Guiltless Sin || John Murphy

By Cutehorse

137K 4.8K 1.9K

'Sin: an act regarded as a serious or regrettable fault, offence, or omission; Guilty: conscious of, affected... More



1K 42 16
By Cutehorse



Byrd sat at the side to the temple, her head resting against the rocks as she listened to Octavia say the same statement into the radio over and over again; trying to get someone to answer. Indra stood with the younger girl, watching her closely. Everyone else had cleared out, Kane to buy them time by helping sort the clans and Gaia had convinced the scouts to put the temple in lock down until they could figure out how to get inside the bunker. 

'Can anyone hear me? Over,' Octavia spoke into the radio; 'Can anyone hear me? Over... This is Octavia. Can anyone hear me, damn it?'

The radio finally came to life as Bellamy's crackled voice filtered through, 'O, it's me. You ok?'

'I'm alive. I won... Bell, what the hell did you do?'

'It wasn't me. But I'll fix it.'

'We don't have much time. Listen to me. When I won, I decided to share the bunker with everyone. A hundred from each clan... Kane is out there buying us time, helping them select their people, and Gaia somehow convinced the scouts to lock down the temple. But if anybody finds out that Skaikru stole the bunker, we're all dead.'

'Copy that. I'm on my way.'

Octavia looked over at Byrd at the sound of Jaha's voice before it was cut off, fear in her eyes. She pushed herself up to stand then, wandering over to stand beside Indra.

'O, I'm gonna need some time,' Bellamy sighed.

'Wait. What? Bellamy, they don't have t-' Octavia gushed; 'Bellamy?'

'Let's take a stabbing guess at who cut the radio,' Byrd stepped backward; 'I'm going to say Jaha, anyone else think the same?'

She chuckled to herself, sliding back down the wall to sit.


Byrd coughed as she wiped her sweat covered skin, picking at the scabs over her burns. Octavia sat across the room beside Indra as the woman stitched up her arm, covering it in cloth. 

'They've made their choice, Octavia,' Indra pressed; 'We have to find another way in.'

'There is no other way. This one stayed hidden for a hundred years,' Octavia sighed. 

'Then we should break it open.'

'Then it won't protect anyone. Bellamy will find a way.'

'The black rain is keeping the clans at bay for now. But when it stops and they find out what your people did-'

'They stole the bunker. They're not my people anymore.'

'I wondered why Kane was stalling,' Echo's voice sounded as she stepped through the dark.

Indra was quick to stand and point her knife at the traitor, Octavia behind her. 

'Indra, no,' The Blake girl stated.

'Skaikru dishonours us all yet again,' Echo spat; 'When the people find out, you'll pay for this in blood.'

'What about Ilian's people? Or the other warrior you killed? Will you pay for them in blood because Skaikru wasn't the only clan that showed dishonour at the Conclave,' Byrd stood; 'Was it?'

'I know you were disguised as a warrior on the battlefield, and I know Roan caught you,' Octavia drawled; 'I even know that he banished you for it.'

'Is this true?' Indra asked. 

'If the scouts check the Blue Cliff warrior's body, they'll find Azgeda arrows.'

'And Roan did not have a bow. Azgeda broke the rules. They should not have a place in this bunker.'

'Wonkru, Indra... I will not banish an entire clan because of one person's sins.'

'What do you want?' Echo asked.

'Only for you to honour your king by joining me. If you do, when Bellamy opens that door, my decision will stand. Azgeda will survive Praimfaya.'

'Your plan is to wait? To hope Bellamy comes to your rescue?'


'Knowing how he feels about you... I'd say that's a good plan.'

They watched Echo as she stood before them, an evil smirk sitting heavy on Byrd's lips.

'Oh, I can't wait to watch you fall,' She chuckled as she shook her head. 


Byrd laid on the floor at Octavia's feet, sweat covering her skin as she breathed slowly; each breath a wheeze. She was tired, her coughs raspy as they rocked through her body every couple of minutes. The pair above her were the same, the radiation getting the better of them. Octavia stood as the door opened, once of the scouts stepping inside; wheezing. 

'Rein-de don wan op. Emo kru's komba raun. Osir na hod emo klin, Heda?' He asked. 

'No... Let them come,' Octavia stated; 'It's time to face the music.'

Byrd sat up at that, looking up at her best friend.

'But I'm gonna need your help,' Octavia held her eye.

'You don't-' She shook her head. 

'Yes. I do, Byrd... I need you by my side through this.'

'You want the master to become the wingman?'

'No, I want the master to help her shadow. We're gonna be together in this. Wanlida and Skairipa, remember?'

'The deadly duo.'

'So... Will you?'

'As long as I get to be Wanlida.'

Octavia smiled slightly as the girl laughed at herself, eyes set on her best friend.

'And Indra will be our informant, keep us in line,' Byrd turned to the woman; 'Help you make decisions because we all know I suck at that.'

She felt as though she was a child planning her imaginary kingdom, giving out jobs for the other kids to be. But it was what she needed. To feel free for a moment more before she died. She coughed into her elbow, her smile fading instantly. She could feel her energy draining away, her body giving up. Though, she too spun around then the bunker door was pushed open, laughter leaving her lips as Bellamy stepped out. 

'Oh, I knew you'd come through,' Octavia rushed forward, wrapping her arms around her brother. 

'I love you so much,' Bellamy said after a second. 

The siblings held each other for a moment longer before they spilt apart, Byrd stepped forward to hug the boy. 

'Never thought I'd be so grateful to see your ugly arse,' She muttered as she held him. 

'I thought you said I was the nice boy with the curl hair,' He chuckled. 

She stepped back and ran her fingers through his hair, 'You are. You're my brother with the curly hair.'

He looked shocked at her words, but she shook her head; turning away from him at the muttered chatter that echoed into the temple. 

'Octavia, they're here,' Indra called. 

People piled into the temple, filling the hall as they all watched Octavia closely. 

'Oso laik won kru. En dison laik oso hou,' She spoke sternly, before she turned and grabbed Indra's sword, pointing it at Echo; 'Everyone except you.'

'We had a deal,' Echo looked at the girl wide eyed; 'You said-'

'I said your people would live. I didn't say anything about you,' Octavia took a step forward and lowered her voice to a whisper; 'You can tell them we stole the bunker if you want, but the door's open now, so...'

'Be thankful knowing your banishment will be short,' Indra stated.

'Praimfaya awaits,' Byrd smirked. 

Echo turned, a glare set on her face as she strode away; out of the building.

'Monin hou,' Octavia stepped to the side and motioned to the open bunker. 

The Delani girl was the first to move, rushing down the stairs and into the bunker; looking around in awe at the countless levels there seemed to be. She grinned as footsteps trampled toward her before she was flung around, her hand instantly threading through Murphy's hair as she looked down at him. She grinned from ear to ear, laughing as he placed her down; pressing himself firmly to her before he kissed her lips. 

'I thought you were dead,' He whispered as he leant his forehead against her own. 

'Don't say it unless you know,' She shook her head; 'You never say it until you know... Where's Mum?' 

'Come on.'

He took her hand and lead her through the bunker, weaving in and out of the large group of people piling in. Byrd looked through the crowd as they moved, and the second she saw her mother, she dropped Murphy's hand and ran ahead. 

'Mum,' She called; 'Mama!'

Harriet spun around and held her arms open wide, catching her daughter in them as the woman cried. She held her mother close, letting her run her hands over her curly hair. She blinked back her tears of joy from her mother being able to hold her again, safe and away from the end of the world.

'They told me everything, baby,' Harriet cupped her daughter's face; 'About how the world's gonna end, that's why we're here.'

'Who told you?' Anger lit up Byrd's eyes. 

'No, baby, don't do that. I asked. I needed to know why they were locking me underground without my daughter.'

'I'm here, now.'

'I know... Mr Murphy.'

'Hey, Mrs Delani,' Murphy smiled softly as he stepped forward. 

'Thank you for bringing my daughter home.'

'She did that one herself.'

Byrd looked up at the boy, smiling at the look in his eye. He kissed her forehead, blushing softly when she caught Harriet watching them. 

'Oh, don't stop,' The woman waved them off, laughing; 'It reminds me of me and Alistair when we were your age.'

She smiled at that, noting the longing look in her mother's eye.

'Byrd,' Octavia called as she pushed her way through the crowd. 

'I'll be back,' She forced a smile; 'Look after her.'

'I think it'll be the other way around,' Murphy smirk. 

She tapped him on the chest and followed after the Blake girl, her mood quickly falling serious as Indra joined them. They stepped into the main office, Jaha watching them with what Byrd suspected was disgust; sending her own deadly glare his way. She stood off to the side with her arms crossed over her chest, a smirk on her face. 

'Abby, good to see you not cutting someone open,' She chastised.

'This facility won't run itself. We'll need to prioritise doctors and engineers,' Abby spoke lowly, catching Byrd's ear. 

'All right, Kane nodded; 'Of course, we go for Raven.'

'You call this justice?' Jaha turned from his spot looking out the door. 

'I call this making things right, thanks to my brother,' Octavia stated. 

Jaha turned his gaze to Clarke, 'You let this happen. How many of us have to die?'

'You're lucky it's not all of you,' Byrd drawled. 


'We have a hundred spots. The other clans have all have all chosen their survivors. We have to do the same,' Kane explained.

'A hundred. We have over four times that.'

'A pain that all clans feel,' Octavia reminded him. 

'Is this what you wanted?'

'No one wanted this,' Clarke shook her head. 

'Want's got nothing to do with this,' Octavia slammed her hands down on the table; 'Skaikru gets a hundred beds, same as everybody else. Bellamy gets one of them. The rest is up to you... The death wave comes in twenty four hours.'

'You've got twelve to decide,' Byrd smirked over her shoulder as she began to follow after Octavia as she headed out the door; 'My mother and Murphy better have two of those beds.'

'And you?' Abby asked.

'Couldn't care less. My life literally sits in your hands.'

She shook her head, moving amongst the mass of people; searching for her mother and boyfriend once more. 


Byrd carved into the bunker wall of one of the many halls in the bunker, her palms bleeding. She was using Jasper's words from when they'd first been warned, carving his goofy grin as he stood before a nuclear explosion. She'd found herself hilarious, but was also creating it as a memorial for the boy who had committed suicide back at the Ark; finally finding the peace he'd been searching. 

'Hey,' Murphy greeted as he walked up the hall.  

'Hey,' She replied without looking at him. 

He came to stand beside her, looking over her work; before looking at the blood rolling down her arm. He hissed and began to wipe his shirt up her arm, ridding of the blood. 

'Why do you do this to yourself?' He asked. 

'To distract myself from what's going to happen,' She muttered. 


She sighed, lowering her hand as she turned to face the boy. 

She sighed; 'There's only a hundred spots for Skaikru in the bunker.'

She watched his face fall, eyes scanning her own to see if she was joking. 

'I told them they better have a spot for you and Mum,' She turned back to the wall. 

'What about you?' He asked, but was ignored so he yanked her around; 'Hey?'

'I have a spot here, as Octavia's right hand.'

'And Emori?'

'I didn't want to push it.'



'You bargained for me and your mother, but not my friend.'

'Exactly, she's your friend, Murphy. She's been nothing but a pain in my arse since I met her.'

'Don't you talk about her like that.'

She scoffed, shaking her head; 'You don't see it, do you?'


'You care more about her then me.'

'You're jealous?'

'No, I'm not blind. You're in love with her, Murphy!'

He fell silent, holding her gaze as anger stormed in her eyes. 

'What?' He breathed. 

'You think I don't see it, but I do. The gestures, the glances, the touches, the words. You're fucking in love with her and forcing yourself to think you love me.'

'No, I'm not.'


'No, Byrd, I'm not in love with Emori. Because I am fucking head over heels for you. It's always been you... Don't push me away now because you're scared.'

'I'm not fucking scared.'

'Bullshit. The reason we took so long to get together was because you would always look away first when I'd try to kiss you, you'd change the subject when talks about us got too deep, the words literally danced on your lips for years, but you never said them. Because you were scared. Scared of loosing me, admit it.'


'You push me away when you're scared, Byrd! Every single time you think you're gonna loose me, you do this. You did it before you got yourself put in lock up. You did it when you got out of Mount Weather-'

She blinked back her tears, 'And who was the first to admit their feelings? Me, John.'

'In a hysterical state of three months of struggling to live without me. You need me, but you're so scared you're gonna mess up one day so bad it's gonna push me away. But you're never loosing me! There is nothing in this world that you could do that's gonna make me run. Because I've been through it all already. I've dealt with your insanity and your desperation and your happiness and everything in between.'

'But you weren't there in my darkest moments... You couldn't be there when I struggled for three years in the dark, trying to find some way to drag myself out of it. You weren't there for the nightmares, or guard beatings, or the panic attacks, or the screams that echoed in my mind... They said I beat myself, Murph, that is what's written on my file. That's what's going to put me outside this bunker, because they're scared I'm gonna go insane once more by being locked up again... I'm pushing you away because I don't what you to see me like that when it happens again.'

'I'll pull you from it, again. The moment you saw me on that dropship, you lit up again. You came back to life.'

'I'm pushing you away because you will run... You will run when I look you in the eye one day and you don't see a flicker of emotion, because I'm dead inside once more.'

Byrd blinked back her tears and walked away, walking into the dark as Murphy watched after her; trying to figure out a way to stop her from falling into the darkness. 


Byrd had been half asleep in a bunk when the dorms were stormed by grounders, men pulling her to her feet and shoving her toward the door. She glared at the men, walking with the crowd they pulled. She stayed with them, curious as to what would happen next. Everyone was yelling around her, pushing each other and being shoved by the grounders.

She hadn't spoken to Murphy in hours, instead having gone back to her empty room and cried into her pillow where she'd fallen asleep. She felt like they'd broken up, but didn't know if they actually were. Her heart ached for her to apologise, but she couldn't because she meant every word she spoke. And she wasn't backing down from that.

She was shoved into the floor level of the bunker, Jaha, Abby and the others that were supposedly leading them stood outside the main office; looking down at each of them. The Delani girl stood in the middle of the floor, smirking up at them unnerved; unlike the people around her. There were only Skaikru in the room, and she knew what was to come. She didn't move, making Abby anxious as she continually glanced at the girl again and again.

'Byrd?' Harriet's voice broke her gaze; 'Byrd Delani?'

'Mum,' She turned and called for her mother, pushing through the crowd; 'Hey, Mum... Mum, you're ok. Did they hurt you?'

'No. What's going on?'

'That's what I'd like to know.'

'Where's Murphy?'

'I don't know.'

'Baby, did something happen?'

She sighed, not saying a word.

'Byrd?' Her mother touched her arm.

'I messed up, Mama,' She whispered; 'I think I've lost him for good this time.'

'Never, baby. You'll never truly loose that boy, ever.'

'I really think I have, Mum.'

Her bottom lip trembled as she looked at the woman, who pulled her into her chest; catching the first soft sob to leave her mouth. Murphy snuck through the halls with Emori behind him, guilt sitting heavy in his stomach at what he was about to do. He pushed the door open to the foyer before the bunker door, his eyes flicking over Abby, Clarke and Bellamy as they stared at them. He stepped forward cautiously, watching their eyes flick after Emori as they looked for Byrd.

'You got room for two more?' He asked.

'Murphy, what are you doing here?' Bellamy queried.

'We heard you were going after Raven. We just want to help.'

'I've been to that island dozens of times,' Emori spoke up; 'No one knows the water better than me.'

'Maybe it'll help our chances if we bring home the chosen ones.'

Abby sighed, 'There's a lottery. I'll make sure that your name is in it.'

'And Emori?'

'I'll do the best I can.'

He nodded, glancing at the girl beside him.

'And Byrd?' Bellamy asked.

'She's busy,' Murphy muttered, looking down.

Abby nodded before leaving the room, leaving the newcomers to dress themselves. Bellamy pushed the bunker door open once they were ready, stepping out into the radiation polluted air; breathing easy in the suit they were covered in. He shut the door, watching Murphy's every move.

'This way,' Clarke motioned with her head.

Emori picked the bag up from the floor and followed after the girl, the boys moving slowly after them. But, Murphy was yanked to a stop as Bellamy grabbed his arm.

'What are you really up to, Murphy?' He sneered.

The boy snatched his arm back, 'You killed us when you opened that door. You know that, right? Oh, what, did you think our people are gonna waste a spot on Emori, on me? We were safe, and you screwed us. You want to know what we're up to? It's called surviving. There's a bunker on that island. You're our ride. That's it.'

'That bunker's not stocked, Murphy. You won't last five months, let alone five years.'

'No. We probably won't. At least we'll survive the death wave. We can't all be essential personnel or have a sister who's queen of the Grounders.'

'What about Byrd? Does she know you're about to walk a suicide mission?'

'She's safe, that's all I care about.'

'That's selfish and you know it. This will kill her, Murphy, and I don't want to watch that happen.'

'I... I'm showing her what she's loosing.'

'The love of her life? The only person that makes her really feel something? That makes her genuinely smile, not one filled with malice or menace? Because that's you, Murphy. I've seen it time and time again.'

Murphy shook his head, glancing down at the bunker door.

'Let's just go,' He muttered before he turned away, following after Clarke.

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