The Dare ~ A Park Jimin Fanfic

By MqlfoysLcve

894 31 34

Rebecca and Jimin were best friends when they were younger, except they grew apart when Rebecca moved from Ko... More

{1}: Questions & Answers
{2}: The First Date.
{3}: The Morning After.
{4}: Jimin & The Truth.
{5}: Their True Feelings... Revealed.
{6}: Getting To Know Her.
{7}: Finally The Weekend.
{8}: "It Was All Just A Dare..."
{9}: Letting The Truth Sink In.
{11}: The Truth, Jealousy And The Halloween Dance.
{12}: Rain And Forgiveness.
{13}: The Girls.
{14}: Becky's Birthday.
{15}: Going Home.
{16}: Memories.
{17}: Call With Jimin.
{18}: Arriving Home For Christmas.
{19}: Christmas Day.
{20}: Christmas Day ~ Part 2.
{21}: The Reunion.
{22}: Making It Official.
{23}: The Truth Is Out & So Is The Baby.
{24}: Epilogue

{10}: Locked Up.

32 1 2
By MqlfoysLcve


I opened my eyes to the sound of knocking before realising that it was dark outside, "Who the hell's knocking at this time of night?" I questioned myself before checking the time. It was currently 11pm. "Hello sir, is there a Rebecca here?" Someone asked. "Uh... Yeah." I heard my brother reply. "Becky, someone wants to talk to you!" My brother called. I frowned before rubbing my eyes and pulling on a hoodie, I then began heading down the stairs to see two police officers standing at the door, I recognised one immediately as Chloe's dad. I inhaled a deep breath as I walked over, "I've got this, oppa." I told my brother. "Hey." I smiled at the cops. "You Rebecca?" Chloe's dad asked me. "Yes." I nodded. "I'm officer Martin, this is officer Smith." One of them told me. "Rebecca, where were you around 4pm this evening?" He asked as people began gathering around in the street to see what was happening. I immediately saw Anoesjka and Demi standing among the crowd, "I was in Asbury Park." I replied. "What were you doing in the park?" Officer Smith asked. "I was jogging, I stopped in the park for a breather." I replied as my parents came over and asked my brother what was going on. "Was anyone with you on your jog?" Chloe's dad asked. "No." I replied. He then noticed my bruised and cut knuckles, "What happened here?" He asked as he lifted my hand as the boys were now gathering around behind Demi and Anoesjka. I noticed Jungkook and Yoongi sharing a worried look, "I got into a fight in the park." I mumbled. "What?!" I heard my parents exclaim from behind me. "Becky, what the hell?!" Anoesjka and Demi shouted. I glanced over at them both before looking back at my parents and brother, "With who?" Officer Smith asked. "Chloe Martin." I replied. "She's the one." Officer Martin said as he put away his notebook. "Rebecca, I'm arresting you on suspicion of assault." He told me as he grabbed me and pushed me against the wall before pulling my hands behind my back. "You have the right to remain silent everything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney. If you can't afford an attorney one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I just read you?" He asked me as he snapped the handcuffs on my wrist. "Yes." I sighed as a couple of tears poured down my face. "BECKY!" Someone shouted. I glanced over to see Jimin and the boys, I smiled faintly at Jin as I was put into the car. 

"A police officers daughter, you're a brave one Rebecca." Smith said. "Yeah..." I mumbled as I glanced out of the window before feeling the car pull away and my friends disappearing into the distance. 


"What the hell was that all about?!" I yelled before seeing Yoongi and Jungkook share a look. "What happened?" Demi questioned suspiciously. "Something happened earlier." Yoongi began. "Dude, she swore us to secrecy!" Jin exclaimed. "We're not exactly sure how it all started but JK, Jin and I were walking through Asbury Park after school and we saw Becky laying into Chloe. I'm not just talking about one punch and she was down, Becky was leant to the floor with her and kept on punching. Jungkook had to pull her back." Yoongi explained. "And you neglected to tell us this because...?" Demi asked. "Because she swore us to secrecy, babe. She didn't want anyone finding out what had happened. We were trying to be good friends, Lord knows we haven't been for a while." Jungkook replied. "I'm gonna kill her, I'm gonna rip her lungs out." I spat. "Who?" Yoongi asked as he placed his arms around me. "That slut, Chloe!" I replied. "She was provoking Becky about the whole Jimin situation." Jin told us. "No wonder she flipped." Demi sighed. "Why the hell did you have to do this to her?!" I snapped at Jimin. "What? I..." He began. "If you hadn't have broken her fucking heart then Chloe would've had nothing to use against her and Becky wouldn't be getting hauled off in a police car right fucking now." I spat in anger. "You're lucky I didn't punch you two weeks ago but now knowing that your stupid dare spurred all this, god I wanna hit you so hard that no girl will ever wanna sleep with you again!" I yelled at Jimin. "Calm down baby." Yoongi said as his arms tightened around me. "I need to get Becky out." I said as I pulled out of Yoongi's arms and walked into my house to grab my car keys. 

I picked them up before walking back out, "Demi, you coming?" I asked. "Yeah." Demi nodded as she kissed Jungkook before heading over and climbing into my passenger seat. The boys then all jumped into the back of my car without warning, "She's our friend too, we're coming with." Namjoon said. "Yeah, you sure showed that when you dared someone to date her!" I replied. He fell silent as I began driving, "Angel, calm down baby. Becky's a tough one, she'll be fine." I heard Yoongi say. I stopped outside of Becky's garden and glanced over at her parents, "Molly, Dave, we're gonna make this right." I told them. "Thank you hunny." Her mom replied. I nodded before driving away. "Also, Becky's not tough... She just acts like she is." I told them. "Yeah, she's not as strong as you think." Demi put in. "Trust me, I know. I've seen her cry at Disney movies." Jimin said with a slight chuckle. "That's Becky, she's an emotional one." I laughed slightly. "Yeah..." Jin agreed. "Like that time she barely even scraped her knee in PE but she still threw a fit about it and made the teacher sit her out for the rest of the lesson." He laughed. "Yeah, I remember that." Taehyung laughed. "Wait, you guys weren't even on the field with her that lesson." Demi stated. "No, we heard the commotion from our science classroom." Hoseok told us. "We heard it too, and we were in History." I reminded Demi. "Oh yeah, gosh she was so dramatic that day." Demi laughed. "Why are we talking about her like we're never gonna see her again?" Jungkook questioned. "We'll get her out of there and she'll still be that same Becky." He added. "How are we gonna get her out?" Demi asked as she turned to me. Honestly, I hadn't thought about that, "We could use some-" Yoongi began. "If you say 'Yoongi charm' I will dump your ass here and now." I interrupted my boyfriend. "I was gonna say Jin's charm actually." He huffed, crossing his arms across his chest. Jin laughed before shaking his head, "I love her but I'm not using my charm on male officers." Jin told him as I pulled up at the police station. I glanced in to see that Becky was being taken towards a cell, she must've already been questioned. 

We all climbed out of the car and headed into the building, "We need to speak to Becky." I told the officer on the desk. "You family?" He asked. "Yes... I'm her sister." I lied. He nodded before pointing over to the cell, I headed over and was let in, "You have five minutes." The guard told us. She immediately hugged me, "Yoongi told us what happened, I'm so sorry I wasn't there." I sighed. "It's fine. I had it handled." She shrugged. "Yeah, and look where you ended up." I replied. "What's the damage, anyways?" I asked. "It's my first offence so they can't do much. It's a stay in here overnight and a written warning." She shrugged. "I bet Martin's not happy about that." I chuckled. "Nope, he went to argue with the chief, don't think it's working out too well for him though." She laughed. "I wish I could do something to get you out of here." I sighed. "It's only one night, I'll be fine." She smiled reassuringly at me. "I just guess it's a good job I napped earlier because I probably won't sleep tonight." She shrugged as she glanced back at the hard looking bed. "Ugh! I hate this, I hate that I can't do anything." I groaned. She sighed slightly before staring at me, "Just don't... Don't be too hard on Yoongi for not telling you sooner. He was just trying to be a good friend to me." She smiled at me as the guard returned. "Times up, it's time for lights out." He said. I quickly hugged her again, "I'll see you tomorrow, don't worry." She reassured me. I nodded, "See ya tomorrow Bex." I sighed before being ushered out of the cell. She waved slightly as she sat on the bed, I rejoined the others and headed back out to the car with them, "They're not letting her out until tomorrow, she'll have a written warning but that's it. Chloe's dad isn't happy about it but she'll be out in time for school tomorrow." I explained to the others as we climbed into the car. I immediately began driving back to our street. The journey was silent until Jimin spoke. "You were right.." He began. "What?" I asked. "I did deserve a punch the other week, you should've given me one. Becky didn't deserve what I did to her. I broke her heart and she broke mine in return... Now she's had to face the consequences of what I did to her by spending a night in jail." He replied. "I can still punch you because of this so be careful what you say because if you think you deserve it then I honestly won't hesitate." I told him. "I'm just saying, I'd understand if you did." He said. I nodded as I parked up outside my house, "Anoesjka, where's Becky?" I heard someone say as I stepped out of the car. I glanced back to see Becky's brother, "They're letting her out tomorrow with a written warning." I told him. "God, that's gonna be hard to tell ma and pa." He mumbled. "Rather you than me." I replied as everyone else jumped out of the car. "Just tell them that it isn't that bad, she's getting off easy because it's only her first offence." I added. "Yeah, cheers Anoesjka." He said as he hugged me quickly. "Anytime." I replied as he began jogging away back to his house. I watched him go as we all began heading into mine to plan more for the Halloween dance.


I woke up the next morning to feel a weight on me, I glanced down to see an arm, I then turned my head to see Yoongi sleeping to the left of me, I took in his features. His baby face, his soft lips, his messy blonde hair, even his sleeping position was cute. He was curled up into a ball, he had one arm around me and the other was tucked between his legs, it was adorable. I softly ran my fingers through his fluffy hair before sitting up and gently taking his arm from around. I then headed to get a shower, I turned on the water and undressed before climbing in and beginning to wash my hair and body. I washed my body with a raspberry scented body wash before washing my hair with a strawberry scented shampoo and conditioner. 

Once done I climbed out and wrapped a towel around my body, I then walked into my bedroom where Yoongi was still asleep and turned the hair-dryer on to dry my hair. I brushed it as I dried before getting dressed before he woke, I pulled on a matching underwear set before pulling on a pair of skinny jeans and a white tank top. I then pulled on a leather jacket and a pair of black boots as Yoongi woke up. "Morning." I smiled. "Morning babe." He replied groggily as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. "You need to hurry, we're gonna be late for school." I told him with a smile. "Oh, yeah." He nodded as he rose to his feet. He then pulled on his jeans before pulling on a top and hoodie, he headed over to the mirror and sorted his hair out before turning to me, "Ready when you are." He smiled. "Actually, wait..." He said before rushing into the bathroom. I glanced back to see him brushing his teeth, I shook my head before sitting on my bed and waiting. I soon heard the toilet flush and Yoongi reappeared before we both headed down the stairs to see Demi and the other boys all sat in my living room. I'd forgotten that they'd all stayed the night. 


I was right when I said I wouldn't be sleeping, I stayed awake the whole night and couldn't get comfortable at all. The guard soon came into my cell, "You're free to go Miss Jung." He smiled at me. I nodded and left the cell, I quickly pulled my hood up to hide my bedhead as I headed towards the front desk to collect my things. 

I then left, I walked over to the bus stop to wait for the bus home. It soon arrived and I clambered on, I showed him my student pass before taking my seat as he began driving again. 

I soon arrived at my stop and climbed off before heading towards my house, I walked in and headed straight up the stairs, trying to avoid my parents at all costs. I quickly showered, washing the prison smell from my hair and body before climbing out and wrapping a towel around my body. I then wrapped one around my hair before heading into my bedroom where I pulled my head towel off and began drying my hair with the hair dryer before beginning to straighten it. I then dried my body and got changed, I pulled on my bra and underwear before pulling on a new outfit; a pair of black skinny jeans with ripped knees and a crop top with the saying 'This Is Me' on the front before pulling on a denim jacket and a pair of converse. I then let my hair fall down my back; not bothering to style it since I'd already straightened it. I then headed down the stairs to grab some breakfast. 

I walked into the kitchen and smiled at my parents, "You've got some explaining to do young lady." My mother said. "Chloe was provoking me so I had a fight with her, it isn't like I killed her or even hospitalised her. She didn't even need to go to the police." I sighed as I grabbed a slice of toast off of my brothers plate and devoured it. "I gotta run, I'm late." I said. "Rebecca, don't you dare walk out of that door. You have brought shame on this family by being arrested last night, does that not bother you?" My mother asked. "Shame on the family?! That's what you're bothered about?! I was hauled off to jail last night, mother! This community doesn't give a crap about the rest of the family! I didn't bring shame on the family, and I can't believe that's all you care about, meanwhile your own daughter, your own flesh and blood is going through so much shit and yet you wouldn't even notice because all you damn well care about is what the stupid fucking community thinks." I yelled at her. "Don't talk to your mother like that, Rebecca." My father said. "You're not much better, you haven't noticed anything either. I'm drowning in school work, I have to see the boy who broke my heart every damn day, the only friends I have are dating his friends, my school bully follows me and even says shit to me outside of school... To say you're my parents, to say you care about me, you don't even know anything about me." I snapped before walking away; not even waiting for my brothers usual actions. I walked out of the house and slammed the door behind me before resting my head back against it and staring at the sky before screaming. I then began heading out of the gate and began my walk to school.

I soon arrived and walked in, I began heading over to my locker but stopped down the corridor as I saw Chloe flirting with Jimin. I slowly headed over and opened my locker to grab my books. "Now that Becky's locked up, you no longer have to deal with her. That leaves so much more time for us to... Continue what we were before." She smirked as she stroked his bicep. I stared into my locker, my anger was bubbling but I held it back, "Oi, bitch." Anoesjka said as she grabbed Chloe. "I thought I told you to stay away from Becky, I thought I told you to stay away from all of us." She spat. "Y... You did..." Chloe said as she began to get scared. "I suggest you stay the hell away from us all, or I'll do so much worse than what Becky did to you." Anoesjka replied menacingly. "I.. Sorry." Chloe replied as Anoesjka let go of her collar. Chloe began running away until I stuck my foot out causing her to fall, I then hugged my books to my chest as I crouched down, "It's nice to know you have to get big bad daddy to fight your battles for you Chloe, really... But one day, daddy isn't gonna be there. When that day comes, I'll be waiting." I whispered evilly before standing up straight and slamming my locker shut causing everyone to turn to me. "What're you doing out of prison?" Chloe asked me. "Written warning sweetheart. Plus, I didn't know that dealing with the trash was that big of an offence." I replied. "Aaaand, she's back!" Anoesjka said happily. "Badass Becky has returned." Demi laughed as both girls pulled me into a hug. I was then hugged by each of the boys except Namjoon and Jimin as the bell rang. "We should head to class." I spoke but didn't get a reply because both girls were having makeout sessions with their boyfriends. I raised an eyebrow as Jin lazily threw his arm over my shoulder, "Did you expect anything less?" He asked. "Honestly, no." I laughed as the second bell rang causing them to pull apart. "Can we go to class now?" I asked as Jin was still hugging me. "Yes." Demi said. "See you guys later." Anoesjka said to the boys. "You will." They nodded as Jin kissed my forehead. "Later Jung." He smiled at me. "See ya, Kim." I smirked as Anoesjka and Demi said their "I love you"s to their significant others. We then all began heading our separate ways as me and the girls began heading to our classes as the boys headed to theirs. 

A/N ~ Hey guys. Here's a longish one for y'all. I hope y'all like it! Vote and comment babi's. 😇

Much love, JiminsPrincesca 💖

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