Never in a Million Years ✔️

By SkiSki26

4.8M 113K 102K

She's back and better than ever. Living in Chicago for the junior Law program was a fun year of her life but... More

Authors note!!
Cast & Aesthetics
1-Still the same Bitchass Belle
2-Bite me Kazer
3-I know you aren't
4-Not Dinosaurs, That's for Damn Sure
5-I like your number
6-And you swallow
7-My favorite pain in the ass
8-You did idiot
9-I think we can be great friends
10-Heartbeat tattoo
11-You're insane
12-He ate the whole sandwich??
13-Just an old hag full of wrinkles and failed botox
14-Oh god, what did you do?
15- Control Freak
16- I got you wet
17- You were the only one
18- It's not a date
19- The cheesiest lines
20- Just gets worse from here
21- Drunk and sober Belle
22- I dont need help
23- Thats unfortunate
24- Hypocrites
25- The Least Barbaric
26-Horror movie 101
27- Every damn time
28-Always come back
29- Well Princess
30- And here they go
31-Chicago Blackhawks Jeresy
33-Keep telling yourself that
34- Just get over here Kalanski
35- Musical Whore
36- Pause your porn
37- Can you stab me?
38- Always fall for the assholes
39- Tell you what I want
40- Laundry Prison
41- Go look in a mirror
43-Greys anatomy has prepared me
44-Happy Birthday guys
45-Carnival food
47-Two Left Feet
49-You're being stupid
50-I'm just a genius
51- Hey Lace
52- We're Cute
53- It's finally happening
54- Never You
55- Use Protection
56- Always been you
57- Owes me Twenty Bucks
58-My Idiot
59-Problem for another time
60-Our Family
61-The Giant Leprechaun
62- Bandaid on a Broken Heart
63-Lover Boy
64-Holy Shit
65- Shut Up Jordan
66- Crackhead Steve & Meth-head Joe
67-They are Evil
68-Bright green relish
69-I'm great, why?
70- Really, Really.
71-Hey Bestie
72- I'm not high, are you high?
73- Now
74~ Didn't know Jessies Girl
75- I Miss You Guys
76-A Whole Lifetime
77- You Could Never
78- Yeah they do
79-Speaking of Marriage
80-Look into the future
81-It's like a fairytale
82- Very Much Yes
83- Go home
84-Wake up
85-Always and Forever
86-Thank you
88-Sibling talks
89-Promise Me
90-We'll be okay
92-Hi Coco

42-The youngest idiot

41.5K 997 383
By SkiSki26

"Hey did you do the bio homework?" Em questions as she approaches Amy and I at my locker.

"Yeah here" I say handing it to her. I usually get bio done as soon as possible so it's one less thing I have to do at home.

"God you are a lifesaver!" She grins before taking a seat beside my locker to copy the last few answers.

"Dude how about we go do that at lunch" I laugh before picking her bag up for her "let's go"

"OH SO how excited are you for your birthday!?" Amy grins, tugging on my arm "I already got yours and Beck's presents"

"Aww what did you get my brother?" I smirk "Wait nevermind, I don't wanna know, you two are still in that lovey phase" I choke down a gag

They had been hanging out more. They've gone out on dates and stuff but they aren't officially together yet. They're sickeningly cute, she makes him happy though so it's not totally horrible. Plus I love her and I know she's good for him. I know he's good for her too.

"Oh shut up!" She rolls her eyes at me "It's just a small thing, when we went to the mall last weekend he said something about this one player, uh Blake Hayper?" She questions to herself

"Bryce Harper" I grin. He was Becks favorite player of all time, like the freak out he'd experience if he ever met Bryce Harper would be equivalent to the one I'd have if I ever met Javy Baez or Mitch Trubisky. We'd die basically.

"That's his name! The guy on the Phillies!" She says, her whole face lighting up with realization.

"Yeah Beck was pissed that they got him" I laugh at that. She didn't know his name but knew the team. It was progress at least.

"Yeah I kept forgetting his name, the guy at the store had to remind me too." She chuckles

"Wait So what did you get him?" I ask her,

"OH yeah! I just got him a Harper Jeresy" she shrugs nonchalantly like she didn't just spend $130 on my brother. I stop walking and look at her wide eyed.

"Dude those are like $130!" I smack her arm "You serisouly didn't have to spend that much on him"

"It really wasn't that bad" she laughs at my mini freak out "If it makes you feel better, I didn't pay full price"

"Oh thank god,"

"Yeah, know the MLB official store in San Antonio?" She questions

Of course I knew that store. I went there every time we were in San Antonio, just to admire all the jeresys. They were all hand made official MLB Jeresys.

"My Cousin runs that whole store...and maybe every other MLB Store in Texas" she adds quietly at the end "He always gives me a huge discount on whatever I buy, and since I know Beck loves baseball I got him the jeresy"

"Oh my god that's amazing! Can we please go one day?" I ask her with a grin

"Of course!" She grins. I glance over at Em who still had her head in her AP Bio notes, probably noy paying attention to anything we just said.

"Hey are you good?" I ask her "You never study this much"

"I made a bet with your stupid brother" she grumbles still recording notes while we walked

"Gotta be more specific, which one?"


"Hey girls" Beck, Arrex and Caleb grin walking up beside us

"What did you do to my best friend?" I punch Arrex's shoulder, ordering to him explain Em's sudden want to study.

"Wow shes actually studying!" He says with wide eyes, looking back from Em to me "We made a bet, She said she could get a better score on our next Bio test than me, I of course argued that fact. Now whoever gets the higher score, gets twenty bucks from the loser"

I just roll my eyes at them as the six of us enter the cafeteria. It seemed unusually quiet and awkward somehow. When I look around I find the reason. I see Colton and another kid who I believers to be a senior being pulled away from eachother while Arya had her arm wrapped around the shoulders of Lenny, who had tears in her eyes.

Christian and Cody were both fighting to hold Colton back from the Junior guy. The junior had blood running down the side of his face, and streaming from his nose. My little brother, on the other hand, seemed to only have a minor black eye.

Seconds later they're both hauled out of the cafeteria by Coach and another teacher. Arya, Lenny, Christian and Cody all following close behind.

The six of us all look at eachother before taking off down the hallways to the deans office.

Colton was sitting with an ice pack on his hand and all his friends sitting around him.

"Colton! What the fuck?!" I yell at him


"No! Do you know how much shit you're going to get in with Dad and Cheri? They told you no more fuckin fighting, shit Colton, you're a sophomore and it's you're third fight this year, what if you get expelled? It is barely fucking December!"

"Okay first off, breath and stop yelling at me. They already called dad, I'm gonna get an earful from him, I don't need one from you either" he mumbles while resting his head on the wall behind him "second, he started all this shit AND threw the first punch. He was saying shit to Lenny, I told him to shut the hell up, he didn't, and then tried to punch me. I won't get expelled. Whose side do you think they'll take? Mine; a straight A, honours student Athlete, or Wyatts; an asshole no life, who smokes, picks on kids younger than him and gets suspended every other week?"

I've never talked to Wyatt before but I've seen the way he acts and I can't deny what my brother is saying. He's a junior who thinks he's hot shit since he's finally an upperclassmen and then proceeds to pick on any of the underclassmen.

"Doesn't help the fact that dad's gonna be pissed off" Arrex tells him

"That's why I'm glad y'all are here" he grins "Help me get out?"

I look at Beck and Arrex on either side of me before looking back down at him. "Fine. But promise me, after this no more using your fucking fists to resolve issues" I order

"I promise" I he says before resting his head back against the wall. He obviously had a headache.

I land a light smack on his head before taking a seat across from him where Caleb was sitting with Lenny and Arya.

"Ow!" He says, his eye shooting open quickly to look at me

"That's for being stupid" I grin at him

"Kalanski " coach calls from Dean Forgerty's office

"What?" All four of us turn to look at him. The only one of us not here was Ace.

"Not you three, the youngest idiot" Coach says with a small grin, gesturing to Colton

Okay coach was smiling so that had to be a good sign at least.

"The rest of you, go to class," Coach tells us,

"Yes sir" we all grumble before leaving the office

"You Okay Len?" Caleb asks her

"I'm fine, it was nothing really, he was just saying shit about my sister that pissed me off" she shakes her head "thanks guys" she smiles before her, Arya and the guys leave to go to the library instead of the cafeteria.

"Dads gonna kill him" Beck states finally


"So how much trouble did Colton get in?" Em asks over our FaceTime call

"Well thankfully coach stuck up for him, he only got a three day suspension and my dad grounded him for three weeks. So for him, not bad" I shrug with a grin

"I mean it's better than last time" Em laughs "Wasn't it a month grounding?"


"Okay well I gotta go, the Bio test is tomorrow and I am so determined to beat your brother" she smirks

"Do you need any help?"

"No we made the deal that no one can help either of us, it's only fair that way" she grins "I'll talk to you tomorrow, at school. Love ya!"

"Love you too!" I know her a quick kiss before hanging up and closing my laptop. I was bored. Tiny was at the groomers, Colton was in his room, the rest of my brothers were downstairs playing PlayStation, there really wasn't much going on tonight.

"Belle you gotta go pickup tiny from the groomers" Arrex says, entering my room "I dropped him off"

"Wait he's done already? It's only been like three hours?" I question looking up at him

"Yeah they just called"

"Alright" I huff before getting up "Can I take your truck?"

"Fuck no I don't need dog hair all over it, plus tiny will scratch up the leather seats. Take the car"

"The car is way too small for Tiny, he barely fits in the backseat"

"You aren't taking my truck Belle" he says walking down to the kitchen

"Please A!" I whine. I hate taking tiny anywhere in the car


"Jesus stop arguing" Caleb grumbles as he walks in the Kitchen "What's wrong now?"

"I have to go pick tiny up but A won't let me use his truck" I pout, "How did you even get him there?" I say turning back to Arrex

"I took dads truck" he smirks. Obviously proud of himself.

"Please A!"

"It's fine, I'll drive you" Caleb mumbles while tiredly rubbing his eyes "C'mon let's go, I'm tired"

I grin and childishly stick my tongue out at my older brother before following behind Caleb.

"I hate you!" Arrex yells after me

"Hate you too big brother!" I yell back at him

Caleb and I walked back over to his house in comfortable silence before reaching his truck.

"Wait? Were you sleeping at my house?" The question just dawning in me.

"Yep, I wanted to take a nap but my house is too quiet so I crashed on your couch"

"Can I drive?" I smile up at him

"Nope" He says before hopping in the drivers seat

"Eh worth a shot" I laugh before climbing into the passenger seat

"Hey Kazer"

"Hey Princess"

"It's exactly two weeks until our birthday" I look over at him and smile

"I already got your present" he teases

"I already got yours" I shrug.

He loves classic rock. It's secretly his favorite genre of music. He also loves to play the guitar and has about every possible one. One day when I as searching up cool guitars and stuff, I saw something that made me scream. A replica of Brian May's first guitar was actually signed by him, was being sold. An older woman was selling it, since her husband had died. Obviously I jumped at the offer and met with her. After meeting with me she gave it to me for a lot cheaper that what she had asked for. All she asked was that whoever I was giving to, had to play it, and love it.

"Yours is going to be a day late though" he tells me "for some reason it said it wasn't coming in until the seventeenth"

"If you spent more than $100 on it I'm going to punch you" I say looking at him with raised eyebrows. We had a limit to our gifts, it's why I had originally passed up the guitar becuase I knew it'd be way too expensive. Thankfully I'd actually called to talk to the woman, she just wanted to get rid of it.

"You don't worry about how much it cost princess, it'll make you and Beck happy and that's what matters" he laughs

"Aww you're so sweet" I tease him.

"Don't call me sweet" he grumbles with an eyeroll. He'd always hated how I called him sweet.

"You know I'm gonna keep calling you sweet just cause you hate it right?"

"Yeah I know" he grumbles as we pull into the grommers parking lot. "Let's go get your dog"

"He's my baby" I grin. We've only had Tiny for a few months now but he's already grown extremely attached to me, I was obviously his favorite.

He hold the door open for me as I walk in and I wait for him before walking further into the building.

"Belle?" I hear behind me as Caleb and I approach the front desk.

We both turn around to see Dallas standing there with a dark brown chocolate lab.

"Hey Dallas" I smile at him before walking over to him "Who's this?" Squat down in front of the dog and start petting

"Oh this is just my aunt's dog Ruby, She wanted her to get groomed so I just had to pick her up" he shrugs "What are you guys doing here? I thought you had a bio test that you had to study for?" He says before eyeing Caleb who was standing a few feet behind me

"Yeah I do, Arrex just asked if I could go pick Tiny up, and since he wouldn't let me use his truck Caleb volunteered to take me in his" I smile back at Co before looking back at my boyfriend "Why?"

"Nothing, it's fine" he nods before looking down at Ruby "I should probably get back home, but I'll see you on Saturday?"

"Hopefully yes, I still have to ask my dad but I'll text you" I grin before hearing the familiar deep bark of my dog. I glance back to see him already trying to pull Caleb out of the building but Caleb has a strong hold on his leash as he talks to Jessica, Tiny's usual groomer."Okay I gotta go but I'll text you later"

He grins and gives me a quick peck on the lips before leaving, with ruby trailing by his side.

"Aw aren't you two cute" Caleb smirks as I join them, taking the leash from him. As soon as Tiny sees me, he jumps up on his hind legs to give me my usual hug. "I hope he wasn't too much trouble" I smile at Jessica

"Oh no he was great! He's my buddy so we're all good" she laughs "and your brother paid earlier when he dropped him off so you guys are good to go"

"Thanks Jess" Caleb and I both say simultaneously

"Of course! Have a nice night y'all" she waves goodbye before sitting back down at the front desk

"I don't think your boyfriend appreciated me being there with you" He smirks over at me

I think back to he look he sent Caleb when he first saw him. I mean he's protective of me I guess, but I didnt think he minded Caleb anymore. He even told me he wasn't jealous of him.

"He was fine, I think he was a little pissed that I couldn't hang out with him tonight but I really had to study for that Bio test tomorrow" I shrug, he did seem a little weird when we were in there though.

"He still doesn't like me" Caleb grins proudly, like he's achieved something

"And look at that proud smile" I comment "He's just, I don't know,"

"Overly-possessive and clingy? Yeah I got that" he mumbles.

"I'm bored" I sigh trying to change the subject

"Hi bored nice to meet you" Caleb smirks over at me as he hands me the AUX cord

"I hate you Kazer" I grin before turning the music all the way up

"Love you too Princess"

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