PuriKyun: Hi! Chance PreCure


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"Hello, I am 3rd year middle school student Sakura Koki who seemingly cannot do anything. Despite this, I wil... Еще

Hi! A New Chance for a Flower and?!
An Aria for the Cool Fall
A New Year for Sakura
How Funny~ Illuminate! The New Cure!
A Harmonious Shopping Spree
What?! A Saddened Flower
Rana Becomes a 1st Year High Schooler?!
Eh?! Kazuki is Popular Amongst the Ladies!?
The Father's Sunlight
Sakura's Chance to be Class President
An Unexpected Visit! Akina gets in Trouble!
A Sunny Reunion! Illuminating a New Relationship!
Nice to Meet You! The Princess of Winter!
The Beautiful Warmth of Winter!
Celebrate! Welcome to Chanson!
Exam Madness! Determined Studying!
Oh dear~ "Shirana wa Shiranai" (Shirana doesnt know)
Birthday Frenzy! Asahi's Honesty
Let's Idol! You Say They Were What?
Cold Justice! Sibling Affection
Prickling Love! Heartfelt Confession!
Let's Go! To the Shadow Lair
Power up with the Royal Armor
Let's Go Home! Welcome to the Kingdom of Chanzon!
Yes! We're the Pretty Cure!
A Fresh Splash into Confidence!
Smile with Happiness! A Suite Birthday!
Twinkle! Guardian of the Skies!
The Magic of an Embrace
Catch this Glittering Pounding Heart!
The Role of a Princess
Build Memories! A Snowy Paradise!
The Little Blooming Flower's Revealed Season
Trapped! A Seasonal Paradise
The Royal Season's Special Paradise
Revelation! We are Hi! Chance PreCure
Refresh! Celestial Ensemble and the Final Battle!
Da capo: Aria for the Fall at Christmas
A New Year! A Fresh Season! A High Chance!

The Beginning of the End

137 8 4

Cure Crystal reappeared in a beautiful long dress with beautiful silver ribbons wrapped around her. Her long hair became whiter than before blinding to the eyes as the sun reflected from her. Standing like a soldier getting ready for battle she looked at everyone else around her. Cure Lumina was brightly standing beside her. Her medium length hair was now flowing all around her. Her skirt grew in length and was now covering her. Her mint green highlights became more prominent as she readied herself. Aria's once short hair grew to be just like her sisters. The red pierced their eyes as she made herself visible to them. The orange highlights blended in perfectly with the redness of her attire and hair. Her hair was blowing beautifully with the breeze. Finally, Cure Cerise appeared with hair that could fully wrap her body. Her dress grew longer as she closed herself allowing a tiara to be placed on her head, completely finishing the ensemble.

In their final forms, the newly transformed Hi! Chance found themselves stronger than ever. The Duke and Duchess could sense the new power but they weren't letting themselves be defeated. Kneeling down, Aria took a deep breath as she readied herself to run. Lifting her heels, with her eyes set straight on the goal, she flew like the wind. Becoming one with the air, her arm reached out, hands in a tight fist, she sent a strong blow to the Duchess. Flying backwards, she was caught by Crystal who was waiting with a majestic white flurry of snow. Getting caught in the freeze, she was trapped and unable to move. Meanwhile, Lumina gathered energy from the sun as she blinded the Duke with her light. Along with Royal Sky's rain, the couple were pushed into a corner.

Before they could deliver the final blow, the Duke and Duchess gave an eery smile. Suddenly, the ground began to shake as if an earthquake was occurring. Standing firm, the girls looked around in a confused manner. Raising their hands, they could see something familiar glistening as it rested on the palm of their hands.

Royal Sky narrowed her eyes "Archarms..."

Just like a signal, a loud defeating noise screeched through the entire area. Covering their ears and with their eyes almost shut, they barely saw the Archarms get sucked into the Duke and Duchess' bodies. Growing larger and larger by the second, a dark power was omitted. Sensing something wasn't right, the girls gathered together as they watched the Duke and Duchess form to become one body. The biggest monster they have seen yet, a perfect blend of the odd couple. Red lines seeped through its arms, legs and body, seeming vein-like and even their eyes began to glow a deep scarlet crimson.

"You are ours! We will defeat you" The monster yelled, bashing its hands down into the ground

Moving out of the way, they looked at each other in concern.

"That monster is extremely powerful, be careful" Royal Sky said "one hard blow could be fatal"

"No kidding..." Aria sighed

At that moment, a hand swooped beside them as it tried to grab Cerise who managed to dodge out of the way.

"Their goal is still Cerise..." Crystal muttered "they really can't quit can they?"

"I guess that's what we have in common then" Cerise growled

Angered, the monster began to summon a ball of powerful energy. Cautiously watching, the ball appeared to get bigger and bigger. Before anything could be done about it, they felt a magnet-like auction as they were pulled into the ball of energy. Unable to hold on any longer, they were dragged into a pit of darkness before finding the light once again. Opening their eyes, familiar sights made them jump in surprise.

"Oh no..." Lumina whispered "We're back in Shinhigahara..."

Turning around, they could see the park where they had last seen their families in the distance. Out of the portal, the monster came out.

"We've got to stop the monster before it destroys everything!" Aria yelled

Yelling and screaming, the monster knocked the girls into a building. Crashing through wall after wall, the Pretty Cures found themselves further than where they were thrown. Wiping themselves down, they charged back to the monster who had made its way into the main town. The citizens fled in terror as the monster crashed into the buildings, causing debris to fall.

"Hey you!" Lumina screamed at the top of her voice "over here!"

Whipping round, the monster's eyes narrowed and glistened as if it had just found its target. Racing towards them, Royal Sky lifted her hands to the sky.

"Hurricane Downpour!"

Crystal quickly jumped into place and followed suit "Snow Blanket!"

Now frozen in spot, the monster struggled for a while as it squirmed to get free.

"Light Flare!" Lumina shouted

Managing to free its arm, it reached out for Cerise but they weren't able to reach her. Jumping in the way, Aria grabbed Cerise and held her tight.

"You're not taking her and that's final!"

"They're not going to get me" Cerise laughed at Aria who seemed quite concerned "I won't let them"

"Well good because it's for their own benefit... they might struggle taking care of you" Lumina teased

"How you can still make jokes at a time like this is deeply concerning" Crystal pointed out

"What? It's funny" Lumina pouted

"It's not gonna be funny if you get caught!" Royal Sky shouted as she pushed them out of reach from the monster "my goodness"

Out of the way, the girls nodded their appreciation to Royal Sky who shook her head at them pathetically before jumping off. Scratching their heads in embarrassment, they followed after her. Creating a circumference around the area, each girl stood in position to stop the monster from getting any further than the circle they had created. Running to her spot, Lumina made eye contact with Sir. Luminous who had seen the chaos happening.

"Granddad!" She yelled

"Lumina! Are you okay? You... you've changed?" He looked her up and down and smiled realising "ah"

"I'm fine... what about our families?"

"After you guys left, we invited them over to our house and they've been there ever since. However, I heard a crash and ran here."

"That's a relief... I've got to go now. Can you make sure the civilians are all out and safe"

"Got it. Now go"

On the other side of the town, Aria and Crystal has paired up to fight off the monster who was trying to force his way through. As if they were in one accord, the two dashed into the monster creating a combination of both snow and air. Spinning round quickly, the monster pushed the two out of the way. Crashing into the nearby buildings the sisters saw it head towards Cerise.

"Cerise!" Aria yelled loudly

Turning around, Cerise quickly managed to dodge the monster who tried to grab her.

"Mine!" It screamed hoarsely

"Stop!" Cerise shouted, her hand held out wide

Shocked by her abrupt shout, everybody turned their attention to the pink lady in the middle of the chaos.

"There's no point in fighting!"

"Then join us!" The monster yelled

Hurrying to join her, the four found their positions beside Cerise.

"I'm not letting you destroy any more. I'm also not going to let you use me for your own benefits!"

"Cerise?" Everybody stopped to stare

"Royal Sky gave me a chance to live because you were doing something bad! She was the one who gave me a chance to live with a family who genuinely care for me and who love me for being me! I am not perfect and I can never do anything right but they supported me anyways! I'm not ever going to give up this chance because my life is the one chance I was given that I'll never let go!"

Frozen in spot, the monster could only glare angrily as she spoke.

"You only live once as they say. It may suck, it may be depressing, it may seem completely and utterly pointless but I'm grateful regardless. I'm thankful that I was given a chance at life even though I don't think I deserve it! I'm grateful for my friends, the roof over my head, the food on my table, my parents who love me, the sun in the sky, the flowers dancing in the wind, the beautiful snow that's pouring down us right now and the rain that pours. Do you know why? Because even in the most rainy days, there is always light and in that light a beautiful rainbow will always appear. That's what makes life beautiful." Taking a deep breath, she glared fiercely "so if you think I'll let my life go. I'm not. I'm still going to fight and I'm still going to wake up every morning to a new day. The sun goes down so that when it comes back up the next day, it's a sign that a new chance has arrived to live. I am not your toy and I'm not someone that you'll use to only exploit. The Nacharms are precious and should never be used for evil."

Standing beside her, Aria and Lumina took her hand whilst also linking hands with Crystal and Royal Sky. Releasing, their Celestial Rapiers appeared once again.

"People deserve chances, Royal Sky gave you a chance to redeem yourselves by giving me away... but if you can't change yourself... then nobody can."

With their right foot forward and their Celestial Rapiers held tight in their right arm, a bright heavenly light appeared above them. With Cerise in the front leading their movements, they jumped into the air getting ready to slash the monster. Quick movements and an upbeat momentum, the five girls raised their arms and quickly brought it down to the monster. Squirming and screaming from the pain, they could see the monster slowly deteriorate piece by piece.

The Duke and Duchess finally appeared in normal state. Kneeling on the ground, staring into space, Cerise slowly walked towards them with her hand out.

"Wh- What?" They mumbled

"Come with me."

Hesitating, they rose and followed her. The scenery changed and they were all looking over both Shinhigahara and Chanzon.

"These are our homes. It's beautiful from up here isn't it?" Cerise asked

They replied with a slight nod

"It's winter so everything is peaceful and white" Crystal said "but there are still hardships and pain within it."

"Even when winter changes to Spring, we're rewarded with beautiful flowers" Cerise grinned "but flowers don't just grow... they're planted. Sometimes, the plants even plant themselves."

"Then Summer comes and children play out in the sun" Lumina giggled "however the sun can be painful too"

"Soon, Autumn comes at not time at all. It's a beautiful sight and the breeze feels wonderful" Aria nodded "but leaves are falling from the trees and they're left bare."

"That's the cycle of seasons, it comes and goes but they're never always the same. Some years we get severe snow or heat waves, some years we don't." Royal Sky turned to the Duke and Duchess "we have them too. We have good times and bad times, those are our seasons."

"All you can do is work hard and never give up because at the end, that's when you get your reward." Cerise took their hands and squeezed them tightly "you never take or forcefully give a paradise. You have to earn it. If you always carry a baby, they'll never learn to walk. Sometimes, falling and struggling is just part of life."

Bowing their head, the Duke and Duchess were unable to speak.

"Let's go to Chanzon." Royal Sky said "Bring them to the King and Queen. They'll figure out what to do with them."

Agreeing, they found themselves back at Chanzon. They were greeted by the entire royal family who were waiting for them eagerly. Bowing and say their greetings, the King sighed looking at his brother.

"Plund... I always thought you were better than this..."

"Brother... I..." He started to say

"It's alright, don't say anything. Let's head inside and we'll discuss more there."

Guiding them inside, the five Cures and their fairy mascots stood outside.

"It's done..." Lumina whispered panting and out of breath

"Yeah..." Aria blinked in disbelief

"What now?" Lumina asked with a slight giggle

"We go home." Crystal smiled

"Home..." Cerise felt a warm sensation thinking about it "Yeah... let's go home."

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