Save them US Papyrus x Reader

By lovesSans

76.2K 2.4K 4K

You tell you little sister the tale of the monsters. Little did you know this would lead to a rescue adventur... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 23

1.4K 52 48
By lovesSans

~Last time~

"Glad that those two are getting things worked out. Anyway, Paps you can come out now!" You sat up as you shouted to the trash pile that Sans appeared behind only to get a tap on the shoulder effectively startling you.

~this time~

"why come out when i've been beside you this whole time?" Papyrus said cockily making you glare at him.

"Whaddya mean you've been there the whole time?!" You exclaimed as you threw your arms up from the trash pile.

"well... you all were busy, so i laid low. i wasn't gonna let things get out of hand though hun, that's why I was close by. i'm more surprised by the fact that you didn't notice me, heh," He said with a chuckle making you groan as you leaned against him, tired.

"Ugh, I was focusing on not dying at the hands of a jealous Alphys," you said making Papyrus laugh hard at your choice of words.

"you may be right there, hun," he said as he draped an arm around you. You then nodded and yawned out a response.

"I am right." After you finished your hefty yawn you continued. "Did you not see the way I was getting glared at?!" You exclaimed with nothing but pure unfiltered trauma.

"heh, you were safe, hun. i may be lazy, but when it comes to safety i'm pretty good about that," Papyrus said making you scoff out a chuckle.

"Alright, whatever man," you said while shaking your head. You then yawned yet again then proceeding to lay against his lap.

"wow, you that tired (y/n)?" Papyrus asked you sounding somewhat concerned.

"Welp, mostly I'm just emotionally drained, heh, but yeah that took a lot out of me. I could either go for some caffeine or a nap right about now," you said as you looked up to Papyrus' face.

"heh, well we can either go to muffet's or back to my place for a nap, your choice," Papyrus offered as he rested a hand against your forehead then proceeding to lightly stroke your hair.

"Mmm... either of those sounds good right about now," you hummed in satisfaction as you closed your eyes to his soft touch. When he brought his hand back to your forehead you leaned into his touch feeling your cheeks heat up slightly, not knowing what his reaction would be. You peered your eyes open ever so slightly due to curiosity and you saw the slightest orange dusting on his cheeks. You giggled slightly to yourself then holding his free hand in both of yours. "Why don't we just go to the house and hang out for a bit?" You suggested making him smile.

"heh, sure thing, hun," he said with a wink as he regained his composure. "just close your eyes, i know a shortcut," he said with a smirk on his face making you laugh slightly as you shook your head; though, you still followed his directions.

You then felt Papyrus lift you up bridal style making you yelp from surprise. "sorry, hun, this way's just easier for traveling purposes," you heard him whisper softly in your ear making you shudder to his smooth voice.  You then felt the environment around you shift and change, mainly due to the temperature shift. "ok, you can open your eyes now," Papyrus said making you open your eyes to see the Christmasy town that is Snowdin.

"Geez, it's cold," you said as you wrapped your arms around yourself making Papyrus chuckle.

"don't worry, (y/n), the house is just a few feet away. plus, we won't have to worry about sans waking us up for a while," he said making you smile.

"Yaaay, I love Sans but I just need some sleep after that near-death experience, heh," you said making Papyrus shake his head.

"i would've saved the day if i thought i was needed," Papyrus responded making you shake your head.

"Whatever, bones," you said with a jokey punch to his ribs making him chuckle.

"nah seriously, can't let you die," he said making you grin up at him with a red hue dusted on your cheeks. He then looked down at you only momentarily to see you looking up at him, he too smiled at you but then he shifted his gaze back to the house.

You saw that his left eye lit a soft orange color and you heard the door open feeling the warmth of the home take you over. You snuggled against Papyrus' chest as he walked you both inside shutting the door behind you both. Papyrus then laid you down on the couch before proceeding to speak, "i'll go and get you a blanket, you just rest up, alright?" He confirmed with you making you give him one swift nod. "ok, i'll be right back," he said giving you a wink and a finger gun as he shoved his other hand in his large hoodie pocket before disappearing with the blink of an eye.

Once Papyrus left you yawned loudly to yourself as you curled up in a ball on the couch. "Dang, Alph really scared me back there, I'm freaking exhausted," you mumbled to yourself, your voice being affected due to your cheek being smooshed against the couch cushion. After another moment or two of silence, Papyrus reappeared with a pillow and blanket in hand.

He then let out a soft chuckle seeing your position on the couch, "heh, you comfy there, hun?" Papyrus asked you.

"Eh kinda, though I can see myself getting a twinge in my neck, heh," You said with a soft laugh as you sat up resting a hand behind your back to keep you in place. Papyrus then placed the blanket across your lap and then sat down where your head once rested. You looked to him with slight confusion but then took notice that he had placed the pillow across his lap.

"eh, i want to take a nap too ya know, but i also want you to be comfortable," he said making you chuckle slightly.

"Pap, you know we could've slept like we did last time," You stated making him shrug.

"welp, i figured it can't be comfortable for your squishy human body to be sleeping on bones, sooo this is the alternative," he said making you sigh, too tired to argue about him being thoughtful yet hard on himself.

You laid your head back onto Papyrus' pillow covered lap, "well Paps, with your thick hoodie I didn't even feel your ribs, sooo it wasn't uncomfortable in the first place," you explained as you looked into Papyrus' eyes. Papyrus was visibly blushing from embarrassment making you hold in a chuckle.

"o-oh," Papyrus simply said making you giggle slightly. You then yawned slightly once again as you curled back up, pulling the blanket over your shoulders.

"But, it's too late now, I'm all snuggled up and junk, heheh," You laughed slightly as you closed your eyes. "g'night, Papy," You said softly as you felt him drape an arm over your waist.

"goodnight, (y/n), when we get up we can go to muffet's for that drink," he planned making you nod your head softly.

"Sounds good," you said as you pressed yourself closer to him in order to block out the light of the living room. You then fell asleep entering the land of strange dreams.

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