Best Of Enemy's

By Hazel3630

607 17 2

We all have someone that grinds our gears. That person who just annoys your soul. Someone who you just wish w... More



208 5 1
By Hazel3630

Chapter 1

I treaded down the stairs following the smell of pancakes and syrup. I walked into the kitchen to see my aunt at the stove, smiling. Someone seems to be in a good mood.

"Good morning." I say as I took a seat at the island. She smiled at me and placed a plate with pancakes and turkey bacon in front of me.

"Good Morning Nia." Her eyes lit up when she spoke. "You work today?" My aunt asked me. I nodded. "Yeah, praying I don't have to work with the Knuckle head." She chuckled at this. "I don't know why you don't like him, he's a cute kid."

"Cute don't make you attractive." I stated. She nodded in agreement. "Touché."

"Oh! I almost forgot me and Maxwell are going out tonight, so make sure you have your key." I could see the smile in her eyes when she said it. My aunt and her husband been together 20 years since they were kids.

"Okay." was all I said. When I finished the last of my food I grabbed my book bag off the rack and headed out the door. I didn't have a car, couldn't really afford one to be honest but I liked walking to school. It gave me time to prep myself and clear my head.

As I'm strolling down the sidewalk I hear a car coming behind me expecting it to zoom by it it slows down next to me. "Hey Nia."

I looked to see Nathan in his car with his top down. what a show off. "Hey." I said dryly. He smiled. "Don't be like that."

I continue to walk down the street. I started speeding up which I realized was pointless. "Bye Nathaniel."

"I'm trying to be nice here." He pointed out. I shrugged. "Go be nice somewhere else. matter fact go pick up one of your girls of the week. Chelsea right? I think."

He chuckled and started stroking his chin like he was thinking. "I thought about it and I rather pick you up." He flashed a smiled. I had to admit he was cute, ok he's really cute.

"Don't harass me."

"Fine." Was all he said. With that he drove off. Thank the lord. I swear it's like that guy couldn't take a hint.

The rest of my walk I plugged in my head phones and listen to music. 15 minutes later I was walking into the school building.

I hated the breakfast here so I headed to my locker. I opened it and put in my combination looking for my chemistry book and my notebook.

I felt a tap on my shoulder it was Miranda. Miranda Peters one the most beautiful girls at this school if not the most beautiful. She had Pretty long brown hair, large round blue eyes that sparkles in the sun, smooth peach skin and luscious pink lips. Wow, you think I was in to her they way I described her. But I'm just being honest she was pretty.

And for some reason she choose to be friends with me. I'll admit at first it was fun. The partying and stuff but I don't care for all that anymore. College is what I'm focusing on.

I took my head phones out.

"Hey Nia." She smiled. Oh did I mention she had a pearly white smile as well?

I put my head phones away into my locker and placed my phone in my pocket. "Hey M. What's up?"

"Nothing really. I'm just exhausted, I got like zero sleep last night." She whined. I rolled my eyes.

"Let me guess?" She awaited my answer. "You were up on the phone all night with Mark."

The smiled vastly crept on her face. "Ahh yes." She placed her hand on her heart. "I swear I never met a guy like him before. He's so funny and honest and sexy." She cooed over him like a dog would a steak.

Miranda was absolutely boy crazy for sure but who am I to judge her life choices. "I'm happy for you M." I told her.

She nudged me. "You know Luke was talking about you in class on Friday he said he thinks your cute and funny." She winked at me.

I sighed. "Every guy thinks I'm cute and funny." I pointed out.

She chuckled. "Oh come on Nia, Luke is super sexy."

I shrugged "Doesn't matter. I'm not looking for a boyfriend." I say hoping she would drop the conversation. She grabs my hand. "You need to loosen up a bit. Nia When I first met you, you were so much fun and now your just.. Blah." She stuck out her tongue and made a bored face to emphasize the Blah.

"Listen I'm just focused on getting in to school right now, you should too M." I explain.

"I am but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna have fun." She let my hand go and placed something In my pocket.

"Don't look at that until I walk away." She smirked as she walked towards the cafeteria to get some breakfasts I assume.

I closed my locker door. There stood Him. Again.

"Can I help you Nathan." I shift toward him looking annoyed because well.. I was.

"You know you don't have to look so mean, love." He gave a look of fake hurt.

"It's Nia." I started. "I'm not looking mean, this my annoyed look see." I emphasized on my annoyed face while pointing at it.

He chuckled. "I didn't mean to annoy you with my presence. I just wanted you to know there is a shift available after school, dad wanted me to ask you if you would help close up the park tonight."

"Tell him yes." I need the extra hours anyway. College isn't cheap. He smiled. "Okay, was that a condom I saw Miranda put in your pocket?"

I jumped. What? I reach in my back pocket and pull out a condom. I'm going to kill her.

"I'm going to kill Miranda." I say aloud. He chuckled at me. "Are you gonna use that? Cause I might need that later on tonight."

I handed it to him. "Go nuts bro."

He walked away and I started walking towards class the bell would ring any second.

"See you at work!" He shouted when I got at the end of the hall. ignored him and continued on my way. When I entered the class room there were only like 3 kids already there. first period is Mrs. Nelsons Chemistry class. I sat down in my usual seat and took out my chem book and my notes. I notice Mrs. Nelson wasn't even in the class yet which is weird. she always at her desk every morning.

The bell rang. By this time the whole class was seated and waiting. After another ten minuets go by finally someone entered the room but it wasn't Mrs. Nelson, it was someone much younger.

"Hello class. Sorry I'm late." She scurried very frantic. Her long blonde hair swayed with her movements.

"I'm Justine Long I will be your sub till further notice." Smiled. "Who's ready to get lit with learning." Oh gosh she one of those sub's.

Classes felt like forever but I got threw it. After school was over I prepared for a long 6 hour shift.

I was hoping if I ignore him he would go away. Sadly he didn't, he keep continuously bothering me. Nia can you get this, Nia the Twister is down, Nia this kid can't find his mom. Working at a amusement park isn't as fun as one would think. Being one of three assistant managers of the park was a lot. I had to assign jobs, fill in for employees who didn't show then I had to fire people, order all necessary supplies, complete paper work, make sure permits where up to date, ect.

Nathan was suppose to be my partner basically or that was the idea when his dad promoted us both to assistant mangers. I honestly never understood why Mr. walker hired his son, knowing he is a irresponsible, lazy, slacker. I worked three times harder than him and we both got promoted, that's okay though. One day hopefully soon I will get a promoted to manager, which comes with a bonus and scholarship opportunities. Hey, my leadership capabilities are unmatched and Walker knows it. "Nia, I see great things in you. Your hard working and dedicated and it shows." Mr. Walker smiled at me with pride. Working here hasn't been all bad it's given me plenty of opportunity and helped expand my mind to what I could really do with my life.

I was sitting in my small office. It was unfortunately all the way in the back of the park. Good thing I needed to stay fit anyway. I was looking through paper work and filling orders and receipts. Then there was a knock on my door. "Come in,"

Nathan came in. He didn't have on his uniform letting me know he just got here and he's-- I checked the time; 3:47; forty-seven minutes late.

"Your late," was all I said.

He smiled at me. "Aw come on. I had to handle some important business."

"Chelsea Kaminsky is not important business." I spoke to him not taking my eye's off the paper work I was doing.

He went into the lockers by the door and pulled out his uniform. He began pulling his shirt over his head. I froze and looked at him like he was crazy.

"What are you doing?" I asked, surprisingly calm. He looked at me as of it was obvious. "Getting dressed...."

I scuffed. "Uh, yeah I know that," I set my paper work aside. "Why are you doing it in my office?"

"Correction Nia, its our office." I rolled my eyes. "The locker rooms all the way in the front of the park."

"Well you just can't change in front of me idiot!"

"Then leave." He said it like I was stupid or something. I didn't feel like having a back and forth with him so I just left. I had to go handle Chelsea anyway. I fast paced to the ticket booth, I notice a lot of people in line it was gonna be busy afternoon today. I put the closed sign in front of booth 5 and unlocked the booth shack and stepped inside. "Hey Chelsea." I greeted with a smile. She looked at me while still doing the last few transactions. "Yes?" She said cutting to the chase. I squinted my eyes at her.

"You were 36 minutes late today."

She finished the last transaction and closed the blind down. She crossed her arms over her huge boobs. "So?" She said with attitude. I just smiled keeping myself from smacking this bitch upside her head.

"That's your 7th time being late. Its become a issue." I was assertive in my statement. "I'm afraid I will have to let you go."

She smacked her lips, "You can't fire me." Was all she said as she walked out. I was going to chase after her but it wasn't even worth it . I just yelled, "If your not off the premises in 30 minutes, I will have to call the police!"

She flicked me off. "Let's see what Nathan says." She started walking towards the back of the park. my Radio was dead when I got into work so I left it on the charger, meaning I couldn't contact Nathan. So I texted his phone to meet me in the main office. In the middle of the park.

"She's exceeded the limit of tardiness, which is really none."

He chuckled. "Listen, just write it off, It was my fault Nia."

"I don't care about your bullshit excuses, ...shouldn't have been fucking in your car right before work." 

"Actually it was her car, plus I didn't have sex with her, she was giving me--" I cut him off not wanting to hear the details.

"I don't care, she's fired."

All he did was shrug.

I can't hold Nathan accountable for Chelsea's actions she made her choice and now she has to deal with it. I went back to my desk and went back to filling. Nathan went to his desk and immediately got on his phone. I looked up at him. but he paid me no mind.

"Excuse me?"

he looked up from his phone.

"Would it be too much to ask you for help?" I asked nicely.

"oh no, not at all. How may help you." He spoke like he was a sales rep or something.

"Well you can start by helping me file everything from last month, and we have to go over the books then do Next's weeks schedule, oh next we have to plan out employee night." he looked at me like I was crazy. I know it was a lot but if we did it together we be done by tomorrow.

"Okay, Ill do the the schedule and plan employee night."

I was surprised at how willing he was to be up to the task. Nathan isn't usually this so...what should I say, motivated? Or as others would say he lacks the work ethic.

I went into my desk and handed him the budget for the party and the list for all the items needed. when he pulled on the paper I held it firmly.

"This all has to done by tomorrow Nathan," I told him sternly. Then I let go.

"Relax! I got your back partner." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever Nathan."

A hour and a half goes by.

When I Finished filling the paper work, I grabbed my Radio to check in with Nathaniel.

"Nate? Do you copy?" I spoke into the Radio.


"Nathan do you copy!?" I said louder.


I ran out the office Going to to the security office. I knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" A unfamiliar voice called out. "Tania, Management." I called out. The door opened. I knew it had to be someone new in the security department due to the unfamiliar voice.

He was tall and gorgeous. Oh wow...get a grip Nia. He looked young though. Probably 21-ish or so.

"Can I help you?" He asked. He even sounded sexy.

"Yes, I'm looking for the other Manager, Nathan." I say pointing to my manager name tag. He looked at me not understanding.

"I need to check the cameras to see where he is located, he's not answering his Radio." I explain. He nodded.

"Oh okay. Come on in." He moved out my way and lead me to the camera room. He sat down in the chair. There was a chair next to him. I sat down in it. I looked over quickly to get a better look at him. Yup he's definitely sexy.

Okay Nia focus; I started to scan the feeds for my so called partner, No luck yet.

"You know," the guard started. "You look a little young to be a Manager." He said skeptically.

I take my eyes of the camera feeds. I shrugged my shoulders. "You look to young to be a security guard." I say back.

He chuckled at my response. He then nodded in agreement. "Probably, but I have the experience and requirements to be one so here I am." He said smiling.

I squint my eye at him. "How old are you 21?" I asked hopeful, even though 21 would still be to old for me. Please magically be 18.

"Close, I'm 20." He corrected. I sighed. Gosh... he's 20.

"I'm 17." I say sheepishly. I know I now have no chance with this guy. I'd just turned 17 a month ago.

He nodded. "Seventeen huh?" He started almost to smooth out the awkward between us.

I nodded. "Yup." I say as I went back to the camera feeds. After 4 minutes of silence and looking, I Finally I found Nathan leaving the girls locker room with Chelsea behind him.

I got up and headed out the door. "I found him, thank you...." I stated. I realize I didn't know his name.

"Liam." He said with a smile. I smiled back. "Bye Liam." And with that I went on my way.

Nathan was gonna get it. I thought we had a understanding. I rushed to the locker rooms. Hoping they didn't get to far.

"Where is Chelsea?" I asked looking around. I was gonna tell that her ass off.

"She's gone." He stated flatly.

"Gone where?"

He shrugged. "I told her she was fired." He stated like it was nothing.

"Really?" I asked confused on his sudden shift.

"Yes, your right she shouldn't get a pass because she is involved with me." He smiled. I give him a side eye. Okay...

"Well good job." I say still confused. I turn on my heels. But I feel Nathen grab me. I snatched away. "Can I help you?"

He smiled. "Oh no. Just wanted to see that pretty face." He smiled that charming smile. I felt my heart melt away and the heat raising in my cheeks.
I turn from him, hoping he didn't notice.
I don't respond to his bull crap and continue on my daily check ins. I could hear his cocky chuckles.

What a asshole...


Hey y'all new story tell me what y'all think. Comment your thoughts. I have more chapters written out I just wanna make sure everything is good.

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