The Dare ~ A Park Jimin Fanfic

By MqlfoysLcve

811 31 34

Rebecca and Jimin were best friends when they were younger, except they grew apart when Rebecca moved from Ko... More

{1}: Questions & Answers
{2}: The First Date.
{3}: The Morning After.
{4}: Jimin & The Truth.
{5}: Their True Feelings... Revealed.
{6}: Getting To Know Her.
{7}: Finally The Weekend.
{9}: Letting The Truth Sink In.
{10}: Locked Up.
{11}: The Truth, Jealousy And The Halloween Dance.
{12}: Rain And Forgiveness.
{13}: The Girls.
{14}: Becky's Birthday.
{15}: Going Home.
{16}: Memories.
{17}: Call With Jimin.
{18}: Arriving Home For Christmas.
{19}: Christmas Day.
{20}: Christmas Day ~ Part 2.
{21}: The Reunion.
{22}: Making It Official.
{23}: The Truth Is Out & So Is The Baby.
{24}: Epilogue

{8}: "It Was All Just A Dare..."

28 1 0
By MqlfoysLcve

I awoke the next morning, my eyes stinging from an almost all-nighter with the girls, my head spinning. I forced my eyes to open only to see the room spinning, "Ugh..." I groaned groggily whilst rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Morning sunshine." Demi said cheerfully as she walked back in from the bathroom. "Morning." I replied as I bundled myself back up into my duvet. "So, I've just come off the phone with Yoongi..." Anoesjka said as she walked back into my bedroom from the hall. "And?" Demi asked. "They said they'd hang out with us this evening, they want to meet us at the record shop later." She smiled. "Stop being so cheerful, it's early." I groaned at the two of them. "Becky, it's eleven thirty in the morning, wake up." Demi replied. I groaned before waving her off, pulling my thick duvet over my body and getting comfortable once again, I was just about ready to fall back into a deep sleep when the duvet was ripped from my grip. "Guys come on, it's Sunday. Day of rest and all that jazz." I replied. "Nope, not today. Anoesjka and I have work so we need to go and you need to get up too." Demi told me. I finally rolled over to see that both girls were fully dressed with hair and makeup already done, "Ugh! Fine." I groaned as I pushed myself weakly out of my bed and headed towards the bathroom to get changed. I pulled on a blue and white tracksuit set before pulling my hair into a ponytail and placing a cap on my head, I then pulled on a pair of blue Nike air trainers before heading back into the bedroom. "You gonna have a chill day?" Demi asked. "Yup." I nodded. "Seems like a good idea." She smiled. "I know." I replied as I glanced around the room. "We should go." Anoesjka said. "Seeing as I've gotta drive you and neither of us want to be late." She added. Demi nodded as we all began heading down the stairs, my knuckles grazing down the walls as we took step after step. I stopped at the front door to wave the girls off, "Goodbye!" I called out. "See ya tonight, sweetie." Demi said as Anoesjka waved. "You will." I replied. Before waving again as they drove away in Anoesjka's Jaguar SUV.

I walked back inside and closed the front door behind me, my eyes wanting to close again but I refrained them from doing so and immediately headed towards the kitchen to grab a bite for breakfast, "Good morning, sweetheart." My mother smiled at me. "Morning Ma." I replied as I began pouring out a bowl of crunchy nut cornflakes. I poured milk over the cereal before grabbing a spoon, adding some sugar and sitting down. I immediately began digging in.

Once finished, I dropped the bowl in the sink and headed into the living room where I grabbed my laptop and began scrolling through YouTube, listening to music as I did. I soon found myself dropping off as the music played from my laptop, it was that that caused me to take a nap on the couch.

My eyes slowly flickered open, there was a pounding in my head that I elected to ignore, there was a rumble in my stomach and the living room had gone silent. I glanced down at my laptop to see that the lid was closed and I now had a blanket over my body, "What?" I questioned. I then reached over to grab my phone to check the time; it was 3PM. "Ugh..." I mumbled groggily as I pulled the blanket from around my body and dropped my feet onto the soft carpeted floor. Although, I couldn't feel the softness considering I still had my trainers on. I shook off my thoughts before straightening my cap out, "Good sleep?" Someone asked from across the room. I lifted my head to see my father sitting down and reading a newspaper, "I think so." I mumbled. "Ah, Rebecca, you're awake. Could you run to the shop for me?" My mother asked as she walked in. I stared down at the table in a daze as her words sunk in, "What? What for? Why me? Why not papa? Or you?" I asked her. "We're out of cheese and milk, you seem to like our homemade pizza your father and I make and I want to make it for dinner tonight for you so I need you to run down to the corner shop and grab me some, please?" She asked. "Uh, sure mom. I'll head down now." I replied with a nod. I loved the homemade pizza she and dad made, they always made it just right and dad always made sure I got the biggest slice. Mom handed me the money as I rose to my feet, I pulled my hood up over my cap; not wanting to be recognised whilst looking like I currently was before leaving the house and jogging down to the corner store.

I walked in and began heading down the right aisles for the milk and cheese, I was looking at the cheese when someone walked by behind me, "Look Namjoon, I told you she wouldn't find out that me dating her started with a dare and I promised she'd never find out it came from you and she won't, even I can't have her finding out about this... So I still get the thousand at the end of this week?" The person asked. I recognised that voice, that was when it hit me, it was Jimin. I slowly turned my head to watch him walk away as he held his phone to his ear, "A dare?" I whispered to myself. I then took his words in, I bit my lip to hold back the tears as I grabbed the cheese and milk and headed towards the tills, "That'll be $3.45 please." The cashier smiled. I handed her the money before grabbing my bag and sprinting out of the shop, I sprinted back down the street and all the way home where I dumped the bag on the kitchen counter before running upstairs and into my bedroom where I finally let the tears fall.

I punched my wall, screamed into my pillow, yanked at my hair and called myself an idiot multiple times before curling up in the centre of my bed and just crying. I cried until I had no tears left, then all I did was stare blankly at the wall. I grabbed my phone and changed my wallpaper and lockscreen back to pictures of me and the girls before seeing a text from Jimin come through:

From Jimin 💖:
Hey baby! Can't wait to hang out with you again later, I miss you. Xx

I stared at the message before throwing my phone across the room, "Leave me alone!" I growled before tucking my knees back under my arms. I wanted to scream and cry but all I could do was stare for another two hours.

Someone soon knocked on my door, "Becky hunny? Are you okay in there?" My mom called through. "I'm fine mom." I replied dryly. "The girls are here." She called back. "Shit." I cursed myself before standing up and picking my phone up. I then ran into the bathroom to clean myself up before reapplying my makeup, I quickly checked my reflection in the mirror and smiled, they'd never know I'd been crying. I left my bathroom and walked back into my bedroom, "Coming." I called out as I headed over and unlocked the door. "Took you long enough, what were you doing?" Demi asked. "I... Uhh... I was washing my hair." I shrugged. She nodded before glancing up and down at my outfit, "We're about to hang out with the boys. You coming?" Anoesjka asked. "I.. Er... I can't today. I just started my period and I've got major bad cramps." I lied. "Oh hunny, I'm so sorry. We can stay here with you if you want." Anoesjka said. "No no, don't worry about me. You guys go on, have fun. Text me to tell me all about it tonight." I told them. "You sure?" She asked. "Yes, go. Spend time with your boyfriends." I smiled. "Okay, we're gonna be messaging to check in on you though." Demi said. "Thanks." I replied as I watched them leave. I then collapsed back onto my bed, closing my eyes and thinking about all the good times me and Jimin had. I grabbed my phone and tried calling my brother, "Come onnnn! Pick up! Pick up!" I whispered. He didn't answer, "FUCK!" I yelled as I threw my phone onto my bedside counter before dropping back onto it. I slowly walked downstairs, "You didn't go out?" My father asked. "No." I replied dryly. "What's wrong, sweetheart?" He asked. "I'm leaving Jimin." I told him. "What?" He questioned. "Why?" My mother asked. "Because it was all fake." I whispered as my voice broke. "What do you mean?" My mother asked in confusion. I tried to bite back the tears but they fell regardless, "He didn't mean anything he said. He dated me for a dare. I was nothing but a joke to him." I told her. My tears falling faster and faster as I spoke, "Oh sweetheart, I'm so sorry." She said as she wrapped her arms around me. "I just don't understand what I did to deserve it." I whispered through the tears. "Why me?" I asked. My father stared over at me before joining the hug, both parents were wrapping me in their arms. "Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry." My father sighed as I cried into his chest. "That Jimin is a cruel boy. Karma will get him." My mother told me. "Hey, how about you help me and your mom in the kitchen tonight, yeah?" My father suggested. I slowly nodded, "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." I whispered. They both nodded before leading me into the kitchen where we began to make a pizza from scratch.

Demi and I walked down to the record shop together, we walked in and glanced around at the boys, "Where's Becky?" Jimin asked. "She couldn't come. Women problems." Demi replied. His face dropped but he nodded in understanding as I embraced into a kiss with Yoongi, whilst Demi embraced into one with Jungkook. We then began sifting through the records together, trying to find one that was decent enough to play whilst we chilled in the shop. We eventually found one and put it onto the record player before putting the needle on and letting it spin, it played an awesome tune. "You girls coming to the talent show?" Hoseok asked. "The one that's tomorrow night?" I questioned. "Yeah." He replied. "Yeah, we'll be there." I responded. "Good." Yoongi and Jungkook both smiled as they wrapped their arms further around Demi and I.

"Jimin-ah, what're you doing?" Namjoon soon called out. "I'm messaging Becky, she isn't replying." Jimin said worriedly. "She did say she had cramps, she might be taking a nap to ease them off." Demi told them. "Becky does that when she's cramping." She added. Jimin nodded realising that was probably the explanation for it, he then joined us on the sofa, resting his feet gently on the old wooden table that sat in front of us.

I really missed her, she promised me she'd be here tonight but I guess she did have a reason. I wasn't gonna interrupt her if she had lady problems, I guess I'd just have to check up on her later after the record shop.

I glanced around at the girls as Demi spoke, "It is a bit weird though, she seemed fine when we left her this morning." She said aloud. "Huh?" Namjoon questioned. "They had a slumber party last night." Jungkook said. "Demi's right, she was fine this morning." Anoesjka put in. "Could she not have randomly got her period?" Jin questioned. "Ya know throughout the day." He added. "I don't think so. Becky usually complains like hell when she gets her period... For days before." Anoesjka replied as she finally thought about it. Demi and Anoesjka shared a look, "I'll call her." Demi said. "Sounds good." Anoesjka nodded as Demi grabbed her phone and pushed herself up off of Jungkook's lap. She dialled in the number and placed the phone to her ear, "It's ringing." She said as she glanced back at us. I nodded before watching her, "She's not picking up." Demi said. "Maybe she doesn't have her phone on her, she could be having dinner." Taehyung said. "Maybe. This just isn't like Becky, to randomly call off something she had planned." Anoesjka said as Yoongi's arms tightened around the worried girl.

I stared around at everyone individually, all of them were wearing worried looks of their own, "What's wrong with her then?" Hoseok asked causing Anoesjka and Demi to shrug their shoulders. "Maybe Chloe got to her again?" Namjoon suggested. "If she has, I'm gonna kill the bitch." Anoesjka said. I stared blankly at the wall before sighing, just hoping and praying that she was okay.

"So, we noticed something about her yesterday..." Anoesjka began. I lifted my head and glanced over at her, "What?" I asked. "She was wearing an oversized hoodie, she smelled of men's shampoo, she was an hour late to meet us and she's never late to our meetings, she was being asked tons of questions and I know her family is inquisitive but she didn't go home for over twenty four hours... She said she was at yours." She said as she stared over at me. "The hoodie was mine, the shampoo was mine and she was an hour late because we fell asleep on our date... She was at mine. Nothing happened, we just slept together." I explained to her. She nodded as we continued listening to the record that was in the record player.

The night soon closed in and we left the record shop, I waved goodbye to the others who all clambered into Jin's truck as I began walking down the street and began heading to Becky's house.

I was back curled up on my bed, YouTube was on and was playing sad country music as I hugged Jimin's hoodie as all the thoughts whirred around my head.

He never loved you. It was all fake. All a game. It didn't mean anything to him. He was playing you all along. All you are is part of his game. You're not important to him. You're nothing to him Rebecca, nothing. Chloe was right. It wouldn't last. It hasn't, it wasn't even real enough to last.

I slowly reopened my eyes to see fresh tears pouring down my face, "Becky! It's Jimin." Someone soon called. My eyes widened as I quickly wiped my eyes and pulled on one of my own hoodies, I quickly redid my makeup before pulling the hood up on my hoodie and walking downstairs, I headed over to the door as my brother walked away; He didn't yet know about the dare. I stepped out of the front door and closed it behind me as I smiled at Jimin, "Hey." I said as cheerfully as I could. "Hey, I missed you today." He smiled. "I missed you too." I replied as I let him pull me into his arms. He wrapped his arms around me and I hugged him back; even though I knew I needed to end things with him, I couldn't, not yet. I needed to let the girls know first. He kissed my forehead, "So why didn't you turn up?" He asked. "Uh... I unexpectedly got my period and couldn't make it. Cramps came on strong today." I quickly lied. He nodded, "Well, at least I can see you now." He smiled as we sat on a bench together in the front garden. I stared down at the floor before lifting my head and meeting Jimin's gorgeous brown eyes, "So, you ready for the talent show tomorrow night?" I asked him. "Yeah, you're gonna be there, right?" He questioned. "I wouldn't miss it." I replied with a smile. "Good." He said as Hoseok and Namjoon walked in. "Hey, we need to get going, we have an early day tomorrow. Mind if we steal him from you, Bec?" Namjoon asked. I stared at him, taking in all his features. Did he even feel one ounce of regret for giving Jimin that dare? Did he even care about how it would affect me? No, why would he?! I'm nothing but a pawn in their little game. A trophy. My eyes focused on him and only him, "No, I don't mind." I replied, finally smiling. He smiled as he hugged me, "Thanks." He said before turning to Jimin. "Let's go." He added. Jimin rolled his eyes playfully before staring down at me, "I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled. "You will." I nodded. "I love you." He said. I took in a deep breath, letting his words sink in... Or should I say, letting his lie sink in. "I love you too." I replied as he leant down to kiss me. I closed my eyes and kissed back, our lips slowly moving in sync before we pulled apart, "Bye baby." He said. "See ya." I waved to them as they walked out. I watched as they disappeared down the street before heading back into the house.

I walked in and slammed the door shut before heading straight up to my bedroom, I slammed and locked the door. I then curled back up on my bed and hugged Jimin's hoodie, letting my tears pour onto it once again as I slowly headed into a deep, uncomfortable sleep.

There was no school today because everyone was prepping for the talent show so Demi and I headed into town, we tried calling Becky to meet us but she wasn't answering, I even tried her brother but he told us that she wasn't awake yet so Demi and I went alone. It was gonna be a day of clothes shopping, "I think she was lying about having cramps." Demi stated. "Me too." I nodded. "We'll find out why she didn't come before the talent show tonight." I added to which Demi nodded. "Sounds good." She replied as we walked into a grey painted shop called New Look, New You. I frowned slightly at the name but it was clearly a new shop so Demi and I investigated regardless.

As the day dragged on, we tried calling Becky again, "Hello?" She answered groggily. "Becky, have you only just woken up?" I questioned. "Uh... Yeah." She replied. "Becky, it's half past four!" I exclaimed. "I know." She mumbled. "What's going on with you?" I asked. "Nothing, I'm fine." She replied. "I just need to get a shower and freshen up and then I'll be ready for the talent show, I'll meet you guys at the school." She added. "Becky..." I began before hearing a click. She'd hung up. I dropped my phone back into my pocket before shaking my head, "She hang up on you?" Demi asked. "Yup." I replied before sighing. "We need to get down to hers before the talent show." I told her. "How? We still need to wait for the bus and it takes a while to get there... And the talent show starts at six." She said. I sighed and nodded, "Guess we'll just have to meet her at the school, somethings not right with her though Demi, she's only just woken up and you know Becky, she usually always wakes up before twelve." I told her. She nodded, "We'll find out." She replied. "Yeah, hopefully." I said as we began heading towards the bus stop. We stood waiting for the bus as I thought of all the possible things that could be wrong with her.

I climbed out of the shower and wrapped a towel around myself before heading into my bedroom, I quickly got changed into a nicer outfit; A pair of blue skinny jeans with rip frayed knees, a white crop top which had Bugs Bunny on the front, a denim jacket and a pair of black high top converse. I blowdried my hair before pulling it up into a ponytail and pulling a cap onto my head; pulling the ponytail through the hole at the back of the cap. I then headed downstairs, I walked into the kitchen and made myself some pop tarts before sitting down at the table and beginning to eat them. I was gonna end it today. I had to.

I soon finished the two small pieces of food before sighing and closing my eyes, I pushed my chair back causing it to make a loud shrieking sound as it scraped across the tiled flooring. I placed my plate into the sink before heading towards the front door, "I'm going out!" I called through the house. "Okay hunny, be safe and be back before midnight!" My mother called back. "Yes mama." I replied as my brother wrapped his arms around me from behind. He then kissed my cheek, "Stay safe, little sis." He smiled. "Will do." I nodded before pulling out of his grip and leaving the house. I placed my hands into my jean pockets and began heading towards the school, instantly knowing I was going to be questioned as soon as I got there.

The walk was long and draining, and I almost collapsed from the heat as I reached the school gate. I walked in and began heading over to the building when someone caught my arm, "Becky, talk to us." Anoesjka demanded. "What's going on with you?" Demi asked as they pulled me across to an empty part of the playground. "I'm breaking up with Jimin tonight." I told them bluntly. "What? Why?" Demi asked in shock. I bit my lip, holding back the tears as I stared from her to Anoesjka, both of them were wearing worried looks, "Because none of it was real." I replied as a few tears slid down my cheek. "What do you mean, sweetie?" Demi asked. I gulped down the lump in my throat before opening my mouth again, "Jimin was dared to date me..." I whispered. "What?! Who by?" Anoesjka asked angrily. "Namjoon... I don't know if the other boys know about it but Jimin passed me yesterday morning in the store, he didn't recognise me because I had my hood up and back turned but he was on the phone with Namjoon and was talking about it, if he completes the dare he gets a thousand dollars off of Namjoon." I explained to them. "Oh hun..." Demi sighed as Anoesjka just simply looked angry. I was then pulled into a group hug with them.

"We best head inside, the talent show is starting." Demi eventually said. I nodded and wiped my eyes before walking in with them, Anoesjka still looked pissed off. We walked into the hall and took our seats as the first band was announced. We sat down and began watching the talent show, the bands were great. "And lastly, we have BTS!" Our headteacher called. This caused a lot of cheers to come from the back of the hall, I glanced back to see Chloe and the other cheerleaders. I then turned back to the front to see the boys walking on stage, "This is DNA!" Namjoon called out. I turned to Anoesjka to see her with a small smile on her lips; Yoongi noticed her as Jungkook and Jimin noticed Demi and I. Jungkook sent a wink to Demi and Jimin sent one to me as Yoongi blew a kiss to Anoesjka before beginning to perform. Everyone watched and cheered as they sang and danced, they were pretty good and probably likely to win.

Once they'd finished, the headmaster took the microphone again, "There will now be a break whilst the judges decide. Please stay in your seats as we decide on a winner." He said with a smile. I watched all the teachers talk among themselves before ushering the bands back onstage, they all stood in a line. "And the winner is..." The headmaster began as Anoesjka turned to me. "When are you planning on doing it?" She asked. "After the talent show." I replied. "BTS!!" The headmaster called out. The girls at the back cheered once again as the boys onstage got excited, Namjoon accepted the trophy as a photographer took a picture of them all receiving it before they ran off the stage. "That's all guys. Please feel free to buy some food from the food counter before you leave!" The headmaster called. The girls and I all rose to our feet and headed to find the boys, they both went to immediately congratulate Jungkook and Yoongi as I grabbed Jimin and pulled him aside, "We need to talk, privately." I told him.

I pulled him outside and into the empty playground, "What's up?" He asked. "Ya know what I find weird, Jimin?" I questioned. "What?" He asked confused. "I find it weird that after five years of us not talking at all, you suddenly asked me to be your girlfriend..." I told him. "I love you, Becky. That's why I asked you to be my girlfriend." He replied. I shook my head as I stared up at him; his gorgeous face, his beautiful brown eyes, his candyfloss pink hair. He was beautiful, "I love you." He repeated. I quickly regained my composure before staring at him, "Does the one thousand dollars cover that too?" I asked. His eyes widened, "What?" He questioned. "Don't play dumb with me, Jimin. Please don't play dumb with me." I sighed as fresh tears formed in my eyes. "Becky..." He began as he reached his hand out towards me. "Don't touch me." I told him as I stepped away from him. "Becky, please..." He said. "Tell me the truth!" I snapped at him. He jumped slightly at my sudden outburst, "It was all just a Dare, wasn't it?" I asked. "I never meant for this, I'm sor-" He began to say. "Save it." I told him as I walked away. "And you know what Jimin, this... This is over!" I added before continuing to walk. I kept my arms close to my chest so that he couldn't pull me back, the boys and girls soon walked out, "You did it?" Anoesjka asked. I ignored her question, "You can keep your one thousand..." I told Namjoon who's eyes widened. "And you can damn well keep your screwed up fucking friendship!" I spat before walking away. "Did you all know about this?" Demi asked as she saw that they didn't react. None of them answered, and if they did, I didn't hear them because I walked away from them.

Demi and Anoesjka began screaming at Jungkook and Yoongi, "HOW COULD YOU ACCEPT THIS?! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HER?!" They yelled. "We didn't..." Jungkook tried defending himself. "I tried to stop it, I tried telling them it was wrong." Yoongi sighed. "You boys... You boys..." Anoesjka began speechless. "You boys make me sick!" She spat before yanking her arm away from Yoongi. Demi pulled away from Jungkook as both girls walked away and went off to find Becky as tears trickled down my face.

I turned my head to Namjoon, "How did she find out?" I whispered through my tears. "I don't know." He sighed. "But now she hates us." He added. "This is awful." Jin sighed. "Guess this means celebrations are off." Hoseok said in a sad voice. "I'm just gonna head home, I can't deal with this." I sighed before walking away. I left the school and headed straight home, tears blurring my vision as I walked but I continued on anyway. I sighed as I reached my house, and walked in, I headed straight up the stairs and into my bedroom. I locked my bedroom door before collapsing onto my bed as tears slid down my face one after another, I pulled my knees up to my chest and cried into my pillow until my eyes finally closed and I fell into the most uncomfortable sleep.

A/N ~ Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It's a little sad, sorry about that 🙈 Vote and don't forget to comment babes 😜

Much love, JiminsPrincesca 💖

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