, but tasted bitter in his mouth.

The corridor was dimly lit, the pastel colours darkened by the lack of light.
There was something weird about the colour theme, combined with the eerie silence. In fact it was so silent, that Daniel could swear to hear his own heartbeat. As if all the guests in the hotel didn't dare to breathe.
He couldn't even hear Stephen and Hosuh, so maybe the walls were soundproof, or something like that.
But then he realised he was wrong.
He heard Hosuh and Stephen talking quietly from their room, but that was the only noise.

Daniel couldn't shake the feeling that everyone else was being silent for a reason, like they knew something that Stephen, Hosuh and him had yet to find out.

He took his first step away from the closed door and toward Anne's room, making sure to be quiet.
It was a leap of faith for the green haired man, but he managed to make it.
The next steps were easier, and he grew more relaxed as he walked.

Suddenly he stopped on his tracks, when he heard a loud, high pitched scream.
The noise startled, as well as scared him.
He realised after a couple seconds, that the scream was female and could very well come from Anne.

At that thought his legs moved on their own. He ran as fast as he could toward the room in question, fearing the worst.
Once he arrived he burst through the open door without hesitation.

What he saw in front of him, was not what he'd expected.

A sleepy looking Anne, looking at him annoyed.

Everything was fine, he felt a wave of relief crash down on him. As he let out a glad sigh.

"What was that for Dan? I was asleep. You scared me to death." Anne complained moodily, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"I'm sorry. It's just that I heard a scream and- Wait, why was your door open when you were asleep?" Daniel ranted.

Anne sighed. "Wait, slow down. So what you're saying, is that there was a scream? I didn't hear anything. If there had been a scream it would have woken me up, you know I'm not a heavy sleeper." Anne argued.
"As for the door, I probably forgot to lock it. I was very tired." She added, scratching the back of her neck.

Daniel's face was completely white now.
"You didn't hear? But how? I'm sure I heard something."

Anne shook her head and chuckled. "You're probably tired too, my friend." She joked gently, noticing Daniel's terrified expression.
"Hey, why are you that worried anyway?" She asked her friend.

The green haired male gave her a serious look. "This place is dangerous." He whispered. "At least the barkeeper said so. Keep your door well locked, ok?" He added quietly.

With those words he left the room, not turning around to say anything except a muttered. "Good night."

Anne was left alone in the dark room, sitting on her bed and feeling as though something was about to happen.
Like the harmless shadows were suddenly alive, only to hunt her down.
Needless to say she locked the door, twice.

Author's comment:
Alright, here you have another chapter.
I'm keeping the tension high, aren't I?
I hope you liked it, I really enjoyed writing this, because I left a lot of clues as to where this story will be going, even if they aren't that evident.
Anyway, thank you for reading you beautiful people!!!

Anyway, bye, girlfriends, boyfriends and none binary lovers!

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