Billionaire's daughter

By Srihanu929

71.5K 2.3K 863

Emily was just graduated got job as PA of Jacob king the CEO of king industries, Fell in love with Eric Willi... More

cafe encounter
New York City
meeting him again
old friend
Feels like family
family dinner
A small gift
Officially dating
Author's Note
After long time
parents time
Long lost memories
comfort in kiss
She in his view
someone planning
Truth Reveled??
what really happened!!
I love you
Going back
So much in love ❤
Big day
King's clan
Lovely date
Old cafe
After few months
Back to home
Fashion Show
Next morning
I want 15 kids!
Smith's wedding
Um..I want to marry her!
Author's Note
Losed in hope
Let's get married
Love will never change
Queen will always on top
over protective dad
wedding vibes-1
wedding vibes-2
Honeymoon-2 & Our New house
Unexpected news..
Best Gift Ever
Little fights


1K 32 17
By Srihanu929

Lily patiently waiting for her husband and niece to use some brain."Guys!! Would you please use your brain. Remember what Emily said before leaving??"

"What did she said,'not to follow her'" Eric said frustrated. His just lose his love and his mama was saying to remember her words.lily rolled eyes at her nephew.

James understand his wife words, "wait, How in the world Emily know about guards?? She didn't know anything about them. Right? I have make sure that everyone stay distance and unnoticed by her." he looked at his wife and father who are looking everywhere but him.

He understands what happening there. He stood up and take his wife hand into his frim yet gentle grip " You will pay for it."
Turn towards family who are looking at confusingly at him "follow me in other car." They did as they said.

All reached to their house, Emily's two guards are waiting outside. They reached James as he entered. James,"where is she?"

They both looked at each other, "Inside sir. "

James moved towards the door with whole family behind him. He directly open the door with spair key.

When he opened the door the whole floor and room was filled with balloons and decorations. He hear suddenly people yelling,"SURPRISE" and song 'Happy birthday day to you' Emily was first one to greet.

That's when he realized it's his birthday. Cafe workers, their chefs and some close friends of James are present there. James looked at lily who was standing beside him with huge smile.

He looked at Emily who has very bright smile on her face. That was what he wants. Automatically smile formed on his face. Emily runned towards him and hugged him tightly kissed his cheek.

"I'm sorry dad. I'm sorry." she repeated this words in his ears. Their still in the hug no one dared to break it. Tears are rolling from both eyes.

"It's okay baby. You're not hurt that what I want." she give him sad smile james understand that she was not so happy about it. But she smiled brightly at family welcoming them. Whole living room was decorated with balloons and their is a banner of 'Happy birthday ' with gold and black balloons,he smiled at that.

In other side of the room she decorated the memories of two in that, where he can find her and him happily smiling at pictures. They are every special moments of their life. She also put some pictures before lily went to coma and in the hospital after she came out of the coma. James just stood their infront that Memory Lane as all are talking. Emily noticed him goes near him to put her head on his shoulder and hugged him from side.

Pictures of them :

James smiled at her kiss her forehead. "There so beautiful. Aren't they??" he asked his daughter who was seeing at pictures.

" They are. I'm so glad that I did this memories with you. You are the best." James hugged his daughter to his heart.

All happy to see daughter father duo. Lily went towards them, " Hey, you both forgotten about me." she to join in their group hug.

"Now crying and hugging session are over. So, let's cut cake. Me, Emily made special for you. Now, come on."

James smiled at both of them. Cut the cake to feed all the family. All have their hearty lunch at their house. Friends and others left the house only family was sitting there. Emily was sitting beside Ron and will far from the Eric who seems didn't like the idea. All seemed to be happy. But Eric and James didn't understand how Emily was so normal after knowing the truth.

Suddenly Emily get a message after reading it she talked with Jacob who became happy hearing whatever Emily was saying."Attention here, I have a birthday gift for my dad!!" saying this she went towards the TV switch on it.

James and Lily looked confused. James looked at lily questiongly she nodded no not knowing what her daughter is going to do. Both turned to see TV where it was going breaking news the report was saying 'Famous billanaire Xavier Brown was proved as a froud. Some evidence are proved that Xavier Brown is the cheater he was used to work in king industries, 19 years ago he combined with black group industries but kings was able to find the change and stopped it before anything happen. Xavier Brown became a business man with cheating the other companies and he again tried to cheat kings. But this time they don't only taken care of it but also find culprit. It also said that he as done some illegal and criminal activities. The lawyer Harry from court was saying that he will not get outside of the bars. This again proved that don't mess with kings."

All looked shock they didn't know this much happen last few days but James and Lily were behind shock. Emily went and kneeled infront of them. Taking their hands into her. " Now, I think you don't have any fear."

They both looked proudly at her, "You did that?"

"yeah!! But with the help of grandpa and harry uncle."

An:Remember in someone planning chapter, two mysterious people were talking they are non other than Jacob king and Emily king.(wow!! It's so good to call Emily king)

They hugged her tightly ,"Thank you"

"you should not thank me. I did this for my parents. Not for any thanks."

All looked confused Jacob said, "Tell them story or it's going to be worst."

James said, "well actually what have was 19 years back, everything was great at home and company. But we used to have competition with blacks. We always top on them. That's when this Xavier enterd the company. He used to take the information to blacks, but they all are small. But one time he thought to hack our computer and sell all our shares to black, So the company will be there. But me and Andrew stopped before anything happen. But that idiot hacked a website and shown that I sell all our shares but still the shares are in our hold. But dad couldn't understand it and he wants me to out. But that was not a Real reason for me to leave the house there are some culprits in our company and house he blackmail me if I enter the company they will kill you. He is not what he looks he has a some connection with some gang. So, I didn't dared to. But I tried to come back once but which leads to accident of lily and she went to coma. I don't want anything to happen Emily. I only have her, so I didn't came back. It's not like I didn't miss the home. I did from the min I step out of the home." he completed his story. All taken the information what he told.

Me:james,Well I think it's enough information today. We will say that in next chapter....

James :ok,but I don't have any information other than this.

Awkward silence

Me: I think it's better end chapter because I also don't have any information to write.. OK, guys bye!! To be continued... ✋✋

Wow!! There is so much information to wait and many more events to celebrate...

Many bad people are also waiting.... But remember a thing good will always win on evil....

Well, that was very big words from very innocent girl like me I better stop talking serious things...

Do you like it??

But how in the world Emily was so calm after learning the truth?? She even give James a birthday party!!!

Plz, vote and comment
Until then,


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