
By EllieCage

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(Book 2- COMPLETED) Sequel to Untouched. This story will make more sense if you read Untouched first. Kit an... More

Author's note
1. Fallen Hard-day
3. Amazingly Overwhelmed-day
4. Achy But Happy
5. Trustworthy?
6. Complete Opposites
7. Panicked
8. Too Much of Everything
9. Unexpected Wake Up
10. Confused
11. Slave Driver or Liar?
12. Awoken Abruptly
13. Ready To Go Back
14. Trapped On The Outside
15. Three To Survive
16. Time To Admit
17. Reality Hits
18. Crushed
19. Bad Aim
20. Heartbroken
21. Losing Something I Never Had
22. At least Someone Is Grateful To Be Alive
23. Ruined by Zach
24. Exposed
25. Plan To Take Action
26. Breaking Out
27. Odd Trio
28. Overthinking
29. Honey and Oreos
30. Getting Closer
31. Petrified
32. Creepy Not Charismatic
33. Blind To The Truth
34. Denial
36. The Other Side Of The Door
37. Given Up
38. It Ends Where It Started
39. Confronting Fears

35. Intentions Revealed

561 53 98
By EllieCage

The sun sets bathing me and Olivia in a soft glow as we continue to sit in silence on the trunk.  I'm getting cold and hungry but most of all I'm worried.

Where is Zach? Is he ok?

Klein walks towards us. 'Apologies for taking so long. Olivia you deserve a break. I'll continue the tour with Kit.'

Olivia looks at me. 'She's trouble Klein.'

'She's lost. With help from people like you she'll find her way. If you're free tomorrow morning maybe you could spend some time with her?' Klein says. 'You could also introduce her to some people her age.'

'I will, but if she continues with her accusations she can't stay,' Olivia frowns.

'I know, but let's see what tomorrow brings. Maybe, she'll have a change of heart,' Klein smiles.

Olivia nods and walks off.

Klein takes my arm and pulls me onto the path leading into the village. He doesn't let go when I try to pull my arm away.

'Are Raz and Zach ok?'

Klein nods. 'Of course.'

'What's going to happen to them?'

'Raz has decided it would be best for him to remain here. Zach, however, will not be joining us.'

I stare ahead. 'Why?'

'He decided to go back to where he belongs.'

'Which is?'

'You don't need me to tell you, I'm sure you already know.'

You're trying to trick me, you manipulating creep.

'I'm afraid there's not much else to show you. Our life is gentle but enjoyable.'

'You're not going to convince me to stay by making out this place is perfect.'

'You're so suspicious.' Klein chuckles while steering me towards his house.

'No, I'm a realist. Nothing is this perfect.'

'I don't claim we're perfect. Eutopia doesn't exist; it never will because we're human and therefore we have flaws. Our shit smells like everyone else's. We have disagreements like all humans living together but we always work it out in the end.'  Klein looks over to Albert who is striding towards us.

'Don't be too long,' Albert grins.

'I won't. Ensure we're not disturbed by anyone, except for Powell when he brings him over,' Klein says, glancing over his shoulder as his grip tightens around my arm.

'Of course. If you need any assistance just let me know, I'd be happy to help.' Albert's grin widens.

'I'm sure you would,' Klein laughs as he ushers me into the house.

Klein closes the door behind him then walks around the room closing the curtains, blocking off my view to the quickly darkening sky. A creek above my head makes me look up at the stairs. There's nothing there.

This house gives me the creeps. Klein gives me the creeps.

Wrapping my arms around myself, I stand in the middle of the room. Klein walks over to me, presses his hand against the bottom of my back and guides me towards the sofa.

'I thought we would stay in this evening and relax,' Klein says softly.

My stomach curdles at the thought of being alone with Klein for the evening. 'I thought there was a dance we were going to?'

'It's been postponed until tomorrow evening.' Klein waves his hand dismissively.

'You don't need to stay with me. I'm sure you have more important things to do.'

'I've tended to all my business for the day. It will be nice to relax, and it will give me the opportunity to learn a little bit more about you.' Klein smiles and tugs me down onto the sofa next to him.

'There's not much to know,' I say, shuffling away to create as much distance between Klein and me. 

There will never be enough distance between the two of us.

'So modest,' Klein laughs. 'You remind me of Ethel so much. She was very quiet at first.' Klein shuffles a little closer. 'So tell me why did you come here? Was it for Zach?'

Biting my lip, I look away. I don't want to talk to about Zach to Klein.

'No need to be embarrassed. It must be difficult to know Zach is choosing to leave you here.' Klein places his arm across the back of the sofa and twists his body so our legs are touching.

'I don't believe you,' I croak, leaning away from him.

He leans forward. 'I thought you might not which is why he'll be coming here later. A final goodbye where everything is finalised. It will ensure you both can start afresh; then he'll return to where he belongs and you will choose to stay here.'

'I might not decide to stay.'

Klein chuckles. 'Don't be so sure. You know I don't normally take such a personal interest in new arrivals however I can't help but be very interested in you. It's due to several reasons. The first one being, I don't like Lola so I rather like the idea of having something that she wants so desperately. The second reason is my gut tells me Doll tracked you down and over the years she's taken a lot away from me, she's planted seeds of doubt in people's head and it's about time I get my repayment, she owes me another addition. Lastly, the challenge of trying to convince you this is where you belong is rather exciting. I'm not ashamed to say if you were keen to join, I wouldn't be so interested.'

If this is the moment you expect me to start acting keen to put you off ,your mistaken. You're even more of a deranged creep than I thought.

Klein chuckles. 'You look very tense, Kit.'

I am. 'I'm fine,' I say stiffly. 

'You don't look fine.' His hand rests on my knee as he peers at my face, his hot breath burning my skin. I push his hand to remove it, but he grips my knee tightly refusing to let go.

My stomach lurches. 'That's because you keep touching me when I don't want you to.'  

'Touching is an incredibly important human action. It develops trust, reduces anxiety and stress as well as giving a boost to our immune systems. From the moment we are born, we crave physical contact, firstly from our caregiver, then friends and finally, lovers. Affectionate touch releases hormones which helps humans to connect to others and promotes feel-good sensations. ' Klein's hand squeezes my knee. 'But I think you know that, Kit. I saw how Zach held you so I can imagine the type of touch you enjoy.'

Bile sears up my throat. I'm hoping I really do vomit because then maybe it will stop Klein from continuing to touch me. 

'You need to learn to relax, Kit. When Zach touched you like this I know you would have enjoyed it. The only difference now is I won't reject you like he did. Stop resisting and I guarantee you'll start to enjoy this even more than those times with Zach.' Klein's hand starts to travel up my leg. 

'Get off me.' I push his hand with both of mine but his fingers grip into my upper thigh.

'There's nothing waiting for you out there. Lola will use you until she kills you. Ethel's community will not come for you because they don't care, not really. They pretend but ultimately they care more about themselves. This is the only place you're truly wanted. I understand rejection, I understand what it's like to lose people you love, and I know how to heal that pain and it will be an incredible journey.' Klein's hand starts to move up my leg again. 'Your body wants this, Kit, don't deny it. It's trembling with excitement. Stop fighting what your body wants.'

'I will never stop fighting you,' I say hoarsely and ram my forehead into his face. 

Klein shrieks as his head snaps back and I jump up from the sofa. Klein growls from behind me, grabs me by the back of my neck and slams me face-first into the floor. 

'So you like it rough, Kit. Well, I'm happy to oblige. I've shown you kindness. I've been gentle and slow but you keep aggravating me which can only mean you don't want me to be easy on you. That's fine with me,' Klein hisses in my ear as he rolls me onto my back

'Get off me, you disgusti-.'

'Don't fight it, Kit. You don't need to pretend to me. I know you want this. I've seen how you look at me.' Klein sits on my chest, one hand wraps around my throat while his free hand moves slowly down my face, along my neck and continues down across my chest.

I gasp for breath as his grip tightens around my neck, cutting off the air to my lungs. I buck my body but he's too heavy. I kick out with my legs but his position means all I'm doing is kicking air. His hands tighten further, and I'm choking, unable to get a full breath; my chest and head are on the brink of exploding. Black spots flicker around the corner of my vision as I claw at his hands desperately trying to stop him. 

'I was wrong, you're nothing like Ethel. She understood her body's desire. She knew what was good for her.' Klein leans down, rests his mouth neck to my ear and whispers, 'Are you a virgin, Kit? If so, this is going to hurt a little but you'll enjoy it eventually. They always do.'

He lets go of my neck and my chest heaves rapidly. I gulp down mouthfuls of air in between choking and coughing. He grabs my hands and pins them above my head with one hand. Shifting down,  he sits on my legs trapping them under his weight. 

'Are you worried what Zach will think when he finds out how much you enjoyed this? Do you think he'll be upset when he finds out how you screamed in pleasure? He'll be here soon. I've planned it so he'll walk in and find us. What will he think when he sees you? I think he'll be disgusted. He'll never be able to look at you in the same way, especially when he realises how much you wanted it and how much you enjoy it.' His hand starts to undo my trousers.

A wave of understanding hits me. This is how he stops his victims from speaking out. He plays on their fear of people finding out what has happened and possibly rejecting them or worst people believing they enjoyed it. 

Large tears roll down the sides of my face as he yanks my trousers down my legs.

Klein's body stills. He gasps loudly as his hands release me. Clutching his neck, blood seeps between his fingers and runs down the front of his top. He jerks violently and behind him, I glimpse Cas plunging a knife several times into his back before he slams on top of me. 

My scream is muffled by the dead weight of Klein's body. 

Squirming and pushing, I manage to roll Klein off me and scurry backwards. A gurgling sound vibrates from his throat as Cas stands above him and plunges the knife she's holding into his chest then pulls it out. 

Cas steps back and stares at Klein's lifeless body. 

I should be happy Klein's dead. I should be relieved. I feel nothing.

Klein's blood is everywhere. A pool of it surrounds Klein's body. It's all over me. Cas's hands, clothes and face are splattered in it as is the floor and the small table. 

My stomach churns as I stand. 

Tugging my trousers up, I stagger towards Cas. I grab her shoulders and she swivels around raising the blade until she focuses on me and lowers it. Her hand is shaking violently. Her gaze flits between me and him. 

'We have to get out of here,' Cas chokes out and moves towards the front door.

'There's someone out there.' I frown. 'How did you get in?'

'I saw him bring you here. I've been waiting for an opportunity but there was always a guard outside. When you left with him, I came in. I didn't know what else to do.' Cas looks at me. 'I should have stopped him sooner. I'm sorry, but I didn't think he'd actually... I kept expecting him to stop...' Her voice shakes.

I wrap my arms around her and she stiffens which makes me smile. I'm the one supposed to hate touch yet I'm initiating it. Cas inhales deeply and hugs me back. 

'Where's Roman?' Cas whispers.

'Roman's dead.' 

Cas inhales sharply. 'What about Raz and Zach?'

'They're being kept in another part of the village.'

'Ok.' Cas lets me go and rolls her shoulders back.  'We get Raz and Zach then leave. Easy.' 

'There's no way of getting out apart from through the front door. Did you notice if any of the windows open upstairs?' I ask.

Cas shakes her head. 'Not wide enough to climb out of. This place is a glass prison. It's suffocating.' She walks around the room slowly. 'What the crap are we going to do? We've got one knife between us.'

'Klein had a gun.' I step towards his body and peer down. I push him onto his front and find the gun wedged into the back of the waistband. It's covered in his blood. 

I spot Zach's sketchbook on the sofa with flecks of blood covering it. I pick it up and quickly tuck it into the back of my trouser's waistband.

Why does having something connected to Zach make me feel more secure?

'Ok, we've got a gun.' Cas drags her hand down her face. 'We'll have to shoot the person outside in the head.'


'What do you suggest?'

I pace the room. 'Tie them up in here? We just need enough time to get Raz and Zach then leave.'

'Tie them up with what? And do you know how to tie a knot which will hold an adult for a good length of time? Because I don't.' Cas shakes her head. 'We'll have to shoot them.'

'No. There's been enough death tonight,' I snap.

'Fine. You go out and ask whoever is out there to let you go because you don't want any more people to die.' Cas scowls. 'Maybe they'll be nice enough to knock you unconscious this time before you get raped.'

'Don't, Cas-'

'Don't what? You seem to have already forgotten what Klein was about to do,' Cas hisses.

'I haven't forgotten,' I snap. My skin crawls, my stomach is twisting. I'm never going to forget. 'Anyway, we can't shoot the guard because everyone will hear the shot and there will be no way of getting Raz and Zach.'

'Fine, we'll threaten him and make him walk us to where Zach and Raz are then we can tie him up there. But if he tries anything we're shooting him.'


'Give me the gun. There's no point in us both being murderers.' Cas holds her hand out expectantly. 

I'm already a murderer too. I'm responsible for Roman's death.

I place the gun in her hand and she offers me the knife which is now covered in flaking brownish red dried blood. I take it and stand at the front door. Cas positions herself next to me.

'I don't want to die tonight,' Cas's voice is shaky.

'Me neither which is why we're not going to,' I say but my voice betrays my nerves.

I take a few deep breaths. 'Ready?'

'Always,' Cas whispers.

Taking a deep breath, I unlock the door and swing it open.

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