In Love With A Charmed One (R...

By wolf-babe

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Lila-Rose Anderson is your typical fifteen year old girl. She does what fifteen year old girls do: go to scho... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36: Epilogue

Chapter 4

465 14 3
By wolf-babe

Author's Note: So you will need to have watched season 6 (specifically Chris-Crossed and It's a Bad, Bad, Bad World) to understand this chapter. Hopefully this chapter is written a little better compared to the one in the original series. I do promise that this story will start deviating from the original in just a few more chapters so please stick with it.

Again, this is the re-written series and exists separately from the original trilogy. In fact I'd prefer it if you read this to the original series since it will hopefully be better written and a lot more interesting.

Please comment and vote and let me know what you think!


I could have sworn that Wyatt had put me down on my bed and I had closed my eyes ready to go to sleep after Mel nagging me to change, so why had I opened my eyes to find myself standing in the attic?

Aunt Phoebe was sitting on one of the chairs, with her side pressed against the back, so that she could look at Leo, Aunt Paige and Piper. I was stood opposite Leo- observing the sisters and their whitelighter like usual- with my arms crossed over my chest in worry. I didn't like waiting and I didn't like the fact that Chris was going through all this on his own.

I blinked, looking away from my feet, seeing that I was wearing black boots, which I'd never seen before in my life, along with a pair of black, denim jeans with rips on the thighs. I also don't ever remember seeing these in my life either. Obviously it meant that I was in a female's body. I blinked again, my vision settling back on the Charmed Ones and Leo, seeing that they all looked younger. Leo had no signs of grey in his hair, then again neither did any of the sisters and Piper had a few less lines on her face than what she had done when she'd left the manor with Leo earlier on.

Leo was pacing back and forth, his feet moving along the floorboards and with each time he walked passed me, I could sense his power. That was wrong, because the Leo who I knew, who had practically adopted me was powerless because he was a mortal, but the strength of his power suggested that he was stronger than his usual whitelighter days. Was this the reason that they both hinted at why Leo and Piper had split not long after Wyatt was born? Was it because Leo changed like this and became powerful?

Leo paced again, the floorboards creaking underneath his feet which made me frown, or at least I frowned but the body that I was in did not, which meant that the body I was occupying didn't see a problem with what was happening in front of her. It was strange because Leo and the sisters seemed younger and in the prime of their Charmed lives, along with the attic having creaking floorboards, which I knew Leo had fixed years ago. The weirdest part though was that all of the witch supplies were strewn over the table, whereas they were normally organised neatly or packed away in the supply box, since Wyatt and Chris liked organisation when it came to making potions. Though they did get that obsession with cleanliness from their mother, whereas Mel seemed to be a little messier than her brothers, like me.

"Leo" Piper stated, making her husband freeze and I saw the realisation on her face.

"What?" Leo replied, sounding slightly annoyed.

"Fix the floorboard" Aunt Phoebe stated, her face showing the same realisation as her older sister. Leo looked confused, which is how I was feeling.

"Maybe we can use it to send him something....?" Aunt Phoebe began.

"Like his powers" Aunt Paige finished and I blinked at her. Holy crap, Aunt Paige was a strawberry blonde! But it actually suited her, though I think as she had aged, her natural colour with the occasional grey strand suited her better.

Hang on, the fact that I was making comparisons to do with their age meant something. Everything was slightly different and Leo was the one who was the most different. Did that mean that I was dreaming something that had happened in the past? Or had Spirit sent me on a spirit journey or something to learn from the past? Either way, what I was seeing had already happened and I had a feeling that it would be interesting.

"Can we do that? Would it work?" Piper asked, looking at Leo and I could see that she seemed hopeful. They obviously cared about Chris but didn't realise it. I frowned at this, what did Chris have to do with anything? Why was this woman thinking about my best friend?

"Maybe that's where Bianca sent him?" Aunt Phoebe asked and I nodded in agreement. Well the body nodded, my spirit just followed the action.

"You're right Phoebe. The portal opens up to send us back to the place that we left from. Chris and I came through into this time from the attic in the future" I explained, though I had a feeling that that may be too much information and if that was the case then Chris would probably yell at me. It was better to help them than to say nothing though, I just needed him back with me.

I frowned at this, fully aware that this woman whose body I had merged with loved my best friend, but who was she? And at this age, Chris shouldn't even have been conceived yet, never mind alive. Why were they talking about him like he was a grown man?

The woman froze and I froze inside of her, focusing my attention on her thoughts as she felt her bond with Chris fire up and I felt myself start to panic. This woman was bonded with Chris! The only person bonded with Chris was me, so how was she bonded to him as well in the past? Unless this woman was me?

With this realisation came access and I was able to see that I was sharing the same body with an older version of myself. This version of me still had all of the same powers but they were stronger and more mature. But how was it possible that she was me?

I focused back on the bond with Chris and saw that he was feeling a little unsure and I felt the me whose body I was in focus on the bond and connect with him before her vision swam- and so did mine- and when it righted itself, I was in the attic in the manor.

"Welcome home, Chris" a deep voice said, slowly. There was something lining his tone though, something dark and I focused on looking around the attic. It was instantly obvious that the attic was so dark that the shadows had shadows. It was all eerie and felt so wrong. Why was the Halliwell Manor so dark? Why did it feel as though something was wrong? The attic didn't feel how it should. It didn't feel the way it did in this dream with the younger versions of Leo and the sisters, or in the real world at home so what was so wrong with it here?

I focused my attention back on what was happening, seeing that there was a male and female standing in front of the wall where they should have emerged out of the portal. I blinked, since my spirit was here because of the bond the future version of myself had with this future version of Chris. I allowed her thoughts to become my own as well and found that I was looking at Chris and Bianca, though the future version of me had very bitter, negative feelings towards Bianca. I focused on her thoughts and found that I was jealous of Bianca because she had been Chris's fiancé before we travelled back in time to fix Wyatt. Wait, why did they go back in time to fix Wyatt?

I observed Chris and Bianca while I searched my future self's thoughts and found that Wyatt had turned evil and was the ruler of this world. Chris and I had gone back in time to stop the event that led to Wyatt turning evil because an evil Wyatt was something that the world did not want to see. I focused back on Chris and Bianca, seeing that Bianca was wearing a black, leather looking all in one outfit. She looked a little like Catwoman, but without the whip and mask. She had a feeling of evil around her, but if she was evil then what was Chris doing proposing to her? I searched the thoughts of my future self again and found that Bianca was a Phoenix witch and that she used to work for Wyatt as a bounty hunter. Wyatt had sent her to retrieve Chris and myself since he couldn't find me through the bond that I had with him because Chris and I used a lot of power to block him out. If Wyatt got to me, as well as having Bianca on his side then it was game over for Chris and with my full demonic power unleashed, which I knew Wyatt would do, the whole world would be gone.

I flinched and pulled out of those thoughts, reeling from the fact that Wyatt was evil and was trying to capture his brother and me to turn us evil and the thing that surprised me the most was that they knew that I was half demon, though from what I gathered the sisters and Leo in the time that Chris and I had travelled back to, didn't know about my demonic half and they also didn't know that Chris was their son. This was all getting extremely confusing. I sighed and focused back on Chris this time, seeing that he was wearing a navy blue buttoned shirt with dark wash jeans and sneakers. His hair was long and curling down to his chin which I think actually suited him.

Chris was looking away and into the shadows on the opposite end of the attic and I felt the bond fire up allowing me to feel the dread rising in his stomach at hearing his brother's voice. Chris just hoped that we would understand the riddle he gave us fast enough that he could collect his powers and so actually stand a chance against his brother. Not that he considered Wyatt his brother anymore and he hadn't done since Piper had died. That was the turning point for Wyatt because the death of Piper had flicked a switch on something which no one had known was there and therefore turning him evil.

The shadows moved, allowing me to see that there were a handful of burly looking guys standing there in dark shirts. Since they moved away, this allowed the voice to step forwards and I felt Chris's anxiety rise as well as feeling the fact that the future version of me was nervous for Chris. No one knew what Wyatt was capable of and neither of us were sure of what he would and wouldn't do anymore. I gathered from this thought that this person now was Wyatt and the moment he stepped into the light, I could see the connection.

He had the same blue coloured eyes and facial features although he was older of course since I knew from the future version of me that Wyatt was around 23 years old here. He had a more chiselled jaw line with the same strong nose and lips which looked a little fuller compared to what the seventeen year old version of himself had. The biggest difference though was that this version of Wyatt felt a lot more powerful, though I guess having seven years to work on your powers- or at least seven years compared to how old my Wyatt was and not to do with the timeline that my spirit had been thrown into- meant that he would be powerful. However this power was different to the Wyatt that I knew because the Wyatt stood in front of me felt wrong. His powers and even he himself felt dark and twisted. He felt how my father had felt and how my demonic half felt if I allowed myself to open it up and use it. Surely Wyatt wasn't a demon? Wyatt also looked different because his dirty blonde hair was long, a little like Chris's, with his hair stretching to his shoulders in waves. I hated to admit it as well but the long hair suited him, even though it gave off a bad vibe in the sense of the 'bad boy' having long hair.

"You know, if it was anyone else I would've killed them, but since it's you" Wyatt began but he trailed off. The future version of myself starting feeling even more nervous as Chris's emotions actually settled, having a feeling of what to expect now.

"I've forgiven Bianca, I can forgive you too. By forgiving you it means that we can be together again and having you by my side means that Lila will come back as well. It can be the three of us against the world again, like it always was" Wyatt said and I frowned, getting the feeling that despite the fact that Wyatt actually was evil, that there was still a small part of him that cared for his brother and me. We were all we had left after all since his parents, aunts and grandpa were all dead. Wyatt and Chris had both grown up never knowing their Aunt Prue just like in my time, but I sensed that at some point along the timeline Aunt Paige should have died, but the future versions of Chris and I had managed to stop that from happening.

It was then that my view switched and instead of being in the attic that I knew of in the future, I was back in the past with the sisters and Leo who all looked at me worriedly when I swayed after both of our souls settled into the one body.

"Are you okay Lila?" Leo asked and the future version of me nodded. So I had been right when I figured out that this was my future self's body.

"I just saw Chris and Bianca. Our theory was right because they are in the attic in the future" I stated and everyone seemed a little more relaxed when we knew that our plan would work.

"That's good because we just placed the spell into the floorboard. I have faith that the spell will work in restoring Chris's powers" Phoebe replied and I smiled at her gratefully before nodding.

"Thank you" I said and Phoebe grinned at me as my vision swam again.

I found that I was back in the attic with Chris, Wyatt and Bianca but time had passed since last time. Chris was kneeling on the floor next to where the broken floorboard should be while Bianca was stood behind Wyatt. Her hand was buried deep into his back and it seemed as though she was holding him there so that he couldn't move, while Chris read the spell and when he had finished a blue light travelled all throughout his body. I knew he was happy as I felt it through the bond as well as feeling his power returning, showing that the spell Phoebe had made had worked.

I hovered a little closer to Chris, wanting to offer him support but he showed no signs of sensing me, which was strange because when in my spirit body Wyatt and Chris could usually sense me. Chris stood up ready to fight Wyatt just as Wyatt somehow managed to get out of Bianca's hold and as a way to deal with her he pulled his foot back before striking out with it. His foot landed against her torso and I winced, imagining how painful that would have been because I knew that Wyatt was strong in hand to hand combat.

The force of the kick sent Bianca flying backwards to the corner of the attic. I was about to turn away from the scene when Bianca landed, a sharp stick of wood piercing her torso. The moment the piece of wood came through her front, the blood started gushing from her.

"NO!" I heard Chris shriek, making me jump in fright since I wasn't expecting that. I turned to him in time to see him whip his hand across his body, the movement sending Wyatt flying through the air and crashing into the attic roof. Chris didn't wait to do anything else, instead he ran over to Bianca and knelt down next her, holding her hand as she sent him a worried smile, but a smile that was filled with love, despite the fact that Wyatt had gotten to her and had turned her back into her full self as a Phoenix. Her full self meant an emotionless, cunning and murderous woman along with the fact that she was a tough opponent, but that had changed when she met Chris. However, for some reason, being in the past with me had made Chris's feelings become confused because he still loved her but I sensed that he also loved me.

I didn't get to hear what was said though, because I was placed back into the body of the future me with the sisters and Leo who were all looking a little worried. I saw Leo frown and smile at me when he saw that I was back in their present.

About a minute or two passed before the portal opened up on the far wall, a portal in the shape of a triquetra which glowed a marble coloured deep blue. Out of the portal flew Chris and he slammed into the floor of the attic, the portal closing up behind him. The minute he touched the floor, I felt his emotional pain and hurried over to help him up by grabbing his left bicep and pulling him up alongside me.

"Are you okay?" I asked him and he nodded but winced as he did so and I felt how hollow he felt and knew instantly what had happened. Chris would be in pain for a while after this now and I will have to stay by his side, which I would have done anyway.

"What about Bianca?" Aunt Phoebe asked and Chris winced at the mention her name before his lips thinned as he pressed them tightly together.

"Bianca won't be a problem anymore" he stated and I saw Aunt Phoebe's face fall, obviously understanding what he meant by that and she nodded sadly. With that statement, I felt the wave of Chris's sadness and pain.

I moved to comfort him but I was ripped out of the body of my future self and the image before me disappeared before I was slammed into another body. The body was kneeling on a bed, which I could tell based on the soft feeling underneath my knees and shins. Without opening my eyes I knew that I was once again sharing the body of my future self.

"I love you, Lila. I always will" came Chris's voice as the tears dripped off my nose and fell onto the tights that I was wearing. I looked up at the man who I loved and who I had loved since we were teenagers. I had focused on my own thoughts because he had been talking to Leo.

He looked so frail. His face was pale and drawn out, the fire in his eyes had also been extinguished as well. He sent me a small smile as I swallowed painfully, seeing his chest heave with the effort to keep breathing as his shirt continued absorbing the blood seeping through. Leo's head was placed on Chris's side, away from where he had been stabbed with the athame and I could see his shoulders shaking slightly as he cried. I heard crying from the doorway and turned to look and saw Aunt Paige standing there, tears falling down her face as well and I could see the pain etched onto her features as she watched her nephew slowly being taken away in front of her and yet there was nothing she could do about it.

I turned my attention back to Chris as he looked at me carefully, waiting for a reply

"I love you too Christopher. Please, don't leave us" I whispered back as the tears fell in a steady stream. I watched as his eyes watered and his mouth turned down but he had enough energy to reach upwards and brush the back of his hand along my left cheek. I caught his hand in my own and held it there though for some reason he kept his hand tightly fisted. Surely that was only draining his energy more?

"Lila, sweetheart... we both know that I can't come back from this" he stated and I pressed my lips together to stop myself from sobbing but I nodded anyway, hearing Aunt Paige start sobbing harder as Leo made a small sound of pain.

"I know, Chris" I whispered and he smiled before shaking his hand and I knew he meant for me to let go so I did and he let his hand fall back onto the sheets.

"There's something you need to do" he said and I dried my eyes with the back of my hand, trying to stop crying so that I could treasure these last moments with him.

"Anything for you" I said and he smiled.

"I need you to finish this Lila. I want you to finish what we came here for and then I want you to return back to our time and enjoy how much better it is" he said and I swallowed but nodded. I didn't want to return if Chris wasn't with me but I didn't want to say that and spoil our last few moments together.

"I will, I promise you" I said and he smiled.

"Good. There's one more thing as well" he said and I nodded eagerly. I would do anything for him.

"Lila, will you marry me?" he asked and as he asked he opened up his fisted hand, where there was a white gold engagement ring with a small diamond set in the middle. It was beautiful and elegant which was the kind of engagement ring that I would want. I felt my jaw drop slightly in shock before I focused back on him, seeing on his face the struggle he was having with breathing.

"You're asking me now? Here?" I asked and he sent me a small smile that I knew was him apologising for the bad timing.

"I'm sorry, I was planning on it being better timing but I knew that I had to do this now" he said and I smiled before shaking my head at him and swallowing painfully.

"Yes, Chris. I'll marry you" I managed to squeeze out and saw the relief on his face as I helped him manoeuvre the ring onto my ring finger before I leaned down over him and lightly pressed my lips to his own. The feel of his lips against my own made my body ache with pain, knowing that this was the last time that I would feel his lips against my own. It was a constant reminder that I failed to save him. I failed to do what the bond had been created for.

I pulled away, the pain making my blood pump harshly to the point that I could hear the blood pounding in my ears. This weird sensation made me feel lightheaded, sick and dizzy. This weird feeling made it difficult to hear anything other than the blood pounding through my body painfully. I managed to gasp in a breath, not realising that I had been quietly sobbing until my deep breath in meant that I actually made a sobbing noise.

"You too" I heard Chris mumble, in response to something that I guess his dad had said. He looked at me once more.

"I love you so much" Chris breathed before he closed his eyes and his body faded away, where Leo's head then fell onto the sheets of his bed since he had placed his head back onto Chris's side.

I felt a sob rip its way out of my chest, hearing Leo sob slightly as well and I heard movement as Aunt Paige walked over where she placed her hand on Leo's shoulder and reached out to me where I grasped her hand tightly. The three of us had a moment where we held on to each other and cried for a man who we all loved and had just lost. How could I have failed him like that?

The image changed again and I was thrown out of my future self's body before being pushed back into it again, this time however we were sat down on the cold, hard flooring of the attic, our back pressed against a piece of furniture.

I looked around, seeing that Aunt Paige was hiding behind a piece of furniture to my left and she looked a little freaked out as well. I knew I was scared, but the pain of losing the man I loved was worse, so much so that it made it difficult to focus on anything else. I was aware of Leo letting his anger loose on the attic behind us, however, which was why Aunt Paige and I were hiding.

The sound of his electrokinesis, a power which I knew he had because he was an Elder, filled up the attic with its familiar buzzing sound. I believed that Wyatt had a power similar to it, though I couldn't quite remember because I lost track of Wyatt's powers most of the time. The sound that Leo's power made when it collided with a piece of furniture was quite frightening since it sounded like lightning cracking through a house or tree or something like that, which electrokinesis was basically lightning in that sense.

There was a brief moment where Leo paused, seemingly readying another attack and that was when Aunt Paige made her move and leapt out from behind where she had been hiding and cringing every time his power connected with something. I turned to watch her run over to him before she grabbed his hands as a way to make him stop.

"Leo you have to stop this. This isn't going to bring Chris back" she said firmly and I saw that these words pained him. I got to my feet and slowly walked over as Aunt Paige let go of her brother-in-law's hands and I stood in front of him.

"I let him down. I said I'd get him home" Leo said, his voice breaking at the end and I felt my eyes start to water again at hearing the pain in his voice. I don't think I'd ever heard Leo sound so lost and hurt before. It actually made me hurt even more at hearing how losing Chris had hurt us all.

"Paige is right Leo. This won't help bring him back and channelling your anger like this could hurt someone. He wouldn't want you being upset" I started, before taking a deep breath to calm myself down before continuing, "-use your anger and channel it to help me fulfil the promise I made to him. I didn't come all the way back in time to fail at the last hurdle. I'm going to finish what we started so that the little Chris who Piper is carrying can be born into a better world and so that he has a big brother to turn to and look up to. I'm going to save this family, Leo, but I need your help" I said and he frowned before nodding sadly and I nodded back before hugging him slightly.

"This family is technically your family now, Lila" Paige said from behind me and I pulled away to smile at her through my tears.

"Thank you, Paige" I whispered and she smiled before kissing my head as Leo did the same.

"Okay, let's finish this. If I can't send Chris back home, then we can at least send you back" Leo said and I smiled before nodding as we turned to head to wherever we needed to.

That simple turn threw me out of my future self's body and my feet landed on the familiar wooden flooring of the living room in my home. I watched as six year old me let loose a stream of pyrokinetic power at the demon standing in front of her, as my mother lay on the floor at my feet. Her eyes widened in horror as she watched the young version of me kill my father with a huge wave of fire. I could see from here how the six year old version of me changed, my eyes becoming as red as the centre of a blazing fire while my face contorted, my upper lip lifting up in a snarl and my face contorting so that I looked slightly more animalistic.

My father disappeared but not before he said those two words that had haunted me for the last ten years of my life. The words 'daddy's girl' echoed around the living room as my six year old self fell to her knees and cradled my mom who looked horrified that her six year old had just managed to kill her own father. The animalistic look on my six year old face faded along with the red eyes as my mom cried silently, the tears falling off her face as the blood fell from the large gaping hole in her stomach and covered my hands and soaked through my pyjamas and to my legs. I remembered having to scrub my entire body to get rid of the smell of blood and charred flesh as well as get rid of the crimson colour on my skin.

"Even I couldn't vanquish him! Lila, what are you! I don't know you anymore" I heard my mom whisper as the six year old me started sobbing.

"I'm sorry mom, but he hurt you. I couldn't let him stand there when he had hurt you. Please forgive me, I'm sorry. I love you, please don't leave. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I'm so sorry. I won't use my demonic powers ever again just please don't leave me" the little me rambled. I remembered Spirit telling me to say my goodbyes since my mom's spirit had been getting ready to leave. I thought if I had begged her to stay then she would, but she didn't. I watched as the body of my mother went limp and little me gasped before huddling over her and crying heavily. I remember being aware of my elements trying to soothe me, telling me everything would be okay but I couldn't listen because the pain of losing the only family I had was too much to deal with. I was only six at the time and I needed my mom. Even at the age of fifteen, I still needed her sometimes but I knew I didn't deserve to miss her because of those parting words. I had scared her to the point that she felt like she didn't know who I was anymore. I had no right to miss her.

The image changed again, with the sobs of my six year old self echoing in my ears. So I had seen something that involved an older version of me and something that involved a young version of myself so far tonight. Surely that was it? Surely I wouldn't have to see anything else?

I was wrong though, because when the image solidified again, I was myself at the age of fifteen and had Mel, Wyatt, Chris, Billie and Piper standing in front of me, looking horrified.

"What have you done, Lila?" Billie asked, the horror lining her tone. I looked down at my feet, seeing that there was a young woman lying at my feet, her blank face staring up at me and I felt the weight of what I had done sink in. I had killed her. That's why she was lying at my feet because my demonic half had taken control and I had killed her.

"You're a monster! You aren't the person I thought you were" Mel gasped and I felt my heart ache at hearing my sister say something like that.

"I knew there was something off about you from the minute we met. I should've acted on my instincts and dealt with you then" Wyatt hissed and I flinched at the disgust in his statement. That hurt just as much as Mel because I'd never seen Wyatt look at me with hate before and the amount of hate in that look felt as though he was stabbing me in the heart.

Chris hadn't said anything and neither had Piper so I focused my attention on them, seeing the tears falling down their faces. Even through their tears though, I saw the hate on their faces along with their betrayal. They had taken me in and treated me like family only for me to betray them by being something that they didn't know that I was. They never knew the real me and that was what was the most painful.

The five of them each threw a potion at my feet, the bottles smashing against my feet, letting the liquid loose. The minute the liquid attached itself to a piece of skin or clothing it ignited, the fire instantly consuming me and spreading to engulf the whole of my body. I had never felt pain from fire before, but this hurt to the point that I couldn't help but to scream in pain, making my family members flinch but they made no move to help me, instead they watched me burn and I felt the life being sucked out of me as the fire slowly devoured me. I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to see anything anymore.

The more the fire devoured, the more it weakened me, until the point that I felt my bonds with Wyatt and Chris slowly unravelling before they finally snapped. The threads dangled loosely, no longer connecting me to Wyatt and Chris and I felt alone. If I thought I had felt lonely before, it was nothing compared to this, knowing that I wouldn't be able to reach out and feel Wyatt or Chris's minds just there to comfort me. That was worse than the fire eating me, knowing I would have to die alone without the boys there for comfort.

I screamed once more before opening my eyes and bolting upright in bed. The sheets were twisted around my legs and a cold sweat lingered on the top of my skin, sticking my hair to my forehead and temples. I felt myself physically shaking at what I had just experienced. Firstly watching Chris die in front of me, then experiencing my mom's death again before finally experiencing my own death had really shaken me up. Pressing my lips together in the hopes that it would help to calm me, I looked over at Mel's bed, worried in case my scream had woken her up but there was no sound from her, though she did seem to be slightly fidgety in her sleep.

With a sigh, I slid out from underneath my blankets and quietly made my way over to the bedroom door, feeling the need to check that everything I had seen was in fact a dream by reassuring myself that Chris was alive and that Wyatt was his normal, good self.

I pulled the door closed so that it stood slightly ajar, before creeping over to the boys' room next door to the bedroom that I shared with Mel. Luckily they left their door ajar in the night so I didn't have to worry about the door making a noise when I opened it and potentially waking them up. Though they knew that I had moments where I checked on them in the middle of the night, so leaving their door slightly open was more for my benefit than theirs.

I peeked through the gap that I had made for myself, seeing that both boys were in their beds, able to hear their soft snores. I let out a breath that I hadn't realised I was holding before backing out of their room, making sure to leave the door ajar and heading down the stairs with the intention of doing myself a cup of tea to calm down. I always found tea calming.

The amount of times that I'd manoeuvred my way through the manor during the dark meant that I had no trouble navigating my way down the staircase with ease and finding the switch on the wall which illuminated the whole of the downstairs. I blinked at the sudden light before making my way to the kitchen, pushing the switch up with the side of my finger, flooding the kitchen with artificial light.

I made my way over to the kettle and switched it on, since there was enough water to be able to boil to make myself a drink, before I busied myself with collecting my favourite mug and filling it with sugar and a tea bag. I also collected the milk from the fridge and leaned against the counter, listening to the soothing sound of the water boiling as I processed all of the information that I had gathered from those dreams today.

Then it hit me! That's why the Phoenix witches had been so familiar to me and why Chris had also felt the same. For some reason, it seemed that because our future selves had gone back in time to save their world and Chris had died while I had seemingly succeeded in our task, that we still had echoes within our souls of that experience since we had, in a sense, messed with the natural order by changing our futures. It also explained why Wyatt wouldn't remember because he wouldn't have any memory of the future that had once happened and had the potential to happen, because he hadn't jumped through space and time to change it, therefore he wouldn't have any imprints left behind. I guessed that the Deja-vu Chris and I both felt, was a form of consequence for messing with the natural order of things.

I bit my lip as I thought over everything. Chris and I had been lovers and had actually gotten engaged before he died. I wonder if when future me had returned to her correct time, whether she had a lot to adjust to and whether she still had any memories of what had happened. I guess I would never know, unless Piper somehow knew if I asked her later. I knew she would be happy to talk to me if I spoke to her privately.

The kettle clicked off and I turned around to add the water to my mug before stirring and adding the milk, making sure to throw the tea bag into the trash. I collected my mug on the way out, making sure to switch the light off in the kitchen as I walked down to the living room, something I had done many times and never got tired of because I loved the Manor.

I made myself comfortable on the armchair closest to the television set and threw my legs over the arm, making sure to angle myself so that I was facing the doorway. Something told me that I wouldn't be getting back to sleep tonight so I would wait up until everyone was awake and this position allowed me to see when someone walked through the doorway.

A sip of tea calmed my frazzled nerves easily. It was times like this where I understood Piper's reasons for giving people tea under intense situations. A few more sips and I felt the anxious feeling disappear to the point that I felt more clear headed and the aching feeling in my heart lessened. Though why the pain was there in the first place, I wasn't sure, since losing the Halliwells through them killing me hadn't happened and I would do everything in my power to make sure that nothing like that ever happened. Now that my head was clearer I was able to process everything better though whether processing it meant accepting it, well that was something that I would have to come back to. I mean, where was the logic in all of this? How was it possible that Wyatt was evil and Chris and I had travelled back to the sisters' past to correct our future? A future, which guessing from timelines, must be around fifteen years ago now. Chris and Wyatt were around 22 and 23 years old at that point but Wyatt hadn't turned evil, which he had done so by this age in the time that the future version of Chris and I had come from. I was confused about that and the one thing that didn't seem realistic was the fact that Chris and I had loved each other. I mean, he was my best friend and I already liked someone in this timeline, although based on how that version if me felt, she'd loved Chris since we were young, possibly even when we became teenagers but in this timeline I couldn't ever see Chris feeling like that. Well he apparently hadn't felt like that about me to begin with anyway since he had had a fiancée before we travelled back in time and it was only in the past, when he was away from Bianca, that he realised he felt something for me that was more than just platonic feelings. It was all quite confusing and I knew that I would have to talk to Piper and Leo when they got home, though I wasn't sure if I would see them before we went to school today. If that was the case, then waiting until school finished to get my answers would be awful.

It was then that I heard movement coming from the staircase, as well as the fact that I felt a change in the air molecules. I frowned at this since it was strange that I felt a change in the air because I hadn't called upon my element. How had I not felt Air swirling around me before? The footsteps and changes in the air molecules followed the person and I could feel that this person was making their way towards the living room. I sat upright, tucking my legs under me instead of hanging them over the arm. Piper wasn't very fond of us doing that and so preferred us tucking our legs under ourselves, not that it would be Piper coming since she left with Leo earlier though I wasn't sure if she was back yet. I assumed they would have gotten back home around midnight, since that gave them about three hours to enjoy their night out.

The mystery finally disappeared as the person reached the living room and I saw that it was Billie who had come downstairs, looking wide awake but also confused as to why all of the lights were on downstairs. I guess she had probably been blinded a little, making her way down from the dark attic to suddenly be blinded by the brightness of the ground floor.

"Oh, you're the one awake" she said, sounding surprised and I smiled slightly at her which made her frown.

"You look awful, what happened?" she asked and I sighed before shaking my head at her which made her frown even more as she sat on the couch opposite me. I turned my body so that my back was resting comfortably against the cushions.

"I had some weird dreams last night" I stated and Billie looked at me carefully.

"What kind of weird dreams?" she replied and I bit my bottom lip, wondering whether I should tell her. I saw her smile at me.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to Lila. But the moment you saw me yesterday, I saw the relief in your eyes at having me home. Was the relief because of these dreams?" she asked and my lip fell out from where I had it trapped between my teeth as I let out a deep breath. She was correct, because I had been happy that was she here in the hopes that she would help me understand my unusual dreams.

"What time is it?" I asked her and this made confusion appear in the way that she twisted her mouth to the side.

"When I checked the time on my phone it said that it was just after five" she replied and I nodded slowly. It would be safe to tell her wouldn't it? No one would be coming downstairs yet.

"I've been having these weird dreams over the last few nights and tonight was the worst. Usually I dream about passing finals every year or meeting some famous celebrity at the time or even dreaming about my powers progressing, just the usual stuff you know?" I began and Billie nodded, showing that she was listening and following.

"Well, these dreams have felt like they are more than just dreams. They feel like they are memories, but not my memories but these dreams actually involve me and Chris and the sisters and Leo. The dreams are usually centred on me, something has happened to someone because I made a stupid mistake but tonight these dreams happened when Piper, Aunt Paige and Aunt Phoebe were younger and when Wyatt was actually a baby. Usually if I dream something that is a memory it's usually someone else's memory so I tend to watch. But this felt like my own memory, only I have no recollection of it ever happening but it did feel like a massive Deja-vu moment" I ramble and Billie smiled slightly before frowning.

"What happened in this?" she asked and I sighed, knowing she would ask this.

"Well, firstly the sisters and Leo were younger but Chris and I were older. We were around twenty two and had come from our own future to stop all the bad things happening and make sure we saved the Charmed Ones. Do you remember them telling you about the Titans?-" Billie nodded at this "-well the Chris and I in this memory came from that time. The Titans had killed Paige and so there were no longer any Charmed Ones. Mel didn't exist in this future either, neither did Uncle Coop and Aunt Phoebe only had one daughter who died when she was young. Chris, Wyatt and I were really the only ones who survived. Then when we were around twelve Piper was killed, prompting Wyatt to unleash his powers and kill the Titans for good. This meant that he turned evil and Chris and I found their grandpa and he looked after us until we were around this age, maybe slightly older, where he passed away from natural causes. Losing his daughters had taken its toll on him. Anyway Chris and I survived on our own but we weren't strong enough to take on Wyatt. Chris met this woman called Bianca, who was a Phoenix witch, and is why the name I mentioned earlier was so familiar to me. Anyway she stayed with us but since she was originally sent by Wyatt to catch Chris and me, well I didn't like her but Chris fell for her. She changed when she fell for him, stopped doing Wyatt's bidding and became good and-" I paused, feeling my eyes widen as my heart rate sped up in fear.

"And-?" Billie asked, urging me to carry on. I could see that she was really interested in this. I looked up at her and her interest turned to worry.

"What's wrong, Lila?" she asked.

"None of that happened in the dream. I managed to catch bits and pieces of what had happened in the future since my dream had put me in my future self's body. But I didn't receive all of that information, or at least I don't remember" I stated and Billie frowned.

"Anyway-" I began before I rambled on with my dreams.

I told Billie all of the details of the dream where Bianca found Chris and I and even explained who Bianca was and how she fit into everything as well as how Wyatt had killed the Titans after his parents being killed and he then became a darklighter while Chris and I hid with their grandpa until he died of a heart attack. His heart finally gave up on him because I didn't think he could cope with the loss of his daughters and then one of his grandsons becoming evil and wanting to kill everyone or turn them evil. I then explained everything that happened with the dream switching and Chris dying because he'd been stabbed by an Elder called Gideon who had wanted to kill Wyatt, although I was aware that after Chris and I helped the Charmed Ones get rid of the Titans, our future had changed to where Wyatt didn't kill them and Wyatt becoming evil happened for a different reason. Anyway, Gideon hadn't anticipated Wyatt being strong enough to evade him, however, and since the Halliwells hadn't been able to find him, Wyatt had been missing for over a year, evading Gideon's attacks which had left him scarred and had been where the seed of evil had been planted. Well he stabbed Chris with an athame covered in poison and his power which meant that Leo, Paige nor I could heal him. I told Billie all the details of that dream, including Chris proposing and me saying yes, which was the one time where she showed any sort of emotion. Then I told her how the dream switched and that had been the first time that I'd ever been scared of Leo because he had been an Elder at that time and had unleashed his Elder powers before Aunt Paige and I had managed to stop him.

I then told Billie that I had dreamt of my mom dying again, which Billie had sent me a sympathetic smile about before telling her that I then died as a result of that night. Obviously the dream that had happened had been a result because I was a half demon and was the offspring of the thing who had killed my mother. Billie however, interpreted this as the demons who killed my mom, coming back to kill me and I had just let her think that because it was easier than telling the truth. If I had told her that I had been killed by her and Piper and Piper's children, well she would ask why and I couldn't tell her that it was because I'd dreamt I'd killed an innocent because I was a half demon.

After telling her all of this, things went quiet as Billie took in all of that information before she let out a deep breath. I had a headache though after that. Time travel was confusing anyway, but it seemed that every time Chris and I had succeeded in changing things in the past, it altered our future. Chris himself didn't seem to be as aware of these changes and just spoke about the new time line normally, however my link to the elements made me aware of every little detail of our lives in the differing time lines that we had managed to change. Chris and I had messed with the natural order of things and so my elements didn't let me forget the changes we had made as easily as Chris could. Telling Billie meant I'd had to sort through all of that information.

"I'm not quite sure what to say. Usually I would say that you had dreamt of a past life but that past life doesn't seem to have happened that long ago. Besides I'm not sure whether it is a memory and the only way we can be sure is if you ask Piper and Leo" she stated and I smiled before nodding.

"I know, I'm planning on asking them today when I see them, which will probably be after school" I sighed and Billie nodded before she stood up and disappeared out of the living room.

I tried to calm myself down, but her disappearing didn't help. What if she had seen something on my face when I was telling her all of that? What if she had some potions up her sleeve that she was planning on using on me? Wait, I had to stop and calm down because nothing like that would happen instantly like that. I'd managed to hide my true self for nine years, I doubted that would all be thrown away so easily.

Billie soon returned, and this time I heard footsteps walking with her so I stood up ready to run if I needed to. The minute that Billie appeared in the living room doorway, the other person appeared, flinging herself into my arms and I caught her immediately. The moment her body made contact with mine, I could feel her shaking which made me frown as I tightened my grip on her.

"Are you okay Mel?" I asked her before looking at Billie when it became obvious that she was too shook up to say anything. Billie just shrugged.

"I disappeared to get a sweater and my phone and when I came downstairs Mel had just left your room and was crying so I brought her down here." I nodded at her explanation before turning back to Mel, who finally let me go and I could see that she was scared.

"I need to talk to you, Lila" she stated and I nodded slowly just as I felt a familiar warm feeling encompass my body and Chris and Wyatt suddenly walked into the living room, both of them looking relieved when they saw the two of us here.

"Lila. Mel" they both sighed in relief and I frowned at them in confusion.

"We felt your fear about something and it woke us both up. We went to check on you and saw that both of your beds were empty so we both panicked a little" Chris explained and I nodded.

"Well, we're okay. I had some weird dreams that made it difficult for me to go back to sleep, but I don't know what's wrong with Mel" I stated and everyone turned their attention to the youngest member of the family.

She sat down on the coffee table as Chris came and wrapped his arms around me so I wound my arms around his waist and we hugged each other for a minute or so. I could feel how tense his back muscles were, which meant that I must have really freaked him out.

I'm sorry for scaring you, Christopher I thought, making sure to push the thought along the familiar waves that I knew would lead to Chris's head. I felt the thought enter his mind as he shivered slightly, something that always happened to Chris whenever I spoke to him telepathically.

It's okay, I'm just glad that you're okay. Were the dreams really that bad? He replied and I felt calmer at hearing Chris's voice inside my head.

You could say that I stated, making sure that Chris heard my tired sigh which I would've given him if I'd spoken out loud.

We pulled away and Chris left his hands on my shoulders as he looked down at me and smiled. I smiled back and he squeezed my shoulders slightly before pulling away and he sat down, making me bite my lip. I felt a lot calmer for hugging Chris and I felt as though I could think and breathe freely again. It was because of that, that I didn't want to leave him, but I had nowhere to sit. Chris frowned up at me, obviously sensing something was wrong.

"You want to sit with me?" he asked and I bit my lip feeling a little unsure but I nodded anyway which made Chris grin slightly before he caught my right wrist in his hand and pulled me to him. I stumbled slightly but remained standing and I saw Chris roll his eyes at this so he pulled me harder and I felt myself lose my balance.

I fell onto Chris's lap and he wrapped his arms around me, holding me safely so that I wouldn't fall and when he saw that I was okay he let go and I made myself comfortable, resting my side against Chris's chest as everyone made themselves comfortable. Mel was sat forwards resting her arms on her legs like a lady and Wyatt was sat on the other side of Mel on the couch, since the young girl was sat in between Wyatt and Billie. I was sat with my back to the living room so that my three family members were sat on my left and I could see that Wyatt was smiling at Chris and myself weirdly.

"Okay Mel, what's wrong?" I asked and she sighed, looking up from where she had focused her attention on her feet which were covered with her familiar, fluffy bed socks.

"I've had a weird recurring dream these last few nights" she explained and I felt myself freeze a little bit.

"What was the dream about Mel?" Wyatt asked carefully and I rested my head against Chris's shoulder and he pressed his temple to the top of my head before pulling away just as quickly, but not before he pecked my hair.

"Well, I've had this dream the last three nights and every time it's the same. It focuses on Lila and Chris but they are a little bit older than they are now. It takes place in the conservatory and the two of them are arguing about something but I can't hear what. Chris looks furious and Lila is in tears" Mel began and I felt my heart rate speed up in fear. This description sounded so much like the dream that I saw the night before last but that dream then turned into one of my familiar nightmares, especially because of the ending.

"Yeah, Chris was yelling at me because I ran off and did something that both he and Wyatt had told me not to do. I did it to save them both because there was something happening but I'm not sure what. I was crying because Chris was so furious with me and he couldn't understand why I did it because I wouldn't tell him why even though the answer was so obvious and..."

"Lila, how do you know that?" Chris asked loudly, cutting me off mid-sentence and I blinked before focusing on Chris's face, realising that I had let myself get sucked back into the memory of having that dream and how awful I had felt throughout the whole thing.

"I know that because I had the same dream about two nights ago" I sighed and heard Mel make a weird sound.

"What happened next?" Wyatt urged, looking between both Mel and myself and we both sighed.

"I think you should tell the rest Lila? You seem to have more information than I do" she stated and I frowned but nodded.

"Well Wyatt had disappeared to see if he could take care of what both boys were calling my mess and because Chris and I were arguing, we didn't realise how vulnerable we were. A darklighter appeared out of nowhere and shot Chris with an arrow. I screamed not knowing what to do so I blew up the darklighter- using Wyatt's powers- as Chris sank to the floor in the conservatory, his blood already staining the floor. I gathered him up onto my lap and tapped into my Spirit power but Spirit wasn't working. My element had helped me save Chris's life once before and for some reason wasn't working now. I'd never known one of my elements to do that before so I panicked. I was sobbing uncontrollably, begging Chris not to leave, to just hold on a little longer as I tapped into Wyatt's power to heal him. I don't know why, but for some reason I couldn't tap into the Charmed collective which meant that both Wyatt's and Chris's powers were unavailable to me- which I'd found strange because I'd used Wyatt's combustive powers just seconds before- and after trying so hard to tap into them I sobbed even harder because I didn't know what to do. I did the only thing that I could do, I sent a message telepathically to Wyatt but I wasn't sure whether he received it or not because I didn't get that feeling that told me when someone had received my thought" I explained before taking a deep breath and letting it out but as I let it out I sobbed instead and Chris's arms sneaked around me as he held me tightly. I knew that Chris had felt how scared I was feeling.

"What happened next, Mel?" Chris asked, obviously sensing that I wouldn't be able to talk.

"Lila held you in her arms as you faded away. The poison worked twice as quickly and rendered you exhausted. She cried and begged you to stay with her and apologised for being so stupid but she only did what she did because she cared. You said that you knew that and you pulled her down to you before whispering something in her ear which made Lila cry even harder and she whispered something back. You pulled away and you both smiled at each other once more before you went limp in her arms and the life in your eyes just disappeared Chris. It was at that point that Wyatt orbed in and rushed over to you but it was too late. Lila screamed and Wyatt held you both and then the dream ended" Mel explained and all five of us were quiet, though Billie hadn't said anything from where she was sat on the couch behind Mel.

"It's okay Lila. It was just a dream" Chris stated and I heaved a deep breath, not realising that I was sobbing until I pulled myself out of my emotions as I felt the horror, fear, momentary joy before heartache and pain when Chris died. When he died he took my heart and soul with him as well as causing me great pain when I felt the bond being snipped away. Wyatt had tried to offer comfort by holding me, but that hadn't been enough and I had felt horrible because I could feel Wyatt's pain but I had been too focused on my pain to care about helping Wyatt.

"Lila?" Mel asked and I took my face out of Chris's shoulder to look at my sister, who looked very uncomfortable and guilty. I scrubbed my eyes with the back of my hand and tried to gain control over myself, feeling myself calming slightly as Chris started rubbing my back soothingly.

"Yes, Mel?" I replied and she smiled slightly, seeing that I was more coherent now.

"I'm sorry to ask, but I've been dying to know. What did you two say to each other?" she asked and I sighed, but felt Chris's curiosity and knew that he was dying to know as well. I bit my lip and Chris frowned at the anxious feeling that had settled in my stomach, which I had made sure to open up to him so that he could feel it as well. He nodded encouragingly so I huffed before turning back to Mel.

"Well, we told each other that we... loved each other" I said, managing to choke out those three words with great difficulty. I felt my face heat up but I stayed focused on Mel, seeing the surprise on her face, as well as Billie who looked just as surprised as my sister.

I focused my attention on Wyatt and felt his amusement at this. For some reason he found this incredibly amusing but he wasn't surprised which I found quite strange, so I directed my attention towards Chris and found that he was feeling embarrassed and anxious. I turned to him and he blinked before looking down at me, the red flushing his face and ears just like it was my own. I couldn't help but to laugh at his insecurity, especially because him blushing made him look kind of cute. I blinked at this and looked away from him and to Wyatt who wiggled his eyebrows teasingly so I frowned at him and he winked playfully. I rolled my eyes at him before titling my head. Based on the dreams I'd had tonight, it seemed to be a common occurrence that Chris and I had romantic feelings for each other in these dreams. The dreams I'd had, were both the past and future, since I guessed that after returning to her own time, my future self would've still been engaged to Chris. Though the dream that Mel had had for a few nights, that I had shared with her two nights ago seemed to be something that could happen in our current timeline. My frown returned due to these thoughts which made Wyatt's nose twitch in thought.

"So changing the subject away from your future declarations of love. What did you dream about tonight Lila?" Wyatt asked and I glared at him, seeing Chris turn to glare at his older brother too.

"Well, they weren't dreams, I don't think. I felt like they were memories though I'm very unsure as to how they could possibly be memories. The dreams featured Chris, you and myself, Wyatt, but we were older, like around seven years older since Chris and I were twenty two. I dreamt in this dream that these versions of Chris and myself had grown up in a future much different to ours and this future was dark and was ran by evil. We travelled back in time to stop this future from happening and by doing so managed to save the Charmed legacy since we stopped Aunt Paige from dying on a day that her life should've been no more. Anyway I dreamt of some of the things that Chris and I went through and some weren't very pleasant" I explained and could see the interest on Wyatt's face at this but I wasn't too focused on telling him anything, instead I focused my attention on Chris, who looked a little uncomfortable at this.

"You know, if you grow up to look like how the older version of you did in that dream, you'll be a very good looking man, Christopher" I blurted out before my eyes widened when it sunk it what I had actually said. This made Wyatt snort with laughter slightly as Chris's face turned red once again.

"Um... thank you? I think?" was his reply and I felt myself blush at my idiocy. How could I blurt out something like that? I mean, it was true, because I did find Chris extremely attractive in those dreams, but still, that was a little weird for me to say. I shook my head before glaring at Wyatt who I could hear was chuckling quietly to himself.

"Shut up, Wyatt" I growled and he pressed his lips together, his face turning red with the effort of silencing his laughter as his shoulders shook.

I wondered how long it would be before you realised how you felt about him Wyatt's voice appeared in my head and I blinked at him. What the heck was he going on about? I saw him roll his eyes at this and I blinked again, realising that for some reason, Wyatt had heard my thoughts.

I know how you feel Lila, though you aren't aware of it for some reason. I've seen how you act around each other, I mean come on, you're sat in his lap at the moment. You both feel strongly for each other. You like each other but you have yet to realise those feelings Wyatt stated shrugging his shoulders and I frowned at his words which were still echoing around my head. I sighed and shook my head.

You're wrong, Wyatt. I'm sorry. You know that I have had feelings for Josh for a few months now. Wyatt shook his head at this.

That's what you think, Lila. You're deluding yourself by placing your feelings for Chris onto another guy close to you. Thank God you didn't place those feelings onto me though, since that would've been weird. We both shivered at this idea. That would be incest if Wyatt or I ever developed feelings for each other, not that that would happen since we had a sibling relationship more so than a friend relationship. Perhaps these feelings that Wyatt was hinting at could explain why I thought of Wyatt as my brother and Chris as just my best friend. I saw Wyatt grin and nod once at this, showing me that he was listening in on my thoughts so I glared at him and imagined punching him, which made him slam his mental barriers up. We had learned last year that I could actually mentally punch Wyatt and whatever injuries he developed like that would translate into physical injuries though he could do the same with me as well.

With his mental barriers going up, that meant that I could be positive that Wyatt wouldn't intrude on my thoughts anymore. Usually I didn't mind Wyatt or Chris doing that as long as I was aware of it and so could be sure that anything related to my other side couldn't get through and so neither of them would pick up on any thoughts, feelings or even powers related to that half. I became more afraid of what could happen if they ever found out with each year that passed.

"Shut up, Wyatt" Chris hissed and I guessed that the two of them had been having a conversation telepathically as well. The boys could actually do that. As the both of them were bonded with me, it meant that they could both have telepathic conversations with me thanks to my power of telepathy though the bonds made it easier so that every time I spoke to them like that, it didn't tire me out. Projecting your thoughts into someone else's consciousness could be extremely draining but since I had the bonds, it meant that I had direct connections to the both of them. It also meant that when they tried, the two of them could use their bonds with me to actually communicate with each other. They didn't use this method much though because reversing the bonds to access me took a little bit of effort from them, more so Chris since my bond with Wyatt was more of a two way thing. However reversing the bonds to use me as a conduit in order to communicate with each other, well the both of them found that quite tiring. Hopefully it wouldn't impact them too badly today at school.

I tried focusing on their thoughts, but by this time, they had finished communicating. I was slightly curious as to what Wyatt had said to cause such a reaction from Chris, but I guess that they were allowed their discussions without me and besides, I believed in privacy. I couldn't imagine how awful it was to have someone intrude on your private moments when you didn't want that happening. I was stronger at using my mental barriers and so the boys could never bypass mine, but I could easily bypass their mental barriers if I tried hard enough, though they would feel me intruding of course.

It went quiet for a moment as everyone thought and it was in this moment of quiet that the front door opened and in walked Piper and Leo, looking slightly happy with themselves. I frowned at this.

"You two are late! I thought you would've been home by now? If I'd know that you weren't I would've been sat here panicking" I stated and they both froze in the doorway to the living room, looking as though they had both been caught doing something they shouldn't have done.

"What are you all doing up? You don't usually get up for another half an hour" Piper stated and I frowned at her. So were they happy walking in so late because they assumed that we would all be in bed? Judging from their guilty looks this was the case.

"Mel and I had trouble sleeping" I stated and they both frowned at us but I twisted and moved so that I was sat on the arm to Chris's left instead of on his lap because it was hurting my neck to twist it at such an awkward angle to be able to see everyone.

"Why are you both so late home?" I asked, a little worried and they both sighed before Piper turned a little red.

"If you must know, little miss nosy, we were out enjoying ourselves without our children for a change" Leo stated and with that came a wave of emotions. Happiness, joy, lust and I blinked before shutting those emotions away, but not before I got a glimpse of Piper's naked back standing in front of me. I shivered before dry heaving slightly. That was a side to Piper and Leo that I did not need to see. I didn't want to know about their sex lives.

"I'm sorry I asked, but please control your passion, Leo. I do not need to see anything else. Witnessing Piper standing up naked from behind was enough thank you" I grumbled, making all three of the Halliwell children shiver and gag and glare at their parents. Piper lightly punched Leo on his right bicep which made him wince and rub the spot as she glared daggers at her husband while he sent a small, apologetic smile aimed towards her. She melted instantly, the annoyance fading from her features which made me smile slightly before she turned her attention to use.

"So what's been happening tonight?" she asked and I sighed, the exhaustion suddenly settling in and the day hadn't even started yet. We still had to go to school yet.

"I came downstairs and Lila was awake. She said that she'd had bad dreams last night and they'd shook her up so much that she couldn't get back to sleep" Billie stated and Piper focused her attention on me. She knew how bad my nightmares could become.

"Are you okay?" she asked and I nodded but sensed she wasn't finished, "-do you want to talk about it?" she asked and I shook my head.

"No not really, but I have a feeling that I don't have a choice" I stated and she frowned at me.

"Why, what's wrong?" she questioned and I sighed.

"Take your coats off and come and sit down" I stated and they both frowned but did as I suggested and hung their coats up on the coat pegs before making their way into the living room and sitting down next to Billie.

"This doesn't sound good" Leo sighed. I sent him a small smile, feeling bad that I was about to pile all of this onto them both. I knew that since Wyatt had turned seventeen in February and Chris and I nearly turning sixteen that they had hoped the drama would calm down slightly. Obviously things in this house never went as we wanted them to.

Everyone got as comfortable as possible while they waited for me to explain.

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