The Black Bear 》Robb Stark

By unknownnavajo

385K 10.8K 1.3K

"A fighter that's all I ever wanted to be." A warrior is a brave or experienced fighter. That's what Jaidy... More

Act One
Winter is Coming
An Answer
A Dire Moment
One Heart, One Flesh, One Soul
A Lingering Question
Every Step Of The Way
Keeping Enemies Close
The News of the Bears
A Royal Pardon
Declaration of War
Dark Wings Dark Words
New Power In The North
Act Two
Learning To Deal
An Attack?
Her Chance
Lost The Advantage
Looks Can Be Deceiving
Ulterior Motive
New Course Of Action
Seperate Paths
Mama Bears And Bear Cubs
A New Companion
Forces From Across The Sea
Challenge Accepted
A New Era
Book Two

Respect Is Taken

6.6K 238 29
By unknownnavajo

Since Jaidyn had given birth, Robb had decided to keep camp where it stood until Jaidyn was able to travel. This set up caused many uncertainty around camp. Staying in one spot would only allow the Lannisters to have a more precise attack. But they were not only defending the king now but the queen and the prince.

The debacle had been brought to Jaidyn's attention when she had decided to join the war tent. As soon as she entered, she noticed that many didn't seem too pleased with her presence among them. But she didn't back down, especially when her aunt was in the same room.

"We need the move the camp before Tywin gets the idea that we're vulnerable." One of the Lords spoke up with distaste in his voice.

"And where would you have us move? The closer we get to the capital, the more danger is present. We can't march back after all that we have done." Maege defended her family's well-being. "We should ensure the future of the North before we make our next move."

An argument broke out allowing all the Lords to add in their points. Jaidyn let out a sigh as she thought it might've been better to have discussed their with Robb beforehand. She wanted to be seen with the same amount of respect from them.

"Enough! Whatever our next move is is critical. We need to-" Jaidyn tried to state a form of action only for her to be cut off.

"With all due respect, your grace, but this tent is filled those who have seen the casualty of war while you were safe and sound behind your high walls. Until you can face what we have, we will not respect what you have to say." A Lord stated before exiting the tent. Many of them agreed with their felloe Lord and exited after him.

Maege looked at her niece once more before leaving the couple to themselves. This was what she feared. They were Mormonts of Bear Island, they were known for their fierce strength and Jaidyn had already been labeled as a silent queen.

Jaidyn sat there in silence wondering what had just happened. She thought that maybe with her title and her husband by her side, she might've been respected. But that's not what they respected. She doubted that her protecting a small village would grant her that respect.

"Jai." Robb went to speak with her knowing how hard she had trained to be a warrior.

"Don't. All right, just don't." She expressed. "I've trained my whole life to be a respected warrior, but now I can't even get that because I became a queen first."

"You don't need to prove yourself to them. They are the Lords of the North, they answer to us." Robb tried to comfort but it didn't do much for her state.

She had to prove herself if she wanted to be heard. They wouldn't take her seriously because she's a queen. These men only knew the affects of war and those they fought beside. But before she could counter her husband the tent opened and the Lords came in.

"A messenger from the Twins, Your Grace." He announced before the boy appeared.

The words made Robb tense as he still hadn't told her about the deal. But the only question on Jaidyn's mind was, what did Walder Frey want?

"Your Grace." The boy addressed not knowing the queen was also in the room. "I bring news from Walder Frey about the terms of your agreement."

"What agreement?" Jaidyn asked curious to what this was about.

"The agreement to hold to Twins for the King in the North." The boy replied before continuing. "He is sorry for your loss, but he also knows you will need another bride to produce an heir."

The room looked at Jaidyn wondering what she might do but she was still wondering what this deal entailed. Walder Frey had been after their hand for some time and if Robb made a deal with him, then he had to have known she was his wife. What news could he have gotten to want to come with a new deal?

"And what information has Lord Frey received?" Maege Mormont questioned next.

"The houses of the Seven Kingdoms have all received ravens. 'The Queen and the heir of the North are dead'." The boy stated making Robb remember the raven that had come in moments before Jaidyn. "Lord Frey would once again like to offer one of his daughters to bear you an heir."

Everyone seemed focused on the fact that Walder Frey hadn't waited long to negotiate a new deal. But Jaidyn was caught up on one phrase, "once again". This wasn't the first time that he had offered marriage.

"Whatever news Walder Frey had been given was false." Robb quickly countered, wanting whatever false news that was spreading to cease. As he announced his demand, his hands interlocked with Jaidyn's as he mentioned her title. "Send Ravens to every house and inn in the North. The Queen and the Prince of the North are alive."

The others discussed on what to do with the boy now that the terms had been declined. But Jaidyn felt like there was more to the deal that Robb had agreed too. She needed to know what other terms were given.

"Wait." She called out when she noticed the boy turning to leave after being dismissed. "What other terms were agreed to with Lord Frey?"

Eyes fell on Robb at her question. They all assumed that she was privy to the deal before. They had all seen how the deal had affected him and wondered what she might do once she found out.

"A deal was dealt with Lord Frey for the bridge crossing, his men and fealty." The boy began to explain. "King Robb agreed to a squire, his younger sister's hand and the firstborn heir of the North."

Jaidyn's world seemed to freeze when she heard the last term. Not once had she thought that the future of her child would be handed out.

The person she trusted most in this world had made a deal and didn't consult her. He had changed the life of their child that she had given birth to only days prior. She couldn't wrap her mind around it.

Maege tried to talk to her but as soon as her hand made contact with her arm, Jaidyn fled the tent. The girl walked briskly till she found herself on an outside of the camp. There she paced and tried to gain her breathing.

"Your Grace." A voice called out making her turn.

Stryder and the group of boys she led stood there watching her. The boys had begun to settle in while Stryder seemed unsure of his surroundings. The ranger would watched the soldiers go by, keeping an eye on them, especially when he was closer to Jaidyn's tent.

"He made a deal for Aden's hand before he was even born and he never told me." Jaidyn expressed seeking some kind of guidance. "And the Lords won't listen to my words because I'm a woman who had not seen a form of combat."

She was more than furious about the deal than the fact that the Lords wouldn't listen. But she didn't know what she could do to improve the situation. It wasn't till her hand touched the handle of the sword on her hip.

It became clear very quickly. She had to prove herself to them. She had to earn her respect like they had done.

But she didn't think the opportunity to prove her worth would be sooner than she thought.

Stryder had not only been vigilant about the camp but the surroundings of the camp. His eyes would be trained on the treeline that lied in dark shadows. Something was lurking among them.

"Your Grace, I don't wish to alarm you. There are men that have been watching from the treeline. They wish to mean you harm. I suggest we escort you back to your tent and alert the men." Stryder recommend while subtly glancing behind her.

She knew that going back would have been the more reasonable decision, but she had just been given the opportunity. She could back down now when an enemy was nearby. This is where she would do what she was meant to.

"This is my fight. This is how I get them to see me. You don't have to follow me." Jaidyn spoke up in a calm tone not wanting to alert whoever was near.

But like when she was fleeing the grasp of Ironborn that had flooded Winterfell, the boys stood to her aide. In hushed tones, they devised a plan. It wasn't long after, that Jaidyn found herself along a small stream where water was gathered.

Her appearance would seem harmless but her sword was hidden under the night sky. Under the trees nearby, waited Stryder and the boys for an attack to appear.

Two silhouettes appeared from the shadows and approached her. Jaidyn kept her guard up knowing that more lingered near.

"A pretty girl like you shouldn't be out here alone." One of them commented stepping closer. Jaidyn ignored them and continued her task. She needed them to provoke her.

"Did you hear him?" The other stated crouching beside her. But as soon as his hands reached out for her she pulled out her sword.

Her blade pointed at them while the moonlight allowed her to see the colors they wore. Lannister red draped over their shoulder.

She wanted to know about why they had killed that innocent girl at the inn. She was only a girl that was in a wrong place. But before she could ask, they drew their swords and tried to attack her.

The training she had kicked in as she blocked the blows and sent her own attacks. Her moves were quick and smooth. It wasn't till the blood splattered on her skin that she knew she met her mark. With one man down, she didn't hesitate to continue her attack.

When both men laid at her feet, she was finally able to see what she had done. One man was missing a hand and blood seeped from his throat. The other had blood pooling from where her sword had been buried in his stomach.

Behind her the boys and Stryder stood in silence. They had seen her fight at the village but she had been using her bow. They were in awe at the skills she had just demonstrated.

Before anyone could call out to her, the trees from where the men had emerge began to make noise. Silhouettes were beginning to be seen and Lannister red made it's appearance. But from where they stood, it was more than they could handle.

"We need to get back. We need higher ground. It gives us the advantage." Jaidyn spoke quietly toward Stryder.

But the order to fall back wasn't given out. Instead they drew their swords as the first line of Lannister men charged at them. Swords clashed and cuts were made. The boys that stayed by Jaidyn were able to handle themselves as the first line was defeated.

She called for them to move back before the next wave could hit. As soon as they made their step back the next attack came. The attacked who they could while making their way through the trees. But the men kept coming.

Bodies dropped on the forest floor and blood splattered around. It wasn't till they got to the slope on their side of the camp that the fight turned in their favor. The Lannister number began to dwindled as Jaidyn and her group pushed forward.

The sound of their fight had carried though the camp as men rushed around to grab a weapon. The war tent rushed out to face this attack. Only their actions would be effortless as they walked though the men that stood there overlooking the sight.

The significant amount of men the Lannisters had sent now laid in a field of their own blood. Jaidyn stood over a Lannister man who begged for his life while Stryder and the boys stood over others in the same condition.

What played in Jaidyn's mind was the cries the girl had spoke when she was on the same position. But the man didn't care. He slaughtered her without hesitation. So she would give any Lannister man the same mercy.

With a quick swipe of her sword, the blood spilt out of his throat. She turned to the others and gave them a nod. Cries rang out as whoever remained alive was killed.

Blood covered her face and available skin. The red color seeping into her clothes. Her stare was blank as she turned and began to make her way back to camp. She cleaned the blade of her sword on her leg before it was back on her hip.

"We didn't need any more mouths to feed." She simply stated as the Lords looked to her still shocked at what they had seen. Behind her the boys were going to the bodies and killing whoever remained.

The next person she spoke to was Talisa as she and the other healers approached to help. "Don't bother. They'll be dead before you can even open your bag."

The soldiers parted as the Queen of the North walked by doused with Lannister blood.

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