make you mine.

By flayerfeed

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two broken hearts meet. mileven au. [lowercase intended] completed 28/9/19 More

cast + intro


3.5K 140 287
By flayerfeed

[ chapter two! ]

heartbroken. heartbroken was the one word to describe how jane was feeling right now. it was as if mike had taken her heart and stamped on it. her crying continued for hours, she cried until she had no tears left, until her throat was dry and he cheeks with red and tear stained.

friends. the one thing she wanted more than anything else in this world, and the chance of her joining the party was completely ruined by the one person who she longed for the most. this not only caused her pain, but it caused her to completely lose hope.

"hey kid, are you ok? you haven't left your room all night" hopper asks in a concerned tone as he knocks on the door. he was worried about jane. he knew she didn't have many friends, however he didn't know or understand how painful it was for her to deal with.

after a few minutes of silence, hopper decides to check on her again. the knock is once again ignored by the teenage girl, causing hopper to simply straight walk in.

"please leave me alone" jane whimpers, her voice muffled against the bed sheets as she curls up tighter into a ball.

"kid, i just want to help ok?" hopper says sympathetically as he sits down on the bed next to her.

"you can't help" jane says, looking at him straight in the face. hopper feels a lump form in his throat when he sees her. puffy, bloodshot eyes and bright red cheeks. the pain was visible in her face.

he immediately is worried for her, and he wanted to help. he really did. but he didn't know how. so instead he simply pulls her close to him and hugs her tightly. she cries into his chest, letting out all the sadness she had bottled up over time. this hurt hopper deeply, all he wanted was for her to feel happy again.


jane was dreading the next day of school. she dreaded most days, but this one even more than the others. for once, she didn't want to see mike or the party. she wanted to stay as far away from them as possible.

she silently walked through the corridors with her head facing down, avoiding eye contact with everyone. she wanted to be invisible today, she didn't want to be there at all.


a cheerful voice calls after her from behind and she jumps in surprise. usually, the only word she'd hear is 'freak' so hearing her actual name shocked her.

she turned around to see will, he had a spring in his step as he catches up to her with a bright smile on his face. this made jane feel somewhat better, a warmness could be felt as he comes towards her. being approached by someone that doesn't have the intention of upsetting or hurting her made jane happy.

however will standing there also reminded her of the party. the party she isn't allowed to be in because of one person. mike wheeler. the boy her heart ached for. how can someone make you feel so alive but make you feel so weak?

"hey will" jane mumbles shyly as she places a few text books in her locker quietly and glances at the boy.

"so i was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me and the party today?" will asks with a hopeful smile on his face. jane felt torn between herself and will. she didn't want to upset will, you could practically see the excitement in his eyes when he asked her to have lunch with them. but she knew that he would be there. the boy that has made her feel nothing but numb for the past 24 hours. she didn't want to have to surround herself with his negativity.

"i don't know will, mike is going to be there and i'm pretty sure he won't want me there" jane says truthfully, a sadness in her eyes as she looks at him. will looks at her for a few seconds, a sympathetic smile appearing on his face.

"mike just hates the idea of someone new ruining the party. he can come across as rude and i understand that completely, but i promise he will warm up to you eventually" will explains to the saddened girl stood in front of him.

"i'll think about it, ok? i just- he hurt me a lot yesterday and i don't know if i'm ready to be around him just yet. i hope you understand that" jane admits truthfully, closing her locker and turning to face the boy in front of her.

"of course i understand, i hope i see you soon" will says softly as he nods showing he understood her. he gives her a final smile before strolling down the corridor.


the second the school bell rang, signaling lunch had started, jane felt a lump in her throat. she had two choices, go and have lunch with the party in the cafeteria or sit alone in mr clarke's classroom. she wanted friends, without question, however she didn't want to risk being hurt again by him.

jane's head was pounding as she makes her way through the crowded corridor. she makes a sudden stop outside the cafeteria as she spots them. the party were sat at their usual lunch table, and jane felt a small sigh escape her lips. she knew she was beginning to be accepted by them, but she also knew she would never be one of them. she was too different, too odd.

but something came over jane in that moment, a sudden push almost. she began to slowly walk into the cafeteria, clutching her bag straps tightly as if they were about to save her from the situation she has just put herself in. will spots her and immediately waves her over to the seat in between him and dustin. jane quickly sits in between the pair and meets eyes with mike himself.

she felt all those horrible feelings flood back as he rolled his eyes at her and harshly stabbed his fruit carton with the straw. jane felt as if he had done the exact same thing but with her heart instead. she tried to ignored his rude act and looked over at max who smiled at her sweetly.

jane felt somewhat welcome to their lunch, however part of her still felt like she didn't belong there. she could practically feel the anger radiating off mike as he completely ignored her presence.

"have you ever been to av club jane?" dustin asks curiously as he fills his mouth with some chocolate pudding.

"uh- no actually" jane says awkwardly as she shifts in her seat. will notices her nervousness and puts a hand on her shoulder. he smiles at her warmly, causing a grin to creep up onto janes face.

"you should come with us sometime!" max suggests excitedly as she looks at jane with wide eyes.

jane quickly nods in response. she waited, waited for a sudden outburst or come from mike or a rude comment, but instead he simply scoffs, and storms out of the cafeteria.

jane had reached the point when she felt as if she was going to cry right there. with pure anger and sadness she stood up from her chair and ran after him. she demanded to know what the hell his problem was.

she desperately looked along the corridor, trying to spot the moody, lanky teenager. thankfully his height made that easier for her, at the end of the corridor she spotted him make a sharp turn into the av club room. she quickly ran to catch up with him before he closed the door and hid himself away in the room. the door was beginning to close before she swiftly moved her hand in between the gap and pulled it open. she walked into the room and slammed the door behind her, determined to show him she wasn't a weak, vulnerable little girl

"god, what the fuck do you want?" mike groaned as he glared at the girl with dagger like eyes.

" i want to know what your problem is. why do you feel the need to treat me this way? i don't deserve it" jane says emotionally, feeling tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"i don't want you in the party. there. that's your explanation" mike says carelessly as he plops himself down onto a spare seat into the room.

"but why? what have i done wrong?" jane asks, determined to get an answer out the stubborn boy as she sits down across from him

"you haven't done anything- i just- i don't like new members, and especially not the school freak" mike answers coldly, however he hesitates and begins to stutter when he sees a single tear fall down jane's face.

freak. she had grown used to this word, it didn't affect her anymore. however hearing him say it hurt more than ever.

jane nods, completely losing any hope of convincing him to let her join the party. she picks up her backpack and stands up slowly with a small sigh. "you know, all i wanted were some friends" jane admits quietly as she looks at the boy with tear filled eyes. mike stares at her blankly with his mouth slightly hung open. she leaves the room quickly, her heart broken yet again.

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