In This Lifetime

By anyn1224

102K 3.7K 555

Chen Xiaofan, a 30-year-old fool married her first love who was a cheating husband that could care less about... More

1. It Was Me
2. Beauty Among All Deities
3. So Young
4. Sweet Plum
5. Hi, I'm Busy
6. 20 Million
7. Red Bean Paste Bun
8. No Boys Whatsoever
9. Warm Hands
11. Just a Dream
12. Entering the Demon's Liar
13. I Like You, Idiot
14. I'd Sleep Better With You There
15. Code Red
16. Nice Big Sister Time is Over
17. Just a Friend
18. My Girlfriend's Way Cuter
19. First Date
20. I Promise

10. Take Responsibility

4.7K 227 45
By anyn1224

Chonglin closed the door behind him and made slow steps towards us.

Every step he took gave me a better view of the anger resonating on his face.

Unconsciously, I tighten my grip on Liwei's hand when Chonglin finally stood in front of us.

Liwei softly ran his thumb up and down my hand making me calm down a bit.

Lin-ge placed the food he bought on top of my table then turned back to look at us. "Roumei, I got Din Tai Fung. Forgot the drinks though so do you mind?" He said while glaring at Liwei. We didn't really need drinks. This was his polite way of telling Roumei to disappear while he assesses this situation.

Roumei awkwardly smiled noticing the tension in the room and headed out.

"Lin-ge, she might need help carrying all those drinks. We'll go help her." I hopelessly tried to get us an escape from Chen Chonglin's rathe.

Just when I was going to walk around him, he grabbed my other arm and pulled me to his side away from Liwei. "Don't test my patience Xiaofan."

I nodded disappointed.

"Sit. Both of you." He ordered.

Surprising, Liwei took a seat on my bed. I quickly took a seat next to him. When I sat down, Liwei immediately slipped his hand into mine once again.

His action warmed my heart.

However, when Lin-ge saw he looked like he wanted to rip Liwei's arm off and feed it to the pigs.

Lin-ge stood in front of us with his arms crossed exactly like he did last night.

He glanced towards me then to Liwei, over and over again before settling on Liwei.

"You. Who are you?" He glared.

"Jiang Liwei." He said blankly. I thought I would never meet anyone as expressionless as Lin-ge, but I think I just found a top contender.

"And how do you know my meimei"

"School?" He simply answered making Lin-ge's knuckles tighten.

"Now what was it you said you were? Her boyfriend?" He said through gritted teeth.

"En." He quickly answered without a hint of deceit, shame, or embarrassment. 

I could see Lin-ge's ears turn red from anger. Liwei was getting on Lin-ge's last nerve, he would burst at any moment.

"Lin-ge, he's just kidding. A joke. Just joking, haha." I awkwardly said trying to calm his anger.

It was the truth though. I knew now to definitely stay clear of Jiang Liwei. He's been nothing but trouble since the moment I met him.

"I don't joke," Liwei answered frowning at me.

I glanced at him confused, "It's not good to lie. Why do you keep lying? It's really not funny. We're obviously not dating. Can you not read the situation?" I nervously said. It was something about him. He had this dark aura that made me nervous and an icy cold personally that scared the living daylights out of me. He was cold as ice..but he oddly made me feel warm. There must be something seriously wrong with me. A fever perhaps?

"You're the one that doesn't understand the situation." He retorted back. I glare at him angrily and confused.

"Why don't you enlighten me, or should I say us," Lin-ge said noticing my confused state.

Liwei coughed a few times before he started talking, "You took advantage of me. Shouldn't you take responsibility?"

If he smirked I would've assumed he was being playful or teasing me, but he looked us right in on our eyes with that emotionless face of his showing complete seriousness.

"I-I that kiss was an accident," I stuttered out "it was barely a kiss really, like a peck on the lips. Can you really classify that as a kiss?" I quickly said looking down at my lap breaking eye contact from him.

I did classify it as a kiss. But if I said that it would only cause me trouble and embarrassment for me.

"Was today's kiss an accident too then?" He spatted back. I turned to face him. He looked angry. Really angry, but I just don't understand why.

"T-today's was different," I mumbled turning away afraid he'd see me blush as I thought back to us kissing today. "I didn't know you wanted me to take responsibility. I didn't even know it was you. W-we could just forget it never happened." I whispered.

They were my words. I should stand by them.

I definitely should, but why did I feel like crying.

Liwei abruptly pulled his hand out of mine.

My source of warmth was gone. My heart hurt. There was something wrong with me. I definitely should go to the doctors.

Suddenly I felt two hands grip my shoulders and turn my body.

I was now completely facing Liwei. His eyes were pitch black. His lips curved down in a frown. His grip on my shoulders was hard. He was definitely angry.

"No. Why would I pretend it never happened? I refuse. We kissed. You're mine now, whether you or anyone else likes it or not." He declared.

Tears started streaming down my face. I'm so confused. Why was this happening? I was supposed to not disrupt Lianlian and Liu Feng fated love, become a successful career woman and provide for my parents. Why did Liwei have to suddenly come and complicate things? Why did he have to come and confuse my heart like this?

Liwei's face softens and the grip on my shoulders loosen.

The tears kept flowing and I didn't know how to stop them. I looked up at Liwei to see his face conflicted and confused about what to do. Seeing his contorted face made me laugh.

Oh, I'm such a mess.

Suddenly a towel was thrown on my face. I pushed the towel away and looked up to see Lin-ge.

Oops. I forgot he was here.

"Are you two lovebirds finished?" He smirked. "Chen Xiaofan, you know I always keep my promises right?"

I did not like where this was going.

"Do you remember what you promised me yesterday?"

I nodded my head.

"Oh really? Care to remind me?" He sat down at my desk and started unboxing all the food he bought. Almost as if it were perfect timing, Roumei cautiously walked in carrying an assortment of drinks.

"No hanging out with pervert Roumei. Stay at least 3 meters away from boys. No revealing clothes. Lastly no dating till marriage." I mumbled.

"Those rules are stupid. Especially the first one." Roumei huffed making me giggle.

"And do you remember what I said if you disobey those rules?" Lin-ge crosses his legs and leaned back in the chair.

I cringed at the thought. Should I plead with him? Lin-ge was a true demon.

I ran over to cling to his arm "Lin-ge, have some mercy on me. Pleaseeee." I pouted and pleaded. I don't care if I looked shameless. His threat was too big to be played with. He would surely tell Yang-ge everything. Most importantly, he would seriously not bring me food. I couldn't let my delicacies fall into the hands of a devil.

"I promise! I won't disobey your rules again!" I exclaimed.

"All of them?" Lin-ge raised his eyebrows amused while slowly devouring a dumpling.

Darn him! He knew that food was my weakness and that dumplings were my favorite.

I was about to nod when Liwei screamed "No way!" while pulling me to sit back down.

I glared at Liwei. He did not understand the seriousness of this situation.

"Are you stupid? Do you even know what you're agreeing to?" Liwei nagged while squeezing my cheeks.

"You don't understand! My food." I cried out. I pouted as I watched Lin-ge and Roumei eating. They just stared back at me amused.

Roumei, you traitor! I need to remember to never take her out to eat again.

Liwei intertwined our fingers once again then leaned in close till his mouth was touching my ear "I'll buy you all the food you want, whenever you want. Morning, night, rain or shine, even till I grow old with a bad back."

I quickly looked back at him excited, "You mean it? Promise?" I exclaimed taking my other hand and motioning him to pinky promise.

He lightly chuckled and looped his pinky with mine.

"You promised! You can't break your promise!" I smiled back at him satisfied. He returned my smile while giving my hand a light squeeze.

He looked better when he smiled. His usual expressionless face was no fun. I'd pay good money to see him smile.

"Still here," Lin-ge grunted with a displeased look on his face.

I awkwardly laughed. Oops. I forgot again.

"Chen Chonglin! Lighten up, your rules were absurd, to begin with. Anyways if worst comes to shove, you can seriously just marry her off before they starting dating." Roumei teased.

"Ao Jiao, I'm never showing you Chonglin's baby pictures" I glared.

Roumei was obviously joking but Lin-ge placed his food down and starting glancing at the two of us in thought.

If that wasn't worst enough Liwei nodded at her statement and offered to buy her lunch.

"Lin-ge, Roumei was just joking. Haha, so funny right?" I said cautiously.

He wasn't seriously considering marrying me off right? I was only 18! Still in my prime!

Lin-ge stood up suddenly and walked back towards us. He pointed his finger at Liwei "You. You can have my meimei if you decide to marry her first."

"LIN-GEGE" I screamed standing upright. "Lin-gege you're the sturdy rock in our family. Realistic, practical and serious. When...when did you turn into Yang-gege!" I uttered still completely shocked by his ridiculousness.

"I agree. Whatever it is, it's an okay from me." Liwei said with his same expressionless face.

"Interesting," Lin-ge smirked mischievously. Lin-ge took out another bag of food he hid under the table and handed it to me before ruffling my hair. "You'll hear from us soon. Be prepared." Lin-ge said smirking at Liwei.


Who does he mean by "us"?!?


I can't believe this is already the tenth chapter. Thank you to everyone who's read it so far!! I seriously can't believe people are actually reading my story. Even if it's only one or two people reading it already means the world to me!

Thank you and pleaseee VOTE and COMMENT! This helps me know if the readers like it and what you want to see more or. Should I write Lianlian and Liu Feng back into the story? More Liwei and Xiaofan moments? Should a love rival suddenly appear? Please let me know~🥰

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