Transcendent Thirst

By YOLOwriting101

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"What I was going to say was selfish..." He mumbled. I edge closer to him until my hand slowly cradled his ch... More

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By YOLOwriting101

Staring up at my new job, a breakfast and brunch place called Clementine Bakery, I was thankful that I could get a job in such short notice. I'm not one that likes to lay around and not have a job for months on end. When I lose a job, I try my best to get a new one quickly.

Thanks to Achille, I have a new purpose and he gave me a new meaning on life. I barely know him yet I'm so enthralled by him in general.

...I must tell him about my new job. I wonder if he'll care.

Walking away from the place I'll be working at in about a week, I see a local library. Curious at this point, I walk in and go to the fantasy section. As I look around I begin to realize that it was oddly barren in here. But that didn't stop me from grabbing a book on vampires, intrigued.

Hoping no one saw me, I began reading a novel on someone's knowledge on vampires.

The pale complexion...amber eyes that turn into the color of blood when excited, hungry, or this other weird fact. If their eyes are a red orange that means they are in love? Completely random but I doubt that is a thing.

I will admit that I've only seen Achille's eyes be red or amber so I can't agree to disagree. I'm not exactly sure...

Raising my eyebrow at this image, I see a man about to suck a woman's blood. His fangs protruding and one eye lingered on me.

Reading the caption it stated that vampires have the power of allurement. They allure humans so that they become so enthralled by them, that they don't see what's coming. It's almost like vampires play with their prey...

Turning the page I came upon a old-fashioned picture. I see a pale man beside a woman who's complexion was more warmer. A child in the middle of them. I immediately assumed it was a vampire and human relationship, so the child was a hybrid.

Before I could turn the page again the book slammed closed by somebody. Seeing a pale hand, I look to see a purple eyed guy looking up at me. Confusing me with his lavender eyes, he instantly snatched away the book.

"You're curiosity may be the end of you if you keep at it." He murmurs, causing me to frown as he put the book on the shelf.

"What do you mean-?"

"Don't play dumb. You know what I mean." He interrupted softly, but his voice was powerful. I didn't get this whole conversation because it seemed like he knew what I was looking for.

Based on how he looked, I wanted to assume he was a vampire. But it's come to the point where I'm questioning all humans I come across.

Learning one person is a vampire makes you wonder how many vampires are really out there? How diverse are the humans species really?

"What's your name?"

The man looked away from me, but eventually back at me.


With that he walked away and I pursued my lips at that whole encounter. It didn't really make sense how random that was and I didn't even notice him creep up on me.

Recounting that to Achille and seemed confused by my words.

"His name was Oscar?"


"That doesn't sound familiar..."

I nod, looking at his eyes and seeing they were amber. I wanted to see them turn red orange but that probably won't happen.

"I wouldn't be surprised if he was a vampire. He was just as beautiful as you and had the allurement of you, so I'm going to take it for what it is."

Achille just stared at me, his eyes suddenly became darker so suddenly. Intriguing me since I just read that book that doesn't seem too far fetched now.

"How can you say a man is beautiful so easily with no hesitation?" He asked, his cheeks become full of life and probably the first time I've seen his complexion look similar to a human.

"What? You can't take the truth?"

"What truth?"

"That you're a beautiful man? It's pretty evident-."

Achille reached forward and sucker punched me in the face. Startling me as I flew back a bit and my back slammed to the ground. Sitting up as he had his hand over his mouth and shock.

"I didn't think it was that hard..."

"It's fine. It didn't hurt." I smile, trying to hide the fact that that was the hardest punch I've ever felt in my life.

My jaw ached and it was entertaining to me how much it hurt and he was barely trying to punch me. It was cute how much he underestimated his own strength.

"In my time, I was handsome. Hearing you say I'm beautiful is unusual to me. Tu es un homme magnifique... That in itself isn't right. It's a feminine case associated with a male case. It doesn't work." ( You are a beautiful man. )

Raising my eyebrow I already knew hearing him speak French was probably the most alluring thing I've ever heard.

"What did you say?"

"You are a beautiful man. I'm repeating what you are basically saying. Tu es un homme magnifique."

"You know French?"

Achille raised his eyebrow, nodding as he grinned slightly.

"My native land is France. Nice, France...haven't been there ever since all of my family passed. Which was...thirty-eight years ago." He said, biting his lip." I miss them so much... My petite soeur, then there's my frère précieux..." ( little sister, precious brother )

His eyes suddenly became watery, wondering what was going through his head. I wanted to hug him but I felt like I was surpassing my boundaries.

"I wish I could relate with you..." I murmur, Achille chewing his lip. I wondered when he chews his lip if it means he's nervous or anxious.

"I don't know. I miss them all..."

"Do you mind?"

"Mind what?"

I walk around the table and sit beside him. Wrapping my arms around him I give him a hug. Feeling how stiff he was in my arms at first, until he began to relax. I lay back comfortably in my chair as he lays with me.

It was nice to feel him relax and he just laid there.

"I haven't had an interaction like this in a long time. A normal hug...I forgot how warm it is."

"Yes, indeed." Chuckling I feel him begin to pull away and I let go at the same time so it seems mutual. But I didn't mind holding him...

Even though he's a vampire, when it comes to hugging it feels human. Wouldn't question him to be anything else of it was just based off that one hug.

"Thank you...I suppose. Do you mind if I was to ask for one - or is that weird in this generation?"

Smiling I ruffle his hair, causing him to look at me in shock at my action.

"When it comes to you, you don't have to ask. Just go for it, I won't get annoyed or bothered." I promise and Achille shakes his head.

"That won't be necessary. I've kept my emotions and feelings to myself for years-."

"You act like that's impressive. It's sad. Let me be the one that helps you out. I already said I was and you can depend on me if you want to vent or something."

Achille cocked his head at my words, not seeming to understand them.

"Vent? What is 'to vent'?"

"It's a strong free expression. Have something or someone who's just bothering you? You vent on it."

"What if I don't know how to vent?"

Smirking I shake my head at that.

"Trust me. Everyone knows how to vent. You probably have vented on someone, you just never said it allowed so you didn't necessarily notice."

Achille didn't seem to disagree with me, but he went to the fridge and grabbed another pack of blood. Looking at me as he twisted the knob off.

"I guess that's true. I never thought about it like that..."

Beginning to drink I noticed him drinking it faster than usual. Some escaping and going down his arm. I found myself watching him look and instead of wiping it away he licked the blood from his arm. Starting from the middle of his arm and licking up to his wrist.

I suddenly stood up, seeing him look up at me in confusion to my abrupt action.


"I'm going to the bathroom." I say, going inside and closing the door. I locked the door so fast it seemed like a joke.

Not sure why I was getting a reaction all from him licking his arm...

Clearing my throat I find myself knowing he was so close to me. He was near the bathroom door because the house isn't the biggest. To know he could possibly hear me...

Even though I knew that - it didn't stop me, sadly.

What I did next in his bathroom over the person that saved my life was probably one of the most crude things I've ever done in my life. I felt so ashamed and I didn't even know what to say or think about the whole situation.

I was in Achille's house and I jerked off to him. So unethical to do it in his house in such a close proximity of him.

The sad part is that I just jerked off to a vampire... How great is life?

I wash my hands, flushing the toilet as I try to catch my breath. So embarrassed by my actions I just flung the door open. Almost hitting Achille in the face until he moved back so fast that it missed him.

"I was wondering when you'd get out. May be a vampire but I still go to the restroom like a hu-."

Shoving him out of the way I rush out of his house front door. Embarrassed as can be for what I did.

Barely know him enough for us to call each other friends and I'm already jerking off to him. Have I always been this crude or lewd or unethical? Or have I just never found the person that makes me act those ways?

That's not the point!

Irritated with my actions, I decide to just go home. I have to go to work tomorrow so there's something to distract me with. Achille has been occupying my thoughts so maybe this new job will distract me.



Taking the muffins out of the oven I stare at how nice they looked. Intriguing me with how fluffy and warm they looked.

Despite these intriguing muffins, I was still thinking about my crude behavior at Achille's house. Yesterday just wasn't a good day for me...

No matter how hard I try and no matter what I do to forget the image of him in my stays. I close my eyes and he's there.

I can try my best to distract myself but there's not much to distract myself with. I mean there's the job part...

"Darius right?" Looking over my shoulder I see my coworker walk towards me with a smile. She has been trying to guide me through the ropes of this place and it hasn't been that hard.

"Yes, Hailey right?"

"Yes," Once she smiled she moved to the side and I found myself flinching,"this is Oscar. He has been working here longer than anyone here and is probably better at showing you around than me. So I want you to get the best information, here you go."

As soon as she walked away I saw Oscar raise his eyebrow at me. Causing me to want to avoid his lavender eyes.

"I met you at that library." He states, causing me to nod in acknowledgement." You were being curious, yes?"

"Who are you? I know your name is Oscar, it's evident that you're..." I lean towards him as he frowned." Not human."

Oscar raised his eyebrow," Excuse me?"

Standing up straight I wonder if I'm going about this the wrong way. He looked at me like I was stupid but at this point I wasn't sure.

Now that I was watching him some more I began to realize that maybe it was my mistake. Probably thinks I'm a freak of a human, asking him if he's human. I'd be creeped out if I was him.

Except he only came towards me and his eyes glistened mischievously, causing him to soon smirk after.

"I can tell you aren't good at keeping secrets. Saying that kind of stuff allowed has people thinking, wondering, querying. You don't want that, do you?"

I just watch him snicker with entertainment, turning away from me and I assume that I have to follow. As I begin to follow him I'm taken to the very back where all the ingredients are. Even near the freezer and I could feel the chill breeze. But Oscar showed no emotion or reaction towards the cold.

As he stood still his eyes glistened in the dark and were more eerie to me than Achille's. There was just something off about sent chills down my spine and I didn't like it.

"You were questioning if I'm human, right?"

"I was but I began to realize that I'm completely wrong for that. I hope I don't lose my job over this kind of thing."

"You won't.  I understand your curiosity subsequently from meeting who you have met."

I glare down at Oscar, causing him to pout at me.

"Why the mean face?"

"Have you been stalking me?" I snap, Oscar gasping dramatically.

Except I was dead serious. Achille could possibly be in trouble because this guy is stalking me.

"No! Of course not! I met you at the library - remember? I didn't even know of your existence until you walked in? Your curiosity had me become curious of you."

"Why's that?"

"Because you had a fading scent of a vampire on you." He suddenly leaned closer, smirking as he stepped back." It's stronger now."

"What are you?" I ask, Oscar smiling soon after.

"I'm the same as your little friend...Achille right-?"

"Leave Achille alone." I growl, Oscar raising his eyebrow at me again.

I already knew I wasn't a threat to him. He's far more superior and size doesn't matter at this point. But I still wanted to protect Achille as much as I could, even if he didn't really need it.

"I won't do anything to him," I grin somewhat until Oscar frowns," It's my owner that you need to speak to."

"Wait what?"

Oscar shrugged, walking away and before I could ask him what - right when he walked out I bumped into a waiter. Causing him to look up at me in shock and I quickly apologize.

What does he mean his owner? What is that supposed to mean it's his owner he needs to talk to?

I'm so lost and confused... I want to tell Achille...if I wasn't so afraid of him finding out what I did. Not that he'd ever find out...still.

I need to figure it out with Oscar and his so-called "owner" first. Before I say anything to Achille, just in case... Interesting he comes in right when I meet Achille.

Probably wouldn't be surprised if he will affect my life long term...


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