Oneshots ||Kpop gxg||

By angelkoyuki

180K 1.5K 2.4K

•in which cj writes various gay oneshots about various gay idols• ||sporadic updates usually only when I have... More

Good morning ||Hwasun||
Body Love ||Hwabyul||
Attention ||Moonsun||
Anything For You ||LEsol||
Homesick ||Chaelisa||
Love & Hate ||Hwabyul||
Lethargy ||Hwabyul||
Burn Out ||Wenseulrene||
OTP challenge day 1||moonsun||
OTP challenge day 2 ||moonsun||
OTP challenge day 3 ||Moonsun||
OTP challenge day 4&5 ||Moonsun||
OTP challenge day 8 ||Moonsun||
OTP challenge day 9 ||Moonsun||
OTP Challenge day 10&11 ||Moonsun||
Her Biggest Fan ||Moonsun||
Anger ||Moonsun||
Insomnia ||wheesa||
Memories ||Moonsun||
Fondness ||Moonsun||
otp challenge day 14 ||Moonsun||
Pain ||moonsun||
Thankful ||wheesunhwabyul||
Public ||Moonsun||
Restless ||Moonsun||

OTP Challenge day 12&13 ||Moonsun||

1.9K 41 78
By angelkoyuki

Day 12: Cooking together
Day 13: washing dishes

Brought this back because I really miss my domestic married moonsun uwu
I'll keep up with prompts from this list even though it won't be over the right time frame, the prompts are just hella cute

If you were wondering, this is still nonlinear lmao. (For context, this'll be before Eunha was born and Yong was... idk maybe 3-4 months pregnant? Yeah we'll go with that)

Featuring our Yonghee unnie (and her imaginary boyfriend for plots sake) because I adore that woman and Yongsunnie should do another video with her soon~


"Unnie, let me know when your plane lands tomorrow, yeah? We'll come pick you up."

"No need, Yongsun-ah. Eomma is already planning on picking me up. I'll spend a few hours with her and appa and then come visit you two, okay?"

Yongsun sighed, switching the phone to her other ear, "Alright. Byul works until five tomorrow, so we'll get dinner going around that time. That is if you still want to eat with us, I know eomma will probably feed you enough for an army."

"Sounds good, Yongyong," Yonghee said the childhood nickname with fondness, "I'll try to save an appetite for Byulyi's cooking. I wouldn't pass that up, you know that."

"She does cook well," Yongsun agreed as she thought of her wife warmly, "Is Joseph coming with you?"

"He is. Says he looks forward to seeing you all again. He's been working on his Korean too, so perhaps I won't have to translate as much."

Joseph was her sister's boyfriend, a talented artist she met while studying fashion abroad in England. They had been living in his hometown for a while, so Yonghee hadn't seen her family since last Christmas. They had planned a trip to Korea for a couple months, renting a nice apartment in Seoul so Yonghee could spend time in her hometown for a bit.

"Oh that's good. So I'll see you both tomorrow then?"

"Yeah," Yongsun heard her sister cover the speaker and muffled speaking on the other line came through the phone, "I gotta go, Yongyong; my break's almost over and I have stuff to wrap up being going home."

"Okay, bye unnie."

"I love you, kiddo. See you tomorrow."

"I'm 28 years old, Yonghee, I'm not a kid," Yongsun scoffed with a laugh, "I love you too. Fly safe tomorrow, yeah?"

"Will do," Yonghee agreed, "And you'll always be a baby to me, Yongyong."

With that her sister ended the call, leaving Yongsun to roll her eyes lightheartedly at her claim. She locked her phone, setting it down on the bedside table as she stood up. She caught her reflection in the full length mirror across the room, stepping a bit closer to observe her body.

She was by that point almost 14 weeks pregnant, just nearing the end of her first trimester. Her thin stomach had began to swell, finally showing a considerable baby bump. Now that she was out of the first three months without any complications, her and Byulyi decided it was safe to begin telling friends and family.

They told Yongsun's parents the weekend before at a dinner, receiving a slightly shocked but excited reaction. Wheein and Hyejin had been beyond excited, Wheein already claiming she would be the best auntie their baby could have. Byulyi's family would find out in the next few days, once the couple found the time to make the trip to Bucheon. That, Yongsun knew, could be a questionable reaction; since Byulyi's parents were still struggling with the idea of their marriage.

Clearly, Yongsun wouldn't be able to hide her belly easily from her sister, so they planned to tell her when she came over for dinner the next day. Yongsun was sure her ever supportive sister would react well, but it didn't stop her slight nerves over the matter. Even if it was irrational, she was worried.

"You look beautiful as ever, love," Byulyi's low voice made her jump and she moved her gaze from her reflection. The brunette was leaning against the doorframe, blazer over her arm and her fingers working to loosen her tie a bit.

"Byul-ah, don't sneak up on me like that," Yongsun whined, unable to fight her smile when she met her wife's warm eyes.

"It's not my fault you're so jumpy, yeba," Byulyi teased as she made her way over to Yongsun. Yongsun just pouted at her words, still melting against her solid body when Byulyi wrapped her arms around her.

"How was your day?" Yongsun asked after leaning up to press a kiss to Byulyi's cheek.

Byulyi hummed, "Full of boring meetings and men who think they can talk over me."

That made her wife frown, "Did they bother you?"

"Don't worry so much, Yongsun-ah," Byulyi assured her, "I'm fine, love. Once they realized just how high up in the company I am, they shut up rather quickly."

Yongsun's worried look didn't leave, knowing how often her wife buried her feelings to keep from upsetting her. Byulyi just shook her head and leaned down to press her lips to Yongsun's forehead, "I promise it didn't bother me, I would tell you if otherwise. Don't frown so much or you'll complain about wrinkles later."

Nodding in digression, Yongsun reaches out to fiddle with Byulyi's half loosened tie. She felt that impossibly warm and loving gaze on her as she methodically took her tie off, throwing it on top of the blazer Byulyi abandoned on their bed.

"What did you do today, baby?" The brunette questioned softly, still observing her wife adoringly as she unbuttoned a couple buttons on Byulyi's shirt. Yongsun shrugged, smoothing down the edges of her collar before letting go and instead wrapping her arms loosely around her neck.

"Not much, we had a lazy day today," Yongsun explained, "I still have some grading to do, but I'll admit I got too tired and took a nap halfway through."

Byulyi laughed at that, "Well, rest is good too. I'd certainly say you deserve it."

"I talked to Yonghee unnie just before you got home."

"Did you?" Byulyi smiled, "And what did your lovely sister have to say?"

"She's coming over tomorrow for dinner, Joseph too. Remember we talked about it last week?"

"Of course, love, I wouldn't forget."

"Yeah I know," Yongsun sighed, "I'm gonna have to tell her."

"Well it's getting pretty hard to hide at this point, Yong," her hands dropped to Yongsun's swollen stomach, "She'll be happy for us, Yongsun, you have nothing to worry about."

"I know."

Byulyi looked at her seriously for a moment, "Things will work out, no matter what, okay? I know you're worried to tell people, especially my parents, but it'll be okay. Yonghee isn't going to react poorly and whatever my parents say doesn't really matter. This is a happy thing, Yongsun; it's a good thing."

Yongsun nodded at her words, blinking away frustrated tears that seemed to well up without her consent. Byulyi just shook her head fondly at her, wiping at a stray tear on her cheek.

"Baby, don't cry," Byulyi drew Yongsun into her arms once again, "Whatever happens, you know I love you and things will be okay."

"I know," Yongsun sniffled and thought ruefully that her hormones were the reason she was so emotional. She hid her face in the crook of Byulyi's neck, finding comfort in her familiar scent and warm embrace. She sighed before speaking again, "I love you so much and I just... want to protect us and our baby. We already get a lot of negativity from strangers, but it's even worse thinking it could come from family too."

"Yeah, I feel that too," Byulyi agreed, "But as long as I have you I know I'll be okay. No matter what I'm here for you every step of the way, Yongsun."

"God I love you," Yongsun tightened her arms around her wife, "Thank you."

"You mean the world to me, never forget that," Byulyi's lips pressed gently to her temple, "And your sister loves you very much, so I'm sure she will be very excited."

Yongsun nodded against her shoulder, knowing she was right. Byulyi was always right, always knew just what to say to make things seem less scary. Not to mention her presence was so comforting, Yongsun knew she'd be okay as long as Byulyi was by her side.

"I brought home some takeout," Byulyi broke the silence they'd fallen into, "It may have gone a little cold by now."

Yongsun smiled, of course Byulyi had remembered her midnight whining about craving takeout chicken the night before. She was proving just how attentive and patient she could be, which Yongsun appreciated greatly.

"You're the best, Byul-ah," Yongsun murmured as she leaned up and kissed her lover. Byulyi laughed and returned the chaste kiss, pulling away with amused eyes.

"Am I now?"


Yongsun's eyes flashed back to the clock for the 8th time in the past thirty minutes, yes she had kept count. She knew it was borderline obsessive and irrational, since she had plenty of time to finish dinner before Yonghee and Joseph arrived. Still, her anxiety had been high all day and Byulyi being at work wasn't helping to soothe her nerves.

She was chopping up vegetables when the dogs started barking loudly, the closing of the front door just audible over their ruckus. Yongsun breathed a sigh of relief when a thin arm wrapped around her waist, fingers splayed across her belly as a kiss was pressed to her cheek.

"Okay?" Byulyi's voice was low and calm in her ear, successfully sending a shiver down her spine and yet also soothing her worries.

"Now I am," Yongsun replied as she set the knife down on the cutting board, "Being left to my own devices was very unhelpful to warding off my anxiety."

Byulyi hummed and pressed her body against Yongsun's, nosing into her neck, "I told you to relax, angel. There's nothing to worry about."

"It sounds easy when you say it."

"It's just your sister, my love," Byulyi assured her, "She's a sweet and loving person, we'll be okay."

"She wasn't very sweet and loving when she was spraying a whole can of bug repellent in my room and locking me in," Yongsun grumbled, making her wife laugh.

"You did pull her hair, Yong."


Byulyi shook her head, "You're deflecting. Your sister isn't going to be angry when she finds out you're pregnant. She'll probably be overjoyed, she loves kids just like you do."

"Whatever you say," Yongsun sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing. She knew she was being irrational, but she was just so overwhelmed and the fear of rejection that followed her through life was strong in this situation.

"Hey," Byulyi murmured in her ear, "I'm sorry. I know you're scared; I understand, baby. We've talked about this though, no matter what you know I love you and we'll be okay."

Yongsun nodded, turning her head to meet her reassuring gaze, "I'm sorry I sound like a broken record. I'm trying not to worry, I know you're right. It's just... very surreal still."

"Don't apologize, love." Byulyi leaned in to steal a small kiss from her lips, "I understand."

Yongsun just nodded again, turning around to kiss Byulyi a bit harder. Her wife reciprocated with a small laugh against her mouth, letting Yongsun tug her closer. Byulyi eventually pulling away to mumble, "What happened to cooking dinner?"

This reminder made the older woman pout but she still released her lover with a final peck on the corner of her mouth. Byulyi just shook her head in amusement, asking Yongsun what she wanted help with.

"Can you get some rice going please? Enough for the four of us and maybe a bit extra if you wanted some for lunch tomorrow."

Byulyi hummed her agreement and went to the rice cooker, measuring out the proper amount of water and dry rice. Yongsun went back to her vegetables, chopping them quickly with learned precision.

They cooked together like they always did, taking nonverbal cues from each other and working on different parts of the meal to prepare it efficiently. At one point Byulyi turned on some music, which led to both of them singing along animatedly as they cooked.

Yongsun was just finished putting the chicken into the oven when Byulyi's hand found the small of her back, catching her attention. By that point Byulyi had unbuttoned the top few buttons of her dress shirt and had put on an apron with adorable corgi decals on it. Her hair was thrown haphazardly into a messy ponytail and Yongsun couldn't help herself when she subconsciously reached out to tuck Byul's bangs behind her ear.

"Go get ready, Yong, I'll watch the food."

Yongsun nodded, running her thumb over Byulyi's cheekbone affectionately before heading in the direction of their bedroom. She grabbed the outfit she had set out earlier, quickly changing so she still had time to fix her hair and makeup. She observed her reflection in the mirror, slightly relieved to see that the oversized yet fashionable sweater she chose managed to mostly conceal her baby bump. At least she would have time to work up the courage to tell her sister, since she wouldn't be able to see her belly unless she really looked.

By the time Yongsun had recurled her hair and touched up her makeup the food was almost done. She sent Byulyi to go change out of her work clothes while she occupied herself with plating the rice and setting out the side dishes on the table. She also fed the dogs, taking their food to the living room so the three bouncy corgis wouldn't be getting under everyone's feet and begging for food.

Byulyi returned, dressed in a pair of ripped jeans and a white Fila t-shirt that Yongsun was pretty sure was hers. Her hair was still in its haphazard knot, which made Yongsun smile because her wife looked so utterly adorable with her dark hair a mess and her tiny ears uncovered.

"What?" Byulyi's voice tore Yongsun from her thoughts and she realized she'd been caught staring at her, which was a very common occurrence if she was being honest.

"Nothing, you're just really cute and I love you a lot," Yongsun replied, crossing the room to stand in front of her. She laughed at the pretty blush that fell on her wife's cheeks, reaching up to gently pull her hair from its elastic.

"You okay?" Byulyi asked suddenly, as Yongsun was busy smoothing down her hair. The blonde just nodded, humming along to the music that was still playing through their speaker.

Byulyi tugged gently on her hips, pulling Yongsun a bit closer. Her hands slipped under her grey sweater, finding their place on her belly like they often did. It wasn't uncommon for Byulyi to rest her hand on her baby bump randomly, especially since their baby had started kicking and moving a couple weeks before. She also was very unabashed to speak directly to Yongsun's stomach, making her laugh and squirm when she pressed kisses against her skin. Her wife knew moments like this made her feel more involved in their baby's development, even if she herself wasn't carrying the child. Besides, who was Yongsun to complain when Byulyi looked at her with those soft eyes full of complete adoration.

"I love you so much," Byulyi said softly, "Both of you."

Yongsun smiled, her hands resting on top of Byul's, "I love you so endlessly, Byul-ah. Thank you for being so patient with me and understanding my apprehension about this."

"Anything for you," Byulyi said without hesitation, "Whatever you need, I'm right here for you."

That was when the doorbell rang, making Yongsun jump slightly. Byulyi laughed, teasing her once again for being so easily startled. She pulled her hands away from her wife, fixing her sweater for her and dropping a kiss on her forehead before turning to get the door.

"Hi, Byulyi," a familiar soft voice greeted from the doorway, echoed by another more accented greeting. Byulyi ushered them in, taking their coats to hang up by the door. Yongsun made her way to the entrance way, standing in the doorway between there and the kitchen.

"Yongyong!" Yonghee said happily when she saw her little sister. Yongsun smiled, watching as her sister took her shoes off and then made her way over to her. She was quickly pulled into a hug, trying to ignore the worry that set in when she realized Yonghee could probably feel her stomach. Regardless she sighed happily as she hugged her unnie, having missed her comforting embrace since Christmas.

When Yonghee finally let go of her sister, she glanced back at her boyfriend who was standing slightly awkwardly near Byulyi. She asked him something in English, to which Joseph just smiled and nodded.

"It's good to see you, Joseph," Yongsun said in the rough bit of English she remembered, "How are you?"

Joseph dipped his head in greeting and smiled, "I'm doing well. How are you, Yongsun?" Yongsun was a bit surprised when he answered in rather confident Korean, his British accent still audible but not messing up his pronunciation too much.

"I'm good, thank you," Yongsun gestured to the kitchen, "Dinner is ready if we're all good to go sit down."

They all made their way to the table, Yongsun smiling warmly at Byulyi when she pulled her chair out for her out of habit. Byulyi just brushed a hand gently over her shoulder before taking her own seat. They spent their dinner sharing polite conversation, the initial awkwardness disappearing as time went on. Yonghee spoke of her work in England and what she was looking forward to doing now that she was back in Seoul for a bit. She also asked Byulyi about work, to which Byul shared a story or two about some more interesting idol shoots she did.

By the time everyone had eaten, the dogs were whining about being kept out of the kitchen for so long. Yonghee complimented the food, to which Joseph echoed her words with a sure nod. Byulyi stood first, collecting all the empty plates and taking them to the sink.

"Unnie, if you two want to take a seat in the living room, we can all talk in there," Yongsun suggested, "I'm sure the dogs would be happy to finally see you."

Yonghee nodded, following her sister to the other room. The dogs were indeed excited, well almost all of them were. Keongang had never met Yonghee or Joseph, so he was a bit wary and kept peeking out from behind the couch. Daebak and Haengwoon were completely comfortable though, jumping up to sit with them on the leather furniture.

"I'm going to help Byul-ah with the dishes, is that alright, unnie?"

"Go ahead, Yongyong," her sister looked up from scratching Daebak behind the ears, "Thank you for dinner, you've become quite the host, kiddo."

"I'm not a kid," Yongsun grumbled halfheartedly, though she was still smiling. She disappeared back into the kitchen, walking up behind her wife and placing a gentle hand on her hip.

"Want help, baby?"

Byulyi glanced up from the dish she was washing, "Don't you want to spend time with your sister?"

"I will," Yongsun shrugged, "But I can't leave you to do all the cleaning, now can I?"

Byulyi looked at her for a moment, "You don't want to be alone and risk the chance of her asking when I'm not there?"

Yongsun sighed, of course she had guessed completely right. She just nodded and picked up the dish towel, drying the plates that Byulyi had already washed. She tried to hide how much her hands were shaking, considering how many times her lover had already had to reassure her over this matter.

"It'll be okay, my love," Byulyi nudged her hip as she spoke in a low voice just above a whisper, "Please don't stress yourself out."

They continued to wash the dishes in silence after that, Yongsun focusing hard on ensuring each plate and cup was 100% dry in an attempt to ignore her whirling thoughts. When Byulyi was done she let the water out of the sink, drying her hand on a towel hanging on the oven handle.

Gentle hands fell on Yongsun's sides, fingers splayed over her rib cage as Byulyi rested her chin on her shoulder. Yongsun sighed for the umpteenth time it seemed, this time once again reassured by her wife's presence.

Byulyi didn't mind holding her until she was done the dishes, she just wrapped her arms securely around Yongsun and pressed against her back. She hummed a familiar tune, hoping to ease Yongsun's nerves a little bit more. Pressing a few kisses to her shoulder, Byulyi took the dish towel from the blonde and set in back on the counter.

"Let's go see our guests, now, yeah? No more stalling, but you know I'll be with you the whole time, angel."

Yongsun allowed her to take her hand, following Byulyi to the living room. They found that Keongang had finally warmed up to the newcomers and he was asleep in Joseph's arms. Byulyi sat down in the armchair across from the couch and, after Yongsun hesitated to sit on the empty seat beside Joseph, pulled her wife down to sit on her lap.

Yongsun murmured a barely audible "thank you," to Byulyi as she shifted to get comfortable, leaning back into her reassuring embrace. Yonghee just watched the two in mild amusement before speaking.

"I see you're inseparable as always," she smiled, "Things are well for you, then?"

Byulyi nodded, "Very well, I'd say. No complaints on my part," she grinned and nudged her wife before adding, "Because I might not make it if I was to complain."

"Oh hush," Yongsun scoffed, pinching her thigh jokingly.

"You're scary when you're angry, love, even if you won't admit it."

"And how often do I get angry with you? I have the patience of a saint, Moon Byulyi; lucky for your bratty ass, I'd say."

"My case in point," Byulyi shot back, grin still present on her face. She leaned a bit closer to nuzzle Yongsun's shoulder, a tell that she was only teasing and didn't want to start an argument.

"The banter," Yonghee laughed, "How cute. I'm glad my baby Yongyong found someone like you, Byul-ah."

"Baby Yongyong," Byulyi cooed in Yongsun's ear, making her pinch her thigh a bit harder. Byulyi yelped at little at that but just took Yongsun's hand in her own and turned back to her sister.

"She's my world, Yonghee unnie. I don't know where I'd be if not for Yongsun."

"Greasy," Yongsun said, though her heart was singing at her lover's sincere admission.

"So, Yongie, eomma told us you have some news? She wouldn't tell me what it is but I assume it's exciting."

Yongsun's breath caught in her throat, of course their mother could keep her mouth completely shut, could she? She felt Byulyi squeeze her hand reassuringly as she nodded, "Uh, yeah..."

"Don't tell me, you got a promotion? Or you're moving?"

Yongsun shook her head, "No actually- um..."

"What are you pregnant?" Yonghee's tone was clearly joking and playful, given the obvious circumstances and how that usually came about. She didn't expect her sister's face to go ghost white, a minuscule nod catching her eye.

"Wait, no," Yonghee's eyes widened, "You're not!"

Yongsun flinched but nodded a little more obviously. Byulyi's hand was rubbing her back soothingly, keeping her grounded as she looked at her sister's shocked face, "Unnie, I'm pregnant."

"You're not messing with me? You swear?"

"I can assure you, Yonghee unnie, she's being honest," Byulyi said calmly, feeling Yongsun shaking slightly against her.

Joseph looked a bit confused, somewhat missing parts of the conversation he didn't understand yet. He tugged on his girlfriend's sleeve, asking her something in English. She replied lowly, a smile breaking across his face as he suddenly understood.

"Congratulations!" Joseph said happily, making Yongsun smile in spite of herself. Byulyi thanked him, glad for his quick reaction that seemed to reassure her nervous wife.

"Unnie..?" Yongsun tried slowly, relieved when she saw Yonghee's smile that was quickly growing. However, when her sister swiped under her eye she realized she was crying.

"Yonghee, I-"

Her sister cut her off by getting to her feet and walking over to her, quickly pulling Yongsun up and into her arms. The younger was a bit taken aback but relaxed into her sister's embrace when she realized this was good reaction. The two stayed in a hug for some time, eventually Yonghee's crying made her sister cry as well.

Yonghee pulled back, a proud smile on her face, "I'm really gonna be an aunt?"

"Yes, unnie," Yongsun confirmed with a bright smile despite the tears on her face.

"Oh Yongyong, I'm so proud of you; you've grown up so much," Her sister placed a hand on her heart, "How long?"

The blonde placed a hand on her slightly hidden bump, "Just about 14 weeks. We wanted to make sure I got out of my first trimester smoothly before telling anyone."

"We wanted to tell you in person," Byulyi added, watching the two sisters with warm eyes.

"Is this why you seemed so jumpy and nervous today?"

Yongsun bit her lip but nodded, "I was anxious."

"Yongsun, there's no need to be anxious around me. You know I will always support you. Clearly you wanted this baby seeing as how hard you two must have had to try to conceive. I have no doubt in my mind that you'll be an amazing mother, so why would I be upset?"

Her sister ducked her head in embarrassment, "I don't know."

"I love you, Yongyong, I'll always love you no matter what. You're a grown adult, you can do with your life as you please. It just so happens I very much approve of your choice in career and wife," she grinned cheekily at Byulyi, "But it wouldn't matter either way. My opinion shouldn't scare you; I shouldn't scare you. You're my baby sister, all I want in life is for you to be happy."

These words made Yongsun burst into tears again and throw herself back into her sister's arms, relieved that her worries were indeed irrational. Yonghee just held her baby sister closer, telling her how proud she was and how she couldn't wait to meet her niece or nephew.

Regardless of all her worry, Yongsun had nothing to be scared of. Her sister proved to be as accepting and excited as Byulyi said. Much to Yongsun's annoyance, her wife continued to point that out even after Joseph and Yonghee had gone home.

"I told you you had nothing to worry about today, love." Byulyi was sat with her back against the headboard of the bed, Yongsun between her legs with her back against her wife's chest. Byulyi had her pyjama shirt pulled up over her belly, gently massaging lotion into Yongsun's skin to try and stave off future stretch marks.

Yongsun hummed at her words, too relaxed from her lover's gentle touch to really care about her teasing. She felt a kiss being pressed to the skin behind her ear, Byulyi's fingers dancing lightly across her skin.

"In this case, I'm glad you're always right."

"She's your sister and she loves you, I knew things would be okay," Byulyi's hand caressed Yongsun's tummy gently, "You and I and our little bean will always be okay."

Yongsun smiled and nodded, leaning back against Byulyi's chest, "Our little bean~ How cute."

"You're cute," Byulyi shot back instinctively, a familiar smug grin playing on her lips.

Yongsun rolled her eyes, "oh you hush." She sighed contently and laced her fingers with Byulyi's, "Thank you for being so patient and reassuring, Byulie," Yongsun murmured after they had fallen back into silence, "You're the sweetest."

"Anything and everything for you, angel," Byulyi assured her, "You and this baby are the best things that have ever happened to me. You're my family now; you're all I care about at the end of the day. Nothing else matters as long as you're safe and healthy."

Yongsun whined at her words, "you're so cheesy, how dare you say cute shit like that when you know I'm hormonal and everything makes me cry!"

Byulyi laughed and turned Yongsun's head to kiss away a tear on her cheek, murmuring a declaration of love against her skin. She then pressed her lips to Yongsun's, feeling her kiss back even though her bottom lip was quivering and she tasted of salt water.

"I love you," Yongsun breathed against her lips, "So endlessly."



as always I strayed a long way from the prompts but I mean I added them in as scenes so it's all good.

Ugh domestic moonsun makes my heart ache they're too cute

Anyway yeah this lil series is making a comeback because I adore this AU uwu
Idk how frequent updates will be but yeah I'll write when the mood strikes ig

Moonsun are cute and always on their clingy bullshit uwu

Okaythis is very unedited and so very gay like everything else I write woooo
i know there's typos but there's also fluff so who cares it's 00:53 it's time for sleeeeep

I'm sick because what is an immune system and I wanna die but it's okay cuz I have fluff to fill the void

Why's she gotta be so cute?

Okai goodnight ~


Word count: 4962

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