make you mine.

By flayerfeed

59.8K 2K 1.9K

two broken hearts meet. mileven au. [lowercase intended] completed 28/9/19 More

cast + intro


3.2K 116 188
By flayerfeed

[ chapter three! ]

jane felt the need to distract herself. she needed to take her mind off all the pain and stress she was facing at that moment in time. she decided to go to the arcade, not because she liked games or because she was good at them like max, but because she had no where else to go. it's not as if she could visit a friends house. sure, she could go home, but he countless hours she would spend alone while hopper was at work became tiresome.

the arcade fascinated her. it was as if she was entering another world when she walked through those doors. the millions of bright colors, the quiet music coming from the game machines and kids swearing loudly when losing. she loved everything about the place, despite the fact she wasn't the best at the actual games, she still continued to enjoy herself.

today she had one worry when entering the arcade, the party. usually this would be the reason she went to the arcade, to try and see them and talk to them. she knew they came here often, especially max. however today she did nothing but hope they wouldn't turn up.

she slowly walked through the endless rows of games, gripping the coins in her hand as she contemplated on which game to play. finally, she turns to the dig dug game, the only one she was somewhat decent at. no where near as good as max, she was at the top of the leaderboard with dustin closely followed behind. she inserted the coins slowly, letting a small sigh escape her lips as the only thing she felt at that moment was boredom. she felt alone.


jane practically jumped out her skin at the low mumble from behind her. she quickly turns around only to gasp at the sight in front of her.

mike wheeler, stood in front of her with his hands in his pockets as he looks at her awkwardly.

she immediately feels her heart sink. the boy had brought her so much pain, and he has said unforgivable things to her. she sighs before ignoring him and walking past him.

however he quickly catches up and cuts in front of her, stopping her from running away. "jane, i need to talk to you" mike says demandingly, looking at her with pleading eyes as the girl glares at him.

jane sighs in defeat, realizing the boy won't give up. "fine" she mumbles quietly, continuing to glare at the boy who she felt so angry towards.

the two make their way into a small room in the back of the arcade that came across as being seemingly empty. two empty chairs that were placed across from each other in the middle of the room, and the pair sat down on them.

"what do you want?" jane asks tiredly, feeling more and more anger building up inside of her by the second.

"listen- i- feel sort of bad for what i said to you" mike admits quietly, avoiding her eye contact completely.

jane felt somewhat happy for a split second, before her emotions quickly returned to the state they were in before.

"i don't believe you" jane mumbles as she crosses her arms and stares the boy down with dagger-like eyes.

mike immediately rolls his eyes to jane's cold response. "can't you just move on? i'm surprised i'm even here trying to be civil with you right now" mike says rudely as he glares at the girl.

jane immediately lets out a laugh at the boys ridiculous comment. he expected her to move on? does he have no recollection of what he said to her? jane felt angry. angrier then she had felt in a long time. she felt the sudden urge to slap the boy. but she knew she could do much worse.

"god! i can't believe you! do you not care for anyone but yourself?! i have done nothing to you, yet you continue to treat me like shit!" jane shouts, releasing all the anger she had kept building up inside of her.

mike stares at her blankly, his mouth hung open. jane scoffs before quickly leaving the room, making sure to slam the door on the way out.


"i can't believe you mike" max says furiously as she crosses her arms angrily.

"she was being overdramatic" mike mumbles as he pokes his vegetables with the fork he held tightly in his hand.

"no she wasn't. you're the one in the wrong and you need to accept that" max states in a matter of fact tone as she glares at the boy.

"your lucky i even went to speak to her, i did it because you practically begged me to, remember?" mike says with a scoff as he looks up from his plate.

"i shouldn't of even asked you to apologise, i knew it would end badly. and besides, it should be coming from the heart, i shouldn't have to tell you to do it" max says as she rolls her eyes at the stubborn boy sat in front of her.

suddenly the pair notice a figure stood next to their table. they look up to see jane stood there, gripping her tray as she looks at them both with anger in her eyes.

"you asked him to apologise?" jane asks quietly as she loon directly at max.

"well- yes" max says, however jane quickly runs out of the cafeteria, putting her tray on someone's table as she exits.

"what- did i do?" max says, as she looks at mike hopelessly.

"she probably wanted me to apologize myself, not to be asked by you" mike says as he leans his head his hand.

max groans as she rolls her eyes for the hundredth time that lunch. "i just wanted to make her feel better, she's deserves better" max says quietly as she twiddles with the fork in her hand.

"i'll speak to her" mike says with a sigh as he finishes his drink. max's eyes immediately light up as the usually cold boy finally shows some warmth.

"really?" max says as she looks at the boy proudly.

"yes, but don't expect her to forgive
me" mike says as he stands up from the table. "and don't worry, technically you never asked me to do this" he adds as he walks away from the table. max gives him a thankful smile as he exists the cafeteria.


it didn't take long to find jane. he knew she'd either be in mr clarke's room or in the  library with her head buried in some book. it turns out she was sat in the corner of the of the library, curled up on a chair as she reads some romance fiction. mike immediately rolls his eyes at her choice in book, however quickly stops as he remembers he was attempting to be 'civil' with her.

"jane" he whispers quietly as he stands in front of the small girl. she sighs dramatically and closes her book, throwing the boy a dirty look as she walks past him, ignoring him completely.

he scoffs at her attitude as he follows her out of the library into the corridor.

"do you really feel the need to follow me?" jane says as she turns around to look at him coldly.

"i'm just trying to-" mike starts, however he is quickly cut off buy the raging teenage girl stood before him.

"trying to what?! apologise? like i would ever believe that" she says loudly as she glares furiously at the boy.

"i understand why you're angry with me, but i'm trying to be civil" mike says awkwardly, feeling odd when saying nicer things to her.

"oh please! max probably sent you here again to apologise didn't she?!" the girl says with a laugh as she throws her arms up in the air.

"forget it. you're impossible" mike mumbles angrily as he storms past the girl, and he too had now lost any hope in trying to be civil with her.

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