The Light of Elysium

By MayaR-31

597K 38.3K 11K

Book 1 (complete) - Veterinary student Elle wants to travel, but she doesn't plan on getting pulled into a ma... More

Author's note
1 - Dreams
2 - The Journey Begins
3 - Not in Kansas anymore
4 - Kingdom under the Mountains
5 - No way home
6 - A New Partnership
7 - A dark encounter
8 - Did someone yell for a hero
9 - Down by the lake
10 - Dance of the sun and the moon
11 - The Rainbow Isles
12 - Queen's Conquest
13 - Lammas Festival
14 - Lord of the Emerald Isle
15 - Ill met by Moonlight
16 - Agape
17 - Amongst the trees
18 - Equinox
19 - Capture
20 - Lord Nero
21 - Glimmer in the dark
22 - My sweet
23 - Leap of Faith
24 - Flight
25 - White Water
26 - Fearful symmetry
27 - Company of wolves
28 - Falling
29 - Arcadia
30 - A new dawn
31 - Mr Sullen, Mr Mischief & Mr Silent
32 - Green does not become you
33 - Battlelines
34 - Storm
35 - The wild hunt
36 - Temptation
37 - Whiplash
38 - The Chase
39 - The white knight
40 - Mid-Winter Ball
41 - Promises
42 - The Prophecy
43 - The element of air
44 - Home is where the heart is
45 - Destiny calling
46 - Icarus
47 - Journey by night
48 - A face from the past
49 - Aldebaran
50 - Trial of the White Queen
51 - Sleep, perchance to dream
52 - Lair of the Dark King
53 - Dark dreams
54 - Dark games
55 - Winter's embrace
56 - The Ice Queen and the King of Sin
57 - Politics
58 - A truth uncovered
59 - Back from the edge
60 - Muse
61 - Quandary
62 - Night under the stars
63 - Bound in blood
64 - A rolling stone
65 - Waiting for a hero
66 - Pride and Prejudice
67 - Sensibility
68 - Bedouin Night
69 - Flashpoint
70 - Reunion
71 - Denial
72 - Dreams
73 - A fire kindled
74 - Touched by a Goddess
75 - Ostara
76 - The fire within
77 - Options
78 - An inescapable fate
79 - Point of no return
81 - Journey's end
Characters/Cast List
The Queen of Elysium - sneak peek

80 - Bereft

2.8K 223 58
By MayaR-31

Kai's PoV

I kick the body of that filthy elf out of the way and am held spellbound by Elissa, who looks as glorious as a goddess. The way the flames delicately caress her body has my own flames whispering seductively to be set free.

Then I remember that the ones who sought to harm her are still breathing and that is something which I just cannot allow to continue. Blinking back the flames of lust, I spin to face them. There are seven of them in total. Grasping my sword with both hands, flames rush along the blade and I leap forward, ready to mete out my fury.

Several of them set upon me all at once. They are slippery little worms, but neither my vengeance nor my sword will be denied. It slices through them, severing limbs and one by one, they fall. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a coward trying to escape. Antares, lend a claw, would you.

It would be a pleasure. The dragon simply roars out a torrent of fire, leaving a vaguely humanoid black outline against the trunk of a large beech tree.

Almost too soon, it is over. Blood and body parts litter the ground. Evidently, I was a little sloppy, for one tries to crawl away. At my signal, Antares pounces onto the stricken elf and starts merrily crunching away on its bones. Thankfully the piercing screams are soon cut off, for surely, the sound would give me a headache.

The enemy eliminated, I turn back to my goddess, who appears a little pale. I want to scoop her into my arms, where she belongs, however, before I reach her, Cain and Cade stroll through the trees.

Looking around the carnage, Cain whines, "You could have left some for us."

Elissa's pallor takes on a greenish tinge and she turns away. "Oh no!"

She points to the beech tree, where flames are licking across the aged limbs towards its neighbours. "Is there any way we can stop the fire from spreading?"

At a loss, I consult with Antares, Do you have any suggestions?

Ah, I may have been a bit overzealous. He sounds chagrined. I suppose that I could uproot the tree and dump it in a river, which is not far from here.

It sounds sensible to me, however, when I propose it to Elissa, she shakes her head. "Let me try something before doing something so drastic."

Closing her eyes, her flames recede, which is probably for the best, and her hair gently ripples around her like a waterfall. While I do not wish to disturb her, I cannot see this helping. Moments later, I am forced to concede I was wrong when a shimmering serpentine object weaves its way through the trees towards us.

She raises her arms and what can only be described as a giant snake made from water, opens a gaping mouth. It engulfs the burning branches and with the hissing of a hundred serpents, the flames are smothered. Painfully, I pull back my fire, while my heart falls a little further.

Elissa wobbles slightly and appears close to fainting. After making sure that it is clean, I hold out a steadying hand. "Come, my princess. Let me get you away from this place."

The fight has gone out of my goddess and left a fragile beauty in its wake; one that I am willing to protect to my dying breath. I help her onto Antares's back and wrap my arms around her. There is no protest from my oft-contrary princess. She just closes her eyes and rests her head against my chest.


The ride is too short, as I am not ready to relinquish my hold of Elissa. Alas, the trees beneath us thin out to reveal a rash of pale canvas tents against the green prairie. Antares descends and lands at the edge of the camp.

Once we are back on firm ground, I point at a random soldier and demand, "Which tent is the princess's?"

The man quivers and gulps. "W-where is the commander?"

"Dead!" The man pales at my blunt statement and his gaze flickers about my personage, causing me to huff. "I did not kill him. But I killed those that did. Now, do not try my patience. The princess needs to rest."

"F-follow me."

Wisely, the man walks briskly and leads us to a tent with the High King's banner staked in front of it. I hold open the tent flap for Elissa and once she is safely inside, glare at the soldier.

"We are not to be disturbed."

The interior is plush with thick furs on the floor, fine decorative silk hangings, and elegant wooden furniture.

"Thank you. I..." she falters and blinks away a tear.

I guide her into a chair and kneel before her. She just sits there, staring at her lap, before finally speaking with a cracked voice. "I-I wanted to hurt him. If you hadn't stepped in, I fear that I would have killed him."

I frown, not comprehending the issue. "He deserved to die. They all did."

"For so long, I have wanted to dedicate myself to saving lives." She looks up at me with despair glimmering in those glistening emerald eyes.

"Some things, like them, are unworthy of your compassion," I insist.

Cupping her face, I brush away another stray tear with my thumb. She is a true beauty, inside and out. I doubt that I will ever be good enough for her, yet I cannot hold back any longer. Closing the gap between us, I allow my lips to gently worship hers.

Her tentative response is sweeter than nectar, which is cruelly ripped away when she turns her head away, fresh tears brimming.

"I'm sorry, that was selfish of me. I shouldn't have."

"Please let me take you away. They will not be able to catch us. It is still not too late," I urge, unable to bear the thought of delivering her to the very king who broke Seraphina's heart.

"Kai." She places a hand on my arm. "I cannot ask you to take such a risk. You are probably not thinking straight due to this fire kindling thing."

That assumption pisses me off and I sit back on my haunches, hands on my hips. "You think that is what this is about? That I am merely driven by some hormonal lust?"

"I don't know."

"I am in love with you," I snap.

She blinks at me with owlish eyes, evidently surprised. Mind you, it is not the way I would have imagined declaring my affections. I can feel the conflict in her and for a moment it gives me hope, then she looks away.

"I am so sorry. I am not free to return your affection."

The rejection stings. I know that she is with another, but he is just a boy really and far away, whereas I am right here.

"I cannot run from my fate, Kai, not when Elysium is suffering. Did you know that no light elves have been conceived in the past eighty solars? I have to return the Light of Elysium to Avalon."

Dragon and Dragonite fertility have both fallen too. Antares chooses this moment to weigh into the conversation.

I scrub my face with a hand, finding the truth unpalatable. "Elissa, you are very noble and brave."

"I'm hardly brave," she scoffs. "I'm scared and have no idea what will happen to me."

I shake my head. Is she trying make me fall for her even more? Regardless of the price to my own heart, I pull her into my arms and simply hold her. How could I have been such a fool as to think that I had a chance? She may not be mine, but I will be here for her regardless.

"If you must go to Avalon, then Antares will fly you there. I will not entrust you into the care of these incompetent fools."


We land for an overnight stay with Lady Mira, who presides over the most southern lands of the Dragonite kingdom. She is a striking woman with golden tanned skin and sleek dark hair. I can practically feel Cain and Cade appraising her fine form, yet my fire only flickers for one petite troublemaker.

I bow. "Lady Mira, thank you for hosting our visit. May I use your mirror?"

"Of course, Kai and you are all most welcome. Follow me." She gestures to her son. "Dusk, dearest, show the others to their chambers."

Once alone, I command the mirror to link me through to Avalon. First I am greeted by the Watcher, who looks uncannily like his brother at Babylon, then the surface ripples and clears to show the image of the High King.

"Lord Kai, good to see you again. I must thank you for agreeing to bring Princess Elissa to me."

"What are your plans for her?" I demand, threat heavy in my voice. "I will not allow you to harm her."

Unflinching, Lucifer holds my gaze,. "Your loyalty is admirable. I can assure you that I will treat her like a queen."

My fists clench and I have an overwhelming desire to wipe the annoyingly smug expression off his face.

I feel like he is taunting me. "I beg your pardon!"

"You are forgiven." Lucifer waves magnanimously. "Until we meet tomorrow."

AN - the song is Speeding cars by Walking on Cars.

Another time or place and they might have a chance.

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