The Dare ~ A Park Jimin Fanfic

By MqlfoysLcve

894 31 34

Rebecca and Jimin were best friends when they were younger, except they grew apart when Rebecca moved from Ko... More

{1}: Questions & Answers
{2}: The First Date.
{4}: Jimin & The Truth.
{5}: Their True Feelings... Revealed.
{6}: Getting To Know Her.
{7}: Finally The Weekend.
{8}: "It Was All Just A Dare..."
{9}: Letting The Truth Sink In.
{10}: Locked Up.
{11}: The Truth, Jealousy And The Halloween Dance.
{12}: Rain And Forgiveness.
{13}: The Girls.
{14}: Becky's Birthday.
{15}: Going Home.
{16}: Memories.
{17}: Call With Jimin.
{18}: Arriving Home For Christmas.
{19}: Christmas Day.
{20}: Christmas Day ~ Part 2.
{21}: The Reunion.
{22}: Making It Official.
{23}: The Truth Is Out & So Is The Baby.
{24}: Epilogue

{3}: The Morning After.

25 2 2
By MqlfoysLcve

I threw my duvet off of my body, my eyes still sore from a hard night last night, I was questioned as soon as I walked in through the door. Not only by my parents but by my brother too. I threw my legs over the side of my bed and headed towards the bathroom to grab a quick shower.

I washed my hair and body before climbing out and drying myself off. I then blow dried my hair before getting dressed. I pulled on a pair of shorts, a vest top and a pair of lowtop converse before pulling my hair up into a messy bun and placing my sunglasses on before grabbing my bag, it was a gorgeous day outside today. I headed down the stairs and glanced around, grabbing a slice of toast from my brothers plate before throwing my bag onto my shoulders and heading towards the door, my brother quickly caught up to me as I pulled the front door open, he wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my cheek. "Oppaaaa!" I complained before laughing. "Have a good day at school, young one." He smiled as I pulled myself out of his grip. "Yes, I will." I replied as I walked out of the door to see that not only Anoesjka and Demi but also the boys were there and had all seen what just happened. My cheeks flushed red as I turned back to my brother, he smiled and waved before closing the door. I then turned back to the group and headed over, "You guys okay?" I asked. "We could ask you the same." Namjoon spoke as he tried to hold back his laugh. "Oh that? My brothers been doing that for as long as I can remember. He's a really caring and loving person so it's become normal now." I laughed slightly. He nodded before letting a smile grace his face, "We ready?" Anoesjka asked as she nodded back to her SUV. "Yeah." I nodded as Jimin kissed my cheek. We then all climbed into Anoesjka's car and she immediately took off.

She parked up in the schools parking lot where we all climbed out, across the parking lot I saw Chloe staring over with an evil scowl, I shrunk back against the car and stared around, "Becky, what's wrong?" Jin asked worriedly. I continued to stare over at Chloe who was still glaring at me, he followed my stare before realising. Chloe soon walked away and both Demi and Anoesjka grabbed an arm each and dragged me into the building. "What's going on?" Anoesjka asked, demanding to know. "She... We... I..." I stuttered along my words but I couldn't speak. "Becky, something's up and we want to know what. We wanna help." Demi told me. I sighed as I leant back against my locker, "She threatened me yesterday." I told them. "She... WHAT?!" Anoesjka asked angrily. "She threatened me." I mumbled. "I'm gonna rip her head off." Anoesjka told us in anger before turning on her heel and storming off to find Chloe. "Becky, why didn't you tell us?" Demi asked as she hugged me. "I don't know, I couldn't. I mean, how do you bring that up in conversation?" I questioned with a sigh as the boys rejoined us. "Where's Angel?" Yoongi asked. "She went to rip Chloe's head off." Demi told them as we pulled out of the hug. "Why?" Namjoon asked. "She threatened Becky." Demi replied as Jungkook pulled her back into his arms. "It's nothing guys, really, I'm okay." I sighed as Jimin wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

I searched the corridors before eventually finding the cheerleading team, "Oi!" I shouted at them. They all turned to me, "Where's Chloe?" I asked as I walked towards them. "She's in there." One of them said as she pointed towards a classroom. I nodded and walked into the classroom where Chloe was sat on her own, chewing gum. "You bitch." I spat at her. "Excuse you." She replied. "Threatening Becky?! Did you really think that was gonna fly with me?!" I yelled at her. My anger becoming worse, my yelling caused Chloe to rise to her feet, "So, she sent you to stand up for her, that poor little baby." She said amused. "Don't mock her, she didn't ask me to stand up for her. It's what best friends do, not that you'd know anything about that." I spat. "What are you gonna do, Silverblood?!" She asked. I slowly approached her, a small smile on my face as I stood in front of her, "Stay away from Becky and Jimin, or I'll make your life a living hell." I snarled at her before turning on my heel. "Like that's gonna happen." She scoffed. I quickly turned back to face her and let my anger take over, punching her in the face as I did, I knew how cheerleaders were about their looks and I knew she wouldn't cheer if she had a busted nose. "What the hell?!" She screamed. I smirked as her nose and lip started bleeding and she ran out of the classroom crying, I walked out behind her and headed back towards the lockers. "Anoesjka, we just saw Chloe run by, what the hell happened?" Yoongi asked. "I punched the bitch." I shrugged as Becky began grabbing her things from the locker. "She threatens you again, I want you to tell me." I told her to which she nodded. "Okay." She spoke. "And thank you." She added as she hugged me. I hugged her back before glancing around, just then the bell rang, indicating that it was time for class.

We all quickly departed from one another after the usual routine, we then headed towards our separate classes, Demi and I in the same class and Becky in a separate one, "Are you gonna be okay?" I asked as we reached Becky's classroom first. "I'll be fine." She replied before hugging us both and walking into class. We watched her go before I turned to Demi, "Chloe's in that class." I sighed. She nodded, "I know." She replied as we began heading down the corridor towards our classroom. "But Becky's a big girl, she'll handle it." She added as we reached our Physics room and walked in. We took our seats at the back of the class before watching as the teacher walked in.

I took my seat in class and let out a sigh, "Getting your best friend to stick up for you, pretty sad that Rebecca." Chloe spat at me as glanced around. "I didn't get her to do anything, she chose to." I spat at her. She rolled her eyes as I lifted my gaze and noticed her messed up nose and lip, I stifled my laugh before glancing around as the teacher walked in.

All through the lesson I felt evil glares on me, I then sighed before letting out a groan.

The bell finally rang indicating that it was the end of the lesson, I immediately grabbed my bag and began heading towards the lunch hall. I walked in and headed towards the back table where BTS were. I sat down beside Jimin who immediately kissed my cheek, I smiled as he did before seeing Anoesjka and Demi approach, they were usually here before me. I smiled as they headed our way, "Hey!" I was the first to speak. "Heeey!" They called cheerfully. "That cheerleader bitch has left you alone, hasn't she?" Anoesjka asked. "Yeah." I nodded. "Good." She said. I nodded and smiled as we all began digging into our lunch.

We all climbed back into Anoesjka's car, she immediately began driving. We drove past the beach and I couldn't help but smile at the memory of last night; The date with Jimin. Jimin nudged me and smiled down at me before seeing Anoesjka pull up outside my house. I quickly climbed out of the car and hopped onto the pavement followed my Jimin, "I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked. "Yeah." I nodded before pecking his cheek. "We'll see you tonight Bex." Anoesjka called out. "Sounds good." I replied as Jimin kissed my forehead before climbing back into the car. It was girls night tonight which meant a slumber party at my place, it was my turn to host. Anoesjka soon drove away and I rushed inside, I shouted a quick "Hello" through the house but received nothing in return, "Must all still be at work." I said to myself before running up the stairs, I threw my bag on the floor beside my closet before beginning to hurriedly tidy my currently messy bedroom. I quickly hoovered before dropping my beanbags back at the end of my bed, I dropped the fluffy rug in the centre of the floor and I even finally put my freshly done laundry away into my closet. I then changed out of my previous clothes and pulled on a pair of black leggings and a long T-shirt dress, I then pulled my lowtop converse back on, I then sat on my bed and waited.

It was about an hour before there was a knock at the door, I jogged down the stairs and opened the door. "Heeey!" I called out to the girls as Anoesjka held up a bottle of champagne. I smirked as I hugged her before standing to the side and letting the girls in, Demi immediately headed towards the kitchen to grab some glasses before we all jogged up the stairs, we all flopped down on the beanbags before I put the music on. I then joined the girls on the beanbags again as we began talking about everything and nothing all at once.

I glanced around at the girls as we began playing a few games together before hearing my parents come home. I glanced back and quickly turned the music down before continuing to talk with the girls. We didn't talk about much, just the usual; School, films that are currently showing in the cinema, new music we've become interested in, arts. Other things. We spoke a little longer until we began to get tired, I soon pulled out the two airbeds and placed them down on the floor at either side of the bed.

We all changed into our PJ's and climbed into our selected beds; Me in mine and them on the airbeds. We pulled our duvets over ourselves and talked a little more before we all fell into a deep sleep.

I threw my duvet off of me before heading towards the bathroom to freshen up for the day. I washed my face and brushed my teeth before throwing my hair up into a messy ponytail and getting dressed, I then headed back into the bedroom where the girls were still sleeping. I soon heard the soft sound of pebbles hitting my window, I quietly stepped over the sleeping girl on the right before slowly opening my window, I glanced out to see Jimin standing on my front lawn, "Hey, what're you doing here?" I whisper-shouted. "Hi! I'm here because I kind of need your help with something..." He replied. "What?" I asked as I glanced back at the girls. "I... Uh... I'm kind of struggling with math." He said nervously. "Ah, so, what do you need my help with?" I asked. "Well, you kinda... Don't suck at math whereas I do." He replied. "I'm sure that's not true." I mumbled. "It is true." He sighed. "Okay, well the girls go back home today, I could meet you and we could perhaps have a study date?" I suggested. "Yeah, sounds good. Drop me a text when you want to meet." He replied. "Will do." I smiled. He then blew a kiss before exiting my garden as I turned back to the girls who were now waking up.

A/N ~ Super short chapter. I'm sorry guys. I honestly have writers block for this chap. But comment and vote regardless.

Much love, RaekensGirl 💖

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