The Baby Project

By ellehardwick

254K 5.1K 985

THE BABY PROJECT -COMPLETED- {Book 1} "Yep, that's me, Avery Davies, I'm the girl that wakes up 10 minutes... More

1. Grayson Peters
2. Day 1
3. The kids
4. Night Alone
5. Girls Day Out
6. Sick Baby
7 pI. Code Red
8 pII. Code Red II
9. Birthday Party
10. Good day
11. Family Day Out
13. Jealousy
14. Date Time
15. Drunk as hell
16. Crushes
17. Party Prep
18. Party Time
19. Heartbreak
20. Supplies
21. Billie's House
22. Breakfast
23. Blair Bear
24. Shards of Glass and Lots of Pain
25. Emergency Room
26. It'll last longer
27. Difficulty
28. Home
29 pI. The 7am Meeting
29 pII. Are we legally adopting them??
30. Graduation
TBP: Epilogue
TBP: Authors Note & Sequel
1. 6 months later
2. Moving Back
3. I need space
4. Home (Sneak Peek)
4. Home
5. Avery (Sneak Peak)
5. Avery
6. Crying (Sneak Peak I)
6. Crying (Sneak Peak II)
6. Crying
7. Work (Sneak Peek I)
7. Work (Sneak Peak II)
7. Work
8. Our New Normal (Sneak Peak I)
8. Our New Normal (Sneak Peak II)
8. Our New Normal
9. Anna Rose (Sneak Peek I)
9. Anna Rose (Sneak Peak II)
9. Anna Rose
10. The Hospital (Sneak Peek)
10. The Hospital
11. Aftermath
12. The Aftermath's Aftermath
13. Billie & Michael
14. The Day after Their Breakup
15. Instagram Posts, Collecting Things & Houses
16. Champagne
17. Packing

12. The Movie Guy

7.3K 157 8
By ellehardwick


~~The Movie Guy~~


"Oh please," I say

"You aren't going," he says

"are you serious" I reply

"Over a fucking movie guy," I then say

"you're the one that started this"


FOR FUCKS SAKE I mutter looking at the mound of work in front of me like I have previously mentioned, I am quite the walking mess. I barely wake up on time for school and get my work done on time so I really shouldn't be surprised that I am drowning in homework and I have a few late notice bills. I really need to get everything in check. The fact that I remember to buy groceries some times is a miracle.

2 hours after the incident at the fast food restaurant later the girls are awake form there nap and Grayson is playing with them so I can start to crunch down on some of my school work- that I keep putting off. Grayson doesn't seem to care for his work and doesn't feel the need to complete any of his assignments.

I sigh again staring at the stack of bills, we barely have enough money for extra things, after paying for the house, utilities, childcare, groceries. We are drowning in money. I look at the mound of books and the hundred tabs that I have open on my laptop before groaning tugging at my extremely knotty hair, I wince pulling at it hoping t loosen the knots, but due to the lack of brushing, I don't think that this would happen.

I'm going to die. I have focused all of my time on looking after the kids and working that I completely forgot that I attend school, and have many projects and assignments to complete.

"Avie" I hear Grayson call and I poke my head out


"I just got a call they are offering me double if I go in now and work for a couple of hours," he says to me and I nod

"Yeah go," I say

"Are you sure" he replies looking at the crumpled tissues sticking out of my pocket, I cried for a good 30 minutes before I took a shower and did a load of laundry, I sometimes really can't believe what my life comes too, I have turned into an old and boring person. I've turned into my mother. I internally shudder.

"We need the money," I say and turn bright red, he looks at me and heads into our bedroom to put on his work clothes, so I glance back at my workload, looks like I am not doing any work today.

I then head past our corridor and into the living room where all 3 girls are watching tv, eating a snack, Ava is in the biggest mood, which is glooming everyone, including me.

"You know what," I say to Lola tickling her belly, looking at all of the food left in our elevator, "we should invite some people over for dinner" I continue and she gurgles

"I take that as a yes baby" I sing and she smiles so I call the girls in to come and help me cook, at least this will occupy them and hopefully lesson Ava's mood.


"Something smells dope in here," Jake yell swaggering into the house, the rest of his family walking in behind him, his wife smacking him upside on the head


"Hello, Astin Family" I greet hugging them, the best that I can with a baby in my arms, Lola is going through a phase where she needs to be in my arms 24/7, before their kids run off to find mine in the living room, watching a movie.

"Hey Avery," his wife Ally says

"Hi Ally, looking glamorous as always," I say, she looks beautiful in her ripped jeans and low-cut shirt, with 4 inched boots and a winged liner.

"Oh this," she says reverting to what she is wearing "thanks, you look just as divine," she says, and I look down, at my boyfriend jeans, oversized jumper, converse, and bare face. I don't seem to agree with her, but you have to pick your battles with children I chuckle and Jake walks over to me ruffles my hair, creating a puffy ball of hair rise, I punch him the arm and he squeaks before grabbing his arm, so I smile, handing Ally the baby. She smiles gratefully and takes her, at pretty much any chance I get I like to hand Lola over to anyone that will have her.

"You look dope" he replies and I turn my face in disgust before, a voice peeps in speaking my mind

"who the hell says dope?" Billie questions

"Uh me?" he replies and Ally walks over to him and kisses his cheek, Billie and I exchange looks and we smile

"well quit it Jackson repeats everything, and that is not something that I want him to be saying for the next 3 weeks," she says and looks at Michael who shrugs

"Baby, I told you it was an accident," he says and they start to bicker

"They are like an old married couple" I state and Jake agrees following me into the kitchen where I get the drinks out.

"Avery, family, I'm home," Grayson says walking through the front door. I called him earlier, so he would be expecting the company once he finished his shift.

"Hey Gray," I say and he hugs me, before saying hello to our guests, then getting out of his work clothes.


"Thanks for coming," I say closing the door, closing my eyes leaning against it, everyone has finally left, now its time for clean up.

My phone vibrates on the counter and I look at who is calling, which the number on the screen comes up unknown, unsure of who it may be I pick up my phone.

I don't recognize the number even slightly, so I take my chances, and swipe across the screen placing my phone to my ears, taking a deep breath.

"Err Hello?" I say

"Umm, Hi is this Avery?" he asks

"yes this is her" I reply

"Oh cool, this is the guy from the movies," he says and I remember that I gave the cashier at the concession stand my phone number, in hopes that he wouldn't call me, but I guess he did.

"Ah yes, is everything alright"

"Yes, definitely, I was hoping that you would take me up on that idea and go on a date with me?" he asks, I look at Grayson who is shuffling Saskia across the hallway had just gotten her out of the bath. Against my better judgment and my 'feelings for Grayson,' I say

"Sure, why not"

"Cool, I'll pick you up at 7" he replies

"Alright, I'll text you my address, don't come to the door, I will walk myself out," I say not wanting to even think of what Grayson would say.

"For sure, goodnight," he says and I hear the phone hanging up

"Who was that" Grayson replies walking down the stairs with Ava in his arms Saskia trailing behind with her teddy bear, the baby already in bed asleep

"Umm" I pause scared of how he is going to respond "the guy from the movie theatre"

"The movie clerk? Why? Did you give him your number"

"for number 1 I don't have to tell you, and number 2 why do you care?" I say him starting to piss me off

"He's a dickhead"

"wow, because you have good judgment"

"at least I don't have to pick up random strangers"

"Oh please," I say

"You aren't going," he says

"are you serious" I reply

"yes," he says

"Over a fucking movie guy," I then say

"you're the one that started this"

"what right do you have to tell me what to do anyway?" I add

"Because I am the father of your kids and he isn't good enough for you," he says and I stand up, grabbing Ava and Saskia's hand

"You have no right at all to make that call," I say storming up the stairs to put Saskia in her bed, before going to sleep with my youngest 2 babies.

All 3 girls all fall asleep almost immediately, so I lay in bed in silence, listening to the soft snores of both of them. At 11 pm I hear Grayson's heavy footsteps walking up the stairs, one at a time. The moment he opens the door and steps in I smell the alcohol on his clothes. I roll over in disgust, he really has issues sometimes, he quickly undresses before slides into the bed Ava in between us. He rolls on his side, his face facing the back of my head,

"Sorry, Avie" I hear him slur before he himself falls asleep



this story will contain:

---- Swearing (which may cause offense)

---- Sexual content (as in references ya nasties)

----Moments that you will either laugh or scream


2019 @ehardwick04

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