Osomatsu kun x Male! reader

By Yumsyoom

40.4K 1.8K 602

Woohoo! my second book! So this book is about you, a male child, moved into a new city and so happens to be n... More

About u !
(1) Meeting the Matsukids!
(2) Baseball Accident!
(3) First day of School......
(4) Flower Crowns♡
(5) Being Different.....
(6) Sleepover♡
(7) More Beautiful than Clouds
(8) Telling a Girl
(9) Hide and Kiss♡
Taking a Break!
(11) The School Play!
(12) The 'I like you' Game
(13) Genderbend day!
(14) Dance In The Rain♡
(15) Unforgettable sick day!
(16) Hospitals are the worst...
(17) To The Museum We go!
(18) Happy Valentine's Day ♡
(19) This is Goodbye......
(FINALE) See Them Again

(10) Father's day.......

1.5K 72 21
By Yumsyoom

You never thought you could hate something so much towards something pretty stupid, today's Father's day and you were so miserable and you just wish this day could pass.
It was obvious why you didnt like Father's day. You texted your Dad almost everyday, hoping he would at least respond just once but there's nothing......

You were on the couch just watching TV and you didnt even feel like going to the sextuplet's house today.
Your Mother came into the room and leaned on the wall, looking at you sadly.
"Hi sweetie, what's with that face?" She asked you with a warm smile.
"Its Father's day and I miss Dad." You say with a very serious tone which kind of shocked your Mother a little bit.

"Well you can always spend time with me," Your Mother tried to help you cheer up but it just made  it a little worse. You folded your arms.

That's when a scene on TV came on and it was two boys holding hands with eachother. Your Mom gasped before snatching the remote and turned off the TV. It made you irritaded so you just grunted at her before stomping away to your room and clutch onto your pillow.

Why is life so unfair.......?

After awhile, you eventually fell asleep and you didnt even knew it untill you could feel someone shaking your shoulder.
You refused to wake up because you thought it was your Mother. Then you hear a familiar voice whisper to you.
"(Y/N) senpai, wake up!' They whisper yelled the last part. You immediatley knew who it was. You decided to open your eyes a little to see the sextuplets standing beside your bed, while Osomatsu was the one shaking your shoulder.

"Guys...? What are you all doing here....?" You yawned.
"Your Mom said you were feeling a bit down cause its Father's day, so we went here to cheer you up!" Todomatsu said as he walks closer to you.
"You guys cant cheer me up....the only thing I want is for my Dad to reply to my texts...." You turn your position away.

"Hey, remember that one time where we cheered you up with flower crowns? Why dont we wear them today!" Ichimatsu said with a big smile, you sigh.
"Fine....but I guarantee I'll still be sad....." You frown and got up from the bed and went to your closet, you opened a drawer inside where there's a box.

You picked up the box and placed it down on the floor and opened it to reveal the many flower crowns your boyfriends made you.
"Here, take one and wear it if you like...." You say before your boyfriends bent down to the ground and picked a flower crown.
"(Y/N) kun? Are you not gonna wear one?" Asked Jyushimatsu as he puts on a yellow flower crown.

"Naah...." You rubbed your eyes, you just wanted sleep.
"Boi, you're going to wear one if you dont I will cri." Choromatsu said before placing a multi-colored flower crown on your head, you mumbled a 'Fine' and folded your arms together.
"You seem really sad today honey, this is so unlike you!" Karamatsu's face saddened a bit, you glanced at him.
"How about a kiss?" Osomatsu asked you but before you could even answer, he already kissed your lips. You could feel his tounge trying to get in but you didnt allow him to, you pulled back.
"Okay, now Im concerned..." He looks at his other brothers then back at you.

"Im terribly sorry that Im acting like this guys, its just that I've always played and hangout with my Dad every Father's day and he's really special to me. Now that he's gone, its not the same anymore......" You glanced at your phone, still no reply.....

"You know what, (Y/N) kun? Why dont you go to our house today?" Ichimatsu raises up his index finger, you looked at him but stayed quiet. You nodded at them gently and told them to get out of your bedroom so you can change.

After changing into  a (F/C) (Favourite color) shirt, you went outside where the sextuplets were and began walking to their house.
At the front of their house, there was a man who seemed oddly familiar to you but you couldnt put your finger on it.
"Hi Dad!" A brother called out to the man, so this must be the sextuplets Father. You remembered him from when you had that baseball accident.

"Hey kids, oh! And you're (Y/N) kun are'nt cha?" He looks at you with a cheeky smile, you nodded and walked up closer to him.
"Nice to meet you....s-sir" You place your hand infront of him, he shakes your hand.
"Heeeyyy Dad.......uuhhh today's Father's day....rrriiiggghhhtt???" Osomatsu smiles awkwardly at his Dad, his Dad looks at him suspiciously.
"Yeaah.....why?" The Father asked one of his sons before Osomatsu whispered something in his ear.

"Oooh, I see...." The Father looks at you with eyes of worry and pity.
You tilted your head at him with tired eyes before he knelt down infront of you.
"Hey kiddo, how would you feel about going to the beach with me and the boys?" He smiled at you, your eyes lit up.
"Uumm really? I honestly....heh no I shouldnt......" You look down at the ground, the sextuplets all huddled up towards you.

"Please (Y/N) kuuunn!!" They all shouted. You smiled sadly.
"Okay, okay...."

☆《 Time skeep》☆

The eight of you made it to the beach and it was pretty crowded but not too much, the sextuplets ran towards the changing room while you just stayed at the sand with their Dad.

"Are you not going to change?" He asked you, making you jump a little. You shake your head and continue to look over at the sea.
"Mmmm.....why dont I buy you a drink?" He asked you one last time, trying to cheer you up. You did your best 'fake smile' and nodded at him.
He leaves, and now you're all alone, deep in your thoughts....
(Btw, its not a good idea to leave a seven year old by himself XD)

You look throughout the beach and see all the Fathers with their sons and daughters, having the best time together.
You realized that the sextuplets and THEIR Dad could've been having fun like the other Dad's and their children in the beach, but NOOOO you had to intervine and ruin Father's day for them.

Its best if I just leave....

You sigh to yourself and got up from the sand and brush yourslef off, before you even went to the exit, the sextuplets yelled out to you.
"(Y/N) kun! What are you doing?!"

"Im....uuh...just walking around..." You lied.
"We bought you something actually..." Choromatsu gives you a pair of shorts for swimming.
"Hey (Y/N), I got you orange juice." The Dad finally came back. Great, the plan has backfired.....

"Guys, I honestly dont want to swim. I think Im just gonna sit back and lay down on a towel or something...." You take off your flower crown.
"Aaww....but why (Y/N) kun?" Ichimatsu said before him and the others take of their flower crowns.
"I just dont feel like doing anything today...."

"Oh no you dont! You are going to the beach with your significant others right now, young man!" Osomatsu looks at you with a serious yet angry face.
"YEAH!" Shouted the others.

You sigh to yourself knowing that they're just eager to see you shirtless.
"Okay I guess.....You guys just want to see me shirtless, huh?" Your eyes furrowed, they giggle nervously.

You went to the changing room and changed to the swimmimg shorts that the sextuplets gave you. You didnt look too bad, but you were still a bit shy to be shirtless around them.
You went out of the changing room and went to the sextuplets and their Dad.
"H-hey, Im back...." You mumbled.

The sextuplets immediatly stared at you from head to toe, then they started grinning at you.
"Who knew our (Y/N) could be so- OW!" Karamatsu was cut off by Todomatsu smacking him.
"Shut up Nii-san! Our Dad's here..." Todomatsu whisper yelled at him.
"Lets just go swimming already..." You mumbled and started walking towards the sea along with the sextuplets.

At first you thought it was kinda pathetic until it started getting pretty fun.
You were just peacefully watching the sea and the beautiful clouds above before someone pushes you into the water.
"Hey! Who was that?!" You yelled to the person who pushed you that happened to be Osomatsu.
''Hihihi sorry!" He smiled at you, you knew that he wasnt sorry and that he was trying his best to not laugh at you, you smiled like the devil you are and quickly got up and launched at him, making the both of you fall onto the water.

"Take that, you jerk!" The both of you laugh at eachother before realizing the awkward position you two were so you quickly got up with pink cheeks.
After awhile, the sextuplets Dad walked towards you while you and the sextuplets were playing and splashing with the water.
"Y-yes sir.....?" You asked nervously, you thought you were in trouble because of somethimg until the sextuplets Dad laughs and holds your shoulder.

"Y'know, I heared about what happened with your parents and I honestly cant believe a child like you has to go through such a thing. Dont worry, my Dad wasnt around when I was your age too.......so in order to make you happy, Me and my kids decided that I'll be your Father figure from now on." He said with a reassuring smile that made your heart warm inside.
"R-really.......?" You couldnt believe an adult besides your Mother could be so nice and caring like the sextuplets Father.

The man nodded gently at you before you gave him a big warm hug, you could feel yourself almost crying.

"T-thank you..........Dad....."


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