Exam Madness! Determined Studying!

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"Royal Armor Pieces..." Sakura mumbled as she tucked herself into bed "Good night Spring!"

"Night! ~Purin"

The lights switched off but Sakura remained awake as she stared at the lights flickering on her ceiling. She couldn't stop thinking of these Royal Armor Pieces. What importance was it for them and how do they acquire it? Her mind wandered endlessly but soon her eyes started to drift off into a deep slumber, slowly, slowly....

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Wake up!" a stern voice called out forcing a very sleepy girl to wake up.

"Wha- What?" Akina said as she rubbed her eyes "You ruined a perfectly nice dream!"

"Oh dear..."

"Shirana, do we have to study this early? I mean, it's still only 10 in the morning! I'm not even awake at this time typically! Especially on a Saturday!"

"Oh quit with your complaining! Do you want good grades or not?"

Akina pouted and stared at the page which spilled foreign words to her "I don't get it. Can I go outside, it's so stifling in here"

"No. Stay inside and study"

"You're mean"

"Call me whatever you'd like Akina but you need to study. Your grades haven't been the best and as a first year high schooler, you need to put your head back in and focus"

"You speak like you're mom"

"Why? Would you rather mom be saying this to you?" Shirana frowned as she folded her arms

"Oh nope! Definitely not"

"I see"

"I'm bored ~fure"

"I'm sorry Flake" Shirana said as she patted her "Summer exams are beginning tomorrow so she needs to focus"

"Okay.... ~fure"

**✿❀ ❀✿**

"Your father strictly advised you focus on your studying today Miss"

"But!" Asahi whined

"I'm sorry young miss but under strict orders from your father, I cannot permit you to go outside today"

"But it's such a nice day!" She sighed as she stared outside. Birds were singing, the flowers were dancing with the sun while Asahi slumped deeper into her chair.

"Now, I trust you can study by yourself, I have some work to attend to"

"Sure sure"

She blankly stared at her pile of books laid out before her. She decided to focus on music because that was the subject she was weakest at. Suddenly, she had a thought. She got up from her chair and picked up a phone and dialled a number. It began to ring for a few seconds until somebody on the other end picked it up "Hello?"

"Mr. Sato! Hello! Is Izumi Saito there today?"

"Ah yes, I have been teaching her the various things about the shop. Why? Do you need her?"

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