The Dare ~ A Park Jimin Fanfic

By MqlfoysLcve

894 31 34

Rebecca and Jimin were best friends when they were younger, except they grew apart when Rebecca moved from Ko... More

{1}: Questions & Answers
{2}: The First Date.
{3}: The Morning After.
{4}: Jimin & The Truth.
{5}: Their True Feelings... Revealed.
{6}: Getting To Know Her.
{7}: Finally The Weekend.
{8}: "It Was All Just A Dare..."
{9}: Letting The Truth Sink In.
{10}: Locked Up.
{12}: Rain And Forgiveness.
{13}: The Girls.
{14}: Becky's Birthday.
{15}: Going Home.
{16}: Memories.
{17}: Call With Jimin.
{18}: Arriving Home For Christmas.
{19}: Christmas Day.
{20}: Christmas Day ~ Part 2.
{21}: The Reunion.
{22}: Making It Official.
{23}: The Truth Is Out & So Is The Baby.
{24}: Epilogue

{11}: The Truth, Jealousy And The Halloween Dance.

26 2 0
By MqlfoysLcve


Saturday soon arrived. Becky rose groggily from her slumber and glanced across the room at the two other girls who were both still asleep. Anoesjka had hosted the slumber party last night. Becky headed towards the bathroom to get a shower, she washed her hair and body with something that smelled like Apples before climbing out and wrapping a towel around herself, she wanted to be done before the other girls awoke, she quickly towel dried her hair before pulling on her bra and underwear, she then pulled on her outfit for the day; A pair of black leggings, a black t-shirt and a black hoodie. She then pulled on a pair of trainer socks before pulling her white low-top converse onto her feet before heading back into the bedroom.

The other girls were now also waking up as Becky grabbed the hair-dryer. "You're up early..." Demi said groggily as she rubbed her eyes. "It's almost twelve." Becky laughed. "You're up late." She added as Anoesjka groaned sleepily. "It's too damn early." She said in annoyance of having to wake up. "Anoesjka, you've been asleep for a good eight hours." Demi laughed as she hit her friend with a pillow. Becky shook her head before turning on the hair-dryer and beginning to blow-dry her hair whilst pulling a brush through it.

"So..." Demi began cautiously as she sat up. Anoesjka knew what was about to happen so she also pushed herself up into a sitting position. "So..." Becky said as she turned off the hair-dryer and brushed her hair through before throwing it up into a messy bun on the top of her head. "Anoesjka and I have a surprise for you." Demi told the younger girl. "A surprise?" Becky asked surprised. "Yup." Anoesjka nodded, popping the p. "What surprise?" She asked. "You'll see, we had to hide it at the record shop. It's sort of a surprise to make up for the fact that you're missing the dance." Anoesjka said. Becky nodded along to her friends words, deciding not to pursue the issue further, she wasn't keen on surprises and they knew it.


She didn't question the surprise which I was glad about. I quickly got out of my bed after checking the time, "We'll take you there now." I stated. "The dance starts at five but there's a little thing before that, we need to go." Demi said as she saw Becky's look of confusion. The both of us got dressed quickly, me pulling on a pair of jeans and a top before pulling on a hoodie. Demi pulled on a pair of jeans also, along with a tank top and a varsity jacket. We both then pulled our trainers on before heading down the stairs as I messaged Yoongi:

To Yoongi ❤:

Hey babe, we're bringing Becky to the record shop. Just about to set off, make sure you're all there, I love you xx

I hit send as the girls and I sat down to breakfast. I had coco pops, Demi had Frosties and Becky had Pop Tarts and Kool Aid. We ate peacefully, the only sound to be heard was the ticking of the clock and my brother in the other room shouting at his Xbox game as he got killed... Again.

We soon finished eating, I quickly washed our dishes before heading out, "Oi! Tell mom and dad that I've gone out with the girls and will be back later." I told my brother as I popped my head around the door. "Yeah, yeah." He said as he waved me off. I rolled my eyes before heading out with the girls, we all climbed into my car and I began driving.


I watched as the scenery flew by, wondering what this surprise could be. I rested my head against the window and stared out, I hadn't been home since the argument with my parents on Tuesday morning. I'd been alternating between staying at Anoesjka's and staying at Demi's for the past few days. I wonder if they're even worried.

I was pulled from my thoughts when Anoesjka called my name, "Huh?" I asked. "I said, we're here." She replied as she pointed towards the record shop. I nodded as we all climbed out of the car, I was then led into the record shop by the two girls.

I walked in to see all seven of the BTS boys, "This is my surprise?" I questioned. "No..."Anoesjka began. "He is." Demi said as Jimin was pushed forward by Jungkook. "We do need to talk, you deserve an explanation." Jimin said. I sighed and began walking towards the section of the record shop where Jimin and I had our first dance, "What?" I asked as I glanced back at him as he followed me in. "Look, I know you didn't deserve how this all happened... And yeah, it did start out as a lie. But the feelings, the words I said were all real. When I told you I loved you, I meant it. No, I didn't have feelings for you at first. No, I had never thought of you in that way before. But did I grow to have feelings for you? Yes. Did I fall in love with you? Yes. Look, I understand if you don't want to forgive me and I understand if you wanna forget about everything we went through, and I understand if you don't want to see me again... I understand all of that. I really do. But the feelings I felt for you, they were true." He explained. I stared at him, "If that were true, if you did love me or have feelings for me then you would've sat me down and told me the truth from the moment you began feeling that way for me, you wouldn't have continued the dare knowing that I would've been the one hurt in the long run. Were you an idiot? Yes. Was I an idiot for believing you? Yes. But do I believe a word that comes out of your mouth anymore? No. So I'm sorry Jimin, but I just can't believe you had any sort of feelings for me because if you did then you wouldn't have hurt me the way you have." I said. "Goodbye Jimin. And the next time you make some plot to apologise, don't drag my girls into it. They don't need this drama." I added before walking away and leaving the record shop after saying a quick "Goodbye" to the others.


"Goodbye Jimin. And next time you make some plot to apologise, don't drag my girls into it. They don't need this drama." She said before walking away. I watched her go and sighed as I leant back against the wall, forcing the lump in my throat to go back down and my tears not to spill as I heard her say "goodbye" to the others before hearing the door of the shop slam.

I put my head back on the wall and closed my eyes to stop the oncoming tears. "I'm guessing she didn't forgive you?" Jungkook asked. I glanced over at the doorway to see them all stood there, "She didn't even believe that my feelings were real." I sighed as I stared around at them all. "Thank you for trying though." I added appreciatively to Demi and Anoesjka. "We'll find another way, there has to be another way." Demi began. "No..." I shook my head. "There isn't. She's gone. I lost her... Again. And it's for good this time, there'll come a day when we're both just passing strangers to one another in the school halls again." I said causing my heart to hurt. I'd lost the only girl I'd ever loved and it was all down to my own stupidity.


It was finally time for the dance, the boys and I all had our outfits ready. No teenager dresses up scary for a school Halloween dance sooo... I was going as an office employee, Jin was going as a doctor, Jungkook was going to be a police officer, Yoongi was gonna go as a military sergeant, Hoseok was going as a race car driver, Namjoon was going as a Hotel Porter and Taehyung was going as a private detective. I already knew that Demi was going as a female police officer to match with Jungkook and Anoesjka was going as a female military captain.

I soon pulled the glasses on my face and before checking myself out in the bathroom mirror, I looked good. I'd also recently dyed my hair red, which I rocked... Or so the boys told me. I shook off my thoughts before heading downstairs and meeting the boys who were all standing around in my living already dressed up, "Jimin-ah, you look great. It's a shame Becky's missing out." Hoseok smiled. I shook my head at him before grabbing my car keys, "We ready?" I asked. The boys all nodded as we headed out of the house and all piled into my car, I quickly put the key in and turned it before beginning to drive towards the school.

We soon arrived and we all climbed out, waiting at the gate was Anoesjka and Demi, all dressed up. Yoongi and Jungkook couldn't stop staring as they approached the two girls, "Guys... You're drooling." Hoseok said before laughing. Yoongi shook his head but was the first to speak, "You look gorgeous." He said as he twirled Anoesjka around before kissing her deeply, passionately. Jungkook was doing the same with Demi, having makeout sessions against the gate. I raised one of my eyebrows as Taehyung managed to get them to stop and we all began heading into the building.

When we walked in I saw someone rounding the corner, I thought I recognised them but they were out of my sight before I even got a proper look at them. I shook it off and began heading down to the hall with the others.

We walked in, not one person was wearing a scary costume but the hall was decked out to the nines. There were Halloween decorations everywhere, the staff had really done a good one with this. Demi and Anoesjka were soon pulling Jungkook and Yoongi towards the dance floor, the other boys soon headed over until only Jin and I were left standing at the edge of it.

Someone soon approached Jin, "Care to join me for a dance?" Someone asked. Jin and I both stared down at the person talking, she had her face turned away from me so I didn't recognise her until Jin spoke, "I thought you weren't coming tonight..." He began. "Yeah but then I realised that I spent over twenty dollars on a ticket and then over fifty dollars on an outfit so I thought, 'what the hell?' and here I am." She replied. "Wait, Becky?!" I asked. She turned to glance at me, "Hey Jimin, didn't see you there." She said before turning back to Jin. "So, wanna dance?" She asked. She was wearing a long white dress, a pair of white heels and a white masquerade mask, she was Cinderella, I think. But she looked gorgeous. "I'll dance with you." Jin soon answered. She smiled as she took his hand and dragged him to the dance floor, they began dancing together as I watched on, trying to push down my jealousy. "They're just friends, they're just friends..." I kept repeating over and over to myself. "I see she's moved on, you can dance with me if you'd like?" Someone asked from behind me. I glanced back to see Chloe, I stared at her before glancing back at Becky and Jin, "I'll take that action." I nodded as she grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the dance floor. Once there we began dancing beside Becky and Jin, I held her waist as she had her arms around my shoulders.

Becky soon lifted her head from Jin's shoulder and glanced at me before seeing who I was dancing with, Chloe soon hugged me closer as Becky glared at her, she soon turned her head away and rested it back on Jin's shoulder as he gave me a look to say 'What the fricking hell man?!' I ignored his stares and continued dancing with Chloe.


I rested my head back against Jin's shoulder and continued dancing with him, he hugged me closer and tighter, not in an 'I want you' way but in a comforting way, a way that said 'I am here for you', it was nice, it was sweet.

We continued dancing, I was trying my best to ignore Chloe and Jimin, luckily Jin made that easier for me, he was so comforting. I smiled as he embraced me into his warmth before we both walked off of the dance floor. "You're an amazing person Becky. I'm so sorry that Jimin failed to see that." Jin sighed. "It's okay." I shrugged. "Not everyone has good taste." I laughed half-heartedly as we headed to get a drink together.


It's okay, not everyone has good taste." She laughed as we headed to get a drink. "I'm serious. Take it from a friend, you deserve better than Jimin. I mean, right now he's dancing with the girl who got you arrested." I sighed. I wasn't one to backchat my friends usually but tonight he was acting like a jerk, how he could do that to Becky, I don't know. I was soon pulled out of my thoughts when I felt a pair of lips against mine, my eyes widened as I realised it was Becky. I placed my hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her back, "I love you and everything, but not like that." I chuckled as her cheeks flushed red. "I'm so sorry, Jin." She said embarrassed. "I'm so so sorry." She added. "Hey, hey it's okay." I smiled as I hugged her. She hugged me back as I took a glance over my shoulder to see Jimin and Chloe making out on the dance floor, I was praying that Becky wouldn't see but she soon lifted her head and looked their way, "I... I gotta go." She whispered before passing her drink to me and running out of the hall as fast as her heels would carry her. "And just like Cinderella, she runs away from the Ball." Someone said from beside me with a sigh. I glanced over to see Demi and Jungkook, "Do you think Jimin saw her kiss you?" Jungkook asked me. "He didn't, he was already busy making out with Chloe." Demi replied before staring over at the two on the dance floor. "Can you believe the cheek of him?!" Anoesjka asked as she and Yoongi approached us. "I know, he's being a prick. How could he do this to Becky?" Yoongi asked. I sighed and shrugged my shoulders, "I don't know but I know he's hurt her all over again." I told them as I placed both of the drinks down and began heading out of the hall to see if I could find my friend.

A/N ~ Hey guys. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, sorry it's a lil short. Please vote and comment 😇

Much love, JiminsPrincesca 💖

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