Meggy X Reader: Endgame

By InfiniteLeJackal

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A decade after the events of Meggy X Reader, Xeggy and Wario-man return, but they're not alone. They've hired... More

Prologue 1/3: The Beginning
Prologue 2/3: Declaring War
Prologue 3/3: Heroes Unite!
Chapter 1: Let Us Fight
Chapter 2: Robot Swarm
Chapter 3: Shadow Jackals
Chapter 4: Android Parade
Chapter 5: Times Ticking
Chapter 6: Elemental Chaos
Chapter 7: Neo's Power
Chapter 8: Demons
Chapter 9: Double Infinite
Chapter 10: Steel Behemoth
Chapter 11: Family of Darkness
Chapter 12: MY WORLD
Chapter 13: Unexpected Newcomers
Chapter 14: Mind Control Insanity
Chapter 15: Rise of an Ultragod
Chapter 16: Dust
Chapter 17: Goddess of Lightning
Chapter 18: Xeggy, Bringer of Destruction
Chapter 19: Squidnapped
Chapter 20: I Am... Inevitable.
Chapter 21: Water Colossus
Chapter 22: Past, Present, and Future
Chapter 24: Rocky Business
Chapter 25: The Ones From Hell
Chapter 26: Burn It Up
Chapter 27: Chill Out
Chapter 28: Syn's Revenge
Chapter 29: Smeshfinite, King of Gods
Chapter 30: Terror and Fear
Chapter 31: Sweet Victory
Epilogue 1/4: Fire Jackal's Freedom
Epilogue 2/4: Epic Dance Off!
Epilogue 3/4: Dark Allies
Epilogue 4/4: Many Years Later...
Bonus Chapter 32: Venom!
Bonus Chapter 33: He Is Number WAHN!
Bonus Chapter 34: An Arrow and Whistles

Chapter 23: Tornado Valley

385 7 116
By InfiniteLeJackal

(Y/N): Hey, is it just me, or do things feel more... Silent now?

Meggy: Hmm...

Infinite: Well, we did kill all of the villains, apart from Dark Squid and Mephiles.

ReaderFromWR: Shouldn't we go after those two?

Smoke: Hold on a moment, Reader. Think about what you just said.

Lucy: Their daughter recently died... 

(Y/N): And they are devastated from it. You REALLY think going after them is right?

ReaderFromWR: But...

Infinite: Yes, what they did in the past was bad, but I'm gonna give them a chance.

???: O-oh... Thanks...

Everyone turned around to see Dark Squid and Mephiles.

Meggy: Dark Squid...

SB123 Mario: Actually, quick question... Why did you break the permanent truce?

Dark Squid: Time for the truth.

Mephiles: The villains, apart from the ones brought back from Hell and the Void, were mind controlled.

(Y/N): Huh...?

Meggy: Wait...

SB123 Meggy: So, all this time... We were killing our friends who were under mind control...

Infinite: Oh... Shit...

SmeshBras123: I KNEW something was up! I just knew it!

Cristina: This is awkward...

Mephiles: We should of told you earlier, but we were too torn up.

Infinite: It's fine, you two... 

Dark Squid: We're gonna leave the war zone. We can't even fight anymore.

(Y/N): It's probably for the best. 

Crystal: Get out of here safe, you two.

Mephiles and Dark Squid smiled, as they vanished.

Angelina: Whoa...

Antasma: I'm surprised you didn't get angry at Mephiles, Infinite.

Infinite: Like I said, I want to give them a chance. 

Blackfang: I suppose your right, Infinite.

(Y/N): But this fight is far from over.

Meggy: He's right. We still gotta deal with-

A large tornado appeared, and sucked everyone into it.

Infinite: OH, WHAT THE FUCK?!

Comet: AH!

(Y/N): Who's doing this?!

Wind Jackal: That would be me.

Crystal: Oh no, it's a Shadow Jackal!

Wind Jackal: I'm here to avenge my brother. Where is Flame?

Crystal's ears dropped, as she shed a few tears.

Wind Jackal: I see. He's dead then. Good.

Crystal growled, and fired lightning out of her hands.

Wind Jackal: Oh, shit-

The lightning hit Wind Jackal, sending him flying into a building.

Comet: Someone better stop this tornado, or we're all gonna puke!

(Y/N): Y-yeah!

Meggy: I'm starting to feel sick, actually!

Smoke clapped his hands, as the tornado disappeared into thin air.

Infinite: Ugh, thanks Smoke...

Smoke: You're welcome.

Lucy: He's not done yet!

Wind Jackal: Not bad... But a little lightning won't hurt me.

Jen: Crap...

Turlandb: You guys go on ahead... 

Jen suddenly puked on the floor, as everyone's faces scrunched up.

(Y/N): Ew... You two take a break.

Turlandb: T-thanks...

Infinite: Anyways, you ready to fight, Wind Jackal?

Wind Jackal: Very well, give me your best shot.

You flew behind Wind Jackal, and slammed him on the floor.

Meggy: SB123 Meggy and SB123 Mario!

SB123 Meggy/SB123 Mario: Yes?

Meggy: Splat Bomb Barrage!

SB123 Meggy: Got it!

Both Meggys put lots of Splat Bombs on the ground, as SB123 Mario grabbed a Golf Club.

(Y/N): I got him distracted!

SB123 Meggy: FIRE!


SB123 Mario started hitting the Splat Bombs with his Golf Club, as the explosives flew towards Wind Jackal.

Wind Jackal: Wait, what-

The Splat Bombs exploded, sending Wind Jackal flying into the air.

(Y/N): Now's my chance!

You flew after Wind Jackal, and kicked him in the pingas.

Wind Jackal: GAAAAHH!!! WHY?! JUST WHY?!

Meggy: *Giggle* 

Infinite threw his sword at Wind Jackal.

Wind Jackal: Uh uh uh!

Comet: Uh oh!

Wind Jackal used his wind powers, as the sword got blown back.

Infinite: Shit!

The sword almost stabbed Infinite, and went into a wall.

Wind Jackal: Damn it!

SB123 Mario: Hmm... What else is there in my power up box?

Francis: Better grab something quick!

Wind Jackal punched you in the face, and rammed you into a building.

(Y/N): Ow!

Wind Jackal slammed your head against the wall, and headbutted you.

Francis: Enough of that! Hiyah!

Wind Jackal: What-

Francis stabbed Wind Jackal in the leg with his Trident.

Wind Jackal: AARRRRGHHHH!!!

(Y/N): Awesome!

Wind Jackal: Crap, I cannot move!

ReaderFromWR and Angelina slashed at Wind Jackal with their weapons, as blood splattered everywhere.

Infinite: Keep it going, guys! I'll finish him off!

Wind Jackal summoned a small tornado, as it sucked ReaderFromWR and Angelina into it.

Angelina: NOT AGAIN!

You slapped Wind Jackal across the face, and kicked his leg.

Wind Jackal: Dammit!

Infinite: Alright, here it goes!

(Y/N): Time to die, Wind Jackal!

Wind Jackal: Mercy, please!

Meggy: No mercy for you! Get him, Infinite!

Infinite flew up to Wind Jackal, and cut both of his arms off with his sword.

Wind Jackal: RRRGHHH!

Infinite stabbed Wind Jackal's chest, and ripped his heart out.

Crystal: Whoa!

Turlandb: Damn!

Infinite crushed the heart, as Wind Jackal fell to the floor and died.


(Y/N): Jesus Christ...!


Wind Jackal's body disappeared, as it left behind the white Chaos Emerald.

Infinite: Two down, five to go.

(Y/N): I guess now we're just hunting the Shadow Jackals.

Machito: We should be careful around Ice, Fire, and Syn Jackals. They're the strongest.

Infinite: I heard that Fire Jackal can raise his body heat to a temperature hotter than the SUN!

Everyone's jaws dropped.

Meggy: Hotter than the Sun?!

SB123 Mario: Okay, that is someone we need to be wise around...

Crystal: Honey... How hot can he raise his body temperature?

Infinite: About... Twelve-thousand degrees.

(Y/N): *Jontron voice* HOLY SHIT!

Mario: Dammmmmmmmn, that's pretty spicy!

(Hopefully Fire Jackal doesn't know how to roast, or otherwise we're all gonna be cooked chicken. XD)

Anyways, lata!

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