Sakura's Chance to be Class President

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Birds sang happily as Sakura made her way to school. She hummed to herself with Spring listening in her bag.

"You sound happy ~purin"

Sakura smiles and just patted Spring's head.

"Yeah, I feel unusually cheerful today!"

"That's good! People need happy days ~purin"

Finally reaching the school gates, Sakura entered the middle school. It was still pretty empty with only a handful of students wandering around. Heading into her classroom, she made her way to her seat and arranging all her belongings onto the desk.

"Now, you know the rules Spring, stay quiet until break"

"Okay! ~purin"

The classroom quickly started to fill up with students who were all chattering very loudly. Soon, their homeroom teacher walked in. She was a tall slender woman, who looked like she was in her late 20s. Her hair was tied up in a high ponytail with the class register in her hand. Placing it on her desk she opened it up.

"Alright, everybody. Silence please."

All attention was on her. A student with long brown hair stood up.

"Stand." Yuka Santani's voice clearly echoed in the room.

The students all stood up in obedience.


The students all bowed their heads in unison. Sakura lowered her head before lifting it up again.

"Good morning" the class said together.

"Be seated."

They all sat back down as the teacher nodded.

"Alright, we'll start with the roll call then."

Miss. Miki, the teacher, began to call the roll. After calling all the students name in the classroom, the teacher took out a sheet of paper.

"Okay, we need to officially establish our class president, so far, Santani has been gracious enough to guide the class but if there's anybody who would like to volunteer and become the president then raise your hand."

Students looked at each other, unknowing if they wanted to. Yuka raised her hand leaving the class unsurprised. Baku Fujou, clapped and cheered dramatically causing the class to go into fits of laughter. A male student raised his hand to volunteer.

"So? Are you two the only ones volunteering?"

Suddenly, Sakura unconsciously raised her hand.

"I wanna do it!" she exclaimed

"Alright then. Just those 3?"

Baku looked at Sakura in disgust "seriously?"

The other students in the class shuffled silently as they tried to hold in their laughter.  Sakura ignored them and just stared at the teacher with her back straight.

"We'll hold a vote tomorrow then. I want you three to prepare a mini presentation on why you want to be chosen for tomorrow then we'll vote at the end of the day. The majority wins. Got it?"

"Yes Miss." The three said

Just then, the bell rang. Taking the register, Miss Miki walked out of the classroom while the students began to prepare for their first class.

Spring silently poked her head out of Sakura's bag.

"Are you sure you can beat the other two? They look good ~purin"

PuriKyun: Hi! Chance PreCureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora