I'M HIS (#Wattys 2019)

By AnnieoneT

287K 5.8K 1.2K

Hunter Reign. King of all werewolves. Dangerous. Killing Machine. Mystery. Power. Those are the words my peop... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 : The Job
Chapter 2 : The Plan
Chapter 3 : The Three Musketeers
Chapter 4 : The King
Chapter 5 : The Message
Chapter 6 : The Meeting
Chapter 7 : The Reason
Chapter 8 : The Moon
Chapter 9 : The first day
Chapter 11 : The Heat
The Chapter 12 : The Secret and Goodbyes
Chapter 13 : The Scent and The Princess
Chapter 14 : The Whisper
Chapter 15 : The Book
Chapter 16 : The Eyes
Chapter 17 : The Return
Chapter 18 : The News
Chapter 19 : The Wrath
Chapter 20 : The Rage
Chapter 21 : The Calm
Not A Chapter!! (But please read)
Chapter 22 : The Truth
Chapter 23: The Beach House
Questions for my lovely lovely lovely readers❤️

Chapter 10 : The Start

10.8K 269 41
By AnnieoneT

"It's like coming home after a long trip.

That's what love is like.

It's like coming home."






I stood there, rooted to the ground, afraid of what Christian would do next. I guess luck was on my side because he decided to give me one last look before turning and walking away, making me sigh in relief.

"That was close" I said to myself

Just as I was about to relax, Christian growled out and shouted from across the hall.

"C'mon! We don't have all day" He huffed out the last part.

My body went stiff and I quickly scurried behind the guy, following him hot on his trails. After a few turns, he suddenly stopped making me crash into his large ass back.

"Ow..." I thought while rubbing my now sore nose. What is with this guy, seriously?

"This is your class, now, if you see me in the hall don't even bother to say hi got that Slimy?"

Slimy? Wtf kinda name is that? I furrowed my eyebrows and scrunched my nose, making sure to show my distaste towards the new nickname. However, I decided to just bite my tongue and swallow back all the cusses I was about to throw at him. Before I could say another word a voice calling out my name can be heard from a distance, making me and Christian snap our attention to the direction it was coming from.

From a distance I could see Jace bolting down the hall. What the hell is he even doing here?!

"Jace?" I called out, bewildered at his panicked face. Oh no...maybe, did something happen to Hunter? Not being able to hide my concern, I walked away from Christian and jogged down the hallway to Jace.

"Jace what happened?" I asked once I was close enough.

"King Hunter mind linked me, he told me to check up on you ASAP. What happened? Are you hurt? Did anyone try to harm you?" He rushed out. His voice filled with panic and concern.

"W-what? No, I'm fine, why would Hunter think I'm-" I stopped mid sentence when it suddenly dawned on me. The call. He probably thought I was in trouble.

I sighed and held my head with both hands, oh Hunter, what do I do with you. I looked up and smiled at Jace, poor guy was running around like a chicken without a head.

"Well? Don't just stand there and smile like a cuckoo, tell me! The King will have my head if anything happens to you." He said shaking me softly by the shoulders.

"Who the hell are you?" Christian's gruff voice can be heard from behind me, making us turn our attention to him. Jace narrowed his eye's at Christian, his wolf was not liking the disrespect Christian was giving him. After all he is the King's third in command.

"I'm the one who's gonna whip your ass if you don't start showing me some respect." Jace growled out, his eyes turning a shade darker and his voice turned deeper.

Christian growled back at Jace's reply, his wolf feeling challenged. I should stop this before anything gets out of hand. When Christian was about to step closer towards Jace, I got in between them, pushing their chest to keep them apart.

"You guys stop it. Christian, he's my brother. Thank you for showing me around, you can go now. Bye" I said to him, pushing his chest a little bit more to indicate him to go away. He pressed his tongue on the inside of his cheek and narrowed his eyes once more towards Jace and walked away.

I sighed in relief and turned my attention to Jace, "Jace, stop staring at him. Look I'm fine, now you're gonna make me late, well, I was already late, but you get the point." I said crossing my arms in front of my chest.

Jace face softened and he looked at me, "Sorry, my wolf was annoyed at the disrespect. So who's the asshole? You sure you're alright? King Hunter was freaked out, he said someone was yelling at you."

I nodded at his apology and smiled at Christian's nickname, "That asshole's name is Christian, not sure who he is yet, just met him. And it was him who yelled at me, It was my fault, I was walking to slow."

He muttered another small "asshole" under his breath before looking at me with a smile, "Well, if you're okay, then I'm okay. The king shall not have my head. Well, make sure to text either me or Jeremy after class, we'll pick you up, okay queen?" He asked.

"Yes, oh and don't call me queen, makes me feel old." I said scrunching my nose and walked away. I turned to look at Jace one more time to give him a wave, in which he waved back.

I went towards the door Christian showed me earlier and took a deep breath and knocked. I slowly opened the door and saw all eyes were on me. Eeep. I don't like the attention, so I quickly went towards the teacher to tell him the reason I was late.

"Excuse me sir, sorry to disturb. I'm Milea, I'm new. I'm sorry I was late, I was being shown around the school's ground." I said, handing him a piece of paper "The administration lady told me to give this to my teacher." I muttered quickly.

I don't know if it was because I'm nervous or it's the air in the class, I was starting to feel warm. I knew I shouldn't have worn this long sleeve.

The teacher took the paper and smiled at me. Guess the staff's here were nice, only if the students were half as nice as them.

"Ah yes, Ms. Andrews, I'm Mr. Hendrick, welcome to English 11. Please take a seat at the 4th row on the far left." He said, pointing to the chair neat the window.

I smiled and thanked him and walked to my chair. I could literally feel eye's on me as I walked past, and the whispers started.

"It's the first day, and she's already late."

"What an ungrateful bitch."

"See this is why we shouldn't even give help to those people. They take it for granted."

I frowned at their words and proceeded to sit in my chair and prepare for class.

"Alright kids, quiet down. Let's move on, now let's go back to Conjunctions..." Mr. Hendrick called out.

I zoned out and looked around the room. There was a total of 2 AC's in here and yet it was still warm, so I took a piece of paper and fanned myself with it. I sighed in satisfaction when the cool air hit my skin.

I proceeded to pay attention and took down notes, this is gonna be a long day.


I sighed and smiled to myself when the last bell rang, students started to pack their bags and exit the class. I quickly followed after them and took my phone out of my pocket and texted Jace. I walked towards my locker and opened it. Putting in the books I no longer need and checked my schedule for tomorrow. I took out my phone and I saw there was a text from Jeremy.

From : Jeremy

To: Milea

I'll be picking you up today. Come out, I'm here.

I sighed looking at the text and slammed my locker shut. I walked towards the exit when I felt someone bumping into me, I looked up and saw, oh...it's asshole again.

"Sorry", I muttered.

"Watch it Slimy." He said baring his teeth. Making me back away from him slightly.

"You're the queen and you're afraid? Punch him in the face!" Skylar growled out, she's not one to appreciate disrespect.

"Yeah, but no one knows that, I don't need anymore attention drawn to me, so just chill." I snapped back at my wolf.

I don't even know why, but she's been so impatient all day and snappy. It's almost like she's on her period or something.

I shut out our connection and just looked at Christian one last time before scurrying away outside. The kids in the hallway that saw me still made fun of me, I let them. I tugged on the neck sleeve and waved my hand to fanned myself. Goddess is it hot today.

I went out and saw Jeremy leaning against the car and made my way over.

"Hi Jeremy." I said when I was within hearing range.

"Hey, here let me get your bag. Get in, I'll drive you home." He said lowly, taking my bag from me. I shrugged and went to the passenger side and went in.

On the drive back I kept fanning myself and I was sweating like a pig, so I turned up the AC, making Jeremy glance at me.

"You're hot?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Yeah, aren't you? The weather's been hot all day, I was sweating so much you wouldn't even believe." I said leaning forwards to the AC.

"Huh..."He said, looking like he knows something.

When we arrived in front of my house I turned to him and asked, "Would you possibly know when Hunter's gonna be back?"

He looked at me and said, "Yeah, tomorrow." I smiled and clapped my hands like a kid that just got a popsicle. My actions made him smile a little bit.

I thanked him for the ride and got out of the car. I skipped the whole way in and saw that my parents were home. This day has just gotten better.

"Mom! Dad!" I hollered out and ran over to give them each a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi honey, how was your first day?" Mom asked me, chopping some vegetables.

Ever since Hunter found me, Jeremy and Jace has been constantly bringing groceries to the house, they said 'His Majesty' does not want his mate to be starving.

"Hmm, it was okay I guess. The students were eh but the staffs and teachers were kind." I said walking over to the fan and standing close to it.

"Milea Andrews, go change your clothes and don't stand too close to the fan, you'll get sick ." My dad said, reading yesterday's newspaper.

I rolled my eyes and replied to him, "Yes dad." I said sarcastically. I went to my room and changed into some sleeveless shirt and shorts and proceed to went back to my parents.

"You haven't been to the Palace that much lately hun, everything okay?" My mom asked, my dad glanced at me, waiting for an answer.

I shrugged, "Yeah, Hunter's just been away, he's back tomorrow, so I'm probably gonna go there tomorrow." My mom smiled and my dad went back to his reading.

I was gonna say something else but then stopped because I started feeling light headed, I held on to the chair for support and shook my head, hoping to clear my fuzzy sight.

Maybe I was coming down with something, I need a nap.

"Hey mom, dad, I'm gonna take a nap for awhile, I'm exhausted."

"Okay baby." Dad said smiling at me.

"Alright honey, I know, I'll leave some dinner incase you feel hungry when you wake up." She smiled and went back to cooking.

I went inside my room and shut the door, leaning against it for a moment. What the hell? Even though I'm an Underdweller, we don't really get the flu.

I sighed and turned on the fan, making sure to aim it right on the bed and crashed into my bed.

I took my phone and decided to call Hunter. After a few rings, he finally answered.

'Afternoon baby." He said.

"Hey.." I said tiredly.

"Hey what's up? You alright? You sound tired babe" He answered, his voice filled with concern.

"Yeah, I'm just exhausted, first day back in school and everything. It's just a minor headache and I don't know, I'm probably running a fever to."

"A fever?" He asked, sounding confused. Well he should, wolfs don't get fevers, not unless....oh shit!

I sat up straight and gasped, alarmed at the sudden thought. Why didn't I think about it before.

"Fuck..." I muttered down the line. Hunter must've heard it cause his voice turned panicky.

"Babe? Fuck? What fuck? What happened?" He asked, slowly losing control of his wolf.

No no no no...this is not happening right now.

"Hunter, come back as soon as possible. My heat. It's starting." I said.

"Y-Your wha-? Your heat? I thought it isn't until 3 days before the next full moon..." He trailed off.

I quickly jumped out of bed and checked the calendar, counting the days for the next full moon.

"Hunter..It IS in 3 days..." I said down the line.

"Fuck!" He swore loudly.

Yeah, fuck is right.


Hey Babies,

I know. I'm the worst. I'm so sorry for leaving you guys like that, but hey, good news is that I am now officially on a long holiday, which means I'll be updating a lot more!!


I missed you all so much, I'm surprised that anyone is even reading this story, but I am beyond grateful to all of you who read this book, commented and liked it. I love to read all your comments so make sure you comment as much as possible and I'll even try to reply some questions.

I guess that's it for me, for now. I'll be updating soon again, so make sure to





this story to your friends, family, bf/gf, just about everyone.

I love you guys so much, again, I'm sorry and I love you <3


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