Meggy X Reader: Endgame

By InfiniteLeJackal

24.3K 317 10.9K

A decade after the events of Meggy X Reader, Xeggy and Wario-man return, but they're not alone. They've hired... More

Prologue 1/3: The Beginning
Prologue 2/3: Declaring War
Prologue 3/3: Heroes Unite!
Chapter 1: Let Us Fight
Chapter 2: Robot Swarm
Chapter 3: Shadow Jackals
Chapter 4: Android Parade
Chapter 5: Times Ticking
Chapter 6: Elemental Chaos
Chapter 7: Neo's Power
Chapter 8: Demons
Chapter 9: Double Infinite
Chapter 10: Steel Behemoth
Chapter 11: Family of Darkness
Chapter 12: MY WORLD
Chapter 13: Unexpected Newcomers
Chapter 14: Mind Control Insanity
Chapter 15: Rise of an Ultragod
Chapter 16: Dust
Chapter 17: Goddess of Lightning
Chapter 18: Xeggy, Bringer of Destruction
Chapter 19: Squidnapped
Chapter 20: I Am... Inevitable.
Chapter 21: Water Colossus
Chapter 22: Past, Present, and Future
Chapter 23: Tornado Valley
Chapter 24: Rocky Business
Chapter 25: The Ones From Hell
Chapter 26: Burn It Up
Chapter 27: Chill Out
Chapter 29: Smeshfinite, King of Gods
Chapter 30: Terror and Fear
Chapter 31: Sweet Victory
Epilogue 1/4: Fire Jackal's Freedom
Epilogue 2/4: Epic Dance Off!
Epilogue 3/4: Dark Allies
Epilogue 4/4: Many Years Later...
Bonus Chapter 32: Venom!
Bonus Chapter 33: He Is Number WAHN!
Bonus Chapter 34: An Arrow and Whistles

Chapter 28: Syn's Revenge

370 10 84
By InfiniteLeJackal

Syn Jackal: You killed my brothers, now I'll make you all pay for it!

Ultimate Infinite: I'M GONNA KILL YOU, SYN!

(Y/N): Syn, you fucked up big time!

Comet grabbed the purple Chaos Emerald, and backed away from Syn Jackal.

Syn Jackal: Those gems... They belong to me.

Meggy: No they don't!

Ultimate Infinite: You are not getting your hands on those, you vile creature!

Syn Jackal: This isn't a game, and how dare you criticize your own creation! We're here because of you. All the Shadow Jackals were born because you misused the Chaos Emeralds, remember? It all started with you. Your world is crumbling because of your actions. You were warned about the overuse, but you didn't listen; this is all your fault. Hmm... A noble? If you feel so bad about it, then maybe death should be your penance.

(Y/N): Whoa...

Ultimate Infinite: I admit, I made mistakes in the past...

Meggy: Infinite...

Ultimate Infinite: But now, I'll fix those mistakes. Prepare... To fight!

Syn Jackal: Hahaha! Bring it on!

The two Jackals flew at each other and began to fight.

Crystalonetta: That energy is insane...!

(Y/N): Dark, Negative, and Demonic energy... Just what is this guy...?

SmeshBras123: How can someone have this much...?

Cristina: I don't know... It seems impossible...

Syn Jackal dodged Ultimate Infinite's attacks, and threw him on the ground.

Ultimate Infinite: Agh!

Syn Jackal started to punch Ultimate Infinite's chest, as he started to cough blood out.

Crystalonetta: Honey!

(Y/N): Crystal, wait!

Crystalonetta fired lightning at Syn Jackal, and he absorbed it.

SmeshBras123: What?!

Syn Jackal: Get better, stupid canine.

Crystalonetta: Huh-

The Shadow Jackal teleported behind Crystalonetta and kicked her, launching her into a car.

Ultimate Infinite: C-Crystal... Y-you... Bastard...

Syn Jackal grabbed Ultimate Infinite by the neck, and started to strangle him.

(Y/N): Guys, do something!

SmeshBras123: Leave my bestie alone!

Syn Jackal threw Ultimate Infinite into a wall, and walked up to SmeshBras123.

Syn Jackal: You think you can stop me?

SmeshBras123: Yep!

Cristina: Get him, Smesh!

SmeshBras123 punched Syn Jackal in the face, and kicked him in the stomach.

Syn Jackal: Seriously?

(Y/N): Oh, come on!

Syn Jackal headbutted SmeshBras123, as he kicked him in the pingas.

SmeshBras123: OOOOOH, SHIT...!

Cristina: Smesh! How dare you do that-

Syn Jackal punched Cristina, launching her into a building.

(Y/N): Oh, god...

Syn Jackal: Now, give the gems to me, runt.

Comet: No!

Ultimate Infinite: No... Don't hurt him... Please...

Syn Jackal snatched the Chaos Emeralds from Comet.

Comet: Hey! Give those back!

Syn Jackal slapped Comet, making him fall to the floor.

Lucy: Comet!

Smoke threw shurikens at Syn Jackal, as he suddenly disappeared.

(Y/N): What the fuck...?

Meggy: He just... Went through all of them like they were nothing...

Cristina: Ow...

SmeshBras123: Dammit...

Crystalonetta walked over to Comet, and helped him get up.

Comet: Thanks, mom...

Ultimate Infinite: Ugh...

(Y/N): Infinite!

Lucy: We gotta go after him!

Smoke: If he absorbs the remaining Chaos Emeralds, Syn will grow terrifyingly strong!

Crystalonetta: Honey, you okay?!

Ultimate Infinite: Y-yeah... Shit... This is gonna be a pain in the ass...

(Y/N): Defiantly... Alright, let's go get those Chaos Emeralds back.

Francis: I'll stay here and heal our friends. The rest of you go get that bastard.

Meggy: Let's do this!

You turned into your Hyper form and began to carry Meggy.

Hyper (Y/N): Hold on tight!

Meggy: Okay!

You flew after Syn Jackal with Ultimate Infinite, Machito, Smoke, and Lucy.

Smoke: Get back here, you menace!

Syn Jackal: Go away, you pests! You all brought this on yourselves!

Machito summoned a tornado, as it went past Syn Jackal and sucked the Chaos Emeralds into it.

Syn Jackal: Hey!

Hyper (Y/N): Nice one, Machito!

Smoke grabbed a bag of ash, and threw it into Syn Jackal's eyes.

Ultimate Infinite: Ha!

Syn Jackal: MY EYES!

Machito grabbed the Chaos Emeralds, and flew back to you and the others.

Hyper (Y/N): Let's get out of here, quickly!

Syn Jackal: Uh uh uh!

Meggy: Guys, we should retreat!

Ultimate Infinite: Why's that- HOLY SHIT!

Syn Jackal: Have a power ball, full of Shadow Jackal malice!

Hyper (Y/N): Fucking run!

Smoke: I got this!

Syn Jackal threw the power ball, as Smoke clapped his hands, teleporting everyone on top of a building.

Ultimate Infinite: That could of been really bad...

Machito: Hey, at least we got the Chaos Emeralds back!

Hyper (Y/N): Yep!

 Syn Jackal: Oh, you THINK so?

Meggy: Wait, what?!

Syn Jackal threw another power ball at you.

Hyper (Y/N): Welp, we're fucked.

The power ball exploded, sending everyone flying off the building.


You fell on top of a car, which set the alarm off.

Hyper (Y/N): Oh, shut up... Wait... Meggy?! Where are you?!

Meggy: Up hereeeeeeeeee!

Hyper (Y/N): What-

Meggy landed on top of you.

Hyper (Y/N): OOF!

Meggy: S-sorry!

Hyper (Y/N): It's okay, Meggy...

Machito: Crap, the Chaos Emeralds!

You got up and ran towards the gems, as Syn Jackal suddenly appeared and delivered an uppercut to you.

Hyper (Y/N): GAH!

Syn Jackal: No touchy! No touch.

You turned back to normal, and got up slowly.

Ultimate Infinite: Damn... Sneaky little... Sack of shit...

Smoke: Infinite, you alright?!

Ultimate Infinite: That... Power ball did quite a number on me...

Syn Jackal: Hahaha! I can finally achieve my new fo-

Werewolf Crystalonetta grabbed Syn Jackal from behind, and started slamming him into the ground.

(Y/N): Good going, Crystal!

Syn Jackal: OW! OOF! OOH!

Ultimate Infinite: How do you like that, Syn Jackal?!

Werewolf Crystalonetta threw Syn Jackal into a building, and fired lightning at him.

Meggy: Shock him to death!

Syn Jackal: Oh, no no no!

The Shadow Jackal grabbed the bolt of lightning, as it turned to a dark purple-magenta color.

(Y/N): Oh shit.

Ultimate Infinite: Great, he can control other people's attacks too.

Syn Jackal: And to start...

Meggy: Infinite, watch out!

Syn Jackal threw the lightning at Ultimate Infinite.

Machito: Not today... You bastard!

Ultimate Infinite: Machito?!

Machito jumped in front of Ultimate Infinite, and got hit by the lightning, making him scream in pain.

(Y/N): Machito!!!

Werewolf Crystalonetta: Bro!

Machito fell to the floor, as everyone ran up to him.

Syn Jackal: Now...

The Shadow Jackal picked the Chaos Emeralds up, and absorbed them.

Ultimate Infinite: Oh, FUCK...

(With the others...)

Turlandb: WHOA!

Jen: W-what's that light over there?!

Francis: G-guys...?

SB123 Meggy: What is it, Francis?

Francis: Syn Jackal... Has absorbed the Chaos Emeralds...

Antasma: WHAT?!

Blackfang: Oh no... Oh no... Oh no....

Comet: This is not good...

(Back with you...)

Ultimate Infinite: Come on brother, stay with me!

???: Yes... I have finally done it...

Werewolf Crystalonetta: W-what has he become...?

Omega Jackal: You may now refer to me as... "Omega Jackal!"

Ultimate Infinite: Okay, I've had enough! Time to get your ass whooped!


Ultimate Infinite punched Omega Jackal in the face.

Meggy: He didn't even flinch...?!

Omega Jackal flew down, and punched the ground, creating a shock wave which paralyzed everyone.

Machito: GAAAHHHH!!!

(Y/N): SHIT! What was... That...?!

Ultimate Infinite: Wait... That didn't effect me?

Omega Jackal: No matter. 

Machito: B-brother...

Ultimate Infinite: What is it, Machito?

Machito: We can only beat this guy... If we fuse...

Lucy: What?! No! You're too torn up to even fight!

(Y/N): You'll die if you even try to fight him, Machito.

Ultimate Infinite: Hmm...

Omega Jackal: Time is ticking. Hurry it up, or I'll just kill you all right here.

Ultimate Infinite: Actually... I have an idea.

Werewolf Crystalonetta: Huh?

(Y/N): What is it?

Ultimate Infinite: I know one person I can fuse with. I also know someone Crystal can fuse with.

Werewolf Crystalonetta: Ooooooh!

Ultimate Infinite: Buy me some time. I'll be back in a second. Also, get Machito to a safe spot, Lucy.

Lucy: Got it.

Meggy: O-okay...

(Y/N): You may of paralyzed us, but we can still fight!

Omega Jackal: Hahahaha...! Come on then! Give me your best shot!

Everyone began to fight Omega Jackal, while Ultimate Infinite flew back to the others.

Comet: *Sigh* Uncle Machito...

Clark: Is something wrong, Comet?

Comet: His energy has... Weakened...

 Clark: WHAT?!

Clauds: We need to get over there now!

Cristina: No, it isn't safe!

SmeshBras123: You go up against Syn, he'll just kill you with one punch-

Ultimate Infinite: Smesh!

Cristina: Infinite?

SmeshBras123: What's going on?

Ultimate Infinite: Things are getting serious now. Machito was just severely injured. 

SB123 Clauds: M-my hero...!

Ultimate Infinite: The only way we can win this... Is if we fuse, Smesh.

SmeshBras123 smiled.

Cristina: W-whoa...

SmeshBras123: Very well then... Also... Could my Cristie and Crystal fuse?

Ultimate Infinite: Brilliant idea!

Cristina: What would our fusion name be, though...?

Comet: Hmm...

(A while of thinking later...)

SmeshBras123: Got it.

SB123 Mario: Oh?

SmeshBras123: Crystalina!

Ultimate Infinite: Oh my god... That name is beautiful.

Cristina: *Giggle* Alright, you two ready?

SmeshBras123: Let's do this!

The two gods turned into their MUI forms, and got ready to fuse.

MUI Infinite/MUI SmeshBras123: Fu... Sion... Ha-

Omega Jackal grabbed you by the head, and threw you towards MUI SmeshBras123.

MUI SmeshBras123: AGH!

Cristina: Whoa!

(Y/N): H-he's too strong...!

Smoke: None of our attacks even hurt him...

Meggy: You two, fuse! We'll distract Omega!

MUI Infinite: Okie dokie! Alright, let's try that again...

Omega Jackal: Hmm?

(Ready for a badass fusion to return? I am!)

Anyways, lata!

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