The Dare ~ A Park Jimin Fanfic

By MqlfoysLcve

815 31 34

Rebecca and Jimin were best friends when they were younger, except they grew apart when Rebecca moved from Ko... More

{1}: Questions & Answers
{2}: The First Date.
{3}: The Morning After.
{4}: Jimin & The Truth.
{5}: Their True Feelings... Revealed.
{7}: Finally The Weekend.
{8}: "It Was All Just A Dare..."
{9}: Letting The Truth Sink In.
{10}: Locked Up.
{11}: The Truth, Jealousy And The Halloween Dance.
{12}: Rain And Forgiveness.
{13}: The Girls.
{14}: Becky's Birthday.
{15}: Going Home.
{16}: Memories.
{17}: Call With Jimin.
{18}: Arriving Home For Christmas.
{19}: Christmas Day.
{20}: Christmas Day ~ Part 2.
{21}: The Reunion.
{22}: Making It Official.
{23}: The Truth Is Out & So Is The Baby.
{24}: Epilogue

{6}: Getting To Know Her.

26 1 2
By MqlfoysLcve

These last few weeks have being insane, I've finally met Becky's family properly, she wasn't joking when she said that they were unbelievably inquisitive. I was getting asked questions left, right and centre and when Becky tried to get involved, they simply shushed her. I took her on another date and tonight she was coming to mine for a movie date.

Over the course of the last few weeks, I think I've fallen harder than ever before. She was total perfection, I'd never realised it before and last time I had a crush on her was when I was eleven but that's all it was, a crush until I saw another girl I liked and I forgot all about my little crush on Becky, I only wanted to be her friend... But now? Oh god, now it was so much more than just a little crush. My feelings have done nothing but grow for her, especially when she laughed so hard at one of Jin's jokes that she nearly fell off the swing at the local park when we all hung out together, or when we played chess that one time and neither of us had any idea how to play, or when Yoongi said she should help us write some music and she fell back laughing because she 'can't even write poems, let alone songs' as she put it. And now, staring down at the selfies on my phone, putting one of us kissing as my homescreen and a different one of us napping together that Taehyung took as my lockscreen, I couldn't help but think about Jungkook's words once again 'She's liked you for eight years'... Eight years, the feelings she must've felt. The things she must've gone through, how does someone deal with that? She's strong.

I shook off my thoughts as I straightened my hair out and headed back downstairs where the boys now were, "And he's back!" Yoongi cheered. "That was a pretty long shower." Namjoon said suspiciously. "Sorry guys." I chuckled before glancing around. Becky still spinning in my head.

It was girls day again, although tonight I had a date with Jimin, I stared at the girls as we sat in the nearby park, all of us on the swings; Just sat talking, barely even swinging. "So, these past couple of weeks have been something, huh?" Anoesjka began. "Yeah." Demi and I nodded. "Jungkook and I were talking about the future at one point, JK wants two kids; A boy and a girl. And he wants to get married when he's 37." Demi said with a smile. "Wow, he's got it all planned out." Anoesjka laughed. "Yoongi wants to marry at 35 and he only wants one child, preferably a boy." Anoesjka chuckled. "We used to always talk about that kinda stuff back when we were just friends." She added. "How about Jimin, what does Jimin want?" Anoesjka asked as she turned to me. "Three kids, all boys preferably but if not then two boys and a girl and married at 30." I shrugged. "But I don't even know if we're gonna last that long, it's not like we're like you guys, ya know." I shrugged. "What do you mean?" Anoesjka questioned. "I mean, you and Yoongi were best friends before dating. Demi and JK were inseparable before he popped the question. When Jimin asked me, we hadn't spoken for five years, we'd barely said two words to one another and then he suddenly asks me to be his girlfriend out of the blue? I don't know, we just don't have the same history as you guys and your relationships so." I shrugged slightly. "That doesn't mean you won't last." Demi pointed out. "Yeah, I mean look how close you've been the past few weeks." Anoesjka smiled. "Demi and I were lucky we even caught you today." She added with a small laugh. "I don't know." I shrugged. "Anyways, what about you and Yoongi? That's going good, huh?" I smiled. "Yeah, I mean it isn't really much of a change. Like we still do all the things we did as best friends together, it's just a little more intimate now." She replied with a smile. "Ya know, kisses and hugs, falling asleep in bed together rather than separate ends of the sofa. It's nice, it's comfortable." She smiled. Demi and I nodded, "We knew you guys would be a good couple." Demi said. "Yeah, I know. You constantly told me for four years straight." Anoesjka laughed. "We had to... But still you never believed us, did ya?" I smiled at her. "Shut ya mouth." She laughed in reply before continuing to swing. "I'm hungry..." Demi soon spoke. "Yeah, we should probably head somewhere for lunch." I replied as I slid off the swing. The other two slid off theirs and we began heading out of the park, we walked over to Anoesjka's car and all climbed in, "There's a great restaurant called Sergio's, not far from here that we could go to." I suggested. They both nodded, "To Sergio's we go!" Anoesjka said as she began driving. I stared out as I did before glancing down at my phone as a message from Jimin came up:

From Jimin 💖:
Missing you. Can't wait for tonight ❤️ xx

I smiled slightly before swiping the notification off of my screen and glancing down at my lockscreen, it was a picture of him and I hugging, both of us had our eyes closed and had no idea the picture was being taken until Anoesjka sent it to me the night after. I shook off my thoughts as she pulled up to the restaurant, we all climbed out of the car and headed inside, "Sergio! My man!" I called out. "Ah, Becky, you look lovely as always!" He replied as we hugged. "Guys, this is Sergio, he's a friend of my fathers." I told the girls. "More like her uncle." A boy shouted from behind the counter. Sergio's son, I was best friends with him after Jimin stopped talking to me, "Sergio, these are the girls; Anoesjka and Demi." I told him. He immediately shook their hands, "Great to meet you! Please please, take a seat, I will send my son over to take your orders." He told them. "Great to meet you too." The girls spoke before I led them over to my usual table. "Sergio? You've never mentioned a Sergio or his son before..." Anoesjka said suspiciously. "Never had to. Sergio went away for a while, his mom was looking after the restaurant whilst he and his son were gone, I didn't even know they were back." I explained to them as I glanced down at the menu. "Where'd they go?" Demi questioned. "Italy. Sergio's hometown." I replied. They both nodded as they also scanned the menu, "I might get a chicken pizza." Anoesjka spoke up. "Oh, that's a good one!" I replied. "And a hot chocolate." She said with a smile. "I'll have a coffee and chicken noodles." Demi put in. "Awesome." I smiled before glancing around. "Jordan!" I called out to Sergio's son. "Jordan? That doesn't sound very Italian." Anoesjka said. "It isn't. Jordan is American, only Sergio is Italian." I replied as Jordan walked over. "Becky! It's been too long." He said as he pulled me into a hug. "I know." I smiled. "Way too long." I added. "Meet the girls; Anoesjka and Demi. Girls, this is Jordan." I smiled. "Hey, great to meet ya." He smiled as he shook their hands. "What can I get you ladies?" He asked. "Chicken pizza with a hot chocolate, chicken noodles with coffee and the usual for me." I told him. He nodded with a smile as he wrote down the orders, "Be right up ladies." He said before walking away. "What's your usual?" Demi asked me. "Double deluxe cheeseburger, fries and a coke." I shrugged before seeing their shocked faces. "What? I like to eat." I told them before laughing slightly. "Riiiight." They replied; Laughing themselves. "Jordan seems awfully friendly with you... Don't think Jimin would like that." Someone said from behind us. I glanced back to see Chloe before rolling my eyes, "Puhlease..." I groaned. "Stay the hell out of my business." I added before staring over at her in annoyance.

Jordan soon waltzed back over carrying a tray of drinks, "For the adults we have the hot drinks." He said as he placed down the coffee and hot chocolate in front of the girls. "And for the teenager, we have a glass of ice cold cola." He smiled as he placed it down. "I'm an adult too, you ass." I replied as I slapped his arm lightly. "Sure you are." He smirked before walking away. I rolled my eyes before sipping my coke and continuing my conversation with the girls, trying my best to ignore Chloe's sniggers from behind me. I wanted to turn around and smack the bitch for laughing but god dammit, I couldn't.

Our food finally arrived and we began eating, we made small talk as we ate. We were all hungry though so it didn't take long for us to finish.

After about half an hour we were done, we each finished our drinks before splitting the bill between us. I gave a quick hug and goodbye to Jordan and Sergio before jogging outside to where the girls were, "Where to now?" I asked. "Hmm..." They began thinking as we climbed back into the car. "We could go to the beach." Demi suggested. "Sounds good, off to the beach." Anoesjka replied before stepping on the gas and beginning the drive to the beach. Some music came on the radio as she drove and we all began singing along until we finally reached the beach. We all piled out of the car and headed down the steps towards the beach, we took our shoes off and began walking down the sand in bare feet. It was super relaxing.

About half way down the beach, Anoesjka unfolded a blanket and placed it on the sand, we all sat on it and began talking again. "So... Thoughts on BTS?" Anoesjka asked. "I meaaan, they're alright. Not my type but they're cool." I replied in a joking manner. "Yeah, they're great guys but their music, I'm not sure." Demi shrugged. "I'm with ya both there." Anoesjka put in. It went quiet for a minute until we all burst out laughing, "If Jungkook could hear me now, he'd deny me kisses... And possibly more." Demi said through her laughter. "If Yoongi could hear me... He'd stop talking to me for at least a week." Anoesjka put in. "If Jimin heard me right now, he'd flip his wig." I laughed. "Jimin wears wigs?" Anoesjka questioned through her laughter. "Ya know, I'm not sure... I've never tried pulling his hair." I laughed. "You should, guys like that... Especially during se-" Demi began until she saw us both staring. "Summer... Especially during summer." She quickly changed what she was going to say. We all burst out laughing once again, "Smooth, real smooth." Anoesjka laughed. "Oh, I know." Demi replied through her laughter. I smiled slightly before glancing over at the sea to see some small kids splashing around, "I can't wait to have a family of my own." I thought. "Well then you better hurry up and get started." Demi laughed. "What?" I questioned. "I don't think she was meant to say that out loud." Anoesjka laughed. "Still, she wants a family of her own, I'm sure Jimin will be happy with that." Demi replied. I shook my head, "I'm only eighteen and my parents would kill me if I got pregnant before being married, you know how my mom is." I replied. "Oh god, yeah... Your mom." Anoesjka groaned. "Exactly." I said. "Okay, how about you parent a puppy instead?" Demi suggested. I laughed and shook my head, "I had a puppy once and wouldn't stop hugging it, I'd cry because it couldn't come to school with me so my parents gave it away and refused to ever let me have another." I told them. "I'll have kids when the timings right." I shrugged. "Of course you will." Anoesjka nodded. We then continued on to another subject and sat talking as the day soon turned into evening.

"Shit, girls I gotta go." I said as I stood up and grabbed my trainers. "Where are you meeting him?" Anoesjka asked as I gave them both a hug goodbye. "The park." I replied. "Have fuuuun!" Demi called. I nodded and began sprinting down the beach, I stopped at the steps and pulled my shoes on before waving to them, they waved back as I began sprinting down to the park where I was supposed to meet Jimin... Five minutes ago.

I ran over and stopped at the gates, trying to catch my breath, "You are so unfit, Rebecca." I told myself before walking into the park. He was sat on the swings waiting, I walked over and smiled, "Hey, sorry I'm late. I was with the girls at the beach and we lost track of time and we..." I began to explain but was cut off when he pressed his lips against mine. "It's okay." He smiled against my lips. I smiled in return before ruffling his hair, "Shall we go?" I asked. "Of course... But first, who's Jordan and why was he hugging you today?" He asked as he caught my hand. I turned to him, "Jordan?" I asked. "Yeah, don't act like you don't know him, Becky. I've seen the picture." He replied. "What picture?" I asked. This caused him to turn his phone to me, on the screen was a picture of Jordan and I hugging, "Chloe." I mumbled. "He works at Sergio's, Sergio's is a restaurant owned by a man named Sergio, he's best friends with my dad. Jordan is Sergio's son." I explained. "That doesn't explain why you were hugging him." He replied. "He's like family, he's like a brother to me..." I began before it hit me. "Wait, are you jealous?" I asked him. "You're mine, I protect what's mine." He replied. I sighed before staring up at him, "Jimin, Jordan is an old friend. He was once my best friend... Plus, there's nothing for you to worry about! He's gay!" I told him. "Really?" He asked. "Yes! And like I said, he's like a brother to me." I replied. "Look, you're my boyfriend, okay? I love you." I added before my eyes widened as I realised what I'd just said. "You... You love me?" He asked shocked. "Yes, I love you." I nodded. "You don't have to say it back if you're not ready, I'm not gonna force you." I replied. "And I totally underst-" I began but was cut off by him pressing his lips against mine again. "I love you too." He smiled as he took my hand. He intertwined our fingers before walking out of the park with me as we headed back to his house.

We walked in and headed straight upstairs, his parents clearly weren't here. We walked into his room and I saw that he already had tubs of popcorn and trays of snacks and drinks already set up. He then put a movie on before dimming the lights, setting the scene to be romantic, "What movie is it?" I questioned him. "Uh... It's Twilight." He replied with a smile as he laid on the bed. "Would you like something comfier to wear?" He asked as he noticed my jeans and crop top. "Please." I smiled. He nodded and handed me a long baggy T-shirt and a pair of shorts, "Bathrooms through there if you want to change." He smiled. I quickly walked through and got changed, or tried to... The shorts kept falling down. I sighed and glanced at myself in the mirror, at least the T-shirt covered all areas that needed to be covered. I picked up the shorts and walked back into the bedroom, "The shorts wouldn't fit so I couldn't wear them." I said with a small smile. He eyed me up and down before nodding, "Okay, just put them on the chair and hurry up and join me, it's cold." He complained. I laughed slightly before placing his shorts down and crawling into the bed, I curled up next to him and began enjoying the popcorn with him as he played the movie.

One movie and one popcorn fight later, the bedroom was an utter mess. But we'd had a lot of fun, "We best tidy this before my parents get home." He laughed. I nodded as we began cleaning it up, we then dumped it into the trash before curling up on the bed together again, he leant down and kissed me... Rather passionately. I kissed back and our lips moved in sync until we pulled away for air, "What movie next?" He asked. "How about Daddy's Home?" I suggested. He nodded and put the movie on before settling back beside me as I curled up into him again whilst the movie began.

I soon felt my eyes becoming heavy, my vision becoming more and more blurred as I struggled to keep my eyes open. Finally I gave in and let sleep take over my body as I snuggled further up to Jimin... Who was currently still awake. I slowly fell into a deep peaceful sleep.

A/N ~ Little late updating this one buuut here y'all go! Hope you all liked it! 😇 Sorry if it's lame or short, idek how much I'm writing nowadays. Anyways, comment your thoughts and please please vote!

Much love, RaekensGirl 💖

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