Sugar. Why not?

By SarahCraik5

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Sofia is struggling to get a grip on her life and is drowning in student debts. With no luck finding a job an... More

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The Downfall Of Us
You'll Get What's Coming To You
Are You Guilty? Yes, Of Hurting
Mr Stump & Miss Westwood
What's The Verdict?
Sex, Love And More Sex
Sugar Why Not? Playlist
Epilogue - Keeper Of My Heart

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1.2K 30 24
By SarahCraik5

Patrick's POV

Sofia Westwood's profile is quite possibly the only one that has intrigued me since signing up to this agency. I've been on quite a few 'dates' with the so called 'SugarySweets' and if I'm honest every one of them has been fake. I know they are obviously trying to do and say what they want me to hear. So that I'll end up funding whatever is it they need.

I guess some people would be okay with fucking women after women and throwing out cash forever. Maybe that's exactly what I should keep doing. Only the sexual attraction to these women has been merely lukewarm.

The thing is, I could pay for sex any day of the week. I applied to this stupid agency to get a little bit more than that yet cut out the time it takes to make a connection with someone.

I can only laugh at myself now because a connection is exactly what's been lacking. Clearly I need it and I definitely want it. I'm not saying I want a women to fall madly in love with me or for me to return the feelings. I'm saying that I want someone to be there, someone I can spoil and take out while knowing that they at least kind of like me.

I want company and sex. It's that simple. Or at least it should be.

Sofia has given me a tiny sliver of hope. She's beautiful for a start and because of the lack of details on her profile upon my first visit, it suggested that she has no idea what she's doing. Just like me.

My second visit to her profile made me smile. Why did I check it again? I'm not sure but I found a little more information. Movies, chocolate and cuddles is the essence of her bio and those are all things I'd be more than happy to provide.

For the first time it actually irritated me that I couldn't message her immediately. This agency rules don't allow a conversation if the like button isn't mutually jabbed. But why? I don't understand it. How would you know if you like someone from just a few sentences? People have to talk to each other to get somewhere.

Sadly I was unable to do anything about it. Until I was in a merger meeting with CEO's all the way from China. We were deep in conversation over the buying and selling of a new ship yard when my phone vibrated in my pocket.

One quick glance at it under the table and I saw that Sofia had liked me back. For the first time in god knows how long, I felt excited. There was only one thing for it.

I'd stopped the meeting all together just so I could head to the bathroom and finally message her.

That's where I am now. Staring at my little mobile keyboard wondering what Sofia would be impressed by. Usually I open with straight offers of dinner to get to know each other. Which is what I'd really like to do.

Only I want to see if she's serious first. I want to know if I've got it wrong and in actual fact she's just going to tell me what I want to hear like all the rest.

I'm ashamed to say that I'm nervous as I type a complete sentence before hitting 'send'.

Sofia POV

If you had to guess, what do you think I've been doing for the past two hours?

Option A: Researching the coffee shop that I finally selected a time to be interviewed by.

Option B: Staring at a message from a stranger on a Sugar Daddy website.

Yup! You're right, it's B! Fuckkkkkk!

I've been reading and re-reading the message that Patrick Stump sent me hours ago. I don't know why I'm analysing it. It's literally one sentence.

'Hi Sofia, what are you looking for from this site?'

I'm not going to lie. It's a great question that I don't know how to answer. Do I make something up? Do I tell the truth? Or do I tell him to mind his own damn business?

No, definitely not the last one.

Honestly seems to have gotten me this far so why would I change tactics now?

Sofia: Well I signed up to the app out of curiosity and now I'm having fun browsing. So I guess I'm not 100% sure :)

A few seconds later he replies. I like his enthusiasm.

Patrick: If that's the case then I am even more flattered that you liked my profile. I feel privileged :D

Sofia: Yes, you should feel privileged. My time is very precious haha!

Patrick: Then I won't waste it. Would you let me take you out to dinner?

What? That quick?

I expected to be talking to him for a few days before that question was asked, not minutes. Now I have no time to analyse everything like I normally do. Should I go? Should I say it's too quick? But then why is it too quick? There isn't much I can learn over the Internet. I could Google him but I guess that wouldn't give me any of the answers that I want.

Before I can reply another message appears.

Patrick: I'm sorry if that was rather forward. I just find you extremely attractive Sofia.

And I find you to be absolutely 'fuck me now' gorgeous. Really what do I have to lose here? Literally nothing! Worst comes to worst I'll get out of this place for a few hours.

Sofia: No it's okay. I'd love to go out with you x

A kiss? Really Sofia! Jesus Christ!

Patrick: Fantastic! Are you free tomorrow night? X

Oh kisses are good! Tomorrow? Yes I'm always free!

Sofia: Tomorrow night is perfect x

Patrick: Would you like me to pick you up? X

Sofia: Thank you but I'd rather just get a cab x

Safety first. I can't really afford the fair but I don't want to have to rely on him taking me home if it doesn't go well.

Patrick: That's absolutely fine Darling. Does 7pm sound okay? X

Wow Darling. That' lovely.

Sofia: Perfect! X

Patrick: Great! I'll find a nice restaurant and let you know the details. I'm looking forward to it. X

We chat for a little longer and he tells me about a recent deal he's just closed on a shipping yard. It's actually rather interesting even though I didn't understand all of it. I enjoyed it nonetheless. His intelligence is hot and I end the night by dropping into bed flustered like a teenage girl about to go on her first date with her crush!


I'm a panicked mess as I throw all of my clothes out of my wardrobe and onto the floor. I don't have a huge collection to pick from but it's still a task to sift through it all.

Why the hell do I have zero nice clothes? I'm by no means a glamour model but I do try to take pride in my appearance...sometimes. My favourite thing to wear these days is a sweat pant-hoodie combo.

I certainly can't meet Mr Patrick Stump wearing that. He will no doubt be dressed from head to toe in designer clothes.

My frustration is almost driving me to breaking point when my hand grasps and pulls out a lovely pale pink strapless dress, complete with sweetheart neckline and skater style skirt. I can confirm I've worn it once since I purchased it. But it's perfect. I'm jumping for joy.

Couple it with black heels, curl my brunette crazed locks and maybe I'll look presentable.

Okay it's five-thirty and I need to get my ass in the shower.

When I do, I pay close attention as I shave. Not that I'm planning on him seeing me naked or anything. Well, not yet. Or not ever! I don't want to get ahead of myself.

It just makes me feel so much better knowing I'm shaved within an inch of my life.

When I finally get out of the shower twenty minutes later, I see that Patrick has sent me the details of where we are dinning tonight. It's a five star restaurant named 'Prosecco' and from the information on Google Maps, it's only fifteen minutes away. Wow five stars. I've never been in a five star restaurant.

I gotta admit it makes me a little nervous. I don't want to come across as a charity case. Nevertheless, all I can do is be myself.

Tugging my dress on, I realise it's a bit tighter than I remember but that's probably because I've been eating terrible food without any exercise. Luckily my ankles haven't grown any and my heels fit perfectly.

I spray so much perfume over my body that I begin to choke on it. Lord Sofia, you don't want to smell like a hookers handbag! Oh a handbag! I better find that too! I should have a black one.

Shaking my head to escape the cloud of perfume, I step in front of my mirror. It's cracked a little in the corner and it makes me wonder if that's why I'm having so much bad luck.

Staring at myself, I see the lack of colour in my cheeks and zero light in my eyes. I try to ignore it as I curl my hair and apply a little lip gloss. There's no point in adding lots of makeup because it's just not who I am.

As I stand there fully dressed an onslaught of emotions hit me. I don't have to do this. I could just delete the app and curl up in bed with my sweat pants on. Except there's a tiny part of me that is just dying to know more about Patrick Stump. I can't pin point why but he's the only thing in my life right now that has made me smile.

I had called the cab company this morning so that I knew for sure I'd be able to get one on time. When the text comes through that my driver is outside, it prompts me to just go!

This is going to be good! It's going to an experience if nothing else.

The cab driver tries to make light conversation on the journey but my churning nervous stomach only allows me to reply in one word answers.

It feels like the ride takes forever but I know that's it actually quite short. My pulse is racing and sweat is beginning to form on my back.

The cab pulls up outside 'Prosecco' and just from the modern white brick exterior, I know I'm going to feel extremely out of place in there.

Paying the driver quickly, I exit the cab and smooth down my dress. Taking a good few moments to psych myself up, I take a deep breath before entering.

I'm not sure if he's going to be here or actually at a table alre-

It doesn't take long for my eyes to land on the lovely gentleman waiting in the foyer. When his eyes meet mine all of my nerves disappear and my body relaxes. What is this witchcraft?

I think I'm I drooling? It has nothing to do with the fancy expensive decor. The chandelier is pretty and all but that's not why my jaw is on the floor.

Mr Patrick Stump stands a few feet away in a gorgeous blue suit. His hair is nicely styled, his beard groomed perfectly. Oh and the little smile on his face suggests confidence. He's a very handsome man and I'm going struggle to form any sentences.

"Sofia?" He questions, making his way to me. His eyes slide down my body and back up so slowly that I can literally feel it burning me. Does he like what he sees? I sure hope so.

"Yes, that's me" I reply and he steps forward, leaning into me subtly.

"May I?" He asks and I realise he's asking if he can kiss my cheek. Wow, what a gentleman.

"Of course" I reply, a blush creeping onto my face. The cute smile he gives me before closing the distance causes butterflies to go crazy in my stomach. His lips press onto my cheek while his hand rests gently on my arm. A lovely cologne fills my senses and I have to refrain from trying to smell him further.

"You look beautiful" he whispers in my ear and I can feel my blush amplifying. I probably look like a bright red tomato.

"Thank you" is my high pitched reply. I literally sound like a mouse. He's never gonna want me.

Lord, he's so dreamy though. I kinda wish I'd met him in a different way. In a completely normal boy meets girl in a bar situation. But here we are. A sugar daddy meeting in which I'm going to try and impress him so he will give me cash. I haven't really been thinking about it like that until this moment. In fact I haven't been thinking about the cash side of things too much at all. It makes me feel weird.

For me the reason this is happening is because the whole thing excited me. The app distracted me and messaging Patrick gave a thrill like no other. Just like he's doing right now too. I wish I could say it's just the situation but I know that it's not. As he steps aside to let me go ahead my heart beat picks up and it's all to do with him.

His hand meets my lower back, guiding me gently to the table. In order to distract myself from the way it heats me up, I try to take in the decor some more.

Perfectly white and pristine table cloths underneath identically placed plates and cutlery. The lighting is low, the atmosphere almost seductive. That's the only way I can describe it. The tables are a nice distance from one another which seems like it would provide just the right amount of privacy.

That's not something that I have to worry about as we stop at a table situated away from all the others. It's a little bit more fancy too and spacious with plush black chairs replacing the wooden ones that the other tables have.

I'm speechless as his hand leaves my back so that he can pull my chair out for me. I've never seen such grandeur.

All I can do is mumble a quick thank you as I sit and follow Patrick's confident walk around to his own chair. There's something about this man that suggests even though he's all polite and perfectly dressed on the outside, there's someone a little more rough underneath. Maybe it's the way he gazes back at me with deep blue eyes that hold so more curiosity for a normal women like me. I imagine my gaze looks the same. I feel hungry for food and information.

When he begins to speak I'm pretty sure a gun shot could go off and i'd be unaware.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet me" he begins, his expression completely genuine. He's thanking me? Surely every girl he likes would say yes to him. I'm certainly nothing special.

"Thank you for even looking at my profile. I have to be honest I had no idea what I was supposed to write" I confess. He nods, looking down with a grin forming.

"Yes, well I have something to confess too. I looked at your profile many times. I never do that but your picture is so beautiful and the lack of information at first, intrigued me. It made me want to know more. So when you did fill in your bio, I loved every word"

Wow. Just wow. Not a single part of that was a ploy to impress me or a line delivered expertly. It was just pure honesty and I'm starting to think that's a big part of who he is. Of course I can't be completely sure because I don't know him very well yet but that's the feeling I get.

"I'm so glad you said that, it makes me feel a lot better. Less silly too. You see it's not just the profile I have no idea about it. It's the whole concept. Coming across the website was just by chance so sitting here right now is completely surreal for me"

As I speak, he leans a little closer as if he's showing that I have his full attention. I rather like it.

"I completely understand. I was the same the first time I met a women from the site. I didn't know what she wanted from me or even what I wanted" He's still being so open and this time I wonder how many women he's met. I guess I have nothing to loose by just asking.

"Okay, I have two questions from that"

"Go ahead" he responds, his lips pulling up.

"What number 'SugarySweet' am I for you? And what are you looking for from this" As soon as I finish asking, I feel nervous to hear the answer.

"You are number five but please don't misunderstand. I've met four women before you but none of them were anything more than a first date or one night stand. I think they were just happy to get dinner paid for or they were out of my bed as soon as they saw the money was in their account. As for what I want-" I have to stop him mid sentence because I'm so shocked.

"Wait, you gave them money for spending one night with you? That doesn't make sense to me" I blurt out. He grins again, lovely straight white teeth showing.

"Yes, it's part of the agency agreement. You didn't read those did you?" He asks while chuckling with amusement. His eyes sparkle with joy as I realise what I've missed.

"No...I didn't. What are the rules?"

"Okay, so a date like this is paid for by me and that's all I have to do but if we spend more time together I have to pay a little more" he explains, leaning his cheek on his hand. His expression is so sweet and he seems to enjoy explaining this to me. Like he's fascinated by my reaction.

I hadn't realised my mouth was hanging open until he reaches over and closes it with a finger under my chin. There's that blush again, blooming on my face.

"I had no idea. I just assumed that if two people liked each other they'd do whatever they decided to do and work out the money as they went"

He appraises me for a moment, looking curious. When his hand covers mine on the table, my skin heats up quickly. The comfort it brings is so lovely.

"Sofia, Darling...What do you want from this? I know you said it was curiosity and chance that brought you here but there must be a monetary factor. Otherwise you'd be on a normal dating website. I have to say I am confused about why the money part seems to make you uncomfortable"

The way he says my name is music to my ears as well as the way he says Darling. It's much more amazing in person than it was over the internet.

As for the last part...Is it that obvious that money makes me uncomfortable? Well I may as well come out with it.

"Apart from curiosity, I do need money. I'm really struggling right now. I finished college a few months ago and haven't been able to get a job since. It's not because I haven't been trying. I really have. But now the money is running out and if I don't do something soon, I'm going to end up with nowhere to stay and no food. God this sounds like a 'poor me' speech. I'm sorry it-"

"No, do not apologise for being honest. I appreciate it so much. And it's not a poor me story darling, it's reality and you're so brave to face it" he comforts me, his hand now joined with mine. He may be a complete stranger but it doesn't feel weird.

"Thank you" I reply, blinking away tears. I don't want to cry in front of him.

"It's no problem at all. It's so refreshing to meet someone who isn't asking for a new car after five minutes" he laughs and my eyes widen.

"You're kidding?" I question, alarmed.

"No, that's happened before" he grins, biting his lip. Damn that's hot.

"What? I can't even- that's crazy. I would never, actually, will never ask you that"

"Maybe I wouldn't mind so much with you" he winks and I have to look away from him for a second.

I've never felt an attraction quite like this. I've never simply wanted to tear off a mans clothes and jump on his dick like I do now. I am out of control! Sofiaaaaa! Chill!

With the ice well and truly broken we finally order food. I think the waiters and waitresses were staying away because they saw me getting emotional.

I order some salmon because I haven't eaten a good meal in god knows how long. I also get a white wine to wash it down. Patrick goes for a steak, well done by the way. Thank god! And a whiskey. So manly of him.

As we eat he tells me more about his terrible previous dates and I tell him about studying web design. He seems really interested too and asks lots of questions. It's so nice to talk to someone who actually wants to listen.

For dessert we agree to share a sticky toffee pudding. In gentlemanly fashion he lets me have the biggest piece too.

That's when I bring my previous question back up.

"So you didn't finish telling me what you want from this"

Before answering he licks his spoon, while his gaze warms me as he stares intently. It makes me shiver deliciously. Sexual attraction definitely isn't going to be an issue. Well that's if he wants to see me again.

"Usually, i'd say that I want companionship and sex"

"Why usually? Not feeling the same way tonight?" I tease and he quirks his eyebrow playfully.

"Tonight is different Darling. Keeping with the theme of honesty, I'm going to be blunt with you. I want whatever you're willing to give me. You're incredibly sexy, intelligent, funny and quite possibly the most endearing person I've ever met" He pauses and leans closer again, gesturing for me to do the same. I comply and he puts his mouth close to my ear. "I'm sorry to be so crude but my dick has been hard ever since I set eyes on you. I want you very badly Sofia. In my bed and on my arm if that's something you want too. However, if you just want to spend hours talking to me and letting me know you then I'll gladly take that as well"

The heat in his voice has set me aflame and I have to squeeze my thighs together as my body reacts.

"In short, I want to fuck you until you scream my name but I also want to take care of you. Will you let me?" He finishes, reaching up to brush a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

Naturally I want to scream yes yes yes! Wow, I'm so easy! Sofia the slut!

All I can see in my mind is him pinning me down and fucking my wildly. He has authority and dominance but not too much. His confidence is sexy too and I think I'd very much like to see him commanding a board room of people. And then fucking me on the desk afterwards.

I'm about to answer him when the waiter reappears. Patrick clears his throat and sits back in his seat, a devilish smile on his lips.

"Is your dessert okay Sir, Madam?" the waiter ask and Patrick nods while I mumble a yes. I'm too hot and bothered to speak.

I also really want to know if he's being serious about his hard dick. There's only one way to find out. What I'm about to do is completely out of character for me. What the hell are you doing Sofia?!

My foot slowly shuffles closer to his while he's in the middle of telling the waiter that we're still going to need the table a little longer. Then It takes a leisurely journey up his leg. He sits up straighter in his chair and his eyes snap to mine just as the waiter leaves.

My foot presses into his thigh and I can feel him shifting to let me touch him more. God, I have to have him fuck me whether he pays me or not.

Pressing the tip of my shoe between his legs, it only takes a second for me to feel his erection. He gasps before his hand disappears under the table, grabbing my ankle.

"Now you still haven't said yes or no" he words coming out a little strained. That's my doing and I love it. His fingers caress my ankle, the warmth of his touch making my breathing deeper.

He doesn't let go of my foot as I add a little bit more pressure cause his lips to part ever so slightly.

I know I have to answer his question and boy do I want to but I think a little delayed gratification may be very exciting. I definitely want to drive him wild...apparently this is the new me.

I should try and make things harder for him. Women no doubt agree to anything he wants without a second thought. So what if I didn't?

Maybe I can make him feel more excitement than his previous dates. Maybe I can make him feel even better? It's clear that he's been lacking something in his life. Going from women to women never getting anything in return. No doubt a lot of fake compliments and even more fake laughter at his jokes. I want to give him real compliments because I already think he's amazing from only knowing him a few hours.

"Sofia...we could go somewhere right now if you desire" he growls, his hand moving further up my leg.

God he's hot, maybe I could- No! Come on Sofia! You can do this!

Everything he's saying and doing is making me want him more. I wanted to say yes in the first place and I planned on it. Then my new found desire to drive him crazy won. It seems I've done a good job of that and I have no reason to decline his offer anymore. Still, I wonder how much he can take before he snaps.

"We've just met Patrick" I tease, circling my foot over his crotch.

He glares playfully and I decide that not only am I attracted to him but I seem to like him quite a bit too. Like a lot.

Uh oh

He sips his whiskey and looks at me with a desire I've never seen in a man.

"Yes, you're right we have but that doesn't stop me from wanting to bend you over this table right now" he whispers roughly. This has tingles flying through my body because I want that too. I can feel the wetness growing between my legs.

Still, I have to follow through with my plan. Make him want me more. So I drop my foot, drink the last of my wine and stand up. He frowns at me, looking a little concerned.

Walking around the table in the most seductive way I can muster, I place my hand on his shoulder. Then I lean down to whisper in his ear like he did earlier. He leans closer to me and I subtly flick my tongue out just enough to catch his ear lobe. Then I put on my best innocent voice.

"You wanna know my answer..."

"Fuck yes Sofia, tell me" he growls.

"Well I...oh shoot is that the time. I really have to go, my time is super precious remember" I giggle and when I stand back up he looks at me, desperation clear in his eyes.

"Sofia? Are you leaving?" He asks, his hand circling my wrist gently.

"Yes sorry, I just don't know if this is the best option for me. Thanks for dinner" I say cheerily to help him realise I'm not being serious. I very much want this.

I catch his knowing smile just before I walk away and it confirms that he knows about my little game.

"You can run from me Darling but you can't hide!" He calls and the way it thrills me is like a shock to my system. Maybe he's exactly what I've been looking for? Or maybe I'm being dramatic but I can't help it.

One glance over my shoulder and I see him turned in his seat, watching me walk away.

He's right, I can run and he can certainly chase after me! I've never felt so alive.

This 'SugarySweet' is going to make that Daddy work for his treats!

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