I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!

By LoveLover

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Heaven is a 16 year old teenage girl. She runs away from home because of her parents who treat her like she i... More

Heaven *Chapter 1*
The Fight *Chapter 2*
Running Away and Then Kidnapping *Chapter 3*
My Kidnappers *Chapter 4*
My New Life *Chapter 5*
Punishment Sucks! *Chapter 6*
A Personal Maid *Chapter 7*
Near Death *Chapter 8*
Back to Work *Chapter 9*
Invite *Chapter 10*
Shopping *Chapter 11*
Pleasure *Chapter 12*
First Impressions *Chapter 13*
A Long Night *Chapter 14*
Drunken Kisses *Chapter 15*
Trouble *Chapter 16*
Not Again *Chapter 17*
Talking Things Out *Chapter 18
Snapping *Chapter 19*
Getting It Out *Chapter 20*
Pick One *Chapter 21*
A New Maid *Chapter 23*
Ransome *Chapter 24*
Escape *Chapter 25*
Couldn't Be a Cheater *Chapter 26*
Tears of... Joy ... *Chapter 27*
The Past Hurts *Chapter 28*
Amusement Park *Chapter 29*
Finally *Chapter 30*
Swimming *Chapter 31*
Complicated Lies *Chapter 32*
Getting Ready *Chapter 33*
Pool Party *Chapter 34*
Memo! Again!
Rough Times *Chapter 35*
Running Away... Again *Chapter 36*
Come Back *Chapter 37*
Being Back *Chapter 38*
Comfort *Chapter 39*
Kile Being Kile *Chapter 40*
Not Him Again *Chapter 41*
Horrible Decisions *Chapter 42*
Another Memo!
Mix Up *Chapter 43*
Another Try *Chapter 44*
Bowling Balls *Chapter 45*
Consert *Chapter 46*
Fighting = Leaving *Chapter 47*
Everything Changes *Chapter 48*
New Begginings*Chapter 49*
Comfortable People *Chapter 50*
The End *Chapter 51*

Girls Rule *Chapter 22*

62.7K 899 78
By LoveLover

I'm a Kidnapped Runaway!

By: LoveLover

Chapter 22

Girls Rule

"I want you to be my..." I pause. Am I making the right decision? Well... only one way to find out. "Girlfriend" I finished.

Heaven's POV

"Girlfriend" Drew said.

I step back and my eyes widen. Did he just say girlfriend?

I jump into his arms and he laughs.

"I thought I said something wrong for a minute" he told me.

I laugh and say, "I was kind of shocked."

"I told you. I like you" he said.

I smile. "I'm so happy you do" I said befor kissing him quickly.

"Finally!" we heard Max say.

I shake my head as I hear smacking noises from the other side of the door.

"You guys can come in" Drew said, laughing.

Max, Spencer, Jamie, Liz, Travis, and Conner all walk in the room with small smiles. They all look like little kids who just got caught doing something bad.

I laugh at them. "Max kind of gave you guys away" I told them.

All of them turn and glare at Max. "What?" he asked. "I was excited that they finally got together" he defended himself.

"It's okay, Max. You're still my best bud" Drew said.

"Gee thanks, Drew" Spencer said.

I laugh as the guys start a mock fight. Jamie and Lizzy come over to me and smile.

"What?" I asked.

"We're just happy for you. Finally that idiot got something right" Liz said.

I smirk and give both of them hugs. "Thanks. I know both of you did something, I don't care what, but thanks."

They both laugh and hug me back.

We notice the silence and look at the guys. They're all looking at us with smiles.

"What are you clowns looking at?" Jamie asked.

They all laugh and I feel like I'm missing something. I look at Liz and Jamie and they look confused too.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

They stop laughing and look at us. Then they start laughing again!

I look at Liz and Jamie again. "I say we kick their asses and make them tell us" Lizzy said.

I laugh and nod my head.

Jamie tackles Conner and pulls Spencer down with them. She lays across both of them with a smirk.

Lizzy jumps on Travis's back and pushes him down. Then she grabs Max's foot and pulls so he lands on his face.

I laugh and run over to Drew. "So do you want to tell us why you guys were laughing?" I asked.

"Umm no" he said with a smirk.

I narrow my eyes and purse my lips. "Fine!" I turn my back on him and try to look pissed off.

"Heaven. Come on. We were just joking. Loosen up, Hun" Drew said.

I smile and spin around. I jump on Drew and he falls back. His face makes me laugh. He looks so surprised.

"Now do you want to tell us? We can put you through a lot of pain" I threatened.

"Ooooh we're so scared" Drew said sarcastically.

I nod to Jamie and Liz and then hear complaints from the guys. I then dig my elbow into Drew's side.

"Oww!" he complained.

"Just because I'm a human, doesn't mean I don't know weak points" I told him.

"Just tell them why we were laughing," Travis said. "Before Liz breaks my leg!"

I laugh and look back down at Drew.

"I don't know. I kind of like this position" he said.

I roll my eyes and dig my elbow into his side again. Then I knee him in the thigh, right where the bone is.

"Okay, okay! Those dumb asses were laughing because they thought you guys looked hot when hugging like that. I was laughing because of your expressions. I mean, you're hot, but that's my cousin and sister" he explained.

"Oh. So Jamie and Liz can keep hurting them" I said.

There are some groans and whines as Jamie and Liz hurt the guys.

Drew laughs and pulls me down. "I can definetly get used to this" he said.


"What am I going to do about the no maid thing, though?" he asked.

"Get a new one" I said.

"Okay. I think a brunette would be nice. Tall, blue eyed brunette" he said, smiling.

I smack him and say, "How about gray haired and blue eyes."

He laughs. "I was just kidding. I would never mess around with my maids."

"So making out isn't considered messing around?" I asked.

"Alright, you were an exception" he admitted.

I kiss him and ask, "So am I lucky?"

"Of course you are. You're with me."

"Okay, what ever" I said while sitting up. I smile down at him and then get up.

Jamie's helping Conner up and laughing. Max is glaring at her while Spencer is glaring at Lizzy. Liz is getting helped up by Travis who's scowling. I laugh at them.

"Well I'm tired" Drew said.

"Same here" Jamie said.

"I guess we should be heading home" Spencer said.

"You guys are leaving?" I asked.

"Yeah. Our parents are getting annoyed" Travis said.

"Oh. Is anyone staying?" I asked them.

"I am" Liz said.

I smile. "Are you ever leaving?"

"I don't know. I think I might have to watch out for you guys for a while" she said.

"Oh great" I said sarcastically.

She shakes her head.

"Okay, well bye guys" Conner said.

"I'll walk with you to the door" Jamie said.

"So will we" Max said.

I give a hug to all of the guys before they leave. Then I turn to Drew.

"You ready to go to bed?" he asked me.

I nod tiredly.

He smiles and picks me up. We're in his room in a second.

"Gotta love vamp speed" I said.

He laughs at me and puts me down on the bed. I smile up at him and pull his face down to mine. I kiss him slowly and softly and then pull away.

"That was nice" he said.

"Yeah, I can definetly get used to this" I said before kissing him again.

I'm so sorry for taking so long! Even though it's only been like 2 days I still feel bad for taking so long since it was a cliffhanger. But I'm really happy about all of the comments and votes! I can't believe my story is doing so well. So please comment and vote (i'm probably getting annoying from saying that so much). :) Okay thanks!!!!!!!

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