Multifandom oneshots

By liza_writes_

47.9K 787 67

My pride month oneshots. Arrowverse, the 100, most likely. One a day! More

Young Love
Sick Day
Birthday Gift
Stood Up
Coffee Shop
Her Smile
Her Smile
Earth Birthday
Meeting Mom
Finger Guns
Walk in the Park


3.2K 45 14
By liza_writes_

(For Tallarna) The 100: CLEXA

In high school, Clarke, Lexa, and Finn were best friends. They were inseparable. Weekends and Friday nights were spent at each other's houses, talking and laughing for hours on end. Lexa's parents' lake house was inhabited every summer, all summer long, and their cabin in the woods always had perfect fields of snow for snowmen and epic snowball wars.

It was no surprise, of course, when Clarke and Finn started dating. The pair had been in love since the day they met. The real surprise came three months after that when Clarke and Finn broke up, and Lexa found herself in the middle of a feud.

The trio recovered from the drama almost as quickly as it began. They always recovered. Things between Clarke and Finn were tense for a while, but they figured things out.

Then came graduation. Finn moved from Arkadia, New York to Stanford, California. Lexa became a lawyer, just like her parents, and moved to Tondc to continue their legacy. Clarke was a boxing coach. She loved kids, and she loved fighting even more. Arkadia stayed exactly the same, but everything else changed.

It was nine years before Lexa visited home again. The first place she went was her old house. There a motorcycle and a minivan parked in the front. Lexa parked her own car and reluctantly stepped out of her own car.

When she knocked at the door, there was a series of shouts and the sound of a dog barking. A kid opened the door, a girl around twelve. She took one look at Lexa and sighed.

"You're not Uncle Bellamy." She muttered. "Mom, Aunt Clarke, there's someone here!"

"Alie, I told you to wait!" A woman groaned, approaching the door with a puppy at her heels. "Lexa."

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" Lexa asked. The woman shook her head, laughing awkwardly.

"No, you don't. I was Clarke's roommate in college, and she had pictures of you and Finn everywhere. I'm Raven." The woman stuck out her hand for Lexa to shake. "Clarke's in the kitchen." Lexa followed Raven into her childhood home, which was completely remodeled. The walls were repainted, some of them torn down, and the kitchen was a sight.

Well, it was nothing compared to Clarke. She'd cut her hair to her shoulders and died the ends pink, which brought out her eyes. Her smile was brighter now, not dulled by the constant weight of living under her mother's pressure. Lexa had to admit, Clarke was just as beautiful as she was in high school, if not more. She couldn't pull her eyes away.

"Lexa Woods? Back in Arcadia after all these years." Clarke was laughing and hugging Lexa before the lawyer could even register the situation.

"You stayed." Lexa's voice was breathy as she shut her eyes tight. She'd forgotten how good her hugs were.

"And I bought your old house. I hope that's not weird." Clarke giggled, pulling away to study Lexa's face.

"Not weird at all. It's a good place, if I do say so myself." Lexa's laugh was like music to Clarke's ears. Her smile was straighter now, her eyes crinkled in the corners. That smile sent her back to high school, made her feel like Clarke Griffin, rebel teen again. Lexa's long, wavy hair was even longer now, all the way down to her waist and in an elaborate braid. A sigh escaped Clarke's lips.

"You got prettier. I heard you're a lawyer now, in Tondc. What brings you back home?" Clarke asked.

"I missed this place, and you. Tondc is great. I made a couple friends, but there's nothing like a small town where everyone knows your name." Lexa sighed.

"And how'd you end up here?"

"It's cheesy, but I wanted to see the place I grew up again. You've fixed it up a lot." Lexa shrugged.

"Well, you should stay for dinner. We're having a celebratory barbecue." Clarke smiled, tilting her head slightly to one side. She used to do that when she was...flirting.

"I couldn't intrude." Lexa shook her head, but Clarke had already taken her hand and begun walking her over to the small group of people chatting on the couches.

"Oh, shut it. You're staying. Sit." Clarke insisted.

"Fine. What exactly are we celebrating?"

"I finally bought my own gym. I'm a boxing coach." Clarke's smile widened. She was so proud of herself, it was adorable.

"Congrats. So you didn't become a doctor." Lexa smirked. The small group looked to Lexa, inquisitive looks on their faces.

"What?" Raven, Lexa remembered, asked.

"She was going to be a doctor in high school. Problem was, she was too lazy for the workload." Lexa teased.

"I was not!" Clarke pouted.

"You failed PE because you wouldn't run, Meizen." Lexa teased. (Beautiful)

"You still speak Trigedasleng." Clarke smiled softly.

"Sha, Ai dula op.  Yu don mema we em?"  (Yes, I do. Did you miss it?)

"I never learned. It's still just as beautiful."

"And so are you." Lexa's sly smirk never left her lips.

"Smooth. That's Raven, Octavia, Alie, and Astro." Clarke pointed to two women, the girl that answered the door, then a rottweiler. "Guys, Lexa. We went to high school together."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The rest of the night went smoothly, Clarke's friends were great, and 'Uncle Bellamy' arrived eventually. Lexa stuck by Clarke the whole night, though, still slightly socially awkward. After dinner, Raven, Octavia, and Alie left early, something about school the next morning, and Bellamy left after an hour or so, leaving the two women alone. A few glasses of wine later, they found themselves sitting on the couch, Lexa's arm draped over Clarke's shoulders as the blonde leaned into her.

"I'm only here for the week." Lexa murmured.

"Then I'll make it a hell of a week," Clarke replied, lifting her chin to gaze into Lexa's eyes.

"I have to go back on Friday."

"Then I'm spending every spare moment with you until Friday." Clarke's gaze flickered to Lexa's lips and back up to her eyes.

"I don't want to go." Lexa's voice was lowered to a breathy whisper.

"Then stay with me." Clarke's eyes were glued to Lexa's lips, and there was no pulling them away.

"I want to so badly."

"Then do." Clarke leaned in a bit closer, her breath fanning out against Lexa's lips.

"I want to."

"Stay." Clarke closed the gap between them, their lips melting together. Clarke's hands shot into Lexa's hair, ruining her braids. Lexa's hands roamed Clarke's back, before planting themselves on the blonde's hips. The kiss broke soon after it started, both girls stunned.

"I knew you were into me." Lexa's smirk broke the tension, Clarke groaning before bursting into a fit of giggles, her head falling on Lexa's shoulder.

"This is why we didn't date in high school." Clarke teased.

"No, actually, Finn was why we didn't date in high school," Lexa replied.

"Fair." Clarke tilted her head to the side again.

"You don't have to ask to kiss me, you know," Lexa smirked.

"Why do you think I was going to kiss you?"

"You did the head tilt thing you always do when you're flirting."

"I give it away." Clarke pouted.

"Yeah, but it's cute." Clarke pressed her lips to Lexa's again, this time softly, slowly.

"Lexa?" She murmured.

"Stay? Please?"

"For now."

"For now is good enough."

"And then I'll be back."

"That sounds nice." Clarke smiled, kissing Lexa again.

They fell asleep on that couch every night that week, arms and legs tangled together as they watched marathons of movies. And then Lexa went home.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"I miss you." Clarke was on a motorcycle ride through town. Her mom had been begging to see her so in order to minimize the yelling, Clarke had opted for a public place.

"I miss you, too. Just wait, love. A few more weeks." Lexa replied, her phone pressed against her cheek.

"I don't want to see her." Clarke sighed.

"You need this. Trust me, it'll help." Lexa replied.

"I wish you were here." Clarke turned off her bike, putting down the kickstand and locking it up.

"Turn around, then." Lexa hung up the phone, pocketing it when her girlfriend came running toward her.

"You suck! You lied!" Clarke laughed, leaping into Lexa's arms.

"I came." Lexa laughed as Clarke wrapped her legs around Lexa's waist.

"You lied." Clarke planted her lips on Lexa's. "You suck."

"This is the most affectionate anger I've ever seen." Lexa teased. Clarke kissed her again.

"Shut up.

"Never. You love me." Lexa pressed her lips to Clarke's.

"So damn much," Clarke mumbled. "You can put me down now."

"Will you stop kissing me?"

"Never. I love you." Clarke replied, planting her feet on the ground.

"I love you, too. Now, are we eating?" Lexa smiled.

"Do I have to see my mother right now, because I'd really rather not ruin the mood." Clarke pouted.

"Oh, this was all planned out. She isn't here. We're meeting her tomorrow."

"Baby," Clarke whined.

"I know, your mother is evil. We're going to die." Lexa teased.

"God, I missed you."

"Good thing I'm here for two whole months this time."

"And then I move in with you."

"And then you move in with me," Lexa repeated. Clarke beamed, wrapping an arm around Lexa's waist.

"You're here to stay."

Clarke closed her eyes, enjoying her moment. Lexa was home, finally.

"Well, for two months." Lexa agreed.

"Babe, you're ruining the narration." Clarke sighed, exasperated.

Lexa laughed, placing another kiss on Clarke's lips. They were home. Together.

"Clarke, isn't it creepy how that voice commentates our lives?"

"Babe, the narration!"

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