What?! A Saddened Flower

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"Time to get up, Sakura"

Sakura scratched her head as she felt somebody nudged her awake. Rubbing her eyes she slowly opened the to see her mother smiling there. Glancing up at the clock she saw that it was only 5 in the morning.

"We're going to Grandma and Grandpa's house today! The journey is long so you have to get up now" Makiko said with her usual gentle voice

"Oh okay, I'll go take a shower then" Sakura's voice was raspy due to the early hours of the morning

"Right, you do that and I'll see if I can get your sisters up"

Sakura hurriedly grabbed some clothes and her towel before running into the bathroom. Makiko sighed as she watched the blonde haired girl rush around. Her gentle smile turned into a sad frown before she walked away.

A few hours later, the family were finally sitting in the car with Sakura stuck in between Sara and Karai. Their grandparents house was in the countryside so they knew they would be travelling for a while. Seigo drove while Makiko sat beside him, her eyes fluttered shut from sleepiness. Meanwhile, the three sisters in the backseat were in their own world. Karai, on the left, was staring out the window listening to music. Sara, on the right, was using her phone. While Sakura, in the middle, held Spring on her lap as she stared into the road.

Sara suddenly jumps up and shouts out "I forgot my charger!"

"What?" Seigo turned to look at her "We're already on the main road, we can't turn back now"

"But I'll have no charger then!"

"Borrow Karai's charger"

"I don't want to! She never lets me use it, plus her phone dies easily so she'll always end up needing it!" she complained

"How about Sakura?"

"She has a different phone to me!"

"Use ours then?" Seigo's voice beginning to get frustrated

"But Dad! You're already sharing your charger with mom! I also use my wire for my portable charger!"

"We'll just buy one on our way then"

"Ugh. Fine."

Sakura looked at her sister "why did you forget it then?"

"Well sorry but unlike you, I'm a human who actually forgets thing. We were all rushing around so obviously I forgot it."

"How do you forget something you always use?" Sakura mumbled to Spring

Spring shrugged slightly.

"Uh, what did you say?" Sara's eyes narrowed angrily

Karai took out one of her earphones and rolled her eyes before putting it back in "here we go..."

"Considering you're always on your phone and needing your charger, I don't understand how one forgets to bring it. I thought you were smart."

"Excuse you but I'm smarter than you. Just because you think you're smart doesn't mean you are."

"I didn't say anything about me being smart. I know you are which is why I was wondering why you forgot it."

"I'm smart! Not organised! Sa-ku-ra!"

"If you're smart, then you should have been smart enough to organise your most needed items."

The two adults in the front seat ignored their argument because it was common for the two to argue since eventually the two would make up, but soon the tension started to rise in the car.

PuriKyun: Hi! Chance PreCureDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora