Her Cruise Ship Surprise | ✔

By PatriciaElliott8

272K 13.3K 1K

Caution: This story may contain some consensual BDSM(Bondage, Discipline, Sadism, Masochism), sex, and coarse... More

Author Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight

Chapter Thirty-Four

3.9K 258 29
By PatriciaElliott8

"Have you been watching Under Siege?" Jason asked with a worried lop-sided grin.

"If it works, it works," Logan replied as he slipped his card into the lock. He was glad that his buddy was there to watch his back. Together they had a chance of taking the ship back and saving their girls. He hated that the men had guns, and they didn't, but that just meant they had to be more strategic.

Grabbing a shoe from the closet, he turned it sideways and used it to prop the door ajar, then hid behind it. The next step was on Jason. He knew that the man could handle anything. He'd seen that when they trained together, carrying a soldier on his back for miles back to base. The man had been tired and worn, but he never gave up.

A few minutes later, he heard the telltale bang on the wall per their distraction discussion. That should definitely get their attention. Standing at the ready, he had the knife poised in his hand. They would have to silence him quickly and quietly and pull him into the room to tie him up.

They were too far away to hear anything the guards were saying, but it didn't take long before a pair of boots hitting the carpet came into earshot. Adrenaline surged through his body and he adjusted his grip on the knife, his heart strangely calm. They trained him for these moments like these. Again, he heard Jason bang on the wall, drawing the man ever closer to his door.

As soon as the man walked by the opening, Logan opened it quiet and stepped out behind him. When he took his second step, his boot hit something hard, and it crunched beneath his foot, and he cringed. The man jumped and spun around, but not before Logan rammed the butt end of the knife into the man's temple.

Slipping his hands under the man's armpits, he dragged him into the room and laid him on the bed. After he tied him up, Logan ducked his head back out the door just as Jason looked around the corner. Logan pointed down the hallway and then slowly made his way to the corner where there was only one man left standing.

They'd have to take out the guy as quietly as possible before he alerted whatever men were inside, but that wasn't going to be easy because the door was halfway down another corridor. The only thing he could think of doing was having Jason go down the far hallway, and him down the other.

"Walk up to him casually, like you're trying to find out what's going on," he told Jason. "I'll come up from the other way."

He wasn't exactly sure how they'd go about getting in the room as he was certain there were more guards in there. As they approached, he noticed the employee entrance off to the side. Well, that made it easy. Stopping just shy of the other hallway, he waited until he heard Jason talking to the man.

The name Jason Momoa echoed down the hallway, and Logan stifled a chuckle. That's one way to snag a man's attention. Who didn't know about Aquaman? It was the latest new movie.

"Can I have your autograph?" the guard asked.

Why couldn't he have looked like a celebrity? Just imagine how many freebies he'd get going into restaurants. But, on the other hand, he loved his quiet unobtrusive life. And he liked not having to worry about going outside and getting mobbed by adoring fans.

As they talked about the movie, the guy's guard began to dissipate. Being completely absorbed would make it easier to sneak up on him. Logan looked behind him. Thankfully no one else was wandering the halls, which meant that the assailants were either short-staffed or they were all allocated to other positions within the ship.

Soon, the man's arm with the gun went down to his side, and he seemed at ease with his new companion. That took him by surprise. Maybe the group wasn't quite as professional as he first thought.

Carefully and quietly, he sidestepped his way towards the guy. One crunch from his boot and things could go horribly wrong. His heart beat revved up a notch as did the adrenaline surging through him. Lives depended on them not making a mistake. He wanted to get inside the dining hall and find out if anyone else was trained in combat.

"I always wanted to be an actor," the man said, doing a few funny looking karate moves.

"It's never too late," Jason replied. "I could always give your name to my agent."

"Really?" You'd do—" He never even had a chance to finish his sentence. Logan took that final step behind him and wrapped his arms around the guy's neck in a chokehold. Jason gave him a thumb's up as the man went limp in Logan's arms.

The two of them picked him up and took him to the same room as the other guy and tied him up for safe keeping. He wanted to try to keep them alive so that they could get their just deserts by the court. Anyone willing to kidnap an entire ship of people deserved to have the book thrown at them.

"What next?" Jason asked.

Leaning over, Logan snatched the radios off the men's hip and handed one to his partner. "These should help us figure out what their plans are and keep us in the loop on what they're doing."

"Good idea."

"I was thinking that we should try to enter the kitchen through the employee entrance and then go from there. They likely only have another two or three guys inside guarding the other kitchen entrance."

"Well, here goes nothing," Jason replied as he opened the employee door.


Tammy paced the length of the room, not that there was a lot of room to move around. Every square inch of it was occupied. She glanced at the door. She wanted to know what was going on. She hated being in the dark. Dark meant death. And that wasn't something that was part of her game plan.

"Will you sit down? You're making me dizzy," Darla groaned, lifting a hand to cover her eyes.

Tamara turned to look at her and frowned. Her friend's cheeks were still pale, even her lips matched her cheeks. "How are you feeling, hun?"

"I'd say that I feel like I've been run over by a truck, but I think that cliché phrase has been far too overdone."

"I think it probably works in this case." Reaching over, she placed the back of her hand on Darla's forehead. "Thank god you aren't running a fever." The last thing they needed was for her to get an infection right now. It's not like they had access to all the first aid supplies in the medical bay.

Darla grabbed her hand and gave it a kiss. "You don't need to play mother hen, hun."

Tamara knew that, but she hadn't expected to make a new friend and one that she'd gotten so close to so quickly. She didn't know those types of relationships, not even with Carla. She almost felt like family. "I can't let you die."

"Come here," Darla said, holding out her arms.

Lying down, she rested her head on her friend's shoulder, careful not to jostle the injury on the opposite side. They cuddled up to each other. Tamara kissed her friend on the forehead before watching her drift off to sleep. Having friend's that were girls didn't come easy for her. Maybe that was because more than anything she was a tomboy and had different likes than most girls.

She wasn't the dressy type, or the make-up type. Give her boxing gloves or a punching bag and she was happy or even hockey skates. Nothing was the same as getting out there on the ice and knocking that puck around.

"Rest easy," she whispered, as she brushed the hair away from Darla's eyes. "I'm here for you."

If anyone tried anything, she'd take them down so fast that they wouldn't know what hit them. That was a promise. She was going to stay awake and be ever watchful to make sure no one walked in that door but their guys.

Tamara had been worried that Darla's cries of agony might alert someone walking by their door, so she was glad that she was sleeping because it brought temporary relief to her and the silence they needed. But she would need professional help before long. And that made her wonder about the boys.

"Come on, boys. Where are you?" Tamara murmured. If they didn't come back soon, she'd have to go out and find them. She wasn't going to lay here forever. If her friend woke up with more strength, she'd feel more confident to leave her. But as of right now, she had to stay.

She was used to being active though, used to getting her hands dirty. Now she knew what her brother, Caleb, felt like when he couldn't help Maria when she was held as a hostage. Not that she needed his help. That girl was one tough cookie and took the bad guys out all by herself. Maybe that's how his wife whipped Caleb into shape, turning him into a family man finally.

And she was certain that this trip was meant to do that for her. Tamara couldn't control the smile that took over her face. She did get married as odd as that sounded even to her own ears. After handling so many domestic abuse cases and her own messed up choices, she'd been determined to remain single for the rest of her life.

And then in walked Logan again. The one and only person she'd ever given her heart to and still had it in the palm of his hand. Her pulse skipped a beat as she thought of him lying dead somewhere on the ship. She had to go to him. It was her duty to protect everyone, including him. He may be a soldier of some type, but she was a cop.

Raising her forearm, she glanced at her watch. They'd been gone for over an hour and still no word. As if Darla somehow sensed her worry, she woke again. "It's like you're pacing in your imagination," her friend commented.

"Sorry, I just don't like this."

Darla grinned. "Why do I feel like you'll drive your kids crazy with your worrying?"

Tamara froze. Holy crap. She hadn't even thought of whether or not Logan wanted more kids. They hadn't even talked about that type of stuff. Her hands protectively went to her belly. Did she want any more aside from her new stepdaughter? They really had a lot of stuff to talk about.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"Nah, it's fine. I guess I never really spent much time thinking about whether I wanted to have more kids or not."

"What about Logan?"

"He already has a daughter."

"Ouch," Darla murmured.

"It's okay, really. I understand that he was trying to find a life after getting out of..." she let her words trail off. Did she really want to let Darla in on what happened between her and Logan? And she figured what the hay, if they were going to be friends, Darla would learn about it, anyway. "Jail."

That caught her friend's attention. "Holy heck, what did he wind up in jail for?"

"Long story, but he was innocent and eventually they let him go."

"Wowzers. So he had a kid with someone else instead of coming back to you?"

Getting up from the bed, Tamara began pacing again. "Again, long story."

"Well, given I can't walk and you're here to babysit me, you might as well fill me in."

And so she did.



Thank you for patiently waiting for my updates and thank you for continuing to read this story. I'm working hard to finish it within the next two weeks. I hope you are enjoying it so far.  The next update should be on Friday.

Love you guys!

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