The Weight //Shameron//

By haydenbraun

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Beaten, broken, and confused, Shawn Mendes is ripped out of his home back in Canada and dropped in California... More

The Weight //Shameron//
New School, New Life
It's a Date!
Watch Out Bitch
Two Sides of the Story
Are You Really Okay?
Story Time
We Can So Make That Happen
I Kinda Figured
This Just Got Interesting
How'd You Know?
The Almost Confession
The Silent Treatment
A Secret Reveled
She Knows...
Lost in Thought
I Know Him

A Night in the Town

5.8K 180 176
By haydenbraun

S H A W N   M E N D E S

After lunch I went to class. Journalism. I met so many people there. Cam wasn't in that class, and neither were Matt and Sydney. So I was alone. But I didn't really mind. What I did mind though, was the fact that I was alone. With Natalia.

At first I didn't think she was that bad. Just a little flirty.

But then I heard what she did to Cameron. And an anger started burning in the pit of my stomach. Cam is a pretty good guy. From what I've seen. He is well-liked at this school. And I've never seen him say anything douche baggy to anyone.


Natalia sat down next to me and for a good two minutes, she didn't say anything. I actually thought I could get through this.

Boy was I wrong.

"Hey, Shawn, right?"

We both know damn well she remembered my name.

"Uh, yeah. Natalie right?" I say, looking as serious as possible. Of course I know her name. I just wanna mess with her. Show her I'm not interested.

"Natalia. But Natalie is cool too."

Well, that backfired.

"Oh. My bad."

"It's fine. So. Canada, right?"


The shorter the reply the more she'll lose interest.

"So, tell me about yourself."

You know, if she wasn't such a bitch, she'd be alright.

"Not much to tell."

"Oh come on. Someone like yourself should have something to share."

"Why the hell do you care so much?" I finally snapped.

"Sorry." She mumbled.

If she was anyone else, I would have apologized immediately. But I need her off my back. Fifteen minutes into the class period, someone threw a piece of crumpled up paper on my desk.

Written in really neat handwriting and in pink ink said;

Sorry if I offended you earlier. I just wanted to get to know you.




I looked over at her desk and she mouthed the word 'sorry'. I smiled at her and then turned back around.

I really need a lesson in jerk-ocity.


After class ended I headed to my locker. And you'll never guess who followed me.

That's right, Natalia.

"So. What's your next class. Maybe I can help you find it?" She suggested.

"Uh, no thanks."

"Alright. Well if you ever need any-"

"What the hell are you doing here?" Cameron says cutting her off.

"It's a free country Cam Bam. I can do whatever I want and go where ever I want." She shot back.

It's like she has a new name for Cameron every time she sees him.

"Well. Not near my friends Natalia."

She sighs, "Cam. I'm just trying to be nice, okay?"

"No! You and nice, don't go in the same sentence. Now leave."

She nods her head and walks away.

Cam leans against the lockers next to mine. "God. She won't leave anyone of my friends alone. Even Matt. What part of GAY do you not understand? Should I like spell it out for her? G-A-Y. He likes dudes. Why the hell are you tryna get in his freaking pants?!"

You could practically see the steam coming out of his ears.

"Shh. You're causing a scene."

"No ones here!" He flails his arms around trying to make a point. Class started like 5 minutes ago.

Whatever. I'll just use the 'I'm new' excuse. Cameron's probably got some other excuse in mind.

"Yes. But still. I don't think ranting to no one is gonna help you."

He huffs and pushes himself off the lockers. "Whatever. Where are you going?"

"Uh, Wood shop."

"Okay. I'm headed to music."

"Wait. Are you a musician?" I ask getting a tad bit excited.

When I lived with my dad, I really wan't allowed to do much. Play music was one of those things. I could listen to it. But not play it, which I thought was stupid. So every time my dad was at work or on a business trip, which was really rare, I would play the guitar.

I would momentarily escape.

"Haha, no. It was either music, or home ec. And I hate the home ec. teacher. He's weird and perverted, the music teacher bakes you cookies. And I like listening to music, so why not. I just can't sing for shit. So don't ask me to do that."

"Got it."

"Alright let's go."

I walked into the woodshop with the pass from earlier, cause Mr.Goode didn't need it to know I was 'fresh meat'.


Well. Wood shop was boring. Remind me to switch out of that class.

It was finally the end of the day and I could go home. Only to get a little rest before 'hittin the town' with Sydney, Matt, and Cameron.

Don't get me wrong. I'm excited. I'm just insanely tired and I need to sleep.

"Hey Shawny Boy." Cam said coming up to my locker, pulling his bacpack onto his shoulders.

"Shawny Boy?" I question.

"Don't ask. Spur of the moment."

"Okay." I laugh.

"Anys, how was wood shop?" Cam smirks.

"I'm definetly switching out."

"Yeah no one likes that class. Unless you like sawing blocks of wood in half, in silence."


"So. What time should we pick you up?"

"I'm good at anytime."

"Okay, considering I can see those designer bags under your eyes we'll let you get some rest. We'll be at your house at around 7. 'Kay?"


Cameron laughs and deep and throaty laugh. And if we're being honest, it was really sexy. I'm saying that in a straight kind of way.

Okay? (A/N Do it, I know you want to)

"Alright. Well, I'll see ya in a few." He took a few steps then immeaditley spun around. "Do you have a ride home?"

"It's fine. I brought my board with me this monring I cam just ride home."

"Damn" He chuckles. Softly enough to think I didn't hear him, but I did. "Oh, and let me see your phone." He said putting his hand out.

I pull my phone out of my pocket and throw it over to him. Probably not the smartest move, but hey, he caught it.

"Only if I can see your?"

He threw me his and I immediately put in my number. I put the contact name as; Shawny Boy

He started typing away, I'm guessing he's putting his number into it.

"Here." He said tossing my phone back to me. I caught it with one hand, and threw his back to him. I looked at the screen.

'Cameron the sexiest person on the face of the earth Dallas'

I look up at him and scoff.

"What? It's true."

"Whatever Dallas.

"You mean 'the sexiest person on the face of the earth' Dallas?"

"Shut up." I laugh.


He boards too? What the hell can't this guy do?

I'm still insanely pissed at Natalia. I mean will you leave my friends alone please?! She even flirts with Matt. MATT!

I'm not having this conversation again.

Anyway, I have to head over to Sydney's house and plan out where we're taking Shawn. I pull up into Sydney's all too familiar driveway.

I get out of my car, and walk up to Syd's house. I walk in because I've been here one too many times, and I know the house is never locked when Sydney is home, which is pretty dangerous.

I walk in and turn into the kitchen where Sydney's mom is. She looks a lot like Sofia Vegara. Like a complete look alike. The resemblance is uncanny.

"Hey Mrs.G."

"Hello Cameron." She replied in her thick Spanish accent.

"So, Sydney, Matt, and I are taking the new kid for initiation tonight." I joked.

Mrs.G always says we never let people into our little group. She always says we're very secluded and don't like anyone.

"Finally! Someone is good enough for you little trio. And speaking of Matthew, has he found a boyfriend yet?"

"No ma'am."

"Don't call me that." She scolded, "and Sydney is upstairs."

"What if I came here to talk to you?"

"Oh, good! Because I needed to tell someone about the gorgeous pair of shoes I saw today and-"

"Alright! Alright! I'm leaving! Jeez."

"Rude." She mumbled.

"Love ya!" I kiss her on the check and run up the stairs.

"You're gonna fall Cameron!" She calls after me.

I didn't fall.

I walk into Syd's room,  she changed into a pair of shorts and a sweatshirt. Her hair was in a ponytail and she was in the middle of painting her nails.

"Damn. I left school ten minutes ago, and you're already in a different outfit. You work fast."

"What can I say. Fashion is my area of expertise."

"Whatever. Let's plan out our evening."



It's finally time to go pick Shawn and Matt up. Syd and I spent the entire time planning things out and talking shit about Natalia, because for some reason it makes me feel a lot better.

Syd and I get into the car and drive to Matt's house.

While waiting for Matthew to come out, I pull out my phone and text Shawn.

Cameron: Hey, we're at Matt's house, and we'll be over soon. I just kinda need ya know, your address?

Shawny Boy" Oh ya, sorry. 2364 Cedar Ridge

Cameron: Okay thanks see ya later alligator.

Shawny Boy: In a while, crocodile

2364 Cedar Ridge. That house sounds really familiar. 

"Hey. Have you ever heard of this place?" I ask Syd showing her the address.

"Yeah, that's where Callie's best friend Aaliyah lives." Callie is Syd's little sister. " She goes over there all the time. I should know, I pick her up. Why?" 

"Because this is Shawn's address."

"I thought he was new?"

"So did I? Did Aaliyah move?"

"No, she's lived there for years. Plus, Callie would've thrown a hissy fit if Aaliyah moved."

"Now I'm confused."

"When aren't you confused Cam?" Matt adds.

"Shut up Espinosa, you have no room to complain." 

 "Yeah, whatever."

"We pull into Shawn's driveway and Syd goes over to ring the door bell. The door opens up and it's a woman in her mid thirties. Her and Sydney seem to be having a conversation. Then a little girl around Callie's age comes up to the door and gives Sydney a hug. 

Now Shawn is at the door, looking only slightly more refreshed than before.  Sydney gives the woman a hug before turning around and now they're both headed back.

Syd sits up front next to me, and Shawn sits in the back. I would prefer Shawn to sit up here, because I wanna catch a second whiff of his cologne, but it's whatever. 

"So, Shawn. You said you moved here from Canada." Syd states


"Then why are you staying at Aaliayh's house."

"Sydney, quick question.

"I asked you first but shoot."

"What's Aaliyah's last name?" 

"Mende- OH!"

"Yeah, my parents are divorced, I lived with my dad, now I'm living with my mom."

"Holy shit. I did not realize that you two had the same last name. And now that I think about it, you sort of look alike too." 


For the rest of the car ride we sang- sorry no screamed terribly to the music playing on the radio. We cracked terrible jokes and talked about Shawn and his first day. 

It's like Shawn fit in perfectly with our group. He's one of us and that's how it's supposed to be. 

We finally got to our arrived destination. The beach.

The beach at night is one of the most beautiful sights you will ever see. All the ocean front restaurants and stores lights are on and it looks really pretty, then you have the board walk lights and the arcade lights. You also have the carnival lights. The Ferris wheel and spinning top things. 

So much fun. There are roller coasters and water slides and during Halloween time there is this horror maze which is really really fun. Not as fun as Kings Dominions but a close second.  

"Welcome to California Shawny Boy!" I yell out gesturing to all the lights and the people and the smell of fried food in the air. 

Now that I think about it, I can't gesture to scent so forget that last one. 

"This is..."

"Amazing?' Sydney cuts in.

"Yeah, that pretty much sums it up." He says, still awestruck. I was too the first time my parents brought me here.

"Well, you just gonna stand there or..."Matt says pushing Shawn forward. 

We ended up getting Cheeros and rode the ferris wheel twice, and Sydney would keep making Divergent references. 

All in all, we had a hell of a lot of fun and I was so happy Shawn was in our group.

There's just something a little... off about him. 

Like when I asked him why he moved here. He got all flustered and nervous. 

I wanna find out what's going on with him. Ya know. Why is he so shy, and mysterious.

Not that it's all bad.

It's kinda sexy for a person to me shy and mysterious.

Once again, not interested, just curious. 

Yeah.... curious

Authors Note: I'm tryna update as much as I can, but if I go on a forty thousand month hiatus, I did not fall off the face of the earth. My laptop is just too far. 

btw: that's natalia to the side



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