the king and his bride |

By x_linn_

275K 15.6K 8.1K

[discontinued] "He must be quite fond of you if he's calling for you even in the middle of the day." "I don't... More

TKAHB universe


5.9K 353 107
By x_linn_

The frightening anger

3. person

"T-there also h-haven't been...haven't been a-any reports of movements from the n-neighbor kingdoms, a-and our spy for-forces will continue t-to inform us of an-any suspicious activities. Furthermore..."

Seokjin sighed, rubbing his forehead in frustration. He was really sorry for the guy who looked like he was going to cry any second now, but Jin knew he couldn't do anything about it. He looked down at his friend who was seated in his throne as usual, glaring at the poor waiting-boy like he's going to skin him alive. It was even painful to stand so close to the sour emperor, the raging aura emitting from his body was almost shaking the castle walls.

"-b-but the cu-culprit was cough-t a-and...uh and-" the shivering boy stopped talking as the king raised his hand up subtly, signaling him to shut his mouth. There was a heavy silence, nothing but the silent whispers from the corner where brides were chatting were heard. The girls were not paying attention to what was happening, but they could also feel the heavy aura enveloping the air, the newfound feeling making it hard to breathe for Chaeyoung.

"That's enough for the reports, you may go now." said Taehyung, causing Jin and the trembling waiting-boy to look at him with widened eyes.


"Get lost."

"Y-yes, as you w-wish your Majesty." after he scurried out of the throne hall, Seokjin sighed heavily again before turning to his friend, giving him an annoyed look.

"Tae, you need the reports for the dinner tonight, why would you do that?"

"It was getting annoying." Jin took a deep breath, trying not to lash out at his bratty best friend.

He was well aware that he sometimes had his mood swings and all he could do was wait them out, but Tae would never ditch his work because of his sour mood, making Seokjin wonder greatly, what in the name of holy Poseidon was wrong with the younger now.

"Seriously, who pissed in your coffee this morning." Seokjin hissed, silencing his voice a little so the girls in the corner wouldn't hear. "The guy almost spewed out his soul and I can literally feel the ground beneath me shaking. Chill your damn aura kid." he continued to nag, however the young emperor stayed silent, running his knuckles along his lips slowly while looking at nothing in particular.

Taehyung was barely in such a bitter mood to unleash his aura so carelessly, but today he couldn't control the waves of unpleasant frustration and fume leaving his restless being. He didn't sleep a single second last night which was probably one of the main reasons he felt like clawing his eyes out of his sockets and crashing his head against a brick-wall.

He was exhausted but restless at the same time. His mind wouldn't let him fall asleep while the rest of his body was begging for at least a single hour of break.

"Tae, are you even listening to me?" Seokjin's bark made him snap out of his thoughts, however he didn't move a single muscle, not giving a single sign of attention to his huffing friend. He heard Seokjin sigh behind him, muttering a string of curses under his nose.


"What is it?"

The young emperor's eyes wandered to the corner of the room, watching as the girls chatted between each other silently, giggling and snickering here and there. However one girl in particular turned around just in time to catch the king looking their way, causing her to swiftly hide her face behind the veil of her blonde hair.

"When is the dinner tonight suppose to finish?" the older pondered at the question.

"I think around ten but it depends on your father." Taehyung sighed heavily at the mention of his parent, looking away from the little group of chirpy girls. "Try to calm down before the dinner starts, alright? You wouldn't want your father to have stupid talks again." Taehyung looked at his friend with raised eyebrow, making the latter add, "Please, don't tell him I said that." Taehyung chuckled shaking his head, the sour aura in the air slightly decreasing.

Chaeyoung's pov

"Geez, I almost ran away right after Mingyu. It was so scary." shivered Miyeon as we left the throne hall. We all nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I thought the king was about to slice his throat open. He looked like he was ready to pounce." said Tzuyu as we walked along the long corridor, heading towards the yard to get some fresh air after the frightening experience.

"What was that about anyway?" I piped up, still not getting what happened back in the throne hall.

I could physically feel the temperature in the room rising, my senses suddenly became aware of every single movement and voice around me. I had this feeling like something wrong was about to happen, it was this eerie feeling right before all hell would break lose. At first I thought I was being paranoid, but after listening to the girls talking about it, I knew it wasn't just my sick feeling. Something was definitely wrong.

"Just another of his Saint's thingies. Whenever he's angry or in a bad mood he would have this frightening and scary aura around him. Literally. But it barely happens, only when it's too serious or when he can't control his powers." stated Jisoo, the new information making me shudder as I thought about it.

"It was so strong I thought I'm going to choke on the stiff air. It was horrifying." I muttered, hugging myself around my abdomen and chest.

"Yeah, it was pretty frightening, I really don't know what got up his ass today. This hasn't happen for a long time now."

"Didn't he sleep with Sueji yesterday? Maybe it's something between the two of them?" I glanced up at Jennie, frowning at the thought.

That's right, the girls said the two of them never got along. Maybe something happened?

"Do you think it would affect him that much? I bet that the entire palace noticed his aura today."

"Maybe there's something going on between the two of them? Maybe they got into a serious fight and now-"

"You read too much romance Tzuyu. The king would never have that kind of relationship with any of us." stated Jisoo boldly, the other girls nodding in agreement.

For the rest of the afternoon, I couldn't help but think about the occurrences of today, the conversation between the girls also not leaving my mind at ease. It's true I didn't know the king at all,  but is it really that impossible for him to have feelings like we do?

From what I know, Saints are humans just like us, only with few additional strengths and abilities on their back. That doesn't mean he can't feel like a normal human being. Would it be really that surprising if he had a thing for one of us?

The thought of that made my insides squeeze weirdly.

It's probably possible, the sole fact that he respected my virginity and handled me gently was already confirming that he in fact had feelings and wasn't just a heartless being. I don't know what, but something inside me refused to see him as an inconsiderable and empty being without feelings.

Lisa would probably beat me senseless for what I'm going to say, but I wanted to see him show those feelings. The memory of that little smile from that night made this wish even stronger. I wanted to see him as a human being, not only inside my head but in front of my eyes as well.

But something told me that wasn't going to happen.

A silent knock on my door interrupted my trail of thoughts, making me shake my head swiftly to get rid of the mess in my head. I sat up on my bed and hurriedly made sure I look presentable before saying a silent 'come in'.

However I wasn't expecting the person who was standing in my door.

"Chaeyoung, the king wants you in his room at 10 PM tonight, sharp."

3. person

The silence in the dining room was stiff, only clatter of utensils could be heard in the spacious room filled with aristocrats and royals. Seokjin couldn't help but to take occasional glances at his friend who had barely ate anything ever since the dinner was commenced.

It was normal for Taehyung to eat less than other people, however the absent look in his eyes made the older a little worried.

If only his little brother was more open with him. Taehyung was always closed off and distant, not sharing his feelings with anyone. Not even with his closest people.

Seokjin always wondered, how long would he be able to last like that?

"I heard you improved the spy forces." Taehyung's father spoke up, his authoritative voice ringing in the empty room like a silent threat. Seokjin despised the man, not only because of his arrogant behavior, but also because of his acting towards Taehyung.

"Yes father, we've now covered all the kingdoms which present a threat for us." said Taehyung, however without raising his eyes away from his plate, still mindlessly stabbing the meat with his fork.

Seokjin's parental instincts were fighting to kick in, to tell the younger to eat instead of playing with the food, but he knew better. Either way, he was still angered with the man Tae called father, for he didn't even notice that something's noticeably wrong with his youngest son.

All while his mother ignored the situation, pretending she wasn't even present.

Albeit this was a common scene already, Seokjin was still fuming at the so called parents who denied their son's existence until it was really necessary.

"Very well, I hope you acknowledge the importance of being informed about every single action our enemies do. We have to be cautious and prepared for everything that comes our way."

"Of course father."

"Therefore I expect you to work hard and well. Don't fool around too much, especially with those dirty girls of yours. Put those sluts in their place if you must." Seokjin gritted his teeth, throwing a subtle glare in the man's direction.

But he wasn't the only one fuming, the young emperor also tightened his fists as he finally looked at his father with a stern gaze.

It was nothing new for him, the verbal insults thrown the girls' way. But he despised when his father degraded them like that. He hated when they were being mistreated and talked badly about. Sure, he was the last one to treat them like they should be treated, but he never spoke badly about any of them, knowing they all deserve nothing but respect and kindness. And he wasn't afraid to stand up for them.

"Don't call them that." he seethed out, the room falling silent as the young man dared to talk back to the former emperor. All while Seokjin cheered inside his head, giving his younger friend a mental high-five.

The old man was about to respond when his wife stopped him from lashing out, placing her hand on his forearm soothingly.

"Baby that we're talking about girls, me and your father wanted to ask you something." Taehyung's eyes softened a little at the old nickname, looking at the beautiful woman beside his fuming father.

"What is it, mom?" she glanced at her husband for confirmation, and after she got a firm nod she turned back towards her son with a sweet smile.

"You'll be celebrating 27 in a year. You're already a grown man, one who leads the kingdom proudly and one who-"

"Mom, please," Taehyung sighed, looking at his mother almost pleadingly, "cut the sweet talk and get to the matter."

"It would be nice for you to...settle down finally." the young emperor groaned silently, cursing himself for not seeing this coming sooner. It was only matter of time when they brought this up again.

"Not this again," he rubbed his temples, already eager to get out of the room.

"Honey, just think about it! Wouldn't it be more convenient for you to-"

"Mom, no just no, I'm not settling down like that. I thought I made it clear the last time we talked about this matter. I'm not getting married"

"But why?"

"I'm not the type of person to commit myself like this. It wouldn't work out. None of us would be happy in such a relationship. Now please, let's not talk about this anymore."

"Just think about it for a while, okay baby bear? It would be like a dream come true to see my child falling in love and building himself a family. Not to mention I want cute grandchildren already!" Taehyung sighed heavily, seeing his mother all giddy and excited at the ridiculous thought.

"I will think about it, now let's close off the topic here."

Seokjin looked amusingly at his frustrated friend, the lone thought of Taehyung having kids was making Seokjin laugh and smile softly at the same time. It would surely be an amusing sight to watch Taehyung taking care of bratty and sneaky kids. But it would also warm the older up, knowing his best friend finally settled down and has someone who's there for him, other than his best friend.

Chaeyoung's pov

I bit my lip anxiously while walking back and forth. I glanced up at the door only to whine silently,  proceeding my walk around the chamber like a madwoman.

Already 20 minutes passed since I came into his chamber, but the king was nowhere in sight. Jisoo told me that he was having dinner with his parents and few aristocrats tonight, but why would he call for me if that was the case?

Maybe the dinner took more time then it was supposed to? Maybe they're discussing some serious matters, that's why it was taking so long.

I sighed and stopped in my tracks, looking up at the door down the small hall again, contemplating on what to do.

Should I just go back?

No, but he called for me. Just like the last time, he'll appear, he's just taking his sweet time.

But it's so nerve wracking to just wait for him here, not knowing what to do nor what to expect.

Will he act differently now? Now that I'm no longer virgin, maybe he'll treat me differently and I'll finally understand all those things the girls told me about.

Thinking like that made me want to leave the God forsaken chamber even more. But recalling today's morning, the rage seeping out of him as if he was ready to crush down the whole kingdom, I made myself rethink my decisions.

"Maybe it would be better idea to just wait a little more." I muttered, hissing at the memory of the frightening glare he gave the young waiting-boy today.

I stepped from one foot to another, my legs already starting to ache from standing so much. I glanced behind me at the welcoming bed, the neat sheets calling for me to just sit down my butt while waiting.

I bit my lip again and with a subtle glance at the closed doors, I approached the bed and sat down, heaving a sigh.

Looking around the room my insides clenched uneasily, the memories of that night flooding back in.

I really tried to forget about that night, trying to force the scenes out of my head every time they threatened to cloud my mind. It was really difficult, my mind seemed to disobey me every time but I thought that with more time, I would be able to finally move on.

Could I have been anymore wrong? I was bonded to know the feeling of him, I was meant to remember every single detail of him and the moments spend with him. I'm not allowed to forget about him as long as I live under his roof. How long will that be anyway?

How long will his pleasure remain as the only reason of my life?

A loud crash made me jump in my spot. I looked up at the king who stormed up the few stairs into his chamber. He seemed to not notice me until he was already standing in front of the bed, looking at me with slightly widened eyes.

I silently gaped and stood up, smoothing down the red night gown before bowing.

"I-I apologize your Majesty, I-I was just waiting for you." I piped up hurriedly as I tried to hold my composure, but noticeably failing at it.

There was a silence so I slowly straightened myself up again, peeking at the gazing man from behind my lashes. He was stoic, looking at me with blank expression as if he was lost in his own thoughts. Either that, or he forgot he called for me and is now wondering what I am doing in his room at this time.

I frowned as the long silence became heavy, his gaze making me shudder slightly in my spot.

"Y-your Majesty? Is something wrong?" I muttered, trying to put an end to the freezing silence in the air. He seemed to snap out of his daze, muttering a silent 'no' before looking down at the ground.

I titled my head at his odd behavior, wondering what got him acting like this.

Girls were right, something was definitely wrong with him today. Maybe he really has problems with Sueji? That would explain why he was looking at me the way he did. Lost and confusedly almost.

"Come here." I took a deep breath as he muttered huskily, his deep voice vibrating in the very pit of my stomach. I made small and unsure steps until I was standing right in front of him, him still not glancing away from the ground.

"Would you help me with my clothes?" I raised my eyebrow at his odd request before glancing down at his outfit.

He was wearing heavy, fancy clothes and huge amount of accessories. He had black jacket with golden patches, white silky shirt underneath with tie neatly tied around his neck. He was also wearing black dress-pants and black shoes.

"Of course." I muttered silently, cursing at myself internally for the small blush I could already feel creeping on my face.

Shakily I raised my hands up, deciding that I should start off with his tie. Slowly and gently, making sure I don't tug too harshly, I loosened the tie, my fingertips lightly skimming across the expensive fabric.

I could hear the alarms in my head go off as I noticed him rising his head, now looking directly at me while I tried to concentrate on his clothes instead.

After his tie was off I draped it across my shoulder and started unbuttoning his jacket, his eyes never leaving me and my actions.

I felt the heat of my body rise with each painfully long second I was stared down at.

However surprisingly, as time flew by and I was finally unbuttoning the last button on his jacket, the stiff silence somehow changed into a soothing one, my stiffed body loosening up on its own.

Slowly pulling down the jacket, I finally stored all the courage I needed and glanced up in his eyes, his look making a shiver run up my spine. In the dimmed light of the room his dark eyes glistened, giving off warmth but somehow also projecting emptiness. It was an unusual combination but he seemed to bear both easily.

Biting my lip, I slid the jacket down completely, placing it on the bed before returning to his shirt. As I was unbuttoning the first few buttons, his hand suddenly wandered towards my face, his palm softly cupping my cheek as his thumb ran gently across my bottom lip.

I took a shaky breath, trying to concentrate on the stupid buttons in front of me, but he was making it harder for me each passing second.

Right after finishing with the last button, he swiftly grabbed me by the waist and harshly pushed me against the wall, thankfully without using his Saint's powers this time.

Without giving me a chance to register what's happening, he crashed his lips against mine firmly, making me widen my eyes at the sudden action.

His pace was too quick, even quicker than the last time, making me whine silently into his mouth as he continued to kiss me sloppily, pushing his lips firmly against mine. It was too hard to keep up with his pace, his one hand around my waist and the other around my throat making it hard for me to push myself away.

He was acting hastily, as if on impulse, dare I say violent. At first I thought it was exactly the thing the girls told me about. His behavior in bed and the kind of 'fun' he likes to enjoy. But something felt off. It was as if he was acting out of his character completely, it made me think there was something bothering him which made him act the way he did.

So I did the first thing that came to my mind, ignoring the fact that it was a risky move. I placed both of my palms on his cheeks and pulled myself closer towards him, taking the lead in the kiss.

I was inexperienced and to be completely honest, I didn't know if I was even doing it right. However I knew I had to calm him down somehow, soothe the raging desperation within.

I could feel him being slightly taken aback at first, however to my utter surprise and relief, he complied and slowed down, slowly and leisurely returning my kiss. His hand left my throat and instead went down to my waist, both his palms running up and down my sides as he humed into my mouth, making me pull in even more.

He was once again controlling my actions, the sweet poison of his kisses and touches making me lose myself completely in his hold

By now, the kiss was anything but violent. He gently pushed his tongue into my mouth as I caressed his cheeks with my thumbs, not being aware of my bold actions at all.

All of a sudden he lift me up as if I weighed nothing, making me squeal silently into the kiss. He carried me bridal style and threw me on the bed, chuckling at my breathless state as he looked me up and down.

He lowered himself to bury his head in the warmth of the crook of my neck, his finger running from my collarbone to the middle of my breasts and to my tummy. My breath hitched slightly as he tugged at the ribbon around my waist, untying it effortlessly.

He placed a soft kiss on my neck, barely touching the skin before shifting a little higher, placing another one just under my ear.

"Aren't you being a confident one tonight, hmm?" he murmured amusingly into my ear, his hands already pulling the gown away from my body sneakingly.

I bit my lip, praying to all the Gods above I didn't get myself in trouble. I was just trying to calm him down, I didn't intend to disturb his personal zone nor disobey the 'no touching rule' or whatever.

"I-I'm sor-" gasping, I couldn't finish the sentence as he pulled me gently up from the bed with his arm around my back, his mouth greedily attacking my neck and collarbone. Shivering underneath him, my body again took control of the situation and without me noticing, my hands ran up his shoulders and to his hair, stroking his scalp as he continued to suck on my skin.

He humed into my skin, lapping at it one last time before returning back to my mouth, kissing me hungrily as if desperate for my air.

I continued to run my hands along his messy locks as he sucked on my lips sloppily, this time keeping the kiss still gentle but deep and passionate. All of a sudden he rubbed his lower region against mine, making him groan and me whine into the kiss breathlessly. He repeated it for few more times, making us both reach our limits as he finally sat up, lifting me up with him as well.

After undressing both of us, he laid me back on the soft sheets gently, hovering over me as he ran his eyes around my naked form.

I knew better than to cover myself, so I covered my face instead, getting too embarrassed to face him like this.

He chuckled before taking my wrists in his hold, peeking at me with an amused grin.

"Don't shy away sweetheart." he cooed, placing both my wrists down on the bed. "You're beautiful, there's nothing to be embarrassed about."

"I am?" I whispered, surprising myself with the bold question that left my lips. He stayed silent for a while before the exact same smile from the night before appeared on his glowing face, the sight making my breath hitch in my throat.

One of his hands roamed around my hips before running up my stomach and towards my upper chest, resting there with gentle strokes of my collarbone. His eyes roamed around my body with admiration, the enamored look in his eyes making my stomach tighten with a pleasing feeling.

"Yes you are." he whispered back before lowering himself, placing a soft kiss on my shoulder, his hands now finding their ways to my sides. "So goddamned beautiful." he muttered, showering my chest with more and more pecks. "My sweetheart. My little girl. So beautiful." my heart swelled at the little pet names, his hoarse whispers and praises making me quiver under his body with anticipation.

He had me completely vulnerable in his hold, had me shivering and desiring his touch. That night he once again had me locked up in the pleasure, making sure I'm not going to escape his grasp.

∗ ∗ ∗

double update because you guys deserve it


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