Transcendent Thirst

By YOLOwriting101

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"What I was going to say was selfish..." He mumbled. I edge closer to him until my hand slowly cradled his ch... More

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4.8K 247 154
By YOLOwriting101

I stand in line, waiting at the checkout with the food I was going to bring to Achille's house. I want to make him a nice dish, as an apology. He doesn't know what I I believe.

It's been three days since I've seen him and I'm not sure what he could be doing at this point. I said I would take care of him and be by his side. Yet I completely do the opposite, actually. I feel bad and I bought lots of food so that I can make sure to come back to make him more.

Once I was in front of the cashier it happened to be a elderly woman who I talk to on occasion. I purposely go in her isle so that we can have a little talk. It feels right in a way... Almost like a mother and son talk...

"Darius I haven't seen you in a while. How are you?" She asked sweetly, ringing up my things as I begin to put them in their bags.

"I'm good I guess."

"You guess? Where's the 'I am fantastic!' Darius that I know?" She questioned, and I shrug." Don't shrug on me! What's going on? I know all this food isn't for you so who's the lucky person in your life?"

I suddenly smile, shrugging again because I haven't told anyone about Achille. Oscar is a stalker and just happens to know.

"It's more of me being the lucky person than him." I murmur, causing Shelby - the cashier - to raise an eyebrow.

"Him? I didn't know it was a man? How cute! How long?"

"We aren't dating...or together...not really sure if we're friends."

Shelby frowns, taking my card as she started to get me done.

"Not sure if you're friends? Oh dear... Have you smiled with him?"


"Have you made him smile?"

"I believe so..."

"Has he gotten emotional in front of you and told him information about himself?"


She handed me my receipt and card, smirking with entertainment.

"Then you're friends."

I smile happily, taking my stuff and saying goodbye. Knowing where to go next I head to his house. A little embarrassed, by the time I get there it's three in the afternoon and I'm sure he's here.

Knocking on his door I am surprised to see the door open really fast. Looking down at him and he bit his lip. Only for his eyes to move off of me to the bags of groceries.

"What's this?"

I chuckle awkwardly, realizing that nothing truly changed. Obviously.

"I bought you some fill up your barren fridge."

"How kind of you, but don't forget that I'm a vampire so I don't need to eat human food."

I shrug, watching him begin to grab a bag and car keys.

"Where are you going?"


Flinching, I stare at him in shock at that revelation.

"You work?"

"Of course I work!" He exclaimed, walking to a coatrack and putting on a coat." You just thought I sat at home and didn't work to get the home I have?"

"I mean...I'm not sure. I just didn't realize you worked at all."

Achille frowned, walking to a drawer and began to rummage through it.

"That's kind of rude... I may be what I am but I still live in a human society. Need a job, money, to pay taxes." He stated, pulling out something from his drawer while his hand hid it from me." I have to go though... What will you do now?"

"I can just put these away for you and I guess I'll just...go?" I question, almost wondering why I questioned that.

"Umm...well, I've never done this before so I'm not sure how it's done." He said, grabbing my hand and resting something on my palm. I look to see a key laying there.

When I look at him he was chewing his lip and began to step back.

"That's the house key and...umm...whenever I'm not here and you want to be here... Just go on ahead. I trust - trust you..." He explains, stuttering and stopping a lot.

I found it so cute that he was giving me his spare key. Almost like I was moving in. Knew Achille for a week and I already have a spare key.

"I - I'm leaving now."

Seeing him rush towards his door I clear my throat. When he stopped I grinned when he looked at me with pink cheeks.

"See you Achille."

"Goodbye...Darius. See you later too."

With that he walked out and closed the door. Leaving me in his house by myself.

Not sure what to think, I just put away the groceries. I leave some ingredients out because I decided I was going to make him something to eat. But I suddenly became curious to do something.

I grab a tall cup, sugar, and Achille's blood packs. Trying not to touch the blood I put on gloves and put it in the cup. Once I put sugar inside I stir it and I still smell the nasty metal taste of blood. Not wanting to throw up I put it in the fridge and hope he'll like my little twist on his boring blood pack drinks.

Now...what to make him to eat.

😚 two days later...

I cover my mouth as I sneeze suddenly, wondering how I got sick so suddenly. I never get sick and the fact I just did is baffling to me.

Meet Achille and it's like all my senses and stability dropped. He's literally my weakness because I'm so comfortable around him, my body drops it's defenses... Now I'm here, at home, sick.

Haven't seen him for two days - about to be three. I feel horrible and had to take days off from work. Just started and I'm already sick like this. Probably not a good start.

Doesn't help that I want to go to his house. But he probably won't want a nasty sick person roaming his house. Can barely move as it is.

When I get sick - which is never - I get hit hard with the sickness. I feel horrible and full of aches. Today just happens to be the day that it hurts the most.

I look out my apartment window, seeing that it was drowsy and cloudy out. I don't have cable but I have a DVD and fire stick. But the remote is on the table where the TV is. Can't even urge myself to get up and turn it on.

It's just silent and cold...

Closing my eyes I decide to take a nap. Been doing that a lot lately because sleep helps your body heal faster - so I've heard.

Going to sleep I begin to hope that Achille is okay and liked what I made. Probably is fine and doesn't need me to keep coming. He doesn't even need human food - like he said. Technically it's like he's getting a little break from me - sadly to say.

I wish I could read his mind and know if I was a burden to him. A bother or maybe he's too kind to tell me to stop coming. But he gave me a key so I don't think that's it... Not sure anymore.

Instead of worrying myself I just need to sleep, and that's exactly what I do.


I feel a shiver go down my spine, stretching as I begin to open my eyes. Already seeing beautiful red eyes rest on mine and luscious pink lips.

"You're awake...wait, are you?"

I smile, nodding as he began to grin to me. I didn't know what to think because he was actually here.

"Are you okay?"

"Not really." I say, Achille nodding as he pulled up a bag of groceries.

"Yes! I went to the store and got some sick people things... I wasn't exactly sure but is Benadryl good?"

I just stare at him, his concern written on his face and it touched my heart. But...

"You shouldn't be here." I cough, sitting up as my whole body ached at this moment." I'm sick."

"I'm a vampire. You're human sickness to my vampire immune system is like a ladybug attacking a shark."

Frowning I didn't get that analogy, but I guess he's trying to say my sickness is nothing.

"Yes... I see. I didn't think you'd come all the way to my apartment to help me. How do you even know where I live?"

Achille raised his eyebrow, causing me to chuckle.

"I forget. You probably sniffed me out right?"

"I'm not a canine... I just smelled your scent."

" sniffed me out?"

"Basically. You make it sound like an issue." He chuckled, biting his lip as his eyes settled in on mine." I can make you porridge."

I suddenly felt this warmth come from him, feeling like I'm getting the feeling from when I was a child. I wanted someone to care for me... Yet I never got sick and ended up going through life without anyone helping me.

This is different to have Achille hear beside me...

"You don't have to make me anything."

He suddenly rested his hand on my forehead, his cool hand feeling so nice against my burning forehead.

"Darius...I will stay here until you fall asleep. You're worth it, let me take care of you." He said, causing me to flinch at his words.

Saying I was worth beautiful.

"I actually have a question though." He brought up, cocking his head down at me." I wonder, what did you end up doing in my bathroom a couple of days ago?"

Chuckling awkwardly, I begin to think about how I just jerked off in his bathroom.

"Oh nothing. Why?"

"Just wondering..." He murmured, chuckling as he stood and grabbed his plastic bag." Well, I am going to make you some food. Would you like me to turn on your TV?"

He grabbed the remote and walked to me. Once I grabbed it he walked away and I began to realize that this is what I've always wanted. Someone to take care of me for once.

I've never experienced this before...

Turning the TV on I put on a cartoon, Achille walking in with a glass of water and a pill in his hand.

"This is the Benadryl. The bottle said you have to take two pills and I'm guessing you drink water after it, no?"

I nod, taking it and quickly swallow the pills. Drinking water Achille takes the glass and I instead grab his wrist. Pulling him a little he looks down at me in confusion, and that's when I smile.

"Thank you...for this," I watch as his whole face begins to turn pink," You didn't have to do this, but you did. For that, I appreciate you."

Achille bit his lip, nodding as he rushed off. Coming back with a bowl of porridge and a spoon. Setting it in my lap, I began to eat and realized how good and sweet it was.

"Don't thank me just yet."

"Why not?"

"Get well first. That's how I know I've done my job. If you're sick for too long...I may have a towel grow mushrooms again..."

I chuckle, seeing him grin as I scoot over and let him sit beside me on my bed. As he sits beside me angelically, he crossed his legs and snickered.

"I've never seen you sick. This is shocking to me. You seemed like a man who could never get sick."

"Is that so?"

I face forward, eating some more and my throat started to feel better. Suddenly I felt like I had all things I needed to say come forth.

"I try my best not to become sick, because I don't want to burden anyone. Don't have anyone to depend on and I don't really have friends. If I was to get a little cough or sick I'd do anything my power to have it disappear. I'm not even sure if I was ever sick, but I just suppressed it...

"It's been so difficult to hold that back. Yet when I met you," I glance down at him, his whole face pink and avoiding my eyes,"it's like my defenses and guard dropped. Relaxed a little too much and now my body took in the biggest punch it's ever had."

Achille now looked at me, looking pained by my words.


"It's fine really. If you catch my drift, you'll understand what I mean by you causing me to relax a bit." I hint, Achille nodding.

"Yes...I smelled you in danger from afar and helped you. When I saved you it caused you to relax around me because I was a sense of safety."

I just stare at him, wondering how he didn't get what I just said. I am flirting with him and he can't even see that!

"Sure, logically speaking."

Achille suddenly wrapped his arm around my neck, shocking me when he hugged me. Resting my head in the crook of his neck and I began to feel my eyes water.

I wrapped my arms around him and I hugged him back. Not wanting to ever let go. Inhaling, I began to smell an intoxicating aroma. Wondering what that was I pressed more into the hug and suddenly Achille was yanking back.

Staring at me in shock as his whole face was red and eyes darker red than before.


"I'm sorry."

"I didn't drink any blood before I got here. So don't apologize, it's more me than you..." He took a deep breath, looking around as he chuckled." I'll be right back."

I watch him rush off, entertaining me as he was gone for a minute. Then was back with warm amber eyes, wiping his lips off.

"Mainly my fault for...taking advantage of that hug."

"Taking advantage? You can't take advantage of a hug." He said, sighing as he sat in front of me this time instead of beside me." For your safety, I'll sit here now."

Nodding I wondered what went through his head. I wanted to know if he had at least an inkling ounce of liking towards me. It'd be nice if he did but at this point I can't tell.

I feel like he does because he came all this way... But maybe it's because he wants to repay me back for all I've done for him. He's not doing it because he wants to... Probably here because he's bored.

He's a vampire and I'm a human. Probably doesn't even want to be here-.

"What unnecessary thoughts are you thinking over there Darius?"

I look into Achille's eyes, seeing him frowning at me.

Smirking at him I shrug, putting the bowl aside as the porridge was gone. Didn't want him knowing I was thinking unnecessary thoughts. If he knew what I was thinking he would probably try to counter against them. Except I'm afraid of what he'll actually say.

"You didn't have to do this. I'm just afraid your doing this because it feels like an obligation."

"Obligation for...?"

"For me doing all the work I do! I do it because I want to but I don't know if you're doing this because you want to-." I suddenly sneeze, looking away from him as I felt bad for thinking those thoughts.

When I look back at him he looked offended. It shocked me when he suddenly sneered, something that doesn't look right on his face.

"I'm doing this because I want to. I...I care about you and you're one of the closest people I have in my life right now. I have no one else and you're the only human that knows who I am. Why wouldn't I care about you?'re the only friend I have." He stated, avoiding to look at me now as well.

But his words made me feel better. It didn't help that at the same time I felt bad for bringing it up in the first place.

"I'm sorry... We are friends?"

"Of course! I considered you a friend when you made me that amazing pasta salad. You were my friend when I told you what I was and you didn't scream in terror... You're my only friend on this whole planet Darius."

It was sad to know that he wasn't lying or being dramatic. I really was his only friend in the whole entire world.

"Achille I'm sorry for saying that."

"It's fine. I guess I would assume that too... No - no I wouldn't." He instantly confessed after, chuckling." It's still fine though..."

I shake my head, wondering how I can get his forgiveness completely...

"Actually, when I get better, would you mind going on a walk with me to one of my favorite places?"


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